r!vr I . W-M AAA nt i ksi x la 1 m at it v."v-i 1-1 jr w in n 113 DRUGS CTOIUA. 2. C. ... DAILY DELIVERY KORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER STAR V CABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 ll UHO IHSIMTI HKO ' VOL. XLl, No. 1 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1952 PRICE FiVK Ci'NTH - rr 19' " "S I" ." 51 fl If1""- S fM Pl IP'S W'WM 9Wt tmm.. m mk - wot "' i"'-T $ iw vwwa mow I f ... ii fi nil si ii ilia Mi i ? '' s hmbi myiii fi (4ruf ?ns2 u y Lai wr i - - - -I " - S " ' r JmNN U- lint a . ! Jt in .-' flfS tf YhtHi Minister jC ommumst Keply Deadline In Defence j tfecfr Criticize i Award For Poem I NEW YORK (CP) - Canadian readers may lorm tlicir owu I opinions ol official Moscow's ron Prisoner Exchange i Soldiers E rm-r ' -IT.-'. t.::.-d' -V. " i - . -. ';.r Dec urates Two a 9 H .ei western 1'nity I'lamiers ! In recent issue of the Ukrain- "V" lUrk Asamst Tl,IIC i toe Due Tonight J Ian Quarleiiy, puu!S..Ltl here, j A Ukrainian poem written in 19M and awarded the, Stalin I'AKis v Western unity ..'n.is an- racing against a It when their de- I, 2 deadline prize, iiiyne.si soviet award, was pLiii:; are supposed to be subjected to .evcre press crlti 8 1 ! ! While Mingling W ith Troops WITH CANADIANS IN KOREA ff The Canadian Minister of Defence, Hon Brooxe Claxton, on Tuesday decorated two members of the Royal Canadian Riflos for bravery in the field In Korea. Lieut. JE. J. Mastronardl of Toronto received '.he Military Cross and C. P. L. Wilfred Pugh, also of Toronto, received the Military Medal. Mr. Claxton announced the Dapartment of .National Revenue V I SEOUL ll r.iuy bo known by tonight whether the Communist.; will j accept, the latest Allied j proposal to settle the pri Japan Is Recovering , ,,!, h lor sfHtiiB pai- clsm dung a re-.ti.ui ol okram-, f miliary and economic )a arl of.i,:uliy 01-Kantecd la.t l"'l;lli"n- ' June in Moscow. T. deadline Is the opening of , Thc Volodymyr Scb,- niu.u-l meetir.K of the North yu.a-4 , L(jc ukrulnJ-. i.ransia.r I T-''',ty OritanlieaUon-- ; lIlU) EnilUh by Florence Randal -'-'ib s"y nerakled in Uvviiiy veil-known anadian oner oi war exehant; Conditions in Japan are getting i qu.ni.xo w....v nrwDjuiT woman aim w.iln , i lie utiire of western unity. i sendimr i nno non smui-eieri better and tetter ail the time, is in piai.ie ol the land, beauty f r: Hie bi problems are UK".V'i-i anu acliKvemenu ol Orann. , i,i !he proiecU'd European Mts. uvesay is the author of n;v unci the question of 0w-1 "Sonfts of Ukramia'' and "Mar- US' intfKratton Into mio me Usia translated Irum uie United States cigarettes confis- 8aid Ialaku of the Jap-cated in Canada to soldiers here. hese raln shlP Yamateru Maru New Year's Day was marked w;ilch was ln Porl at tne WKlt" generally ln the Canadian man- -nd- Seventy to eighty percent ner only by a turkey dinner. , of Industry has effected post-war , Mr Claxton doffed political recovery. I attributes and in the Korean iMfclry Ja'3an ls conce-"'" I front line atmosphere became a bating on production for expon. ! strangely humbled warhorse. The wiln '"Ports consisting largely of ! smell of rnrriite m. in hi. nns- raw materials for manufactur- deadlock which has been holding up truce negotiations at Panmunjong. Allied truce negotiators today proposed releasing all priooncw of war and displaced persons i'i Korea with the guarantee that no one would be sent home against h) will A United States Command communique said that the key to its new "proposal is the principle of voiuntary repatriation for all prisoners of war and civilians. (. in deleiire f.irea. lntcrlock-wiili UieM' pioblems are var-, , i):iii:iii.' faclois. including vision of rearmament costs rannuri. Svlatosiav Hordynysky, literary auviser to tne Quarterly, comments that bosyura wa MONTREAL FLOODS An estimated 2.000,000 tons of ice choked .the Riviere des Prairies in tne Montreal district lat week and caused flood ijj in some 200 houses In the communities of Rivijre des Prairies, North Montreal and St. Vin ent de Paul. Residents were forced to use a rowboat to reach their flooded homes In some .rase. Thc ice jim w' blasted Friday. i i CP PHOTO notis (lie 12-nieniber countries Cf.llso,eu" not for what he I tn.' late oi tnc eenuniun , h for pooliiiB coal and steel i trils 33 years after his World inB of products for shipment to wrote, but lor what he did not wr.te: 'Ine praise ol tuc dovn i u-s.me in uKrauie . . . he, a Inn Willi' t wcr)a mareeui. Luinuirr is in War discharge as a gunner-as he siirii'vpri thP ranarti-in inr short supply -and a serious hous- a of a Enrol ean army! The ill UKiair.ian p.iet, piopayaieu ue '-ii.; mum n mmfitmt ftn-umm fm-n I The cabinet minister speedily shortage persists throughout became a soldier among soldiers the country, and. aDDarentlv. thev warmed to "A'-lh waKfcs 8oi"g UP and ill ha, .-"ine big hurdles to JWe of Ukraine in the nrst place ,,, bHore it, becomes a reality. oeiure ah others. ii,. fnrre. made up of soldiers Week-End Air Crashes Take Heavy Life Toll WEATHER - - SyiMjpsis The current cold spell is about over. Temperatures are moderating throughout the 'province with the most change along the coast. By tomorrow many coastal The festival included works by more tiun CO poeU and writers, l.uuu wo. ks oi art, theatrical performers and loik art. ) Except for the (oh; art such as cei amies and wood carving, very little of the exhibition pleased pre. ci it.es. I him while he became increas- of machines becoming more and inglv in keeping with the obvi- more general in the modem i ousiy high tone and spirits of the trent-t unemployment is also a Canadians here. He made 21 Problem with increasing num-I brief speeches in his arduous bers seeking jobs. i front line timetable. His manner "Wolk narci a"d Prod"ce. tne ke--110te atntade of both ! became one which resulted in i frank, free-for-all bilingual dis- capital and labor m Japan, Capt. 1 ;!' cussion between him and the "'-M-'u Twenty-Eight Dead on Arizona Mountain 26 Perish Between lUsburg and Buffalo PHOENIX (CP) Wreckage of a missing States Air Force C-47,;and the bodies of 28 on board were found Tuesday on the face of t points are expected to have above j freezing temperatures for the i first time in almost a week, i An active storm is developing in the Gulf of Alaska which will I cause the cold air to recede from troops about things uppermost in their minds. i Frankly, Mr. Claxton told the soldiers he could not say when ii Franre. Italy, B 'lf.lum, The i.'ii ilands. Luxembourg and i-many, would form one unit uridine niotiltsUle separate units United Slates, British and : .i.ii.ut lun i-s M; in iliirii'ullies nuldinn ti) Eiirnpi-an iirmy Hre polltiral. Fiance and G. rinany the ex-nif Nat mnali-ts threaten the .iix-cs fur ratfiration by parlla-i.is in their obirrtlutM to Riv-: up any snvere muty the plan tii im-iKe national units into -tier irmnps of mixed nationali-- On the economic side, the iiehu countries strongly ob-t to a common military1 bud-. ii..- 'Ii-- I'iir.iirii iprvalvcd.la' i Fj! eeiean army. ; tlloMs lor European defence ".rial im ni lindiiiR their New Year s Death" Toll " i :r I j , ral Arizona mountain. A made his ! covvboy way I and the veteran. Minister, up the steep mountain 65 miles northeast of Phoenix jHugues lapointe. discussed gra- . . , ... ,. , , , ., tuities and rehabilitation bene- and reported "bodies and. wreckage scattered a.ilfiu and said that maybe the 1952 Comes In Quietly Social Affairs Draw Many --, rst Haiif SiC ei Brn . Thc New Ye r ;is ushered !a here In peace and quiet ' police the coastal regions. Strong winds will accompany this disturbance at exposed north coast points. Light snow flurries will change to rain along the coast today CHICAGO (CP) The four-day j t - - 1 ' ' ' j troops had a point in the sugges- New Year's week-end took 602 over while on the lower mainland. lives in' violent accidents in thei riBk' there u a ot frt,ezi.ig rain Vana- men ine ct asn was rouna , " - ub..v The Diane ciirrvina iiineu-cn , ine piant., c&nym& i.uicittii .tain an nrre.se hprflusp armv ti-nni nf 111 Llie. 1U J I Uilll UiU. I " " west Point cadets, a ".it n ui I . - j nav has twice been increased . 'l'uii uie me piane nau tome w ria-, since - -- 1945, - -- - ion nuiu wubiuim ."" higher in the interior it will ie- four and five other passengers,! vanished in a storm Sunday, j burgh from Miami and dlsap ,.,,... r. i., iiu saio nils inui nii:" aim iri.s ! Mr Claxton told his inquirers peared at 9:47 p.m. Saturday ear actiueuu, w nea.iy main below freezing. - Scattered Traffic mishaps accounted for,snow furl.;es will at most toil over the New j jnledor poinls Bl coal mid stet-l' production. ! ","'"", P""ce cuurt WttJS "r-Tii-cil production m these nui-'iiKe an average oauu- i Searches are under way lie would investigate " closely " the without wiuiuub mailing making radio ihuio contact euiliai;t! meanwhile , , the Llie uicait-.i greatest i for three other planes complaints that the Tokyo leave wU an a, ,t K carrle(j two Year slxty. scattered parts of captains, ,., twn two ,n co-pilots, iInU thrpp three lac" facilities were inadequate. This 11roe nine perisneo in GALE warning ' North P.fiilt rpo'mtn fialo murn- ' thc United States and In .a, Alaska.1 , , ,M on . ,1 , would be on his return to Tokyo NEW BANK MANAGER Jas. E. Taylor, who has been ap-p-r'ntvd manager of the Royal Bank of Canada'i Prince Rupert branch, succeeding D. W. O. Stewart, who has gone to anconvt r as manager of one ol the bank s important branch?- there Mr. Taylor comes his new post from the KcKina branch of the Royal Bank wh.-re he has been assistant, manager Mr, Taylor .Wined the service of the Royal Bunk in 1U28 at Foam Lake, Saskatchewan. Eervlc? i In Canada the New Year noli- ing issued intermittent rain today toll was 22 dead. Ontario. day and Tnuisday excPpl snw led the list with twelve dead.this mrninK at hi.l(ls of Inilj. Traffic accidents took seven I lan., inicts' Milder Winris Mr. Claxton fired the 200,000th shell in Korea of the Royal Can-jadian Horse Artillery in a gun U i -een as one of the basic aJ nitiiil. Pteiuier were there .rf. s lor Europe's economic "'.' aecmeni, nrcs or other !.-!. in Ho far France aml.'"1' "'.s.u.er reported any- Net herlandi have approved. .'t re. rite iterrliest hurdle of this Meanwhile. Prince HiliJut ....i, will eoiii(. In the West ; cc.co.alcn ine arrival ol ilfc neat, liumlestai; early in lhe!i" 8uUtl P'U. w.in no.isc par-' vear. Italv, B.-lium and 1 lll's 111 Rrt-l pieuonniiance. ii ln, in u also have yet to &'''eral in Kaniat.onal panics, II'. i he plan, which would use noever, it. reived lull aUciui- H nil r resoinces in a way to1""11'- ll"'v -' i" id Dy the In New York state, 14 persons are recovering after surviving the Saturday nlgnt crash or a non-scheduled airliner which took the lives of 26 persons at Little Valley in southwestern New York. ; detachment commanded for the jjvei CNR Steward Is Televised I occasion oy tsrigaaier uenerai ! John Rockingham, commander of thc Canadian brigade. southeast. 35 to 40 in exposed areas, otherwise southeast, 20, shifting to southwest, 25. tonight. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy and- Prince Rupert, 35 and 40; Sandspit, 3a and 42. w;is;, NEW YORK Wilfred Notleyl Wreckane of the C-46 reached Monday after Injured "f Ottawa, the Canadian ,Na- Weather in 1951 Good several branches in Saskatche I ii-ite German militarism and ! Uie ""sc. Oyios. Al io I n make coal and steel tariff-i Cluo and tne iiavy. A puolic ,.,rf,..i ui. ..t. . naiseiiLrers had sti-aculert tn a tionai Hallways siewara wnoi Captain Stands 1041 t., Mnni. hrnM,. .... ' larm house. personally served their Royal J e in Kill ,'c. Pittsburgh r,5rvr5S:i on Ship visit, played a stellar role New- I'rreiiitaliiin 79.2 Inches; Sunshine 972 Hours crashed. 'Year's eve in a nation-wide telc-j LONDON (CP) Still clinging toj I.N ALASKA leather Change Mnqs Danaer Production of Minerals High In Value 1951 viaiuu i"ubi..r. -i i.ii. "-iiiii-u ens siorm-cracKea ana wauow- rirj. t).,,,h' iqm wriihcr dance at tne Uui..rlluws null reported lair ai icnuaiice, whiic ctitoraiions were under nay uti ootn city licensed c.uos. ! with a heavy list ui gills fur; tiie New rai s baby still wan-! insno one was boiii here on j January 1 speculation is: mounting at Prince Rupert! General Hospital. It is expected there w.ll oe a close' race. Several I eiiy merchanUs have offered Another C-'iO transjH'rt. be- the "'-sUi-dlng iv'i events Oi tng slilp In the AtlrMtic, Capt..p;(,ture aKws up well above av- j an accountant. He served as a navigutT with Bomber Command in the Royal Canadian Air Force overseas during World War II and, on his retail n to Canada, resumed banking at Prince Albert as accountant. In 1947 he was transferred to Reglna. Mr. Taylor ls married and has a son and r. daughter. ! lujiiug v- viic imiwuvriiii iiu -.-v. ;j:-i., vyaii.sv-u .w.. . -y- temperature and1 cines, ntA oeen missing since. iue auvaiu o.i mat ne wouiu siaj aixun. ,. '"i n mjiatiOi &TS jssjwnwl. Al commencement of . the Sunday night. This was during and particularly i. it cr 'Wtte. he is towed to port or sinks. I ,otaj 0f 792 ,viches of precipita- k the chaii'T of weather in VICTORIA (CP) Value of Erit- a roini narrow to rairoanxs noney scrveu me n ysr yvn uarisen siooa nis waicn aione ,, w rcei;rHd during the. if -'Rupert una iiiiiii'ii ii-;;:r ! flight 'o Alaska. Four persons was described by thc CAR. ite'- or the fifth night since he or- an(, owesi temperature ofiifh Columbia mineral production I were on board. , ard, whose present assigx. iilent . tiered all others to abandon the ,.', 'toil me second last davlhas increased to an cstimaU"" Ii llli'ive lo hl-ans of mnltitli' $164,000,000 this year Horn $148.-155,000 in 1950, Minister of Mines R. C. Macdonald said Sat- i tir.re just, pianuft ait; la.i: to me piivivte lui ui van- init-iiuuii iieigntei riving an -1 year ! military F-51 Mustang and a ada's governor general and hejterprise and again reported by Kainlall was iowest since 1938 1 U.S. alrforc e transport. The also exhibited a silver chafing! radio Umt he was in god spirits.! .,, ,. .-... nrnnnmi at 1 "' andK"l!i l" llm 'H'"1 01 l2- oreasimial light ruins j 'r11 's and pathways of wet ice, "Ii "f It itlazed and dangerous, i Mr- alld Mrs- H- M- Ihinson -have been plenty of them. : UMd 'langhti'r Melba left onj " linvers aisn Imim iieir 1 Wednesday's plane for several j Mi.stung disappeared in Arizor.a dish which was used by tile All Urn passengers and 41 thc'Dgbv " island weather station. 1 urday. .a., ...I.... ...11 I n.l... ..!.. In In.l ,rt,n, k.lin.in.l ... " Dm! f. Loses Life At Kemano Preliminary estimates indica'e lO Jiiuay wnn one auoara. I rriucess recently ana, in laci, crew nieiuoers were ocuevcu to Lowest temperature last year j "iliies. j weeks' holidays in California. that for each of the principal metals -gold,silver copper, lead and zinc the quantity produced Eight were alward a C-47 one which has been used on have beeti rescued after jumping, vvas 3 ' transport when it vanished last every royal tour since 1901. J into the sea lust Friday. One I temperature for last fromi also had with him member of the crew died. Wednesday on a flight Notley a m0,)tn wa8 44 on December 2. Spokane, Wash., to Travis Air i menu from the roval train along ! As long as the 36-year-old 1 iu ,., hi war was 7a in : m 1951 is less than last year but TODAY'S STOCKS Ba-ie, California. A search cov-1 with a meal check written in the j captain stays aboard, the ehip' ..,.,, ' . i higher prices gave 1951 output cannot be classed as a derelict ered California. I vaIues fr a" '' est rainfall for thc year Princess' own 'handwriting. Herbert Walter Green, aged 37 of 3128 Euclid Avenue. Vancou ver, was killed at 7 a.m. Deceive ber 31 in a fall of rock in the water tunnel which Is being k Heiivi- and become a prey to whatever, w,, ... nei.--.hcr with 13 29 inches. 1 Bold Ml'Mirl.s H. ll. 4thnsiMi ( n. I.lil l SWAI.LOWKI) BY Kill The siivery twin-engined Pit t.s- , snip may tnrow a line uoouroj Sun shone VA hours in De- V,( Ol VKIt driven at Kemano Bay for t he low her io saieiy. icembcr, totalling 972 hours fort 1 Aliieiierui filiiii.l.ii-,! plane A I n It. Ill it ill r Ocean Storms 1 rii.iiuii,,. Litvinoff, iiic u'in.ii n.ft ummuii io year. nut oui froiu Falmouth . ke He (.tiwlf fed 7 a"a"uw '""' !m! power house. Highest winds recorded l"'-sti by Morrison-Knuo.s month were southeast 50 miles- t'allijini Oiiiu-l,, ' lis ui wutttiiij u'.utvii jjm i,st. t then comhed a wide mountain-' ous area In attempts to runi the Flying Enterprise in tow. Meantime, a new Atlantic ; storm threatened today. .. an hour December 8. Maximum i ! ''"Illness tors. ; Tito Vtnrlt utile ... . .1 r. Dying Down tiiuiiti, n , i,i,, baiom:ter read 30.4 inches; mini- j mitivi "?tl M inehps i Friend of Prince Rupert today abuarij the dwn repeated reports - of an service doui willnut. Witnesses: also arrived and an iiiou.st SnWit 11. 11 . j f'iinil. Mascot S I'Hl an Mines i 1' 'lUi Oreille j I'mneer IVeiiner H.irder LONDON (P storms ex-year's the; -Worst Including last January. pmenced in a century on U e snowfall measured 33.3 in- western coast of subsided Europe dies. 21.1 inches of which feU last month. I ?u"nf f ew, Ytar s, lll-v aIlU Ul" , . I toll of death and damage is no v being held this aitert.oou .t-ff fi Prf 11161 VlOl C njpr Canadian lyoroiier c. v. rorwilia. West, is ",""Tr ! being surveved. Balmy Here if mi Latest known victims were l.l Km Dollar at Banks Opening at U ailors whose bodies were re Prince Rupert's LONDON CP) The Russian foreign ministry today an- 'I'Cleek ... ''k Premier Whihr the rest of the province ported washed ashore near Bin - t .-a I Va . .....ill. 1.. 1 rr- I t-mtmi'irl Uin rlenl.h lit MllXiin a , iuiu even t-aiuoriiuv ana icxas, '. ----- i kum in Western Germany. Kemano, Kitimat Many old sailors caned it llu K-'i'on j c,,i 1 Spiiil Valley Uirtliro I nmtmn1 w,,re still fighting off coldivinoll, aged is. loieign com-riVllilC VUllllllU I temperatures, Prince Ru pe r t j and wartime ambassador 27 Bcaltie Bevcourt . .75 j i 6,)!,1 Buffalo Canadlmi 21 l 04 i j i0 Consul. Smelters 183 00 .06 Conwest . 3 80 .51 Donaida " .. 1 0 Kldona 23 j .. -24 Kast Sullivan 9,10 i 89 tiiunl, Yellowknlfe ..... 11.00 j I .. i 90 God's T.ak" 37 j , ,.35 Hardrock . ..' T-:,i .. -73.i Harrlcana IB'i 03' 4 ileva 1''2 ' .. 1.118 Jacknife'.. HI"; .05 Juliet Quebec -44 .10 Little Long Lac 77 ,0PH Lvnx l'a .20 Madsen Red Lake 2.09 ' 2.45 MrKcnzie Red Lake 45 '-i .. 3.90 McLeod Cocksluitt 2.95 Mnncta 33 .53 Negus 70 1.62 Norandu 8175 ... 1350 Louvicourt 33 '2 ... 260 Pickle Crow 1 65 ... 17 45 San Antonio 2.55 ... 10.50 Senator Rouyn 15 ... .20 Sherrlt Gordon 4 20 ... 17.00 Steep Rock 8 90 Silver Miller 1 36 .08'2 Upper Canada 180 ... .23 Golden' Manltou 6.85 j worst and most extensive hur High Mark ! .-silver y. i basked' tn eonmarnlive snrinir I to the United States, tidat'd 5 W-e.sle Royal Bank of Canada lias opened up a branch at Kemano Bav and Bank of Montreal is A hand-painted copy of an weather rpcordliii? hlch tenmer- Litvinoff died December 31 'Hi Uranium ls- j original painting of Prinze Ru- ature of 39 aD0Ve at Dlgby Island. after a Protracted Illness but, ricane within their memories. Floods were reported sweeping through Kent while in the Atlantic the raging gales took a new toll. pert, tiuuMiu s 01? y uoripanys The break came New Years Eve 'news 01 nis oi'ihu was uciu ui NEW YORK (CP) Canadian. about to open at Kitiroat. dollar was quoted at a discount: The Kemano bank has been I A I' ( nil j Calliiuiil. lirst governor, will be presented when the thermometer ruse two days lor no siaiea reason to the city of Trince Ri'pert at sharply from the downhill grade Burial took place today in ; of 7-8 of one percent in terms opon for a month with E. W. HU pallbearers were; of United States funds today,' Muir, former accountant, at next Monnay nignts council where It had slipped to 10 above. Moscow meeting, City Clerk R. ly. Long Meanwhile, heavy gales are re-1 led y Acting Foreign Minister tlij highest point Canadian Nanaimo, as manager. i funds have reached since the The bank at Kitimat will be I nitriu I.,(Uic ' "inc Oil '""'Hie Pole ""J"l Canadian ""yalite outbreak of war in 1939. 'doing business In the near future 1 was iniormea tooay. ported in outside waters off the Ancirei vmmiynu. The copy was made in .910. the Queen Charlotte Islands and are! Champion of Soviet collabor-1 vear of this city's lncon oration, tn reneh a velocity nf sn miles ner ! ation with the west, Litvinoff TIDES - Thursday, January 3, 1952 High 5:55 19.9 feet. 19:08 17.8 feet Low fvet 12:08 7.2 feet The dollar's recent ri'e has, with H. J. Parmiter. from Bank :bv a weU-kuown artist for HBC. hour. Temneratnres t.nnieht, are had been in political eclipsebeen attributed to demand for of Montreal superintendent's de TORONTO Aihuii, i It, Is expected the painting will not expected to go below 30 In since 1940 and his fall from of-j Canadian currency to purchase partnwnt at. Winnipeg, as man-j nana in Uw couucU chamber, j prince Rupert. ;ilee foreshadowed the cold war.jCanadian securities. . iager. . iul Aiimaqut,