l r.,i.ra Rur.pir Duiiv News S' . ' . ; r;af,-wf f i I ' A V'l Wednesday, February 27, 1952 -Si, .4 " Iran Eyeing Kuwait Oil would 111 elieci msisl uiiii llieii 1 sliiiiu.s 10 De Luc ncucsi .11 1! -stepped-up oil produc Ion be kept Middle East but perhaus tht at the same level. These govern- I world. Statisticians estimate per ments could argue cogently, 'capita income in the Kuwait this some officials believe, that they year, when added to the mon-.y 1 trained out in a pinch and should earned by inhabitants working not be tossed aside when things or the oil company, will average ease up. j about' $2,000 annually. I Regardless of developments,; 1 & ; 4, i a. r if a v 1 r7 I'-; In Dispute "- w "vc a gum- , ,,,. rt,, . ... afviiiu lined future A new agreement , ,t News claM;f,t. with the British-American Oil By JOHN SCALI Company which operates thej fields there assures it of a 50-50 WASHINGTON (APi The division of profits fabulous piece of desert-bound Xnis is expected to amount to real estate called the Kuwait $150,000,000 in royalties alone has moved into the Middle East, during this year. Not bad for a oil picture as possibly Britain's dpsert waste inhabited by some trump card in its bitter dispute jqq 000 Arabs, with Iran. So much money Is pouring into There are signs that Iran s th sneikdom thyat gltai b!U Prime Minis e Mohammed r, t nalf sp,ciallsts lhere Mossadegh, realizes his , and is , how the old Sheik increasingly Jittery over getting d , The 1.950 square mi?V:TLuJ area he rul;,s not only ?fer Finals By vy Win Over Millers EASIER THAN PUSHING A BUTTON aill,c nun imtiiuiiuninu - Britain's $1,000,000,000 oil pro-! We'll take care of your heating Klks fiS, CCC300 so ; oil for you even save you the SWEEP TO VICTORY It took eight years of trying before Art Simpson of Bassano captured the Alberta Curling Championship this year for tht first tlmi. Simpson went through the TOulliern Alberta and provincial finals without a loss, winning the title at Edmonton against iink hum i,oithcrn Alberta, the Peace River B i'd the Northwest Territories. Receiving the championship trcphy from drawmaster Jim McCool au, left to right, Norm Dalsto, lead, Ron MucLean, serond, Aubrey Gore, third, an! skip Simpson. . (CP PHOTOi 1 I'rascr & I'a "C K3, Merchants 21 ; bother of checking your heat perties, production in the Kuwait has boen going up and up. This desert sheikdom, an Arabian port j at trie nioulli of the Persian Gulf, is turning out 640.000 bar-relr of oil daily, replacing nearly half of Iran's output. ists in the wnior league championship playrj decided last night as Elks trounced Colum-j humor that and a sense of ing oil tank. We'll Refill Your Tank Regularly Call N.R.YOUNG Ilcalinif Oil Distributor IllitlSe I''! ill! JO-Jwint, ucivui ii nn.11 ncvwmi j The one-sided event saw life only in the j 'el'. Aggregait" scuiv u wic kvtu-ctinc cj iw Britons Rely Upon Philip Cmmtiiif on I Inn To Handle Tough Jab By COLIN FRDST Added to stepped-up production In Saudi-Arabia, iiaq and the western hemisphere, the rich flow of oil from Kuwait has enabled the west to get by since last summer when oil stopped moving from Iran. Mossadegh is faced with the bleak prospect that oil production ln the Kuwait and Saudi- Red Wings Winners in New Venue PHONE G74 lor 1MKS. Albert lacked." Newsreels and the press have made his smile familiar throughout the Commonwealth. His share in Elizabeth's Canadian tqur last year brought new warmth pnd strengthto royalty's part 'In holding together the scattered British peoples. Philip shines In the let; formal . HI U a Tt mill . ,j, ..j YiC third mil,, I 11 w,Ji vu,n,c vwu Riimi-n, i , , ,.:,-. 10 win. ana oasKeinuu onioiaia t rde ahead I the finais will show fan,! I 10 the best ball of the season. Both! i 1 s thin iXhford 'and cieorue lams re fairly evenly .match-1 WRESTLING 1 'PH t'i nnd nine1 In thc Intermediate bill lastl BOSTON P - Detroit's top place I1""' : nlcht, Fraser & Payne scored a Red Wings defeated Boston t i led i the ,h. way , f,,,1 field day over down-and-under . Bruins 4 to 3 Tuesday night In Arabia can be boosted even more in thj next few months, if necessary. In the meantime, his government, without British oil royalties to count on, is heading straight for bankruptcy within the next six months unless something is done. LONDON (APi A blond youns royal tasks and the good-natur-athbte with a ready Rmile ls'ed chit-chat accompanying the fettling down to th.? toughest job 'endless band-shaking when Britain hus to offer. And the i Elizabeth is on parade. News-British people, although unsure ; paper readers here who followed what the Job entails, are certain , the Canadian tour were amused he'll make the grade. . by his lighter encounters. V'" . ws . . M,.i-. hont Irartirxr 40 nnlnta nt i thf first N.itlollnl HiKkev Ijnene sjjth 24 points made in is Don Scherk fol-; 19, 12 of which hi-ii second quarter, ilipimirnt that Elks'; k Bill was trying oat the whistle. Martin of the los- j game played at tha-Aiena here in ers gave the only competition i twenty-four years, and landed 12 points. ! Oordie Howe's second goal of EnrUlge, Christoff and Weschithe game, his tliirty-sevemh of for F&P rode high In the or-1 the season, clinched matters with ing bracket, sinking 18, 14 and I 'ecs than two minutes remain- The man Is Philip, 30-year-old j He is a good dancer. He can Duke of Edinburgh. Thv? Job is , uiscurd royal protocol when he Prince Consort to a reigning ; thinks necessary. Queen. Philip's public life now that he lias been prac- I he t'liiilli'iieers. Tlu ing 14 points respectively. PhiliD as vet has no legal status his wife is queen Is likely to fol- Th site of the game was 1 hus- low the of the last few switched after a severed brine beyond that of an ordinary pattern Some British and American oil experts think Mossadegh already has killed the goose that laid Iran's golden egg. Even if he were to reach a settlement with Britain tomorrow, they believe the west would continue to rely more heavily on trouble-free arcar like Saudi-Arabia, the Kuwait and Iraq in the Middle East rather than Iran. Further, there are indications that the Sheik of Kuwait and King Abdullah of Saudi-Arabia CIVIC CENTRE, Friday, Feb. 29 and Saturday, March 1 8:30 p.m. Both Nights MAIN EVENT ANDY TRfcMAYNE (American Heavyweight ehampioij) vs III I) (I.il Abner) R.YrTAL (No. I contender for championship) SEMI-FINAL GINGER O'HARA (Women's Champion) vs KORY PALMER (of Western Sports Centre) Prices: Reserved Seats, $1.50; Adult rush, $1; Student rush. 50c Tickets on sale at Civic Centre and Grotto Cigar Store. Pick up your rush scats now and avoid waiting at the door. crs were completely i si UKI.Mi against the fast; Elks D. Scherk 19, Mathews W Km t is. the mill- 24, Carlson 3, Do vis 9, M. Holke-adv to throw In the .stad, Morgan 11, Peterson 2. CCC300 8. Dumas 11. O. Du end trf the fir.V. id'.ni! 38-16. Hls role ln e ni uu oe ue Buou- pipe put the Boston Gardens 8,fu? ice-making piant out of com- imu be largely unofficial. Even humored shadow, ready to lend mission i his title has prompted specula- a quick hand when the queenly The Red Wings gained a 2 to 0lu""- Icourw gets tricky, lead during the first period on Only his wife, Queen Elizabeth i Behind the scenes Philip is goals by Alex Dclvecchio and T.d II. can decide Philip's share In , likely to run the royal household Lindsay. i her great burden. . and estates for his wife. If he ' trying floes, palace sources he will British commentators i say, The crowd of 4 049 was the .mn.. 'n, n,.i .,.. to forecast Philip's role have probably .shake up the costly mas 0, Ratehford U. Onrdiner 2, Haugan 8, Thompson 4. Fraser At Payne Wesch 14, Christoff 14. R. Smith 9. Par-ncll 6, Enridge 16, Hodekinson 2. Stewart 2. Merchants Martin 12, Mooch- it' at a considerable playing without .sprained iit'.kl.' mrsf by Coach Dan !nose is..n went off the fouls in the thud, an (' mn thn iu .i -t r ' brought out the history books to routine of court life, little chang- years before they moved from pee ll0w Q'"'?11 Victoria shared i ed since Albert gave it a going ii. Are,,, tr, th mnr. h.'r Job with Prince Alben. But c er more than a century ago. He men stripped, er 4, Jefferies, Eirlksen", Stacey, Wing, Sedgwick 2, Waters 3. 1 history hasn't helped much The aim will be to save money. i Gard'en. personal louls were t i h team. Stan Circen !!iirvirh blowing th ' s f-een. a visiting ref B)th Philip and Albert were j f'ircign-born. Albert was a Ger If you want lr sell it, advertisp The It. News classified. Hockey Scores man and Philip a Greek TRMIE-IM MOW iver. called them Rememberwhen? Glenn Cunningham 'set a world's Indoor record for tht 1,500 metres at New Yor 14 years ago tonight, covering the "metric mile" In three minutes. 48 4 see- 1 similarity ends there. 1 i Albert canve to Britain a 1 stranger, misunderstood and mis-1 understanding. He hardly spoke a clean game, out of the running, ' Elks and Mansons Natiunal Detroit 4. Boston 3 I'CSAH (Playoff) Vancouver 2, Nanaimo 5 Duracleaning I to begin their thrce- ,12JllUU, i the language, Much of the uionship scries iNanaimo leads best of seven ' f.(mnt,v misunderstood him on ondjs. The present recognized world mark is three minutes 43 SeriC3 J-il ,,. hl HIH Rrit- Western International Sr. is recommended b y Canada's leading furniture and )4 onds, held jointly by the cdLsh runners Guilder Haegg I ALLEYS f; nd Lennart Strand. 'ons realize that Albert's wisdom in state councils had spurred tlM j Victorian age to prosperity, only ! then did they call him Albert the Good. Spokane 3. Trail 8 (First game Ol boot of five seriesi WIIIL Klmterley 2. Nelson 6 dept. stores III I r UllVltf. mlinu l.easiie, now V thud, has produced -"orir.it bowlers this f ; by Acnes Pierre In Curling Results Philip came to his new Job well-kmwn and well-liked by the British people. He has the Hockey Standings Trade-in 9i CU. ft. DELUXE " Allowance Refrigerator .... $499.00 $100.00 B'i cu. ff. DELUXE Refrigerator ... $461.50 $ 70.00 B'2 cu. ft. STANDARD Refrigerator . .. $432.50 $ 65.00 DELUXE Range $519.00 $100.00 STANDARD Range $383.50 $75.00 DELUXE WASHERS $359.95 $50.00 Northern B. C Power Co. L td Rcsncr Rlock Phone 219 Prince Rupert, B.C. . Stewart, B.C. lllijliiii'l coverage L F, A Pts. I right background a British up-11 164 104 83 bringing., a first-class record in J of London. f mi a constant aver- 1 1 yv nd in B Division, by I 7 p.m. draw Holllstnn H.' Detroit . 36 i'h 177, Following ' Shier 3: Laurie 4. Kellotigh 10; vinntreai 9S 64 ' tha Royal Navy, a love of sport st averages in each : McKcnzie 8. Moore 12. .Toronto 24 D 11 8 14 12 13 8 52 22 163 132 20 135 125 25 149 167 27 128 154 36 125 182 I 9 p.m. Warren 9. Rowbotham . New y01 20 Agnes Pierre, ' 8: Wilson 4, Wales 10; Evans 8, 'Boston 18 Bertha Dunbar, 1 Greene 9. 1 Chicago.. 15 s. 201; Alice Mc-1 Following draws are for Wed-: 11 m nnirs, i'i; Jessie nesdiiv nnri Thursday eames: Thl tdvtftlttnwi. Ii M puUiilud w diiplar H wis. 196. Elsie An- IVcdnesdav (loniihD Carpetings, Twists, Orientals .... and Fine Upholstery may now be safely cleaned and revived with consid llqiui Conbd ttm i ky UK Owlnimi Quick Canadian Quiz - . 1 I " a Grocery, lfl2; Lois j 7 p.m. She , n 1. Bateman vs. 186: Kay Franks, 'Berg; sheet 2, Wood vs. Stewart, I8. Alma What- sheet 3, Jennings vs. Landon. Strikes. 183; Peggy j 9 p m. Sheet 1, McDowell vj. Lynns. 182; Pebble Miller; sheet 2, Ostertag vs. Rog- Pieties, 1R0; Kay ! erSon; sheet 3. Taylor vs. Sieber. 1. Where is Cabot Strait? 'I 'verleafv. 180; Marv :. . .... . , Tharsdav 2. What was Queen Elizabeth s birth date? 8. What agenrv has exclusive l Lee. 180. f 1 " ti m Sheet, t ' Rarher vti. TWA -Jidis mil. Tollers, Cnlllnson; sheet 2, Holliston v. eration for, their life and textures Duracleaning restores resilience to wool fibres Pile unmats and rises Colors revive Furnishings are Dura-. Troubles! Only One Room To Rent and Ten Replies To Her Advertisement. snenton. Slieiilon's,: Kellotigh; sheet 3, Boulter vs. Ufll, Mansnn's, 173; ' Eyolfson. US. Slinriu 0 r, m Hhpcl 1 Rhlpr v f.Bll- lurit, McKay s. 171: rie: sheet 2. Mckenzie vs. Row- f;'"sn. Toilers. 171; botham; sheet 3. Moore vs. War- . right to bring U.S. network broadcasts into Canada? 4. Is Olawa's current surplus of tax revenue over expenditures $11 million. $240 million, $721 million? 5. In 1939 it took 12 minutes for average Canadian factory worker to earn price o: a loaf of bread. How long does he work for it today? ANSWERS ON PACE SIX J tommercials, 169; 1 ren. 111 W Nii,,pir... , nn 1 ' ""llr, 101 Bomerv Manson's Number of Canadians over 70 has doubled ln 20 years, from ; i 'hrias. 75 Taxi, lf,4; Leah 344 000 In 1931 to an estimated T1' 1 oilers, 164 iKay's. 163. CLASSIFIED ADS PAY " " i . t 1 1 ii 1 1 i Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form 1675.000 in 1951. cleaned ln your home j No inconvenience in having them gone Also mothproofed, if desired Phone Green 328' A Worhi-wiilc Service D, J. Duracleaners 1233 Hater St. Prince Rupert, B.C. dave Jones - ! I I i ... v 01 USED CARS FOR SALE 1947 Plymouth Sedan 1950 Austin Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Sedan 1950 Studebaker 5-passcnger Coupe 194S Ford Panel !4-ton 1937 Lincoln Coupe 1941 Chevrolet Coupe 1910 Plymouth Sedan r , v IBS Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c pef word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 5c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words if hoc number required ' tARY-Ehgc lbert Miller of Edmonton, left-winger on Canada's Olympic team, 1 a r concerned mm. .. i ...i u r..,, iom nrriverl in Oslo from Name Superior Auto Service ,Vp , ilC VIVa CU Wll-ll unauiun , 'ran. 'atiw , hp "f Eui'"Pe- Miller, second from left, was expected to be banned from the H.,ni, "e tluw Played ln Enghnd as an Independent, now ever mc mimm- kiv p.wi r . Limited i., nhu nir -iirfis wnn uoraon Address Phone No in li of f t T .. i ", r,"'on gave 6urc him iuih a u clean ciemi bill, uiu. jviuit-i pt"j'"o -t-j ,ral1. 'htle Geort. a hoi n w-iaiiu. S:..t kibitzes at extreme left and Bob Phone Gfcen 217 Third Avenue West nn,,,n, Tnm Pollock of Winnipeg and Billy Dawc of Edmonton show off a sweater. (CP PHOTO)