Separate Shower Room no Luxury For Home With Sports Enthusiasts w V 4"!-,. .. JL M Lo - it - yourself" piitlmsiasls who want to try out the new ; technique of staining unfinish- ' ed furniture with fahrir rives down the wood lightly with fine sandpaper. Then apply clear varnish with a brush, and you'll have color-stained furniture. wear gloves. When the dye has dried, apply i font of white shellac with a brush. Let that drv. and rub 1 i i - - r? , - lit ' , . : 'S t" . sv; .. should note the rules for doinj , the job right. A horn economics bureau reports that dye-stains dissolved in water will successfully stain unpainted furniture. This makes it possible to use the 50 or more colors offered in the fabric dyes put out by various companies. However, there are some Its. ands, and buts to note: 1. The color, of the dvp in ... V SUPERIOR i CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and .Mi-Bride Street .m r- .y? T.-a-.! "J. i ."..V.fiv 71 "T. m&Z , WERVKE LTD. I water solution will look differ f . Thit two ent on the wood. Be prepared to tost nd keep testing for the 1 right color. j 2. The dye solution mut be' used fresh. It loses potency if j you let it stand around, so be prepared to stain the whole piece in one sitting. j Look zvhat you can do with O ! LJ j I D 8EDPOOM " 1 I I 1 ll'-4'd'-" KITCHEN 1 I -- f - 1 oiningdoomI -f- w PI M n i 1 T LIVINS ROOM P MM 0 l'" B J L EOfOOM ' I, I A bedroom buftsalow dii9nid by Ottwi rchi-:ctt M. G. Dixon, hi many attractive features. The house presents a pleading eteriof appearance, highlighted by the large living room window, while the roomy interior is well-planned with a hallway separating the living and sleeping areas. The Fireplace, which faces the entrance to the living room, provides a focal point for the arrangement of furniture, while the wide front window ensures good fighting and a pleasant atmosphere . The kitchen is well arranged and has easy access to the rear entrance which leads directly to the basement stairs. It is also convenient to the separate dining room, a feature not usually found in a house of these dimensions. The house contains a floor area of 904 square feet and the cubic measurement is 1 7,395 cubic feet. The exterior dimensions are 37 feet eight inches by 27 feet Working drawings for thit house, known as Design 102, may be obtained from Central Mortgage; and Housing Corporation, at minimum cost ,;l.:..?i..v 3. Dye solutions from two identical boxes of dye won't always come out exactly the same. If you have a set of unpainted furniture to do. do It all at once to make sure the color matches. In doing the Job. us,e this procedure: Dissolve the dve in water, (One box in a quart of water will do the average bookcase.) Brush it on or wipe it on with a cloth, but remember to . . . jou can enjoy tlie exf itinjs exierieiife of valt liitifj an oltler home trans-fornifl into a molern dream home, made into a more livable, more spacious place for eonifortaltle lhiiifi villi Sylvaply. Ami, if you're planning a new liome, renieinher Sjlvaply is (lunatla'H busiest "new home" material. 4 Prince Rupert Dailv News Saturday, September 28, 1953 Q Q Q Look what you get Coleman ' OIL. HEATER! High Standard Maintained Plastering Walls Centuries-Old Art No johnny-eoiiie-Iutely in the While ancient peoples realized! the vicinity. King John orcfered history of building is the u:t of that plaster added beauty and j that all stores along the Thames plastering. comfort to their buildings, its! and houses where brewing and 4'-' h m '.v.- I ' j J f" ' 1 ' i .i: 4 ;i 1 H -1 Mi'!- r i Smer the earliest recorded days nl?n sanitary value was likewise j baking were done mu.'t be "plas of civilisation, artisans have ' recognized. History records that tered and whitewashed without U'cd plaster to provide snnoth,,3 law .was passed, providing that and within" that they might be unnroKeii interior wall finishes' Dunumf-'s wmcn nousea in- sale from fire. $84.59 Many Uses Set and pleasins, easy-to-maintain fect patients, the interior sur-outsick' coverings j faces of rooms be scraped clean and PIaslered to the Primitive plaster, made from Prevent clay, mud of eartn. was rou?hh ; 'pread of dlsease-daubed over a base often made; 11 further provided that the of marsh reeds tied together, i piaster work be inspected by a IX ANC7EXT EGYPT Prie-st wn0 v;as authorized to As the construct! jv, of builri- order lhe h0lxie tci'n down ancl o o q o o For Fir Plywood Among the wide range of Small In size s mall in price giant In performance I Pro Douglas fir plywood fixtures wgs improved, .so did the quality of planer and workmanship. k-iuuvcu iu iu unciean piace, ', if the work were not dohe to his : satisfaction. a high standard of plastering! WHAT OTHERS ARE DOING ..u .an lo. tm. An.l, that int'lialcfl a tuoilrrii liuilt-iu Htiraue. wall like this. There's no end to the tliin you ran ilts vtitli Sjlvuply to ninkc any home old sir new more lisnhle. BASEMENT REMODELLING luke a.hantawWj "fiold mine" nf iintiHed Using space sou can r retiKHlclliiifi your liuHemeiil. A Irrihl pjnimru-liitmdry rtHiin Hre jiixt two Ideas the Vrrr I nill" your dealer linn for yon will upark olt AFTER LONDON FIRE duces 32,000 BTUs of heat pr hour. A really fine loom heaier a dandy auxiliary heater! See this shadowed mahogany beamy for yourself. You'll be amazed at 1U low price its high power I Cmm tm 4 Inspvev Mils fctr attained by ancient Egyptians. Greeks and Romans, ho. i Fire resistance of plaster has , been recosniztd tor centuries. In the year 1212. following the "ins me use 01 gypsum ana other 1 4ypes of plasters, laid the found- 1 ation.of present-day plastering which modern designers have ieveloped to meet small home -equirements for economy and utility may be mentioned living -00m, den, dining room and oedroom units, kitchen service entres. clean-up centres, food itorage and baking units, and :onvenient storage wails. ; lire whlsh destroyed London ana raised it to a fine art. Bridge and many buildings in Comfort coir to Irrrf. with a Canadian Wallpaper Firms Blossoming With New Ideas In some parts of Africa white men are not permitted to buy land. Not even on a black market . The wallpaper industry in Canada is blossoming with new patterns, new ideas, and easy methods of application. They apparently haven't yet generally adopted one new idea in Britain, where a company puts wallpaper on a sort of "b o a r d panel" arrangement which is placed on the wall. This is ea.sily attached or removed, and is said to be indistinguishable from regular of imagination are not out of place. Particularly nice for nurseries are window blinds covered with wallpaper that matches the walls. It can be very attractive, easy to put on, and the extra body gives, new snap to the blinds. A pretty wallpaper is also nice under a glass vanity top. Kitchen cannister sets covered with a plastic-coated paper are both gay and practical. Pt (Fill in ond present to husband) til. -. .... . ', '. . ' J in Canada, however, there are The room with a low ceiling Q. Would I welcome tha fact Arborite resists boiling water temperatures and cigarette burns . . . and that all I need ever do Is clean it quickly and easily with an ordinary damp cloth ? ;;!-ntj of modern ideas on wall- ! looks best with light airy tints papii', mid here . are some of 1 However,, with a a higher higher ceilina ceilini -4 ' -: .. 1 "IB i-d . , ". 5! J V 'i4 .fr.M 1 r- I' - .' . 4.. .. :v .-" f n . , ' ' '. H. "If .... ' . ' t--''"-"k'-"v4." ' " !; 1 " 4 ' ,.,1 V -'-V,::'''5J!,41' -;,' ...V''.Av'. ;;i ' ' you can use' a new approach. or the room with the sloping "12 ea-ith nnttBrnc n-, .,i, ....i,' ROOM AT THE TOP Lxtru lis iinc iae in your all it! is eity vlien sou do the job yourself wiili cacy-lo-liuitille, an-l i-hvv and nail Syltaply panels. Ask your denier for tree "I low-To-Do-l t" on attie rooms, anil get started. YOU'LL BE PR0UQ The sslmle family1" fuu 'uud t4Mlikfael.ioii ssbe-ii you make mnafl room furniture, lew hobbies are more ""' llniii 'Moiniiil-yiurteir' with simple Um.I. fckill ami eartily worked Sylvuply. Q. Would I like to have Arbor-Ite on my bathroom and shower walls so that they would stay beautiful and easy to cleon for 20 years and more ? A. Q. Would I like to modernize my kitchen . with walls, counter tops and splashbacks of gleaming, hard-surfaced Arborite? 'j" f sm;-!1- tie tints, bold designs, little design, such as a spatter i terns, florals, foliage and plaids '?h, m!miUVe ,th wiU ! have 811 been used attractively L cover mT Vh T and 011 four : on filings of kitchens, bath- ' i .MUeln ,Pn? "P in rooms- "ningrooms and bed-the pattern and use accents of looms solid color throughout the room s. And the days when nastin? IT?,6 SmaU ; was a job for exPe T -tiff Q. Would I be able to find exactly what I wanted from the more than 60 colours and pat , term available? t' V "Do-It-Yoursclf" with ... ,,iv nit- siurr.s are gone forever. Now you just put an adhesive mixture on the 1 nere are innumerable little SYLVAPLY ' extra.- for few rooms in wan and put up dry, easy-to handle paper. which a dash of fun and plenty I.ighlweipht and strnti?. l'" i feet hv 8 feet panels of S;M Houfjlas Fir plywood are more' than work for building n-nwul and making furniture. They re J1' rifjht for the "week-rnd" carF"1 using the simplest tools. A A. yh GENUINE PRINCE RUPERT TO I V ipletod'"1"1 I It's FUN ... the modern, colourful surfacing material that brings permanent beauty to dadoes, full walls, kitchen counters and splashbacks. Resists chipping, cracking or staining . . . will never need painting or patching. lew iimi -only y' I il All you need to work ruirrrwfully i1' "u,i ss your local lumber, building supply, kardivart iealtr or lloorint contractor. 7-m mr' ldr&fJr 1 -M hanille 4 lert liv 8 feel paiieln in oil"- - KETCHIKAN $15-00 I.... : i .1.. . ,.f ..r.lliidrv III' .l.i"' . . . . ... . lit send for FREE SAMPLE of arborite. Let Htartril liv lulkiiiH user iir ir"j--- . , , II. ,..l....,.rl.r."....,r I. ..Ml I SttltH'IV Serving lumber Dealers from Coast to Coast MacMILLAN & BLOEOEL LIMITED Vancouver Calgary Edmonton Winrg London Windsor Toronto Montreal Quebec City and descriptive literature le Svll'" ' WKANGF.IX $27-00 new "Take lloinr" nit.v. tim hnnily tor oilil joins.) .L PETERSBIIK; $29-70 litv cCaffeiry Li Philpoll, Evill & Co., Lid. WHEN YOU FLY JUNEAU $41-40 i l i j' 900 2nd Ave. West Phone 652 651 Terrace, B.C. Phone 131 JL -"1 Prince Rupert, B.C. Pho"e kVHIIEMOKSE $56oo a ELLIS LINES zzEc'sland Cily Builders' Supplies 505 McBRIDE STREET SEATTLE $65.00 3rd Ave. Pfione 266 'Office opposite Tost Office) 1 Phone Black 820 (1 I