7s Former Local Girl Passes 1951 in Prince Rupert Local a 1 n d PERSONAL A former Prince Rupert Kill, Joan Moser, 18-year-old daughter rt Jtr 'jr,H Ar -Inhli Mi.spr 8 Miss Erlit.h Johnston wins trip to Honolulu. 11 CNSS Prince Gcortte ar-i"i"6u iitr: pulp mil! opening officials and guests. 12 Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. pulp mill at Watson Island officially opened. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ham. after , John Wcsch. after spending died, on Friday in Vancouver a holiday in Vancouver returned ' the Christmas holiday season at General Hospital ironi back into the city on the Pfince George his home here, sailed by the Juries she sustained 46 days ago , today. 14 Port Edward tovnsite lots Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Hansen ! Camosun yesterday on his re- in an automobile collision, iier turn to his studies at the Uni-' father is John Moscr, former verity of British Columbia in! manager here of Edward Lipsett Vancouver. I Ltd. and in more recent years 'located in. Vancouver. William Bell, formerly of. the. The Girl sustained her iniur- 1 . e.?-w..; f.irZi'JF JANUARY 4Twelve tons of hcrrSner were caught In a seine ft in Prince Rupert harbor off the CNR dock by Capt. Paul Rodnng with the .einer Oldfield. j. -"''"Tibia Cellulose Co. Ltd. announc-'d its plant was in the final stages of construction and expected operation in February. 8 Fire at Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. plant, at Port Edward caused $m.000 damage. 15 Fi st cargo of sulphur for Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. pulp mill was de'ivered by the Panamanian freighter, Santa Ana. i 17- Framework of a curling club was fonr.ef! by election of officers. The meeting was unani- I us sold. relumed o'n the Prince George 20 William Bo-'d "Hopalong today following a trip to Van-Cusoidy" arrived here while on couver. holiday cruise. ' i 1 iL-K. WV. Canadian National Railways and jes as the car rolled over four c. i. Appiewnaite, . M.r., win oe -v io v,ucisi..ii wiHjus eiu;eu to , a nlonecr here, sustained a severe ' iimo. ft th. r,iiiinn nr i t , . i logins; due to dryness. , i.c sr Ker a. ,.ie Rotary C ub : faU Monday afternoon, slipping companion, William F. Englcr. 30-Frmce Rupert exhibition luncheon tomorrow. He will ten on the ice on Second Avenue not 21,, was slightly hurt. Driver of opened. ! 01 hls tr'P t0 Korea' far from Sixth Street. He was the other car, Lawrence E. Bur- "-Ifi 1 Mr gnrf Mr. Mrs a 8 u .prb able to make his wav home all kett nf New Westminster was a v7ir.FKAKuiM wcuuinu i-ucy L,anaon carter Mackenzie on v nauimter or Mr. ana ngni. i slightly hurt. 7 Mi.i Maine s t e 1 1 e n j,ae been on a visit to Van-crowned Queen of the North by, couver, returned to the city on ! ; . jju'gb a Mackenzie of London, Ont was married Wednesday to Geoffrey Arthur Holland I i' ''' -on only son of External" Affairs Minister Pearson and Mrs. Pearson. Shown after the M "In,', performed at th bride's home, are, left to right: Hon. Lester B. Pearson and Mrs. mr iuoui in opinion that i Mtn, - at me Fi nice the Prince George this mornine. , P-tce Rupert Daily New Wednesday, January 2, 1352 built shou d include skating as Kupert txi.:s:'.mn ; i bildal couple, and Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie. (CP PHOTO) well as curling. ! lft Because of lack of gravel. I uavld Gillandcrs returned to arson, flince Kupert Livic Lentre - j 25 lack of housing for per- city council decided the paving, university oi u.y. m Vancouver io- adults. Tha ping-pong table manent employees waa stressed proRram would be shelved. ;tv air today following a visit it to bo removed and a number bv Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd 1 21 HMCS Ontario arrives withering the holidays with his par-of card tables erected so that Vice-President 0""ree Schneider , Lt. Governor-Gemerai Clarence en. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilland-adulls can enjoy bridge, cjiess, ar a serious problem. . j Wallace. j ers in Terrace, checkers and crlbbage in quiet- 27 A tear gas bomb was tossed Al'Gl'ST ! Misses Jean and Mary McAfee, bob Backwards and Forwards ness. "'"J "'e DUI ul -nnouncen.er,i oy rrovin- after soendlr.s Christmas and We wish to express sincere appreciation to our customers and friends for their support and patrongae During the past year. We hope thnt the New Year will be one of happiness. On January 7, entries close for during a whist, drive. ciai Public works that Port Ed- i New Year with their parents, Mr. the flist annual chess and check- 31 City Clerk Dennis main ward Highway paving will com-! and Mrs. W. R. McAfee, are sail I'nterinu- its fifth year of operation, Prince Ru-t Civic (lentre looks backward on one of its fullest I? airl highest membership. And it looks for- mence. ! fn!r tomorrow nisht bv the Princ er tournament, mis will De a resigneu round robin event with the four FEBRUARY i3 -Prince Rupert's late mayor, GeorEe on their return to their off for the highest playing championships. .(I to crowflinp; in sun more activity in me com rncr and to fullfil its objective of 900 more dancing n t v con 3 - Preliminary hearing began ; Georpe Weston Rudderham, died studies at University of British of a murder charge against Har- j suddenly of a heart attack. Columbia, old Ryan in connection with lie ! 21 A mountain slide in Ba- death at Port Simpson of Lor- j bin? River blocks sockeye salmon Miss Peggy Large sails by the raine Tait i spawning run. Prince George tomorrow ni-jht to 7 One of la-vest vessels of ! 24 Prince R u p e r t's Job's resume tor studies at Provincial for a full bill of 2,500. j ' h-ir the greatest achieve- of the yi sir tor tne centre an(1 Ant)y Marshall. A successful fishing fleet, the Takla. i uauKiiwrs in inree ursi prizes oi-nwi m "uvuu-v. the 3.C S((Uii e dancing will resume January 18 and continue every second Friday. Teen dances will begin on January 11 and also will be held every second Friday. A 'teen club is to be funned scir.e time this month to co-ordinate Print-i Rupert 10 6-ri iv ran aground at Lucy Island, year was ended and another be-eun bv the civic centre Badmln- ip ir.te national arm meet at (jeuiais uic wunas anu Richmond, Virginia. New Year season here with her an Two coast crui. ships, parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Large. utiral resources Rupert bill i of tt; m.les out of lance .,.,. mm mm iirst such at- ton club which has enlisted its inrin t'-v !iie harbor. 13 Application was made citv. It may not u.p m mbcrship of all times in to' Aiiao Hartwlg, fter spending j sll teen-aje activities. it in t! hfC'l t."tiC y-ririf-p nuperi ana Princess JCahlern collide in dense fog 40 miles north of the best unanciai the new season. i u,ui iv. ivpn rttv rnunril bv B.C. Packers Ltd me nristmas ana new near holiday season here with his Xnv DIRECTOR iontf by local talent to help fin- to build a new fish processing In June, ponuisr Civic Centre Mice the band, orchestra and p ant at Seal Cove, nirer-tar rvv.i Forward announc- LittJc Theatre. The final Alaska 14 A Prince Rupert syndicate , vuK-n.. rents na Zl City aaproves 50-unit three ;art."' Mr. and Mrs. E. L. sailed by the Camosun ..... ., ,,.ive Prince Rupert "is "r- i PP rtunitv b see i, with whi;h they w,t tannliar. imtahie. lt showed them r,,(i (lisu'uy.i of BC.'i new-ri ;,.,,,.,( ind-i'-t-ir.; devel- lt:C! liUVCJ UUlUlll ICIlLctl llUUdill cd his resignation and when the Music Trail concert takes place 0r businessmen bought Uie Ad- project yesterday on his return to his studies at University of Washington. riwrs of the building opened in April, inc annual music aim ministration ouuaing ior conver-, SEPTEMBER again in October to all activities, Drama Festival will be held in sion into an apartment block. j As,wV'te1 Boards of Trade direction began under the able May and probably several con-1 i . . 'A m n, M. and Mrs. A. S. Nick jrson n! tin' Aiian piojixi. ' , . .... fn-,n.i.. xirfu will iulf nlnrp in rnntlini I T " r " ...vw one of the ntinns oi ju k ouin, .uunci.jr " " "",r -' s n featured v. as nun Willi uu: mimiiwii into Nanaitnn !rt best uymnastic shows. Vanrnuver I'io-Rec tvam led 5- A sevc al thousand dolia. lire. . are sailing oy the prince ucorge fire swept through the Sport 13 P Hue Rupert General tomorrow night for a trip to Shop and T Eaton mail order Hospital fund campaign launch- Vancouver and Nanaimo. They house causing damage to inter- , ed its drive for $75,000. will alro visit Mr. Nickerson's io.- arid stock - j 14 Mayor' H. F. Giassey was parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Nick- g Ci,v waier reservoir was elected at the by-election. erson at Sandwick, Vancouver, drvin? up in the winter s coldest 24 Skeena Highway must be Island. ien D'.wiiin The most Important Item on Club, a subject oi wnicn more is the N-w Year ageptia. says Mr. to be heard later in the season. Btirn is the annual generai'jr!et- Considerable emphasis Is again Ing at which several Important to b placed on swimming In-matters come up for approval. struction.in th summer as well Fist one Is the expenditure as planned playground activity, in connection with converting f'll' Kup-Hec progiBmws plan-the auditorium for roller skating ned with special atU-ntkm given K1.T3.M L -jorjr rime w:re the op-r- i f " 'rrcn'l'tn and i.ici -n supplied throiiRh the Mi . and Mrs. Frank Van Breu WCP.ther. reiueaiva ueiore paving, ham la -- Snardowiia announced Minister of Public Works E. C. to Rupert's c; th- r den arrived on the Prince George i today on ttoir way to Terrace plans for a new store on Third Carson here during the ir.d childr-n bv putting in a new hardwood to advanced aparaius worn. OCTOBER the membership Avenue. whe e Mr. Van Breuden takes a floor. It Is possible, too. that Meanwnne, in iwo cny youms, tveieii,, rrjn(.p Rnnert. woman. n i-nv n ic wn tti.. phnmn nn. .,,,,.Kr,it nf Knultno nirain will or ve. continues. aj iir. stirn. beehi v.rh baskciUill f the Seiii ir B he discussed. His objective for the balance of As an experiment, the adult the season Is another 800 mem- Johnson and Percy Welter, Mrs Fmile Catherine Azak. was known on the Queen Charlotte drowi.vd Saturday afternoon klUed at Hazelton as a truck she islands and served as cook for when their skiff upset in Prince was rjding ;n left the highway, i man years at Morgan's Logging Rupe.t harbor. ! 6 Announcement of t.osure camp ' 27 An eastbound passenger of saimon. fishing in northern recreation room will be reserved bers. in the picivitiri v,as taken upprt ninvers on the Centre ;. climaxing a full season of ssf ul basket hall which a'so :h the Hariem Globe Trot-here beginning of the year. :: $125-00 ; train struck a rockslide a icw.arr-as. ' " miies out of rftnee Rupert, de- i3lconfirmation was received ra.ling two cars, but no one was that Prince Rupert's grain elcva-hurt. ' " 1 tore V ould be used again. 30 Captain Cook's Sea Cadet' 24 Public Utilities Commission Miss Dorothy Kergln, R.N., and-Mis. Audrey Hunter, R.N., after spending Christmas and New Year at their home here, left by today's plane on their return to their post-graduate nursing AND UP rtniTs Corps revival after two years of hearing opens on Northern B.C inactivity was mooted at a reorganization meeting of the Power Co Ltd rate hike request, studies at University of British 27 Prince Rupert was isolated' ColumbU. They will now be CHESTERFIELDS. local branch Navy League of by year's worst storm in which Canada. , toxlr inches of rain fell in 24 taking up public health fi-ld work, the former at Ladysmith, AND APRIL men men drowned drowned nee t were highlighted by aianccs ii mii'Ii noted fig-as En ma i r 1 Gnitnm. Maxim pire. Tomiko Kanazawa a.id rrtur tivtugli the medium a:ka Mu.-iir Trails, i al features of concerts were Civic Svmphtu.y Band, the "h Hati'ionlc Silver Band. Mil at'd Drama Festival ti'nerd ;ts ni'.st successful :Ui a i-.rotd in entries and 'or' a"'iviiies was cllmax-the Rup Rec display at 3 Two off JL man Mvarl Qtfl to Rule VANCOUVER Something new In wedding presents: Tom Hurley, fl4-year-old Van-cein r criminal lawyer, has j hours. j NOVEMBER j I 6 East end fire destroys home 1 of Mrs. E. Quast. ! 1 8 Prince Rupert's new schools , officially opened by Education i Continued on page 4i CONVERTIBLES new .Shipments a direct descendant of the first Marquis of Montrose. "My mother's uncle prcsvnted the heart to the Royal Stuart Society and when I heard about it I was able to prove to the governor of the society that I was the only surviving granddaughter of my generation of tto family," she said. "The society had offered the heart for sale to the rightful claimant and when I told Mr. Hurley about mv deep In'eresl in Us history he arranged to buy It for me as a widding present. "I will keep it with me as long as I live and carry it with me as my grandfather did.'' Vancouver Island, and the latter, in Vancouver. j Walter Longwill, living in Prince Rupert since early days , and a pioneer plumber, left at the week-end on a Journey that; will take him to London, Eng- ' land wheie three sisters reside ; and where he will receive treat-ment for recent ailment. He flew to Boston, Mass., where another sister lives and whore he will vi.--it before flying the Atlantic. Mr. Longill has been In ill health for ome time. ' h P r-Rir h acier Jerry iiMin Ci'iiiinriiiied the c1v1p bought his bride of four days a ununified human heart. Gord on & Anderson Ltd. Graham Island when a skiff with which they left the seiner Bare- lay Sound overturned. Tho men were George Sutter and John Jolllffe. 11-V W. Woolworth Co. Ltd. announced purchase of a 64-foot lot on Third Avenue. 13-Cify council. Provincial and Federal Government housing representatives met and decided there was a dire need for more houses In Prince Rupert and a plan for 50 rental houses would be considered. 16 Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. pulp mill brgins operating, 28 Halibut fishermen swarm-c j customs house for clearances. Phone 46 If; I think ou have liren ihiiuj: marvi I'mis ih in healthy oiiunitv recreation.'" in- il l'.-, tic shows brought "Uii; the ):ist year featured Mur'ijn !s top billini'. whose N'lt Just an ordinary heart, though. This one belonged to the first Matiuls of Montrose, beheaded In Scotland three centuries ago after a series of do-feats by the Scottish Covenant 1 iS t t 1 " It will be the first trip to Can- ers. Montrose was captain-gen- M ho 'If (jlU'-llKl'l nei'f nl'm fi nrna eral of the Scottish armies of 1Mia for the heart, Blthough lt King James hai seen a number of other for- Of the gut, now en houte to vlgn lands. r''. triik-shooting and -:i:ii filled' the iiolisc three ' In a row. Vancouver from the Royal htuart It was'ditg up from under tne ,WW Kncl-Mv nf Scotland. Mrs. Hurley srnffnld where It was buried and , v M.r "'kuisporis in the Centre, exclaimed: "How lovely, how ob- packed olf to the Montrose1 2-First halibut of the season us the training ground for Fo'utcly grand " ' .amily In exUo in France, It was , landed by packers W. R. Lord Rupert's Golden Gloves She Is the former Mrs. Malste iost from time to time. Including j and Arctic Queen. his. Bill Mouse" Morrison Armjt age Moore and claims to be once in India. Eventually, it was ' 5 Joseph Addison died after i N' ..v as rWrr&&9 M&.mi " - - . ciurn hi- n member nf the Mon- , oeing nn. oy a uxi 7 Harold Ryan was convicted t. o c family to the Royal Stuart Society. in supreme court assizes here of murder of Lorraine Talt. I I tr i 8 City tax rate was set at 65 mills. 15 Warship HMCS Athabas- kan arrived direct from Kore;v jCotal! IjurAc Sent to J, an on way home from war theatre. LONDON TAR Kathran i Kip i Oldfield. 24 - year-old -singer from Victoria, B.C., came to Britain on holiday three years ago and stayed to b'.uld a reputation as an entertainer in television, cabaret and radio. Mi's Oldfield now Is rpjicaitng at London's Berkley Ili'tel, where she sings scngs featuring lyrics sto wrote her-r.plf. (CP PIIOTOi -B.J '.lit- ! T 1 1 lfWn u JfNE 1 Census taking in Skeena area begins. 4 Three men drowned when their truck left the highway and plunged into the Skeena River. VICJlCEKS Miss Nancyc Dawes, RN., daughter of G. J- Dawes of this city, Is going from Salt Lake City, where she has been nursing for the past few years, to Iian under an International rehabilitation program. She i.s sponsored by the University of Utah. j-iiucM (izalvllt fdinci 1'lcw Cv(orS Rubber Footwear LOSDOS DR Y Ml' ,,,, tdETf r I , ir Oi ji' n o o i rn n o m , r c m n I i tri?.n .i'.ge..(i i'.6,ee I a'o9'o I nvini, nn) I i I famous since 1750 I.OIWON, (CP) -Princess Eliza-x For All the Family ' belli will sponsor four new co or.; i ritiilii'; the Royal tour or 3 . e.v ", :.it I o-.,!.' - 1; :r 1 " : I'li- n, . '. I n'Y'l'ON hax '..ver-llrmr di awcrs separate A . .w i. f g - - - i ItiiaimiiMfciMliM I sr:. II - g i VlCKStV 10N3ON OUT OIN ll llltilltl ll Clllll tti ii'llliltH tt Caixl Of i" esmifst V-dlV V I I tr.r.M.! umitid N-V lw The colors, as described by int. British" color council, arc Edinburgh Rose, a flowcr-frcsh pink' ; Tudor Cream, the soft glow of a creamy rose; Pacific yellow. I ihc luminous color In the cre.sl leathers rf Aititralia's while ! cockatoo and Wind flower Blue, I typi.-al cf the rleir blues found iin many Aurtrallan wild flow-i ers : The council, of which F'ta- beth it rnl"- said ,nst twt were suggcslea by AnstraliM and New Zealand, from .'jjt. . "a"01'. with the kitchen lfd K'ar the front, and rear 'ln,'w and nil rooms npen-into ope hall. . '"K room iis corner I?" h book casus below. v"PUtp ad high book e m tlv inside. Coat ,c: "re "l!","'l at eneh en- . ; 'iitn cabinet, in bath-1 U warcir"be closets in non- A bt,ii,.in chest of front bedroom. Refrigerator, work counter and ."tovc are built into cabinets on Inside waft and sink under rear window. Exterior flni'li is siding on the walls and plywood gable ends, iau brick chimney and living room walls and asphalt shlnebs. D menslons are 51 feel by 23 feet. A-ea Is 1.004 square feet and cubage 2(1,024. l ll n.-?jrV 1 Fashion Footwear This advertisement is not published" or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of riritijJri iolumbi.