pROViNCJALI .r Y'T'Tcr TT PROVINCIAL LIAST. WoRROWS 113 1M, ?.IA, B. C. EAT 3l.lIVLO -TIDE5- DRUGS ,ur(liiy. 7, mi oarifif S'ancUrd Time l, TS IM feet DAILY DELIVERY ID ;w 14 5 feet , NORTHERN AND CENTRA! BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 13:29 7 9 feel feet Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Princ Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' Phone 81 VIJL ALII, No. 3S , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 ! ! IF " " " I I EM f Mm mm a ) r? V. V Strops nil nunS Campaign. To Be Laid Tonight A campaign to raise funds and clothing for European flood victims got under way last night wfteri 47 persons all but three of them from Holland formed a European Flood Relief committee. Prominent City Jeweller, John Bulger Sr., Dies Founder of Well-Known Firm , Passes After Brief Illness John Bulger, sr., 74-year-old veteran jeweller and founder of the store here tearing his name, died in hospital here late yesterday. Banding together because of i Pro-Con Party Leaders Meet U KI H IH PROGRESSIVE Conservative leader in B C, Dean Flntayson second fiom ji,d other I1C members meet National Leader George Drew, at a luncheon. Left to right M.j-Oeu. George Pearkes, VC, Nanatmo; Diane Flnlayson; Oeorge Drew, National Leader; fuisn. Kaiiilp, and Howard C. Oreen, QC. Vancouver. He was taken ill at his home over the week-end. Mr. Bulger came to Prince Rupert in 1918. Heroin inch, Bennett Tangle Over L t ' A Rotarian. he had been for many years In various the terrible toll of life and property of their countrymen, the Hollanders of this city decided prompt action was of utmost necessity. After the hour-long meeting during which Eric Faure was chosen chairman, the committee elected, and plans for the campaign suggested, money began piling up on the little card: table in front of the executive. Dutchmen, and Dutch women, many of them In Canada for less than a year, dug into their pockets. A total of S6S in cash was collected on the spot with several hundred dollars more In pledges. SEEK CLOTHING It was also decided to canvass I community affairs. Source Charles Ritter Court Case Dismissed VANCOUVER O The $31,000 malicious prosecution suit of Lloyd Charles Ritter, taxi operator, was dismissed with costs Thursday In Supreme Court here. Ritter sued Dueck-Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ltd. of Vancouver and ite credit manager Warren Morgan because of his arrest In Victoria on cheque charges which were ultimately dismissed in Vancouver police court. bvernment's Hospital Policy Sought kl. iCPi-l'iemier Bn- ployee and will be forced to general field of hospital man- a.d Thursday the B C rloe unless workers withdraw ,g,ment. but ,t could not stI,nd ,cn! u, iin psn'd to take : their demand. . A run the North Van-j Mr, Bennett, rising at the by n1 sc' lhe hospital at H.i'Pi'ui tf It clow : mart of Thursday's session on a North Vancouver clooed. J "matter of urgent public husi- If the government took over, li.,,1.4 said It Cannot Wii." Mid the government ham he aaid, the management would labora- VANCOUVER National Health His son. John, jr.. returned j here recently from Vancouver. ; Mr. Bulger first opened a small shop in 8eaforth, Ontario, at the age of IS, in 1898. specializing in clocks, watches, jewelry and plated ware. He went to Vancouver In 1910 and bought a store there which he operated for three years before moving to Lacombe, Alberta. In 1619 he came to this city and boueht a store in bankruptcy. Business was slow at the start and although he was hard hit by the depression, he stuck ige demand, or Intention of getting Into the; ..,..,.., k,.i, , v....-....- tories Thursday night exploded speculation that "pink" heroin seized here --.! I presumably at the end of the for clothing and other goods which might help relieve the disastrous situation in Holland battered by seas which have covered more than one-sixth of the i i next f Ucal year "I do not think there is any evidence of malice," said Mr. Justice Norman Whlttaker. MY WROTE ODD NOTE WIC 3-YEAR SILENCE The government announced last December there would be no Increased grants to hospital "People just cannot be permitted to go around giving cheques on non-existent accounts and then territory since th week-end! storms began. j Tivtaw TTt1anft focAi o ! nnft ! this year Budget must be came from Communist China, but said it may have been smuggled in from possibly Italy or It out and opened the present store on Third Avenue In 1842. maintained on the 1952 level. WINCH RAPS POLICY His son Jack took a course In 000.000 damage bill and U count-1 10 cver.thera' , , ! He said Ritter had ample time ing U50 dead from the nood ravages which she; Belgium and ,Pfn an af"nt to Vlctorla to uke of I care ques. England have been fighting since HROIT M Mrs Carolina Nemlth obUlned a divorce aay (ioiii her husband charging that he hadn't spoken to i the la,t three yearn Mrs. Nemlth said her husband uci.sii.r.a!;y wrote her not during the three-year epf.'M. optometry In Vancouver and then joined his lather in that RCMP have asked the Nar- section of the business. last week-end In debate. CCF opposition lead Harold Winch said the Social Credit government Is anti-la bor. and 1 denying democratic rights of eaienjt and Always Interested In the tech 1 . .... . . cotlcs Control laboratory in Ot- -i ; The Prince Rjipertreliet gKup, nical end df . the trade, Mr. spearneaaea oj Mr. laure, wno bung Dentist May Leave Bulger undertook to make a seizures have t been made recent- ir.t dock In I92S and it still called the meeting at the Civic Centre last night. Is contacting PTE. REIBEN HENRY NORMAN, 24-year-old paratrooper stationed at Camp Borden, Out , has been charged with the murder of, 17-year-old in a iwo-nour speech punrtu- glan(is n front of his store. f ly In other parts of Canada. '52Businesi Outstripped Previous Year pcause of Lack of Space atea oy ircqueni exenanges oe-j Mr Bulger U survived by his Laboratories here said thet tween Mr Winch and Premier :wtfe Mary. ,n Vancouver; hls dr WM tne strongPst type of1 Bennett, the CCF leader said , (,Hllnt.r Kathleen, Vancouver.' , , 1 i Hnri.lCiilil.rieindmeth-!? t, I heroin analyzed here in manyi i Jean Marie Satchell, a former girl friend. Nine shots were j fired then Norman walked 50 yards to the Stratford, Ont., police station and gave himself i ud. the .22 calibre Distol still in Vaniouvrr dentist i fed to Prince Ruiert a j co at the request of j to relieve the short-! various organizations who own halls for depots or centres where relief clothing may be stored during1 collection. But clothing and other goods is secondary, said Mr. Faure. PRIME OBJECTIVE "What these flooded-out people need more than anything now is money. Our prime objective, therefore iK raisin? a much years and that It was "of the type" known to be manufactured In Italy and India. "there nver have been enough dentists in this city." Lack of care, lark of preven dTUiiU here may have j J ... VICTORIA r British Columbia is still riding the crest of an industrial boom. . Trade Minister Ralph Cliet-wynd today released figures ods had put the provincial civil RuvMI1 of Montreal, and Gordon service "in the greatest case of , o( Ottawa. t litters" in history. j .Mrs cordon (Maty MarRareti Mr Winch, first opposition p0ffenroth of PrinSe Rupert, Is speaker In the t hrone speech de- j a granddaughter, f bale in the Legislature, said Mr. I Funeral arratkements, In Bennett ts trying to hold abso-i charge of B C. Undertakers, will lut control over the cabinet and . be announced. ' Pinkish tinge of the drug, , nand. witnesses said they analyzed at 65 to 70 per cent: saw the girl and a soldier . v- iiuntl, ailin l g WW frill UP . .. 1). bKS and BOint.u nf IK hmhlrn pure, led to speculation it might i arguing on the street, budden- showing business in 1952 outstripped that In 1951 in almost A person desiring dental at-tentiin not of an emergent nature, suc-h as tooth-fitllhgs or examinations, muxt wait up to Vxxand.r Gray hasn't to !;(! nlfice ran k iix'ale a place in ly he whipped out an auto- money as we can." he told the matte, put it against her head : meeting. and fired. She fell screaming Members present decided after ' to the" sidewalk as he contin- ja short discussion that the ued to pump bullets at her. Inspector Joseph Taylor of the Stratford police Is behind every field despite a plague of strikes in the lumber, fishing and construction Industries. Total production of electricity In the first 11 months of 1952 was 4.269,103.000 kilowatt hours, seven per cent more than In the same period in 1951. Residential construction from be a sample of "pink horse," almost pure heroin from Red China. The drug was seized when a police investigator halted a taxi in downtown Vancouver. Two men had 73 grains, valued at $2,000 on the black market, in their possession. Police charged Charles Lava-lee, 37, and Raymond Peters, 22. They were remanded on $5,000 bail. j money collected would be for the general relief of the three Euro-ipean countries which are flood- stricken, and not for Holland ', alone. I While Holland Is most severely BULLETIN WASHINGTON (CP) President Eisenhower today ended all wage and salary eontrols In the I'nlled States. He aba ordered price eontrols lifted from a wide range of consumer goods including all the government. WIKK REPLY The freshman Social Credit-ers generally were no match for the veteran CCF leader In cross-floor exrhanges. ' At one point Mr. Bennett said: "I'm running the government." Mr. Winch said: "I'll say-but dictating would be a better word." seven month for an appointment Dy that time a tooth that might have been saved by tiling may be decayed to a point m here 'extraction ts necessary "At least one-third of my day Is taken up treating emergency rases." ald one dentist, who for more than a year worked an average of 60 hours a week. Dr. Oray, who ts single and a ( war luturc, I just nam hi re," he said to- "lit Or Gray 1 prac-the same office with or M.irDoraia but the " nxuns and laboratory -n't hie enntiuh." tripiiing over one an- rerlintni(-nt , not onlv '" the dentutfs point t presents a problem hit of the three countries, "there January to November last year are others who are suffering just came to 6.705 units started, com as much, as our own country pared to 5,420 in 1951. meat products. I men," one member said. Clothing, however, will be sent to Holland only, as there Is only Gasoline sales were more than 10 per cent higher In 1952 than in 1951. Volume of highway graduate of the Portland. Ore-! Mr. Winch said he was basing this n. college of dentistry, would his antt-labor charge on Health "neral public In Dakota Wreckage Identified VANCOUVER 9 RCAF technical officials today definitely Identified a ,wheel found on Lasquetl Island in the Gulf "of Georgia as belonging to the like to locate permanently here. Minister Eric Martin's order one means of easy transporta- i traffic entering the province was tlon available at this time The j six per cent greater. Holland-American shipping line that hospitals will not be per- "'.iv arrived, there; He sold his practice In Vancou rfr dentist,, in the citvvcr to move here. mlttcd to Increase their operat- "I lri,u that If I ran't liiciit I i in in&l r,t,n 10;9 n arc, hlrh Includes! riarlntte KLimh,; Anvnv ; here herAiiu there lx no room, i ... i He said this order denied the r"nner. Alice Arm and i other dentists, too, will shy away '' Prime Kulii rt riutriel I from here H n nn use Biilno to total estimated a place where you can't stay," has offered free transportation from Vancouver to Rotterdam. While another meeting of the committee will be held tonight to plan various means of raising funds quickly, a door-to-door canvass likely will be conducted. The Daily News office also will receive donations to the relief fund and will carry a subscription list. Members of the committee are: missing Dakota aircraft. The plane and its seven crew 1 "f 22.000. jsays Dr. Oray. ... tX y members disappeared 10 days ago on a flight from Vancouver to the Cariboo country. bargaining rights of hospital employees. Trade unions were being made the gout in the hospital "chaos" brought on by the government. When Mr. Bennett tried to Interrupt' Mr. Winch said: "What you need to say about this hospital mess will take you the whole afternoon, not Just part A wheel, along with other Plans Made To Increase B.C. House VICTORIA (CP) A 10-man committee will be set up by the British Columbia Legislature tc study the possibility of Increasing the number of members In the 48-seat house. The committee will also study possible redistribution of seats. Notice of motion to set up a committee was given by Premier Bennett today. Three and possibly four seats may be added to the Leelslature. Young Boxer Unconsious After Bout Harry Scholten, secretary-treas wreckage found on Lasquetl and Ounrira islnnd 50 miles farther urer; Phil Lyons, Martin Nuyten ' .n.. tlu rc Is one den- : t ev. ry 7.500 persons, .: f l:ilrly u-HKi" ratio is, .ft 10 'very 1,000 per. '" area. j here bejide Dr Oray! -"D..nnld are Dr. Jens! ""d "r. A A. Miller. i that Prince Rupert1 'v Inch Incidence of! 'MV. one to climatic '"al conditions, and rr I : of my time." I mrs. rieien van ry&sira, g ail uc Jreef and Cor Verhaar. Mr. Lyons fts the one non-Dutch on the north, were brought to Vancouver last night. committee. VANCOUVER W Tevone Wel-bourne, 15-year-old amateur box Crew members of the Dakota were FO. Al W. Duncan, pilot, of er, Is unconscious in hospital here k. -N. .?-.iu i. Soft Drinks, Beer Same Price in Pub At the age of 27, Edgar Allen Poe married his 14-year-old cousin. Virelnia Clemm. Hyas. Sask.; FO. Andre Turenne, co-pilot, Vancouver; FO. W. L. MacKenzle, navigator, Gait. Ont.; Cpl. S. C. Herman. Sea Is marges Against today after collapsing at the end of the first round of a bout at Chllllwack. The youth was brought 70 miles to Vancouver In a police escorted ambulance. He suffered serious head Injury. land; PO. J. A. Pollock, Noranda. Que.; Army Cpl. G. F. Vlckers and FO. Couchman, Vancouver. VANCOUVER (CP) Price of r Russians -WEATHER- Bt'SII PILOT JIMMY PRICE. 23, walked 31 miles through a snowstorm to get help for three passengers after his plane made a forced landing during a blizzard on Lake Athabasca, 400 miles north of Edmonton. His eyes blackened and face cut in the forced landing, Price covered the. 35 miles to Uranium City In 29 hours. His feet were frozen on arrival. A plane picked up his passengers and all four were flown to hospital In Edmonton. .AMPUTATIONS PERFORMED ON TWO CRASH SURVIVORS EDMONTON 0 All four oc- James Price, 23, of Stettler. cupante of a light plane forced Alta., set the aircraft down on sd"n iSES!" Athab-athe laic. His three passengers. Amputations have been per-lCarl J- Anderson. 61; James Dale, VV tr.-.pravt,ft rp ed hre men ad a woman, ' "tiwiis. or, ri, Forecast th" ; us Gale North coast region Cost of Railway in B.C. Twice That of Manitoba OTTAWA 0 It costs a lot more to build a railroad In mountainous British Columbia than in relatively-flat Manitoba, government returns Indicated Thursday. It gave a picture on railroads the CNR Is building into two of Canada's biggest new developments the aluminum project at Kltlmat and the base metal mine at Lynn Lake. Man. The line from Terrace to Kitimat is costing $217,000 a rnlla for the 46-mlle stretch. Total cost Is estimated at $10,000,000 and $586,000 of that was used up to the end of 1952 and another $6,580,000 will be used this year. The 155-mile line from Sherridon to Lynn Lake Is costing $95,000 a mile, or less than half the B.C. line. Half ul lh $14,725,000 estimated expenditure was spent before the end of 1952 and virtually all the remainder will be spent this year. beer and soft drinks will be on a par In British Columbia beer parlors. Beer now sells at 10 cents a glass and it was announced the price of soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices will be 10 cents a bottle or glass. Snacks are to be sold In 10-cent and 25-cent packages. They will Include potato chips, cheese straws and pretzels. A government order last week made sale of snacks mandatory In all taverns. "The Innovation Is In the best Interest of moderation and we welcome it." said J. E. Bengert, president of the British Columbia Hotels Association. He announced the price list. Mrs. Choopka Remanded To Thursday BURNABY (T Mrs. Margaret Choopka of Prince Rupert, charged with attempted murder of her husband, Walter Choopka, 50, was remanded to Feb. 12 when she appeared in police court here Thurmlay. Choopka Is still In serious condition in hospital at Prince Rupert. He su fie red loss of an eye and other Injuries In his home. men for Xl !ntifl e four v -ji11' AmerlcaM in y '-ployed -i bv warning issued. Rain today, becoming Intermittent late this afternoon. Cloudy with scattered showers Saturday. Little change In temperature. Winds southeast 35 In exposed areas, becoming westerly 30 late this afternoon and gradually decreasing thereafter. Low tonight and high Saturday at Port Hardy, 37 and 45: Sandsplt and Prince Rupert. 35 and 44. formed on two of them and hos- 58, and Peter Teman, 41, all of pital officials said today It will Uranium City, stayed with the ne some time oerore n can Dei plane. !'cher , Rumnov, decided whether amputations Hospital officials said both will be necessary on the other i Dale's legs have been amputated two. The four suffered severe! below the knee. Anderson lost frostbite. the lower part of his right leg