I'lllK.C kupcil Uu.ly News uuy, reoruary , 1053 jespassing Muriel Vance Weds Murray Rhodes relax in ( SanJij At Pretty Cartdehght Ceremony A widely-known couple in the 1 Harold Muncey fluldnt be fair If the and Mr. Ed 1 community exchanged wedding Gamer. vows last night at an Impressive i, r didn't net oeucr mcu-L,d so Terry Stewart Is f ......... that it isn't candlelight ceremony at First Presbyterian Church here when rv ' - r v V. K F? rn 1 :.rn 1 v - . ; i in t A r ' 1 v a LA .J 7vl v l'V- 1 u- -w , ' !' k 1 ... V V? a til . n0rtn mis - -, visited during a tour oeiow zero, but he didn't t t,f as dressed In the - rm winter clothing. .... -i(in t oass com- cnarge of the scrvitcurs who were the Misses Andrey Wrath-all, Dorothy and Evelyn Mac-donaid, Anne McLeod, Jean Ramsay, Elizabeth Clement and Mrs. Connie Weis and Mrs. Ralph Smith. AJ1 serviteurs wore gardenia corsages. Miss Jean Ramsay caught the bride's bouquet. The couple left on the Prince George for a two-week wedding trip and on their return will reside in the Elizabeth Apartments. The bride's going-away costume was a blue-cherkpri t ' c -i i u on the story In Wed- wnicn saiu wine , p-,per it 5 42 inches of preclpl-' Dnr-rt In January At the Legion auditorium, where a reception was held, a candle and 'flower decorated table supported the three-tiered wedding cake, cut by the bride with a silver knife, decorated with! a white bow. Mother of the bride, who received the many guests, chose a purple lace dress for the occasion. A toast to the bride was proposed by Dr. L. W. Kergin and responded to by the groom. Dr W. 8. Kergin proposed the toast to the bridesmaids, responded to by the best man. In charge of serving the cake was Mrs. L. W. Kergin, assisted by Mrs. A. D. Vance, Mrs. W. 8. Kergin, Mrs. Joan Wood, Mrs. C. H. Eikins, Mrs. H. A. Brten and Mrs. i. U. McKae. Mrs. Alex Mitchell was in Lnrouver had 8 43 Inches muriei irene vance ana Murray Rhodes were Joined In marriage. Conducting the service was the Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright. The bride, given Jn marriage by her father, U the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Vance of 2155 Atlin Avenue, In an atrr.ocphere of floral decorations which featured baskets of daffodils and mauve tulips, the bride approached the pulpit wearing an ivory velvet wedding dress, trimmed with pearls and matched with a floor-length train. She wore a Juliet-type cap alio of Ivory velvet and pearl-trimmed, and carried a boumiet of tweed three-piece suit with navy ,mf mown, southern city had a - story on pane 11 of one M vunlliiK to n'k too m twuc out of the r U1IC It said the past was the warmest Janu-,,iUiry in Vanrouver . . . thrr down said new if 28 days of preclplta- accessories, covered by a musk-rat fur coat. The bride was born and educated in Prince Rupert and before her wedding aided her mother in operation of a floral shop. The groom is employed at Columbia Cellulose Co. pulp mill. orchids. Gift of the eroom she wore Lse'. were pearl earrings. Mrs. E. 3. Smith nlavprf hp , noini there were only irj of sunshine while njoyed 31 8 hours of the Kinsman Georqe Dibb to Seek f I f ' . , I n i L 11 , ,1 , i 11 1 ... r . organ, accompanying soloist Mrs. Ralph Smith who sang "I Walk Beside You." Hiddfll. here durlllK the Election as Deputy Governor Mrs. Alex Mitchell tin in L k from Vancouver. ald George Dibb. uast nresirirnt. nf charge of floral decorations. Bridal attendants were headed by the matron-of-honor Mrs. pjrt the nomination. During the other business, a team composed of John Fitzgerald, Doug Jelstead, Curly Barber, Harry Sheardown, Bill Bond and Mickey Fudger wa$ named tn renrpAnt th Kinmpn the famous English the Prince Rupert Kinsmen Club was nominated last night to run for District Deputy Governor for the Northern District. He will stand for election at the Kinsmen Convention at Victoria in June. m Hie v vunrouver-;ays fcaying that It R j pert ail the time. He ,t ii a little damp at ,t he saw suiuhlne here .'4 mure than he saw In alia belt all through 'nun a California van. wiua Ray. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Ed Garner and Mis 8heila Ramsay, MATCHING DRESSES Mrs. Ray wore an azalia-col-ored two-piece velvet cocktall- 10-y"r-ld "n Mr. and Mrs. William Doyle n, of n Ottawa k ha launched hu first one-man show of oil and water color palnunw In the capital, Twenty-slx of his picture, are on display at the Canadian Repertory Theatre playhouse which haa Young milium ha been palnUng since he wait four. Club at ttie Rod and Gun Club comfort-in-action trousers ... In acceDtinz thf nnminatim Tro n Rhni w v,aM c.,nn m 1 imrrr Krsrlrr and Wife. Mr. Dibb said that he was al-T It was decided to hold a social lowing his name to stand be-1 night with attendance limited cause there had been no previous; to Kintmen and their wives on District Deputy Oovernor elect-i Founder's Kiz'Jt, February 21. icngin gown and carried a bouquet of gardenias. The bridesmaids wore matching green velvet dresses and carried bouquets of yellow roses. All three wore matching shirred bandeaux in their hair. Man Must Win Battle Against Disease, Says Health Officer Curly Barber was appointed! camoaian manager with in- Groomsman was Mr. A. D .h".'S7,NatUo.";ii"''aUh Man in 1796 In the U S IR I 1 . 1 m 1 '' tame, uiumer 01 Enjoy a new sense of freedom wear Daks. Youll be following in the footsteps of the well-dressed men and famcus sportsmen in five continents! Priisurelcss self-support. Rubber pads inside the waistband keep your shirt from riding up.' If You're TIRED ALL TIIE TIME the structiens to contact other Kins-! men Clubs In the Northern DU-! Carr, -i-mr uppuinura bride. Ushers were Dr. W 8 8. . . " " "rr" 10 reniace Medical Hi-ith rf Kergin. Mr. Stan Holgate, Mr.ltrict to try to get them to sup- j is he had a sun tun at duriiiK his stay but most of it driving, tiie rain In the U S. fll as In Vancouver. rk from Vancouver Is ulrr alter a brief stay, ur.otis arrivals on the iree. hl h will be on lor the next couple of briilte o! the George !i r.rme ( altiwrll. who Ihe luxury vesjl v Into the harbor. n:iur fares aboard are f- W.twj, Hi, . Jmmmm " It alth is'i ,lh f'rrr I. O. M Black who leaves t!i ' year Job. ! Sunday for Vernon, traced the The k battle to combat disease "evolution of man" from the among man Is continuous We protoplasm and the Ire age to cannot U.se It or man will be, his present crowded environ- destroyed." Dr 8. F. Carr told ! ment the Rotary Club, , ' u. j ... , ... I He termed the creation of Commission Sets Formula For Making Library Grants then, tired-ut, heary-headrd, and Bathe bothered by Udackes. Perhtpt BMhmf tmmulf mnf, ju Itnpwir; tnk (nditan riutcd bjr nnn Kidt and wulu. Thtt'i tht law b tiki Dvdd'a Kidnr; P. Dodd . atmuUfe the kidnrya, and m hrlf rulare Ihctr Mraul aclmi i ranxint eiccu acids and wutea. Thai jmi I eel better, dee better, nrk better. C Ddd 1 kakw PUI. mw. Uk tor If blue bn with the red band at all draggiiU. Im caa depend ta DVid't. 52 WA TTS & NICKERS0N MEN'S WEAR cure alone Much Z,Z Z Z ! 1" J.' ,IJf f xI"iment of A standard formula (or mak-! minion will pay an additional ' Urrnc and One devou-d to ntrvenii. m.n - 1 . J. I . Proauce 'e'jig grants to municipal public grant of $100 laid Dr Carr IZ tL ! T'?' S"d V SUp""lor 10 libr,rte and "ion "br" of Balance of the grant total cTuty of Pm "iltth Kir,d.'ii!'i " Uh tVT 11 B,rtll-' Columbia was adopted by will be distributed Uo, the tlons and worker. I Lnd, the Public Library Commission libraries In proportion to the ex- Yet not until the DrenlL Tnc Jas.t ' th Kat masto- at lu January meeting. pendlture which each library has tliov" heading for. r last r.iEht sboard the' rentiiry was public health ac-i n-r" Pensnea m the ice! ulsi year the Commtsion dis-imade in the preceding year for cepted by. the public although I,88' J". ha.Ve '""dd nd ! irlbuted $52,030 in granU toward! new books and periodicals. . ;iaugncd as It saw 'he naked libraries of the Drovlnc w-hk-h I m- mirilVil nnMtf llhrarlo af. orire was f.t Pol frit- j ) a suing to visit her j i also complete some I forms emerging from the caves j qualify under the granu ched-1 fected include Prince Rupert. But man had survived thrl a .n,.n .-.! SPECIAL In the ou!h before hit snrtn Is not too 'Jay' Burns Becomes Insurance Man ! " uuif lit great ccld and other transfor- win await consideration of the mat low i of the earth. Then, sud- Department of Education estlm- visible de?th-dtsease. j , Mtab!temng thf slandard A hrevrr man found rom- bais for the grants the Commis-psny in crowds, disease strut k i slon agreed to dLstrlbute 50 per and left d.-ath. said Dr. Carr. a cent of the total allocation on t" problem ' ' which IHI II led M'U to HI Ihe 1 IlfT dls- CMS- the basis Qj of mnulninn fir. CLEARANCE SALE STILL GOING ON WE NEED THE ROOM Some have gone but there are Mill plenty to choose from. I30 IMOXARC'I SEDAN Lovely shade of green. con.es Ircitn two noted - Eddlr Gladding ' ipenai effort to cross I Avenue and greet a j t in,, 12 n . . . n -i n . . 100 wn,,t- m UUMI3. I llllir r U - , pert, has been appointed Gtrst ' covery of cures and. finally, pre-: s-ued by the DcDartmsnt nt fill win It sgaln this i west Life Assuranre Company i ventive medicine. ! Municipal Affairs. ' Kresumablv the 't- about the Yankees j Eddie didn't lay any- I ITy this one 1949 PLY.MOl'TH f One of the better buy, $1123 194$ CHEVROLET Smart two-',one. radi'j and f nor stop to dlitruss i mstter after tin. Ladies' Blouses CREPE : NYLON : WOOL : JERSEY jprwr.muve ror me my ana; vn. Carr defined preventive For each qualified librarian district. It was announced to-; medicine as the "study of the holding a BLS degree or a Grade duy by C F. Dunf-e. branch problem created wherever man1 2 librarian certificate e the C t-0m Corn-manager for the B C. mainland j congregates " ; - - .h'.Mnr,UT r,0ntld'a!rd by! "Don"t P' attention to your tuic WFFlc he Oreat West Ufe to be par-;h(.alth "' WEEK fm; ,mf wefk of the IT hundreds h" of local U,Tnr',1Uieiyar-lt policy- U -tre-tlme lob." he i Art Club meeting. Clvle On-many chargpd. i.e. Mondav. 7:3 .m. - . . m ini "if was heard whistling noiuers oi tne company, ana to; . i ...,..,.. I lvm Bi'lvif' nn ltf liuuranrA group committee of the Air heater. Don't miss this one at $!?5 1945 PLVMOl'TH Nice all around TRUCKS 1946 FARGO '-TON P.VVEL Lots of good running left S875 BEFORE YOr Bl'Y TRY YOl'R A-l I'SED CAR DEALER Bob Parker Lid. "The Hiiiiie ot Frtendly SirvicV I fcnd health matters to residents jOf the area." Mr. Dunfee said. "Jay" Burns is well known here as an active Jayre and j member of the Aero Club. u are 1 oming ' Is alwavi thlnklna Ideas and Harold right In the swing, 'ago. he went to great fuve pale blue' signs k and now he's got H'r with hi. name on he matches are no n any other matches 'older, but the !rent ' "'"" ;Cadet Uague No. 55, Prince CARLYLE. Sask (CP) Fish-: Kupert Squadron, will be held Int throuaht the Ice of Car-! Feb. ! In the Ladies' Lounge, Ivlc and Kenoee lakes is more Canadian Legion, at p.m. ponulur than ?ver this winter. i The February meeting of the Amoung the many shacks set Booth Memorial P-TA will be tr on the tee Is an aluminum held in the activities room at t heller complete with built-in P.m. Mondav. R. H. DaTirlsnn 24 Attend DOM'S DEPT. STORE seats, set up by a party from Peak on Ihe subject. -Love and Your Child." the Lulled stales. Legi lion Karty j I iles. the man with a .umev-he ays W bv thf inHi.. n fl FREE SHOES Buy One Pair Gcf One FREE I It venis the crafts t. lea brotniht nil n,.,i. 10 the Civic Centre tn4.' . fJFtr for ii'ingry 0' the ladlr-K n, In on some of the Forty-four players attenctrd! the regular Canadian Legion , Women s Auxiliary card party j with the following winners: Whist Mrs, tn.i Amoth and ' Mr. fvUetumgait. ' Cnbb ice Mrs. Anna Dumas nd O K OI.M-n. Brldire - Mrs, John Hardin ami j Cnpt. Henry CaldcrwtHMi. ! In clur' e nf refreshments i were Mrs. V. Cicrone. Mrs. !u!- t linger. Mrs. Robert Bone and Miss Evelyn Antllla. SALE reaaers Hear E. T Applewhaite over CKTR tonight at 8 00. tin M.-ill Festival entiles to Box 157 before March t. i32 Snmethinc New Pineapple h"c Hte c;ikc at the C'o-oi) Bakers, only 41) cents. (31. Mooro w'.-.l.t drive, Sat.urrtav. irrh. 7. Mdcmc Temple. Lvcryono welcome. 32 " Mretins of Job's Dtuivhtcrs rrldav, Feb. 6. H p.m. M.ijo-llv Pcpree Silver march. Cakewalk and biithd.iy party. 1311 V SON. whist and dan.-c. frl-it.iy. Feb. 6. Whist 8 p.m.. dut ce 10-2. Good nrl?e Refieshinen's. Music by Mike Colu.-.sl. Everv-one welcome. '3' 1 iaM.es should e '"b "' re-unlH.lsU.ring l,nn forward on '" 'or the civic "l'' ex,K.rs to com-final touches this 'm'v-1 fast when the Trail auxiliary J'mt J imr, Mlllig.n f hen- fr 0(mrrrt and Husly Thaln iprsat the n, 2,000 pairs of Ladies' Shoes Dress and Casual r all sizes and colors ALL SALES FINAL ... NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS Fashion Footwear j -Zr. Cjii'vnv Tlallti It: 1Jnr.cS sJssuitatian Di. l M. Greene. In an address I to a wrll-atirmled iii"etmg nf !lhe Prince Rupert R'-t!l!erei Nurses' A.v,hitlon. stres1 eil tint It was thoimhtful nursing ear? ;thnt contt United to a happy .confident, patient. I He outlined some of th new .drug and surRlcal and medirnl I techniques used ttnlnv. Mis. Nell Stromriahl was in the if'hulr In the nbsenre of Mrs. E. illartleU, who Is In Vmicottver. CHROME KITCHEN and DINETTE SUITES """er remind- f the :, event ''je alnenre llf ird(p!I 'helor- (ieri!e ck. '"n howl to., .He'll ,K"" '"" and J" ' lllc We,lllPsday Gc,rKe threatnH n SI,,""V si l ikes ns Jark by "COOEY' Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST H. im in. 3lo-.i BuilrlltlK riioi n'-ti'i m $90.00 and up be sure to get erf the Rot n '-v 'lnt i0 h n nniT: Presenter! v nf it.. 't Sniwi... f'cb, 22 o t the Cnpltol 0 U 8e i .... uu ration '?.;,a"i 'twas LSMDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 AOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SUirriNG . , . FORWAUDINCi . . . STOKAC.K Experienced handling Locul, NatUm-wUlc and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 69 Cur. Snd and Park Ave. Sec n'sc the Folding Metal Bridge Sets, Chrome Kitchen Tables, Chrome Table and Chairs and others. COMPARE THE "COOEY" VALUES AT GORDON & ANDERSON LTD. PHONE 46 t rreicnt . e rhoral anvlh";.sh"w fall-