Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, September 28, 1953 BLACKWOOD on . t , 'f. LAUNDRY SERVICE Shirts Ironed PRESS-WHILE-YOU-WAIT Pickup and Delivery Island Cleaning and Pressing Black 627 744 2nd West (Next to Liquor Store) Suitable, Sturdy Toys Aim of Consumer Group A' lae y . t fr -f . ., - ' vii - - '' ' ' ' . , it ' . - i a By EASLEY BLACKWOOD t- JS, Y . TORONTO (CP) The Canadian Association of Consumers is coming to the rescue of parents having a hard time finding suitable sturdy toys for their children. It has set up a toy-testing committee in co-operation with the Citizen's Committee on Many Factors in Deciding Which Suit to Establish The big problem in the play of many hands is that of deciding which suit to work on to establish your tricks. There are many factors to consider in v. Civic Centre To Sponsor Sharpshooters making your choice. To which opponent are you willing to surrender the lead? Will you have entries to run your suit after it Is established? How many tricks will you have to give up to establish your suit? Is it better to work first on a suit where you have first and second round control, or South dealer Neither side vulnerable Vwth Mrs. Kwn) 8 J 10 8 4 H Q 5 D A K 10 9 C--4 6 4 ' Ka-t w r-t (Mr. AIm-I) (Mr. liuiiilon) 8 K 7 3 1 8 Q 6 5 H JO 7 2 H K 9 8 4 3 D Q 7 6 5 U- -8 2 C J 10 i - K 9 3 HitHlli (Mr. DiiJp) 8 A 8 2 ' H A ) 6 D-J 4 3 . C 3 8 7 S Children in Ottawa. At present, the committee is studying methods of testing toys available on the Canadian market from the standpoint of durability and suitability for the age group for which they are Intended. The committee aims will be to help educate the consumer to buy well-made toys suited to the child for whom they are bought; to give national recognition to manufacturers already presenting well-made toys and to stimulate others to Improve their products; and to find methods of working with retailers to Improve their selling techniques so as to help consumers and prevent unsuitable toy purchases. Word of the toy program was given by Mrs. H. B. Kemp in her national executive committee report prepared for delivery to the association's sixth national annual meeting. What to do about rubber-soled shoes that make black marks on hardwood floors is under consideration by the association's consumer research department. Mrs. W. G. Weir said in a report from a special committee: "There are two suggestions as to the cause of the marks ' namely, the quality of the rub-1 ber heels and the possibility of certain floor cleaners or polisnes causing the trouble: With the co-operation W! ' thf'shoe manufacturers and the national research council, who are working on the problem, we are hopeful of finding a solution." ., VANCOUVER 7i Way points SUNDAY BS Camosun, 8 pjn. FRIDAY 8a Coquitlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR' NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS September 9 and 23 m SS Coquitlam, Miunight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlam, Midnight September 18 and 30 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Thud -Avei.uc Phone 568 JL. should you go after a suit In which the enemy holds the top cards? In today's deal Mr. Dale's: play was influenced principally by his desire to keep Mr. Abel out of the lead. Mr. Champion opened the four of hearts. Dummy's queen was put up and it held. Now Mr. Dale forgot about the diamond suit temporarily. He did not relish either a heart or. jKlNOTIl, 16-year-old Australian aborigine, is the find. Film producer Charles Chauvel of Darwin, TROUSERS, IN THE TURKISH MANNER, are Jacques Fath's gift to the winter hostess as he does an "at home" costume in exotic nile green chiffon. The low-cut, feminine bodice and generously gathered harem pants are separated by a broad waistband - of darker green satin. who discovered Ngaria alter a scarcn lor a lead In a The bicldlnK.- South West Pass Pass. 2 NT Pass North 1 D 3 NT picture describes her as "very shapely, quite shy, East Pass All pass A Teen Rifle Club is one of the many new activities planned at the Prince Rupert Civic Centre this year. The plan was approved at a meeting of the executive board of directors, and already four .22 single shot rifles have been purchased for the proposed club. The Civic Centre rifle range with its four alleys will be the scene of the club's activities and members of the Rod and Gun Club will be approached to act as supervisors. There has been no organized use of the rifle range in the past by teenagers, although some have taken part in Rod and Gun Club activities on the range. The new club was planned mainly because of the interest shown by those youths. The Centre is now open for registration of teen-agers interested, and as soon as enough are registered, a meeting will be called to form the club and elect an executive. Regular sessions nf fhp npw strong primitive appeal." The director hiis sent his tv to Sidney for special lessons In physical culture, .tig and deportment. nan Wrathall Honoree a club lead from his right. In- j stead, he led a small spade from j dummy at trick two and put in ' the eight spot from his hand, j Mr. Champion won with the queen and could not lead an- j other heart without losing a ! trick. He therefore returned the i eight of diamonds. Mr. Dale was still not ready to take a chance Miscellaneous Shower Western Band Here Monday' Lovers of western music are In for a treat here Monday. That's when Evan Kemp, radio star, and his CKMO Trail Riders will present their Vancouver Radio Review at the Civic Centre. The well-known group will pre- of Mrs. Web Pierce, the hostess. j Invited guests included Mrs. jV. Anderson. Mrs.'T. McMeekln, Mrs. Perry Pierce, Mrs: E. Wick, SERVICE Mrs. Weir said other com-j plaints on which the committee j in Avenue, was the i night of a mlsrel-I wcr honoring Miss iathall, whose mar- John Comadina of CERTIFIED APPLICATORS is trying to get action have to do with cellophane packaging 6f fruit and vegetables, requests; Mrs O. P. Lyons, Pinnlger, Mrs. W. Mrs. J. W. club are expected to get under-J. Pinnlger, i wav shortly after thp hia rivif .;! take place Octo- i Mrs. Frank Comadina, Mrs. A. lor standard marking on all centre membership drive, which takes place Monday, October 5. , :sent a stage show from 9 to 10 packaged and foods and i O. Bartlett, Mrs. Thomas Black, pink and white Miss K. Paul, Mrs. Grace Muma, on losing the lead to Mr. Abel, j He went up with dummy's ace of diamonds and pulled the jack of spades through. It held when Mr. Abel refused to cover. Now another spade to the ace cleared that suit. i With nine tricks in sight, it was now time to take the diamond finesse. It lost to the queen but Mr. Dale won the heart return with the ace and On that night, teams of volun of m. and provide music for danc-in marking weight on packages f lng from 10:30 P m' to 1:30 a m' even figures, and the fit of orative theme, for Mrs. G. Shcnton, Miss Audrev ! leers from Rnm is w.i Evan Kemp has been. In the and also gracing women's shoes where a narrow width is required. Sto re sprays of lovely ms from the Pin- Wrathall, Mrs. P. Piche, Mrs. E. ! zations. will canvass the entire Petersen, Mrs. J, Rogerson, Mrs. j city, giving present members the W. Pierre. Mrs. J. Thompson, ! opportunity to renew their mem-Miss Shirley Pierce, Mrs. Jack j berships, and seeking new mem-Wrathall and Mrs. A. Dickens. bers. OF BARRETT ROOFING PRODUCTS Consult Us For Free Estimates ... TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED EBY & S0NS LIMITED . 400 Third Avenue East Phone Blue 156 Eves. Phone Blue 393 Cenlre Jt'cii C?(ul pnjnyi'd with prizes music business since he was eight years old, starting on radio station CJOR with Pat Morgan and Bill Rea. Since then he has performed on nearly all the stations on the west coast. Other members of the Tfph Ririprs narrrpirntinn inellirii '5nti- Mrs Betty Pcder- had nine tricks, Including three spades, two hearts, three diamonds and a club. r He would not have fared this Imi Pinnleer. Mrs. n. Mrs. Belle Pierre, 'ante Lone British Non-Patriate Condemns West's Way The Civle Centre Teen Club i nv" Max (Kushnir). who tH-e11 if he had the first 1 . I I - "' 1 1 T I -, fc V. ' ' 1 1 "f :' i ; it , 1 f " ' s : "1 i" 4 'V.1- - . - ,fl : ' ' T'.i: . n ' r .. V "T, f V Vy 'f i ' I'M r.v - . 1 -'tV 1 si r ; v ;:: . . 1 ;H 4 ft-f .1 i : : : ,? 1 , )f Life last night' launched Its seas6n's 1 anything from "long hair'LJa heart lead ln dummy won m activities wlth a gala dance In I boogie; ' Speedy" Ray, who rMi118 own hand wilh the iack an(l the small gymnasium at the! drums and xylophone; Johnnie j taken the diamond finesse be-Civic Centre. I Starr, who hits bass fiddle, piano, '. Iore gln8 after the spades. Wick. Mrs. Marlon j i Mii. Jessie Shen- j w was seated be- j h of pink and white i ) receive i her many j presented In a large j ned in the same t PANMUNJOM lAPt The lone " creasing ranks of traitors." Some thinking persons would ri7.7.V" Over 100 teenagers attended guitar, and sings, and The University of Naples, larg Leo, the accordion specialist who est In Italy, was founded by Frederick II fl 1224. Priton among more than 300 Allied prisoners of war whom the Reds a refused repatriation ..was. quoted Thursday .as saying the "result of our western, capitalistic way of life is mud and blood." Tlie statement attributed to the Briton, whom the Reds n the'enjoyable cve- ask: ' "Why did they stay?" The statement said it was to j them that he was repljlng. 'i "I am determined to play my j small part in fiqhting for the j better sort of world I believe ' in," the statement said. i frTVItlE of refreshen Mrs. Web Pierre MOONLIGHT SKATE tne event, dancing to recorded music at one of the most successful dances they have had to date. Supervising the young people were Fred Calderoni of the Civic Centre .staff and Miss, Martha Rnngan. The club plans more dances plus other activities in the 1953-54 season.. also plays both ,western and classic, specializing In novelty numbers. Their performance here will wind-up a lengthy tour of the northern part of the province. Plant life in the Arctic cbn-sLsts mainly of Arctic willow.., mosses and .iiimlij OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 identified as a marine, was re- The statement said the Briton j Weasrd as the Reds rirlivered to ! j enlisted in the Marines for 12 years and still has five more to 1 P. Lyons assisting McAfee VIP Prize "ner of this week's VIP contest was W. Indian guards the United Nations prisoners of the Korean jerve. . If he came homo, "with my present political views on the world situation, I would be Mrs. J. W. Rogerson Heads-Ldcat Art GFbPT9535 ATiinnAVi. - A) No. 4, Summit Apart- spending . most' at , thos..fivr-.. tbec Ilia i..rLn,,fr detention quarters." war who they say dtn't want to ;o home. ''The statement Attributed to the Briton w:is handed to, Allld news correspondents by Com-' correspondent Wilfred Burchrtt of the Paris l'Human-itc. "I. like my American friends, am a very ordinary type of person." the statement said. "I like to listen to music, read good books, and I like my occasional pint of brer. Election of officers, plans for high school activity room, corn-attendance at a night school art , mencing October 6 with registra- fr correctly namln; t us Very Important S nhed In this week's R. MacMillan, B.C. Wnate. His entry cn- ULLUcnao tion and the first lesson. Circus Horse NIGHT CIVIC CENTRE course, Tind for presentation of ! several art shows here highlight- ed a meeting yesterday afternoon j of the Prince Rupert Art Club. The meeting, which took the OPEN TO ALL The calsses, presented by the s slip from George department of education and the Monday's puner for local school board, are open to p) next week's VIP form of a tea at the home of Mrs. E. T. Applcwhaite, Elizabeth everyone, and probably will in which the lackuot W. Rog- Apartments,- saw Mrs. J. 1 1.65. replac- erson namcrl is-fffldpnt, clude elementary work for beginners as well as instruction ln Oiore advanced work for those with some experience. Is" contest will end "I like to sec children playnvi and enioying themselves. I love my mother, father and family. In fart. 1 am the sdit of person you find walking about the streets of Britain, America or anywhere else. Not only do I WHERE CRAFI'SMANSHIP COUNT'S . . . COUNT ON US! Dibb Printing Co. iiig Mrs. l nomas M. rnesi. l,r this season. 9:30 p.m. to Midnight , Commencing September 26th Dies in Rupert " The Odv-son circus has IokI a faithful performer. It was a Perchcron horse, lead horse in' the riding act, which dropped dead Thursday night, probably as a result of the shaking up it endured on the trip in here. The Percheron, best trained horse in the act. wasn't used in any of the shows here because of its condition on arrival. Absence of the Percheron was blamed by circus officials for Injury of veteran rider Mrs. Sut- i Mrs. Harvey also reported that arrangements had been made for dyers Other officers named were Mrs. T. M. Christie, vice-president; Mrs. O. A. Hill, treasurer; Mrs. J. T. Harvey, secretary; Mrs. Sidney Elkins, social convener and Miss Isobel Magee, program convener. Secretary Mrs. Harvey reported that a night school course in art would be offered this year at ' old sold Bulger's '''' every Saturday, (2251 four art exhibits during the winter season, the first a" collection by the Society of Graphic Arts, the second a Scott-Weston exhibit, the third comprising Karsh photos, including his famed portrait of Winston Churchill, and the fourth a collection by Bruno and Molly Bobak. Dates of these exhibits will be announced later. Another feature of the tea-meeting was a display of paint want to enjoy these things but I like to see everyone else enjoying them, too. ' "Perhaps that makes me an idealist, a humanist, a Communist or whatever you will. The sort of world I have been living in in the past denies these simple pleasures to hundreds of millions of people. And the result of our western, capitalistic way of life is the mud and blood, the orphans and widows Fating Monday, (2261 ton. who suffered a bad shaking the high school, and some 25 up in a fall from the untrained " m,,mDers of the club planned to horse replacing the Percheron in reKister for the course. f '"1'!' Innrna. f Friday. Oct. 2. Monday nights show. Mrs. Sut- instructor, will be Mrs. Peter. ton did not appear again during Hodge, an English painter who the circus' three-day stand here. haci three years study at the The Odvson circus was srhed- r,,..irir c.hnnl nf Art Ovford ings by Mrs. Applewhaite, well- (227) i'llcivsled in golf? and tortured people of Korea. I Oct, 1, ( .,. and nlhprilllpH t( mill Out of town todaV llrtrlrrn amo Thar utth hpr u meeting, ' Pm, 'ot , ti fnr the lone haul to winter f ,,ilvo ion mnnlhi mm known amateur artist here. She showed, a group of scenic pictures, much admired by the members, and wished the club every success in the coming 'PPearsmce of Mr. The Briton was quoted as say- quarters In the south. ' The night school course will ini? hp wits sure certain persons comDrlse 20 lessons, and will be wnnay. Scut. 28. iU MrRsis n, would pity him as a misfit or For action try Classifieds held every Tuesday night in the season victim of Red indoctrination. . 4 to 8 P.m. (2251 But. he said, when it is discovered he and the Americans " Mixfd Ten Pin ""'"tins fo ornanlw 'e l W at the Bowl-bundiy. Sept. 27, 8 "! Intcrivsted nlna, OPENING MONDAY In our New Location on Third Avenue West cannot be bribed, cajoled or menaced into returning, they win be painted as "renegades, Communist agents and doubtless we will swell the ever-in- (225) 1 First Deep-Sea Ship Reaches Kitimat Six More To Come Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! First Diesel Electric Train Arrives in Rupert Six More To Come Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 71P Second West. Today! CaH at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! Call at Dixon's Cycle Shop, 719 Second West, Today! A Small Payment will hold your choice until CHRISTMAS STOP AND SEE Th'e New LESAGE Piano. f The World-famous ITALO-AMERI-CAN CONCERT MASTER PIANO ACCORDIAN. The World's Largest Selling, Electric Shaver . . . PKILISHAVE 12 'Self-sharpening sil-' ver-steel rotary action blades. No pulling or Irritation to the skin. O Complete with genuine !eathor esse TEN DAYS FRKE TRIAL NO OBLIGATION I i ll a A. 75 I - ! Colussi's Music Store $3 Monthly PRICE wr( C?AE ii..,, ,, BROS. LIMITED 303 Third Avenue West t- .,." . p , .... ' -v T r ; . ,,r fc, Jt serviCp Builf Phone 6 or 36