I Sees No General War-Fear Of Consequences Preventative Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, January 2, 1952 i i Vn independent daily newnpapi-r devoted to the upbuilding of Prince j Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. 1 Member of Canadian "ress Audit Bureau of Circulations ' Fear of the terrible consequences which vu would involve, as illustrated in the smaller conflict ! that have occurred or nwy, will prevent the oiitKre?.',; Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y carrier, per week, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, sn-u $8 00; by mail, per month, 75c; per year. $9.00. iftftJggflD Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3ru Avenue, Prince Rupert. T'.h :. ; of a genej'al war. i Thts is the feeling of the pto-1 pie of Holland Belgium .'-tNl I Germany us rar ' as. could be 1 learned by Alliert Van Pyk-strl, : who returned the latter part ol i last week after visiting fhn.se ' countries. ! Mr. Van Pykstra and his son. n na m H Debt to Machines . i M ii n MM i Lawrence, left two months ago ; I and .spent the most of the time v- w - - -'--m rfim wa-fjr s LEiKKHBI ; at Amsterdam where Mr. Van i Pyk'tra's parents reside, i "Conditions in Holland ar? ! from fair to middling," he saM. i "I knew before I lett'that we would nt want to remain tin-re ! but we wanted to see the !d folks again." praised for his handling of the emergency. The plane was orih, slightly damaged. MIRACULOUS ESCAPE Over twenty passongers and crew were saved when this aircralt made a forced landing in a field rvoar Cobou w, Ontario, after engine failure. The pilot was highly SV -lit ray. "THE HAUNTING spectre that has plagued the I industrial worker has been the fear that the machine might ultimately edge him out of his job. This mistaken fear arose from another erronsous belief that there is only su much work and when that work is finished, employment is finished too. If the people of 1881 could have looked ahead from their comfortable position a population of four and a third million and a million and a third employed to a present of fourteen million people they might have been excused if they wondered how it would be possible to support so many with the resources at hand. ' ' Of course it wouldn't have been possible, if there had been just so miic'ti wvnkHFhsti-this ye-ir W1. Seattle Haircut Nechako-Kitimat Power Outstanding Development hi III Reflects and i Price Boosted As I See it fi more PlJr,u 65 Reminisces Federal Minister Reviews Expansion Of Canada's Hydro-Electric Resources SEATTLE. The AFT. Barbers'! Union will vole January 10 on two proposals to Increase the co.-t of haircui'.s. One propones One b-5ins to understand wh Canada .developed another the last census s..iw:d a dt OTTAW A(CT') increasing the i-.ite by 25 cents Tin m 881,250 horse power of new hydro-electric capaeit Hit 4vrtitmcf tf iM pHUnlitd i d-tpltyiri b f Viqmmi Catl tali w W Ai Cvttriw fl g.Hiili Cali-mbn. M (UirillTT H'51 but her total of more than K',000,000 IS from that province, if not liv-;,10t nif,i-i hope for the latter. Si!:!ii:!:fii!l!!!;::li!!!i;:i!!! i:ir'p;f"i; :n:. nil! :!'!Tffi;'f;i;i!9!i!f';,'ij!ii';:i -.mil :!:jiH,U.,4i!i we nave employed ail those extra people even better , than Canadian employers did in 18X1. For then about sad Up Canuck . tvvo out of every seven persons were employed where it MAY well he that 1951 today, with a work force of 5,247,000, we employ al- j wjn g0 down in history most two in every five. . las the year when Ion" ; There are many people living who have seen i asleep Jack Canuck stood this thing hapjen. Tlre are still more who can re- jon his own too feet, member when there was no electrical appliance in- ! ' By telling our big neigirbor. only about 1 per cent of known resources, UU.nere near here. Rr-.in.t Resources Minuter Winters, . registered only 43 bfl-iw zt'o is- reporting yesterday on the state tark, the lar jc construction pro- Year's Day. of the country's power develop- Rram' of hydro-electric power' menus, said another 1,700,000 commission of Ontario has been! No fewer tjian seven luuidnV. horsepower is planned to become expedited. A development of j0!or3 are returning to lh- effective in 1952-53 and a sim- 496.000 horse power at the Des1 camps. To say they don't mind iku- amount is planned for 1954- Joachims Generation Station j a bit is perhaps telling the truth. 55. has been virtually ;ompleted. .NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS If yow have miciJ-ycMr paper, please phone your newsboy. If you do not know your newsboy's name, coll the office before 5 p.m. Power development is keepin;; All eiiht units of the Otto Hol- i , i r, I, the U.S.A., that we are going with the St. Lawrence P-" e wun Renerai uiuusiwui i-a- cen ueneraiiiif; dislioh wm ut-. "wt V7i mvjLvji ni.tiinii v ui diiiciiu ui icityiin ur Liitr j ahead TEIXINCa THE IIOISK It's r.ot so Ions aso. had anyone said "Kitimat," In the Hons.-of Commons, Ottawa, no one woutct nave known 'nat wai seaway we did much to show pan.uon, ine muiisiei .miu. w,i cuiiipit-iea ut-iore uie euu ui Liit.-'the world that at innr last no the whole there are adequate year with a total capacity of1 I v. 1 ..:.. 'ln,,ur- n n u-i net inn facilities to 97a flflO htirse tviwpr i i hijjji uucri iiuuuiiai iiiabuuiy. jj '" i . But the seaway is only the be-l mf'et current demands "but little Plans now are well advanced j '..inin... ai u ..!., .u rp.urvi canacitv was available.'' for a secohd ireneratingr station! iTrnny other new industries, each adding its tens of thousands to human employment. But how often do wfc remember that without machines human hands would still be doing their poor best to satisfy all human needs, and the progress we like to speak of meant. Today, it's a lamiliar from Alaska t.) Cali- Bi...u..6.nuiiK.n,1iuiiwim .':.'.',.'. . . n,,., i,mi; ex press io-i , Decome sell-sullicient lor iron' uluuh u t i . . . - . ""!t(,rni. and hevend Siie-Hod- , and steel. In the near future, the plants was active in all provtn- units totalling 735.000 horse rvn,(0e member lor Pok U S A. will be almost completely ccs with Quebec leading In new power. Four units will be in P; i credit Ontario last month -We would never have been ? dependent on iron ore mined in hydro-electrical capacity coming eration oy me eno oi id. a" nave ,?pem Pxam,,lf, c, develop 1 Canada. Much of that iron ore into operation uuimg uie yeai ie ''s Jcrtl- mfnt For examnle a" there is Kin- hra.w k,. mart mt steel rlht. with a total of 461,700 horse Sttam-electnc projects also "J"11: J 'V!. j. ...A. For machines, which were 'the spectres that troubled the workers of yesterday, have proved them- ,in Canada itif-not an taken power. w being pushed, notably the J.; h.ls bf,cn (.he rP31lll al an amai8. down to Pittsburg, and then There also active con- C'arK Keith Generating buiuon - selves man's hpt;t fvipnrl ThPvVi-jvo nrlrlorl tVr.i.conrl was f scjes man arrestment!. 1 hey have added o thousand- units a a at where four w boueht back by Canada as fin. .ftri,ction in tne fieid of power winder of-'a group of itrlrtustrisxl peop!,, fold to the production Of his hands SO that the lux- 'ished steel. distribution. New main tran- "! iad ;!th,a,Jtai,eai?,arC'! ai- oeve.,..nH t.-.at part erf uries of the kings and princes of another age have mission lines wer completed oi : vr , . 7Z northern British .Columbia." turn ot he first stage Ls near ing : IF WE had one out-and-out fed- were under construction in many become the commonplace of .our lives. eration, or free-trade union of sections of the country. Ne v " already has gone into operation, 'all the western democracies e transformer and sub-station, would not ne-id to worry about were built, secondary lines ex- Extension of the commission s where the steel mills were lo- tended and good progress made rural lines continued during the Icated. Trade and money and in rural electrification, partic- year and it is estimated that by Help the Birds Most of us think of January I as New Year's Day, meiuionniij It in a questioning son t.l way, A pretty sort of query to put 10 anyone just now. Yet we are told that in Great Britain the date is not mjre t.iin a cupl;? of centuples old! Previous lo Ontario. QueDec ana " enu ui ism, me cuitiiiilvmoo VflW -on fVia nvfinv, w,o,. u -F,,v, e ii. l-u population would move natural- ularly in giuunu nidy tie iun ior tne enimren lv v across borders. Industries Manitoba. win be serving anout j.u'iO s 122,- but It S a hardship for birds f all kinds psnpe. ' would be located where Droduc-! Growing demands for power. Ira rural customers, includin 400 tarms. i;lTlu tho ViHU o.-,...,.. ,i u. j "nn ws cheapest. British Columbia brought an act 1 ; hnt lhr rhcnruncii ttTi cnmn ROI'TE 1 Alan laird, Green l.,3 Watts and Nlckersoti's lo Frt.v.ell's MtK.rs: Fulton Stre-t 516-G00; 6th Ave. West 600 and 700 llloclts. KOl'TE 2 -Kalph Olscn, Blue 7 Herman Stree t; 1480 i;th East, to Seal Cove. IJOI'TK 3 Victor Masktilak. I.st, Ave. West 24H-1077; 2:iH Ave. We.st 951-1023 Inrluil-, ln.i 9Ul Street: 3rd Ave. Krizzeii's Motors to cml of 3r 1 West. P.OI TE 4 Alvin Nystedt, Blue 638 7th Ave West 7M-I4J7; 9'h Ave. West 102-003 80i"i-8r,l; Fullon Street 700 Blo.-k; Tatlow Strc.-t 8(15-823; Com-x Ave. ROl'l'E 5 Jimmy McLean," Red 82 4th Ave. West 100-445; 5th Ave West 105-515; C'h Ave. West 308-530; Dunsmuir Street 211-424; Tat'.ow 51-'- 515; .Emerson Piauc; Agnew Place. ROt'TE 6 Eleanor Walker, firren 9:f 8'h Ave West 105-537; 9lh Ave. East 110-270; McBrldc Street 113-708. ItOlTE 7 Clendon Smith. ISlue 0.11 Al! of fjection 2 ItOlTE 8 Jimmy Johnson, Creen 6S1 Waterfront and Pacific Place; (C'NR-Pl.hermer.'! Float." i. HOI TE D Melvin Iljornson, ;recn 113 8th Ave. East, McBrlrle to Hays Cove Circle. KOI TE IB Bruoc KoaUl, Green 719 4th Ave. East 237-73:;; 5th Ave. East 301-719: Cth Ave. Ea.U 119-245, 301-626; Hays Cove circle 82-867; Cotton Street 511-516; Green Street 4H-410; Kbcrl Sireet; Young Street. KOl'TE II Leslie Murilmh, Itlark S85 Plggott Ave.; I.st and 2nd Overlook; Herman Place; PiKBOtt Place. ItOl TE 12 Sammy Alexander ;r..". .trz. Sift- v-derick St.; Bherbrook Ave. ItOl TE H Kotuiy T.hy, lireen 258 ! bui we nave not yet got sucn vance in piant exiensions ana in yueoec a toiat oi 4ki.yuu other time And the further ' ;a federation and we are never new facilities. The British Col- horse power was brought into back ' ' the more tne surniiss likely to convince the USA of umbia Electric Cjmpany, Limi- operation during the year-. j 1 . ;the need for one unless Canada ted, and the British Columbia And deve'.opment to yield about j .. . . . ; and Brittain and similar democ- Power Commission, both brought 1 500.000 house power is under ; 11 ,fr,m Lii! r !-..:. l.'..n.,l.Mr.(H,ir. p'U It Q opCll lOr irBHlC CHI IV .h. T1l C! tl.4 n.fr0tlr, t n. e n m n I a 1 n i, """" v.. .. i vi.ai, wai iic ...... "- ui.".u v... . . - - v....Ji( v ... h . ....... ........jr ." tV"' ;this w,e.K W0CK, about about t t'.ie ie same same tim tim" j uju.iuvvi. emu lim-llCB n I1U ut-peiiu Oil food on the ground to keep them alive. - This is the chance, then, for householders to give th birds a treat and leave some food on the ground fo)' them.- Place a few crumbs or grain on a board inrthe snow and soon there will be a flock of anxious, chirping birds thanking you for this treat. And it may save many a life of these feathered friends who hejp keep summer pests under control. i "-ens us as mucn as ;,we need ing the year and are undertaking sometime between now and 1955. ,tne 'pajnt of' public works work to further power available aw(iKST ADDITION ! announced the clasins of the him. P i 1(1,.) Cascade-Rossland pass of the nit- laigi-at single aouii.iun r.j CANADA is not In as dangerous ' ! a position, in relation to USA,- ar is Britain. - i In fact, we are the only conn- J ' i try in the wentern bloc which 1W l i! plant capacity in Canada during Southern trans-Provincial High-trie year was that of 223.000 aV- mere are ethers horse power in four units in the , SOMETHING WAS DONE! BeauharnOls number two power1 And now- wnat about a'I lhcse house of the Quebec Hydro-elec- resolution? Was one made, a trie Commission in the St Law-Irar aB0? Anyhow, It was thn renre River 1 wc s'ir:jk hands any number of I Lven the big black raven has a hard time in the The minister ten-..s "a project of outstanding importance," the Aluminum Company of Canada Nechako-Kilimat development. Present plans called for an installation of 420,00 horse power by early 1952 hut tunnel and transmission-line capacity is designed for a total installation of aaout 1,0110,00(1 hors; power. In the Yukon the North.we.si i nas n-Ji i as yen uncerminea our -, v, f i n . . , , i r i ... snow as he lincls tood harder to get. He is husky and ! independent - by accepting econ-i -tforip-. hrwever. and -;m '-Vc ',, his atia r-.f !"nii3 aid from the WS.K to a de-' l times but cannot recall with The Commission abo began whom. is-going. On the waterfront J,e has strong tion-for the gulls who scavange the beaches. "i:''ihe construction in September of a second plant on the upper Ottawa R:v? south of Cadilia:. The initial installation for 1953 operation will be 16,000 hors." power in two units with the ul- whole world outside , Vortb America wera to sink in the ar t if experience showed that the ocean tomorrow, life could Territories Power Commission is ... . 1 l . ri m. r 1 ii w r, p nprn m in KLAh hanes Mercy Flight tin. farmers in the district suf Bumi.imo munncii-miniuM, V, lunate canacitv of M (Kin hn,-w 1st East 225-247, 2nd Ave. Wfc I iH-"41: 1st. Strcl ' a j.uou nurse power oevei- ' - iiuni iiaiu.Miip us a resuit-P"1 muwuuciiL. , - -- w - .a,. t ..r ,.t l tj-.i if u u,i.aa ... onment nn the Mavo Hiver. u.:i.n 1 ' 131-225; Market Place; 3rd Ave (Hii.y Ncw.s-Natioiia; Farm Aid In North Motors. Tht- Shawiniean vva'.ei and ui i fli iu.llJll, - I tl. ii UIC WlilJir wuiiu uuiKIt ' - ' ' Passaiw of -the legislation Bntav. were to sink at least half an ultimgte capacity of 8.000 Power Company made a big ad- inm paymenr. oi crop i u.e nr. peupie wouia "--"J'- ...... edition to its generating canacitv EDMONTON CP A Royal Canadian Air Force mercy flight to Fort St. John Sunday brought laiiuie starve tne " "'- uu ,.a..- assistance for -ar.d clause country simp- " addition of three units of 1051. My lacks the makings of life for ' "f water-power plants was nl D3-Uuu noise at t I to it.. i.?.. . nrneteallv rinuhleri nnrinu HlSl power each OTTAWA 'CP House of Commons, in dwindling moments of v, uuviuauim, . ------- ----, ia Trenchfi nlant nn the fit 12-yeai-old Ross Sommor to hos- Comfort Letters the session, passed a bill that 7 ,f kT :, L P ' S L Maurice River. The plant nowlpital in Edmonton. U,- ; Itical action by the USA were . to rower ror I Limited of r the Spray canacitv or 5 ion horse Thf hov of nJS a capacity OI JD.JOO horse 1 ne Doy, son son 01 ff ...v,- .ui j .iJ.akKS Kr.hemp invn vinir threp Arnold Som will permit crop failure payments i From Communists mor, is suffering undetei mined to somp farmers in northern AU' . . !t5-:i. . u . np nlunt! jiih a inn ion v.rn power u . L A . i vAiiuuvtit. what are de- d"""u, dumui wuuiu suhit ui.s- i - beita and British Columbia. ! scribed as "comfort," iHer or aster. Given time. Britain could Power capacity. Agriculture Minister Gardiner j commencing to reach Chihese ' re-organize her economy, even SASKATl HEWAN PLANTS internal injuries. A Dakota aircraft, pil.ited by Fiying Officer Jack Tins of Vancouver, took off about midnight on. a 700-mile trip to Fort St. John and return. . siua mere e KOl'TE 15 Alieyn Ritchie, Itlack 88H 5th Ave. West e.35-735, 741-745; KovCn Street Frasrr Street Biggar Place. ROI TE IC Frank Killiorn, lireen 97 4th Ave. East 124-234; 5tn Ave. I i it 111-216; 7th Ave. East :08-58; Bowser Street. KOl'TE 17 Charlie Lindstrom, Oreen ' 6th Ave. West 210-539; 7th Ave. Vi-A 1 10-537: Hill Ave, West 221-528: Lotbiniere SI 721-T MrBride St. 413-704; Tatlow St. 625-733. , KOL'TE 18 Arvid Hardin, Blue 665 fllh Ave. East Block 800; 8th Ave. t .t '.'15-976: 91 h Ave. East 1000-1144; lltt.h East, tiuu-l SO, Alfred Street: Bacon Street; Donald 'Street. KOI TE 19 Jimmy Johnson, Oreen (.61 . th Ave. East 870-1140; Ambrose Ave. KOl'TE 20 Jack Rudolph, Green 731 8th Ave. East 1036-1944. ROI'TE 21 Jimmy Moorehead. Red 33.1 Peace River er wore areas in the , residents of Vancouver. They are within the part of the world still Th sisk-itehewin Power rnr districts of two pro- called a new phase of Red under the several British R&S Ln mnie had been excluded China's ransom demands and But hardships In the meantime . 1 . ..J lJt.. . vinces whic. nch The Aluminum Company of Canada ha under construction two hydro-electric developments on the I'erihonka River in Ouebec. One at Chute-du-IiaMe will consist of five un Is with a total turbine capacity of 275,00(1 horse power. The second, located 13 miles downstream at Chute-a-la-Savanne, is also designed for five units of a total of 275,00(1 horse power. Both will begin Initial operation this year. relatives would be aever ",5.000 kiVow KCt'TwIrL'r !o, tte at tarrn Assistance Act. He had of those who had been writing1 iu Rstevan nlant At its Prince f!iven the understanding in 1950 ! earlier letters insisting on money CANADA is in a dangerous posi- ,"71 , , ?, a"Re W(,uld be "li)(le ' S J IT ti?h in a slightly different way. ttf purchased from tTe ""'n"v..i, ju. Tn 1 ORl U-A Kntttht frnm TTnrla River, tt is to be in operation by the spring of 1953. The Maritime Electric Company completed the installation of a unit of 7,500 kilowatts at Charlottetown. The company built 40 miles of line and made moderate additions to its Prince Edward Island distribution oai. vasuy in excess o. wnM stullution for 1952 Operation and Uncle Sam bought from us. i new' i t Saskato(m a unlt of ,5 Meanwh.ie our dollar became noo kilowat Us is on order for early stionger because American cor- in' dpliver aIU, operation late Rupert Radio & Electric porations made such vast invest No new hydraulic plants were 1952. 1)05-2273; 11th 2nd Ave West 1135-1314; Park Av- I, The Manitoba hvdro-electric brought into operation in Nova board s Pine Falls project on the Scotia during the year, but two Appreciates the ever-increasing patronage it has enjoyed in 1951 and extends to al! Friends and Customers The Newfoundland Light and ments in Canada: But let us think a moment about what this Really means: American corporations were buying un Canada, lock, stock anfl barrel. Our government was tak- sireet; Water Street; Beach Place. ROI'TE 23 Larry Parent, Grten 487 8th Wcl"tl5-735; Summit Ave.; Ta;lof Street. ROUTE 21 Brian Roberts, Black $80 lower Winnipeg Rivty wen ahead were under construction for op- powcr company completed its on schedule, with the expecta-, eration in 1952. The Nova Scotia new 13 ono horse powp Blant 0ll tion of bringing two units total- fower commission made good the Mobile River and also broueht ling 38,000 horse power into op- progress on Its Gulch develop into operation a new unit of Street; 3rd Ave. s (5lh St.). 2nd Ave. West 71fl-3rd Ave. and 61: West Daily News-Watts and Nicker.' ing awry this inpouring money eration snortly Tne plant wiln ment on the Bear River, consist- from us, in taxes or loans. It was a total capacity of 114,000 horse ing of one unit of 8.600 horse 3.350 horse power in its Tors Cove plant. Also under construction are two other plants, one of 7.500 horse power at Cape using the money to buy hundreds of millions of dollars worth of U.S. made arms. The Americans are getting the Canadian mines, forests, oil wells, waterpowers. Our govern- 4 nnMiM. TT CJ f J power, is to be completed in power, the Nova Scotia Light ,1952. - and Power Company has under I The Winnipeg Electric Com-j construction at White Rock on pany has under installation the the Gaspereau River, a -develop-sixth and final unit of 37,500 nient oi 4.000 horse power wun hore power and operation is I completion scheduled for this Broyle for 1952 and the other of 7,500 horse power on the Horse Chops River for 1953 operation. The Anglos-New foundland Development Company Limited ROI'TE 25 Gary Parkin, Green 660 nth Ave. East 1141-1470. ROI'TE 26 I rankie Stewart. Blue 716 71 h Ave. East 981-1080; 1103 Ridley Hi'We; Hays Cove Ave. 928-1154. ROI'TE 27 Christopher Harvev, Green 2, -4 6th East, McBridc - Hays Cove Circle H.1.8 Cove Circle, THESE ARE THE DAILY NEWS LITTLE MERCHANTS THEIR SUCCESS DEPENDS OK YOU I' f .I',! iv 1" Tm, the turoine capacity of the plant i Important additions were is undertaking modernization of to 225 000 horse wer- ' ! matle lo e-Power generating Hs water-power plants hold the new rifles but they on the I 'hu run wrauius uvra m iiuva Dtum uuiimb exploits River. Will also hold the blE " ision conimuea lis rural eieciri- me year ana oiners are under fication program and service construction. ANCIENT AMERICANS was provided for an additional' In New Brunswick, the New In Labrador, the Iron Ore Company preliminary construction on a development at Munl- I'NDFR NEW MANAGEMENT . . . SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's only modern rooms with bath Fraser Street Phone 37 Human skeletons evacuated 5000 farm,i 'lrt ,9 towns and Brunswick Electric Power Com- hek Rapids on Ashuanipi River designed for the installation of mlssion proceeded with ..con- beneath buried forests in the villages struction of its 27,000 horse 'pow- 12.000 horse power and ultimate Mississippi delta are believed Because of a heavy increase in thousands of years old. . power demand in southern On- er development on the Tobique 24,000 horse power. !Iliil!!Ii!iiflIlill!!!Iill: r-