.r - . Friday, Feoruary 6, 19I3 i i SPORTS ROUND-UP n T May Buy Football Club I PHILADELPHIA iAPi - Pro tennis star Jack Kramer is ready and willing t stu 'l 'o profes SHOPBREAKER GRANTED r-TO FINISH WELDING Co WINNIPKO if A 5!-yar-ld' shoithresiscr -.d . 1 is'trate in K)liee court at St. Bonifae it he roulcl h" months a Hied to his 15-mnnlh sentence, .so he cu,, " i. WfHtiiiS course at KUmy Mountain pemteiiary ft ' trail ni,i"'d. The piisiner s.iid' he had started course hut had been Uiiail; to tint ih It. ' By GALYK TALBOT NEW YORK (AD It is difficult to recall v hen ) - V there was such a sharp diversity of opinion about f ere is, : sional football as an owner. Kramer, touring the count ty with Australian net ace Frank the worth of an impending prizefight .as th hlO'W see iho world r i .1 about the Kid Gavilan-Chuck Davey welterweight' championship to be fought at Chicago next Wednesday. I 7z r 7 1 Out in Chicago they obviouslvl AArilY ltin expect it to be one of the greut-1 1 1 id I lUIIVs, est events since The Fire. The j . word Is that Chicago Stadium lF - I rrill iULiCLi it'tura cnangcf Kedjman, said in Pltt.sinryh he : was "very much Interested" In purchasing, the franchise of the Sun Francisco 49 era. Tills development came after League Commissioner Bert Be!l said he had talked with Kramer s representative. Fraiik O't'iin, about the possibility of buying the franchUe from its present owners. Anthony and Victor Mora bi to. Anthony Mornbltn said last I fail he wanted to sell the 1ntn Q will be packed to the limits of ; If Ql J 1 I sy i . ...... 4 VS JP flffiB tSi a. its standing room to watch Davev. the 26-year-old sensation Fight Date Set from Michigan State, fight the i NEW YORK iAPi Rocky Mareiano will defend h!s wi'rid because his doctor hnd advised him to get out of ftbiill. following a heart attack. if$ in Victor's sensational new system of first 15-rounder of his career against the crafty and able champion from Cuba. j BOXING CAPITAL That's how it is in Chicago. In this city, which once was widely known as the U.S. boxing capital, the fight is regarded as a bad mismatch, a serious mistake on the part of Oavey's handlers, and up to this point ARK YANOISKY OF WINM-Pi:(i, former Canadian chess champion, is team-captain of Oxford University which recently won the National Chess Club championship of Britain, defeating ? ud Knple defenders. Yanof. ky. studying for a law degree, won his final match with a 19-move defeat of II. Israel, one of Lud F.ugle's leading players. Last September, Yanofsky, 27, finished in a tie for second place In the premier tournament of the second Open Chess Congress at Paignton, Devon, England. 2 WHL Players Fined For Due! heavyweight title aainst ex-1 champion Jersey Joe Waleott, Friday, A.-ri! in at Chicaso Sta-i diuni in a lb-round remati h that j will be seen on home television. Jim Non Ls, president of the ; International Boxing Club, made : the announcement after a con-1 ference with Aiirfelo Maluiulra. ' counsel for ailing Felix Boechi- j cchio, manager of the 39-year-, old WaKvitt. Each" lighter will get; 30 per cent. There will be no re-' matrh agreement. j "I think the bout should draw' SEATTIJ5 tAPi Hockey play recorded music 1 Inn m i r Ix-rn anything Mr it. t.o.iic iii ami !n-.ir die iii w, lm ! ilnlorlinii Irre imtil pl.iM'il oil lite mld almost nothing has appeared I about it on the sports pages. DOKREN MeLF.OI) of Edmonton retained her Canadian senior women's tide at the Dominion speed-skating championships held in Edmonton for the first time. She collected 140 points with foui firsts and a second. Senior men's title event ended in a chaw between Frank Stack, 47-year-old Winnlprgfrer and Johnny Sands, 19, of Saskatoon with ilO points each. ers Larry Zeidel of Klmontoii and Jack Kviins of BaskuUxm have each been fined $100 and Ktispended for one jtame for ft stlck-swlncinc duel at Edmon fttit'tt rinil t'unjM-r. i iihll. ICA Vki tj :..mi.lrl- .,. .,, ton, Western Horkey Iaitue Pre- WATPllHIl Fneianrt ILW) One ..i. n A u,w ni,.uinn,l "Believe me, one New York fight figure said, "it ain't my business to knock boxing. Its been my bread and butter a long time. But if they had put this fight on in the Garden which they wouldn't have I would say the same thing. noli Wir ik ililc n-ninl jUv at Jong n itit!iti.iiv 12hhIi. f iiut oiu .ilium ilw- iii.int .u!ijni.i; ol tin .im ini( m R(; mupt ).u-m .mil itS INl.S Iih ynu! over a million dollars, counting (or ,hf most luxurkiua road-"today Hr S tail television." said Norrls. "we will ... TJ ask the Illinois athletic commls-; sion to let us set a $i0 top. The I Davey ain't got any business yet houses in Britain, the spider, Both piayPrs WPro rut on the Web. is to be converted into a neud ln a rlasn ,turii,g the Ed-warehou.e. Proprietors said the nionton-Saskatoon game and post-war shortage ol money hurt hav, be,.n warned of heavier profits at the Hertfordshire es- penalties for more violations, tablishment. Leader said. Play it Yourself Todd) in the same ring with a fellow 'house will be scaled at $338,000, I with a capacity of 2J.0O0 lncluil-, like Gavilan. If the Kid wants to and of Further Breach of NHL Rules To Bring Stiffer Penalty By The Canadian Press , If National Hockey League' referees happen to become the loneliest men in sport, they can place part of the blame on the loop president, Clarence Campbell. ' "pensive of late for club ex-ignored Not that the fans have ever, to with the whistle mix white,1 fcutives the little men in lng standing room. "We have not signed a TV deal t yet but we have had several pre- ; course you never know he 11 cut that boy up terrible and make them stop if before half-j liminary conferences. Toe bout! way. will De seen on noine iv aim expect tj get between $250,000. If you want to know what I tooters. but it has become increasingly think, I don't think this fight would have been made if it wasn't for television. All these millions have seen Davey in his biggest fights and they think he's a world beater. They don't see his faults the way we fellows in the business do. They'll see them when Gavilan goes to work on him." WANTS NO FEl'D The man with surh decided and $300,000 for'the rights." ; Al Weill, Marciano's manager. , signed a contract some three weeks ago, living up to his re- ; turn-bout greement signed be-! fore Rocky knocked out Jersey J Joe at Philadelphia Sept. 23. If Waleott regains the title,' Malandra said he would fight the . inner of the Feb. 13 right be-; tween Roland La Starza and Rex: Layne in June. Norris said he j would promote the b;ut in Yan- j kee Stadium. ! A winning Mareiano mi-jh'. : preier to wait until September : Jack Adams, general manager of Detroit Red Wings, Is the latest to feel President Campbell's distuste for persons molesting his officials. The trigger-tempered "Jolly Jack" was nicked $500 Tuesday for his Jan. ' 18 run-in with referee Red Storey. Hawks Suffer Fifth Straight NHL Defeat Adams is said to have "accos views, one of the big names. ted referee Red Storey in a cor-1 preferred t0 remain anonymous ririor and entered his dressing . v ot fnH n.ith rthl- By Tlie Canadian Press Lwim- at Olvmnia Stadium.' .w onnth 1 r - uiiEU laiio. minui v..v..v Boston Bruins smashed back home of the Red Wings, between j wno knows more than a little into contention in the National periods of the Jan. 18 Montreal- about figVit odds when asked Hockey League Thursday night Detroit game. what he thought of the fact to fight La Starza. Layne or I Ezzard Chaiiei, Norri-i sale , J Mareiano has been in training for about three weeks. Jersey i : . - i was by subjecting Chicago Black, SIMILAR VIOLATION j that Gavilan currently Hawks to their filth straight! A few weeks ago. Bill Tobin, quoted at less than 2 to Joe will start training next over week. .' ... i. f - a v. ju his young challenger. "A wonderful touch for the Chicago books." he said enviously. "All that fresh country money. If it was here the odds wherever defeat 4-1. general manager of the cnicagoj At the too of the league, Mont- Black Hawks, was also fined $500 treal Canariiens downed Toronto for a similar violation. Both 2-0 to creep within one point of ! Adams and Tobin are league the '"asue-'e;.din Detroit Red J governors. Wings alio w.'ie held to a 3-3 1 Campbell said it was decided tie by New York Rangers. I at the league's annual meeting By spreading their scoring I last Ji;ne that no useful purpose . . .'. 'li'" 8-1 and no ac- would be about tion." f . . w . ft 'ZJjl , f I v over :i tnree uerioas. me tsruins uo v.w iw.... j game lnci- Dulled into a fourth-place tie ! officials discussing referees during a ih hp R n-k- Hatts who nave .-u Victoria May Seek WIFU Franchise, Too had only one victory in their last seven games. Other Scores: WHL Satkatoon 6. Calgary 3. OS1IL Kamloops 3, Vernon 5 game. Decision was reached then to ban them from entering the referee's dressing room on the day of a game w ithout permission. Campbell said that in this instance it was contended that the referee 'had invited Adams into his dressing room." This was later denied by Storey. VANCOUVER ff Victoria is j expected to apply for a franchise ! SLRIOIS PIN1SHMF.NT However, the league prexy was firm in pointing out that the Eden Backs Ruling by purpose of the revised regulation governing the actions of team officials on the day of a game was to eliminate such sit in the Western Interprovmciai j Football Union in 1955. i The News-Herald said it has i learned that a group of Victoria . businessmen hope to follow Van- i couver's successful bid for entry Into the Prairie football set-up. The proposed bid for a franchise would hinge upon how successfully Vancouver operates in 1954, their first year in the uations as had arisen from the Adams-Storey- squabble. He siid Eisenhower . LONDON Cfi Foreign Secretary Eden said Thursday Britain is satisfied the U.S. has "no acgres-sive intentions" in freeing Chiang Kai-Shek's forces on Formosa for raids on the Communist-held Chinese mainland. anv further breach of the rule mm , ( . Kj , . . , 9 would bring a'oout more serious punishment. is.. vis. .r t .- . - : " Tl V.. . league," the story said. "Besides offering the WIFU a balanced schedule, a Victoria team in the league would also Riebel Presses The foreign secretary addres ignite the storied Vancouver-Victoria rivalry," it said. i h rKi ft sed Commons after Arthur Morrison, Labor party leader, aeeus- sed President Eisenhower of egging Chiang on to attack the Communists on the mainland. He warned "there was risk of spreading the Korean war." T,n,n-W 4a UaA . . . VotnO ah,hty or atvtm tpmoahfd to which mauioi thm at faadtrt v m in (rite t rtf I hv Will folfft tt . . . Ih. irommg itoff o our i'" lortH In omtrflenty. Ago Khan Sells Famous Horse CANNES 9 The Aga Khan has sold his famous horse Tulyar to the Irish national stud farm for $690,000. his secretary announced today. It is the highest price ever paid for a thoroughbred in Britain. Kaleta in Scoring Race SEATTLE (API Earl Reibel of Edmonton came on with a rush to move within three points of the Western Hockey League scoring lead this week. Reibel. with 23 goals and 36 assists ln 47 games, has a total of 59 points. Still in first, but with three more games to his credit. i Alex Kaleta, Saskatoon centreman. Kaleta has racked up 62 points on ANNIVERSARY 5 ytart aW ARISTOCRAT 8 yor old SPORTSMAN'S DIGESTS HOW DUCKS RISE Diving docks RUN A- - CROSS THE WATER A "strong" Canada, today, is essential if vve are to preserve our freedom, our own way of life. This is the responsibility of all Canadians. For the young man of ability and ambition, there are outstanding opportunities for immediate advancement as a leader in the Infantry, l'rom Corporal, to Sergeant, to Warrant Officer, you can build a well paid career for yourself in the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps. You w ill receive free medical and dental care, 30 days annual leave with pay and the benefit-; of an outstanding pension plan. 7 1 JB4 A UttKM 1 1 ite 1 IhU ir'-iy ON THEIR TAKE-OFFS. Tkrn' KiwiM Travol and Advn)uro nnrt o( Ih. 1,1. ol Canada ' the strength of 19 goals and 43 assists, tops in the league. Roy Kelly of Calgary again leads the goal-getters with 28. Vic Stasiuk of Edmonton has 27. Meanwhile, Emile Francis, of Vancouver, tpok over the goal-keeping honors with a goals against average of 2.78 per game. Jack Evans, or Saskatoon, continues to set the penalty pace A today, hltrnlmg and ihalltnainl. in lh Army knngl now KOP T broodlh lo th oulool ol a y"nt fa $h Smml .GREATER SCAUP . OLD KEG 3 ytart eld VISCOUNT 4 ytart o d THEY ARE DEEP WATER DOCKS THAT FREQUENT OPEN WATERS AFFORDING SUCH MAMOUVERS. with 142 minutes against him. FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 - As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. melchers UDDLE DUCKS :H A5 THIS GREEN- You are eligible you are 17 to 45 years of age ami able to meet Army test requirements. Applicants should bring birth certificates or other proof of age u hen reporting for interview. Apply rifjrif away for full information fo: JGED . , THE -V Small Boxing Clubs Closed JAMESTOWN, NY. (AP) Nat Fleischer, editor of Ring Magazine, says 42 per cent of the small boxing clubs in the United Mil J II I'I'l j ETCETE K A? UJ, 4 , , us: JUMP STPAI&HT , UP OUT OF THE I V rhywal Condition . . . Th. phyucal condilmn ol Canada l 5 it o of concern ol Iho A.m, in Iho field wiid. Spo'H P'ar ," M lanl purl in L.fV. ffie O1"11 No. 1 1 Personnel depot, j4201 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver. B.C. WHItlN, ""I-' OFTEN INHABIT " . ii States have lolded in the last year. He blamed television. In New York state alone during the last two years the small C.MAI L BODIES CF WATER RE- fj 1 his advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Ciovern-. meat of British Columbia clubs dwindled from 22 to seven, STRICTING PW,,.,-,. OTHFR TAKE-OFF. ( .1 Fleischer told a snorts dinner.