1 i UA1. NUl M K Fri.-.c.? Rupert Dci!y N'w! Saturday, Kepiemoer 2b, 49oi " M M' GEORGE LAIVLS AUCTIONEER Phone Blatl: 846 and Red lt7 RADIO DIAL CFPRi240kc (Subject to Changei i,itr, airia tnn i-riirni iwi iwini im aiaii ijii nil iiwrf" r-"rii imiiiiimimift ' -n(iiiwimiiffliiai ii innr I -' " " J ' . , rra ha. ADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ? 'Jl 4" rrrrrniinmiliirrrfrfijJl'jlJjjJJjJJJJlJlirrff ' LAND act Nalce of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Land Kecording District ol Passant about 1 mile east of Metla-Prln-j Rupert and situate la Venu Itatla villas. Take notice that Armour Salvage (149 Ltd.. of Prince Rupert B.C.. a body corporate intends to apply for a lease of the following dee-crih'd lands: Commencing at a post planted at 54' 204 N ISO. 25 5 w ,,.1Ke 349' 23 chains; thence 279 14 chains thence H)4 21 chains; thence 103" 15 chains to point of commenoe-mnt and containing 2a acres, more or less, for the purpose of log storage. I ARMOUR SALVAGE 11949 1 LTD. per James M. f ields. Dated August 2th. 1953. 8:00 BBC Newa and Commentary 9:15 Musical Masterpiece 9:&U lima Signal (0 00 Morning Visit la:l.1 Keyboard and Cnole 10:45 Musical Kitchen 11:00 Your Good Neighbor K Aitken 11:15 Kindergarten of the Air Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOH VANCOUVEH nd Intermediate Fort Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN He- 1 1 :3li Message Period, Program WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service unified Kates "Sept. 5. 12. 19, 26c) 40 HOMES FOR SALE THE DAILY NEWS" For reaervttlons writ or fi.735r call 'r at Depot Oltle I Ptc Rupert, B O. HBie. Her. I fit. 11 :4."i Hcaiidluavbiti Melodies P.M. 12 00 Latin American Melodies 12:15 CBC News 1 ii.V livlerliiile 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast I3:.V1 Kec. Int. 1 0 Afternoon Concert 2:39 Trans-Canada Matinee 3ll.' Keeurd ior You 3 145 B.C. Request Roundup 4:15- Maxine Ware Sings 4 30 Starbuck Valley Winter 4 5 Roundabout -,H Htoek (iiitliilim 6:05 Songs of the Past it. to iotei iiMliouul Cuitiiuenwi y 6:20 CBC News; Weather 5:30 Among My Souvenirs 5 :65 Nesbitt Reporting IN SECTION 2 Five-room house with basement garage, on two large lots. Modern kitchen. Phone Green 5ti7. (226) TOW "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3731 LAST YEAR 3264 THREE-BEDROOM house close to town. Immediate possession. $8,500. $4,000 down. H. G. np 4 30 p m. clay prerloiii j rents wr word per 1n- minlmum Jhorw M cenu. 1,., f() renin; Card of Death, Notice. funeral Marriage and En,-aKemewt i.ianitu MOO. y.av tlJUUIe pfl(a. No Helunus nut accept responsibility d ud.i luat-rted liiaorreot) f Aiuiig cms.ilnratlon unles ., ot suui errors la received l.uura uf (Irat liiserllan. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and situate in Venn Passate about 1 mile east of Metla-katla Vlllusje. Tako notice that Armour Balvaw U4a, Ltd . of Prince Rupert. B.C.. a uouy corporate intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted nL'l 2U rt N 1;)0" 25 4 w thn 02 18 chains; thence (m- 14 chains thence 088 8 chains; thence 1H8- 24 chains thence 202" 21 chains; thence 354' 10 6 chains to a imlnt ..f Helgerson Ltd. (225) 1 flATURDAT P VI. 8.00 CBC News 8:05 KaludOft AmlfcOft 8:30 Sotriw A Quebec 7 :00 The Music Box 7:30 Ray NorrU Quintet H:ko Mii-lml program 9 :00 The Homesiarters 9:30 Western Hit Parade 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC Newa 10:15 Loyd Arntzen Polk Songs 10:30 Vancouver Theatre lr:IMl I lull "IUH" 12:00 Blgn-off SUNDAY A. M. 8:30 Sunday Morning Rental 3:00 BBC News and Comountary 9:15 Tl Question Box 9 :30 Harmony Harbor 10:00 B. C. Gardener and Weather Forecast 10.15 Just Mary 10 -TO -Mnle for Wir-hlp U:00 CBC JMewa 11:03 Capitol Report 1 1 30 Religious Period PM. 12:00 Journey From Silence 1 :0O An Innocent Abroad 1:30 Critically Speaking 2:00 Fiddle Joe s Yarns 2:30 JaKe and the Kid B. 00 CBC Ne a OS Ask the Weatherman 3:12 Weather Forecast 3:15 UN On the Record 3:30 Winnipeg Symphony Oreh. 4:30 Distinguished Artists 5:00 Sunday Chorale 5:30 -de Kimunocy.y Quartet 7:00 CBC Newa 7:lu Weekend Review 7:20 Our Special Speaker 7:30 Little Symphony orch. 8:00 NBC Symphony Orch. 8 30 From the Operas 9:00 Ballad Time 8:30 Vesoer Hour 10:00 CBC! Nes 1C:I0 CBC News 10:15 The Moral Climate of the 14 BUSINESS PERSONALS 32 FOR SALE MISC. POT burner heater. Black 890. (230pi BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL LARGE family home or revenue house. 1141 Beach Place. (229) 40A Houses Wanted to Buy I HAVE $1,000 cash and good monthly payments for a Black neskerchiels of British WE NEED yourld tires. For e liberal trade see KNUTSON'6 TIKE SALES Si SERVICE, 811 Eraser St. Phone Red 548. THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guy at t House wiring and electi iea! 16-FT, hou.se trailer. 200 11th St. 228pi Navy sailors connnemorate the death of Admiral Nelson in 1805. WASHING MACHINE, almost if house, any condition. Eox 709, 1 Daily News. (229) West.1 npv- Phone Red 417. (227) repairs. 149 9th Ave Phune Red 105. NT AD (24H mencement and containing 38 acres more or less, for the purpose of log storage. AliMOUR SALVAGE (19481 LTD. per James JV1. Fields. Dated August 20th. 1953. (Sept. 6, 12. 19, 28c ) KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ELECTROLUX. Pr.on" Hhie 970 fur Parts Sale ycrvlce. (c) lEPLIES i . i j I : 46 Bl'SINESS OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION! Men or womn who want to make $$$ and be their own boss, no Intermediary direct profits on more than 250 products. We invite you to write for details and our free catalogue. FAMILEX, Dept. 8, 1600 Delorimier. Montreal. (It) Phone 212 527 3rd Ave. re noiuiny repine ( II Kl . WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 90!) Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily ic lonowinq news PLUMBING, automatic oil heating, hheet metal work. Phone 543. Call 630 6th West. Letour-neau. (!) RABY but?gy, $15.00. Blue 894. (228pi 34 WANTKl MISCF.1XANEOU. WANTED' TOP MAR K 2 T PRICES PAID for scrap Iron, steel, brass, copper, lead," etc. Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 251) Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. (H) CASH FOR Snap, cooper, brass, batterlis, radiatorsPhone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (el cs: 781 794 797 -plies must be id for in person 47 AITOMOBI1.E8 WILFORD Electrical Works. M: torn bought, sold, rewound and repaired. (trf ELMORE PIIII.POTT ' (Continued from Page 2) - threat of Rhee's hanging over its head. THE LOYAL members of the UN showed in Korea that they would support the U.S.A. if she led in resistance to clear-cut aggression. In the Sixteen Nation Declaration, after the end of fighting in Korea, they also clearly stated that "We affirm, In the Interests of world peace, that if there is a mni PHONE 458 i MESSENGER ' Pit K-I P AND DELIVERY' 1 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. O. Furk. foMIMi EVENTS 1940 CHEVROLET sedan for sale. Fair condition. May be seen at Frizzell Motors. Please direct bids to Bodard Adjustment Bureau, Prince Georee. Box 2253. (227) iukM'is Rummage olo,,e ounaing. riea M3. 120-n) 35 - 7. BOATS AM) ENGINKS ''nll,t:r. 1 MAGAZINES, uoveltle. tddlc'j Auxiliary evening fa- New SUnd. (c) 20th Century Novel 10:30 Music by Meluruilno 11:00 Weather Hipuri ii 8ign cfl ; i MONDAY A.M. I 7:00 B C. FlKlwrmen's Broadnsit l-.lii Musical ( link I 7:30 CBi News; Weatjer Hepoi i t:3.-i Mu.leal (lock 8:00 CBC News: Weather I :io here's Bill Uouu i 1D51 PREFECT, as new, 3900 ,, Thursday, October NEARLY everybody use 99. PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS miles. Can be financed. 1533 of the arnied attack, we should 13-FOOT cabin cruiser. 10 horse Onan enitine, 12 uult electric system. Bell variable pitch propeller. Phone Green 469. (227) 35A MACHINERY FORSAI.lT' IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK. Rent or Trucki md Equipment Pn. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS Pigott Ave. after 5 p.m. (22!)p) 16 LOST il Rummage Sale, Ot?' LEGAL NOTICES 8:1.1 I. Illle oniert 8:30 Morning Devotlona 8:45 Musical March Past MAN'S wallet, name enaraved on front. Finder keep money, return wallet to 1349 Pieeott Place. Blue 2140. (227 Bazaar, October 7 BERLIN &4 planer, thoroughly overhauled with factory new again be united and prompt to resist." The "attack',' referred to above is of course another attack from the North, by the Communist forces. No one has yet answered: Would UN crack down on Rhee if he attacked? X six-knife round top and bottom cylinders, side spindles, slx- Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding .i.st RiimiiiagA . Sale, "'LLJ:rjL r-'nMr'ilr''f'' -We heads and new rollers RECFPTIONIST for LetJion 27 1 s,h?fUnS; Post OUive H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE Si INSURANCE Phoire 96, Evenings Black 899 . Club, evening shift. Must h" 1 r,,mc ruige, ox, (It) n Tea. October 10 Min's Tea, Civic Cen- 15. SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MININO MACHINERY " ' e.sixmslble pTson. nble to han dle cash. Applications must be 31; ROOMS FOR RENT GOVERNMENT OP THE PROVINCE OF BHITLSH COLUMBIA DEPARTMKNT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. Star Dance, October written ana forwarded to Secretary-Manager. Canadian Lesion, Prince Rupert, unmedint"-ly. (227) LARGE, bright light housekeeping room, semi-furnished. Suit couple. Central location. Phone Green 241 -eves. (226) ATLIN ELECTORAL DISTRICT llrnlte Project Nn. 1:11 BEAR RIVER BHIDOE i BEAR RIVER ROAD 1 Full Bazaar, October SCOTT Mcl-AREN . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Jamej Block 608 3rd Ave. W. , Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 37 a tneie Ci CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWME1N Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m NOTM'K TO I OSTK.M TORS CLERK-TYPIST bv local firm. Permanent position for the right person. Apply In own handwriting giving details us to flue. muritHl sLatus. du'utin:i DINING PLEASURE SLrrPINO room near McBride St. Men only. Call 212 5th East or phone Black 164. (228) Card Party, Oct. 22. n Legion Ladies' Aux-bazaar, Nov. 4. : r , . j -Li . , - r Ylt- ' i I, . '. w f J "- - ii ii. i i . , t. :f. C 1 t '; 11... ., . "'-4 i f iJ. ;.S -a 'J-i-r. 4 ). ' - . -i r C' ' t f i ".)' t r A 1 '-' M- i L , i- ( . . -1 f - t r f t - l ' , Ti.ur .'-" 1 t'' "r T ? - r 1 : "t - Sealed tenders, marked "Tender for Bear River Bridge", will be received Works. in aim experience, , to jr.u nmj""" v .... Mll1l,, o P,,bhc 1157. .225) ! . Qtdet gentleman. Close In. Box I & lXiutfkus Building. .if 617 to It's Fall Bazaar, Nov- Government iuo uany wews. nap) Dtreet. victoria n.., up to t BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING , FOR TAKE OL'T ORDERS . Phone 200 Broadway Cafe UilWAilTEEuHAIE-Permapent-' : SPARKLING NEW - SURROUNDINGS iuj'ciocW .noun. P;;cUic Standard Ttmo. TWD 'sfi-epTn!? roohis. iK6ne fieri ly eradicated with Saca-Pelo PRECISION SAW HUNG A!l Types of Saws . Sharpened IJ5 1st Ave. (V. Phone 909 (Daily except Tuesday) Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 on Wednesday, the 21st day of October, 1953. -and opened In public at the.t ttine and date. Plana, specifications and condi The most remarkable discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo is guaran Commodore Cafe Fall Bazaar, Nov. 13. Fall Bazaar, Thurs-mber 1SI, 1953. all Bazaar, Friday, No- H17 or apply 132 4th Ave. East. (227) ONE housekeeping room. Blue 020. (227) teed to kill the roots of any hair and contains no drugs or chem ical. LorBeer Lab. 679 Granville, BLONDIE Vancouver, B.C. ' 111137 By. CHIC YOUNG ROOMS AND BOARD irple Fall Bazaar. Elks CAN'T YOU BE A LITTLE I f t VSELL. WOULDN'T VOL) v- 21. MOCF Cf IMAMTir ASlT. v I III " ' l jmf t I fJ TUU UIW Vil inCUMY I I - I I V NOT JUW SAV Fall Bazaar, Novem- AGENTS for Canadian Liquid , room and board or housekeep-Alr Co. Ltd.. for oxygen, acety-1 , 0(1n ()r k,entieman in lene and all welding supplies. pHv.,1(. nome Box 7.j3i Dallv Lindsay' Cartage . Si Storage 1 Npws (225 Ltd. Phone 60. c) on 11 .-.to r , t: ." , ' I j VYUP THAN 'KQPVJj' WE WERE MARPIED? J U.s UWt? ' ( VUP VUP-VLlP? it rian Ladies' Aid Ba Ivi iiibtT 26. fr tions of tender may b obtained from the Public Works Office. 835 Burrard Street. Vancouver 1, Be, or. from the Public Works 'office-. Prince Rupert. B.C.. or from the uuderslKiied, on deposit of a sum of Ten LKiilurs i10UO) which will be reiunded on their return in good condition within a period of one month uf the receipt of tenders except in the case of the successful tenderer where the plan deposit is not reluucl.ibie. No tender will be accepted or considered mat contains an escalator clause or any otner qualifying conditions and the lowest or any lender 111 not necessarily be accepted. N. M. McUulImn, Chief JiiiKlnear. j Department of Pubilc Woikj, Douglas Building. 017 Government Street, Victoria, B.C. September Ifi, 11)53. .. WW" t FREE accommodation in downtown apartment in exchange fv s&? WM-x llUUOtart'a 'i . v. . family home in Smlthers. Permanent, Kood salary. Phone Smlthers 11R collect. (226) U SITl ATIONS WTO. Female (.'hurrh WA. Christ-Dec 3. !J1 Pall Bazaar, Satwt- for lichl janitor duties. Suitable for widow or couple. Box 797. Daily New:; (229) 1 Alcoholics Anony-pO- Box 343. Phone (234) BABY sitting Black 998. (nel S6 BULDING M ATEIt I ALS INQUIRE about our budcet. phn fur vnur home Imprnveincnt, l sw-77- A . . ,. , , - .; . ; - - j - ' wJssiii "-M pOA(iE,IENT8 No- -dt t pay w eW AUinoa t i p.B4ll.'.WftfSt-iiL (Itc u.v Aiex MeKiunoii;.aroM,.,..n ju ;i mo. to r.nv .... ' ima'enieni -oi , pim Pim.FOTT. VrT F.VTTT & rV LTD NICELY furnished one twin-bedroom apartment in Elizabeth for six months. $12500. Adults. Box 800, Daily News. ' ' (227) F(V&h - R VioiS" " serf-ixm"(aiii'e(i suite, central. Fully furnished. Furniture for sale. Box 718 Daily News. (227) THREE-ROOM apartment and bnth. 533 8th Ave. West. (226p) KUL1 Y furnished two-room suite, (inlet working couple. Cull Blue 638 after 5 p.m. (22Hp) Phone 651 or ok (229) A1J1ION KAI.E Tlinher oale x-r.sa.il There will lav ottered lor sale at Public Auction, at 11:00 a.m.. on Fri J-'-'iier, Kthelene, to I'Tireau. son of Dr. and f au of Reglna. The I 'o take plane In Octo- (Up) f-lRM. NOTICES Fl'fr.: 27 day, October 23. 1953. In the office of the District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C., the Licence X-5H951, to cut 2 435.000 cubic feet uf Hemlock. Spruce and Cedar on an area cover NTS Tn tho Mtw Oni... FOR vour fuel requirements OH "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mln. Gas "Pacific" Propane.' PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 65 Lor 652 (229) 26' l'J53. Susan Mar-f" one month, 25 days, i 7 tlcimhter of Mr. I Harold U. Commins. ?Ave. West. R.. r n THREE-ROOM suite partly fur-nisluil. Green 698. (224) ing Lot 1312 situated on Waller Creek (Ford's Cove). Portland Canal, Casslar Land District. Three 13) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Provided anyone unable to attend the auction ln person may submit KING OF THE BOYAU MOUNTED m;v.'I;.; ..,! , . ." ' Bv ZANE GREY ' ''ZlIQii&f'Y't''0 sf4t"rol I 1 (Tney cam t catch ui. STAjuiT.auTMsrYs I ufumeDutrfCfMB ufBBHino thou eocz7 Black 6HostiD L0seui THeee,moostJ (0te6iwTseDTmAiAiN'Jri Sk. BUOCSKIN-SHOD , 7 ' s-7.- , , ,, , , .i fc - y-i- c i LI LABNtR Feudin'? By AL CAPi' ' - AHHEEP-P)" PON'T WORRV. IT'S IN N VO' lfXJlrS.7-DON'T VO' AH MADE. ALL7VILE VjWS!! VfJ ff -TT MAM BABV Nl GOOD HAKJDfj KJAMF1. 1 REELIZE TH' BABY'P MATTA ) I PURT-f BABV CLOTHE WAltTlV Sf ' ). r fOrCV SCREECHIN OUKM. WE ISTUFRN' BUST, BEFORE- TH' PIPt J FO"rO,' MVSTERIOU'i, sOHOM- i . fJ-'ii' ?T A THOOfiel IT, SO IT'LL. BUST OOTA ) BUSTED.'.'' I T "S DEAK-BUT IT LOOKS h T xf lfiV 1 SOME FECMDS TH' DRAIN-PIPS.1?. J.'jC- ( oUlP.'.' J I LIKE NOLL HAFTA 12 iL Wii'-Zl V-l HAP HOLT ' I I at: 'lillf (f JWr,S4 AH LIVE IN THET NASTY W AH' HVARt n. Vai5 OFlT'V(lE D kj jiflf j?T I titeTT Sole pipe rcr rn,r7MAH nr. ? 28 FURNITURE FOR SALE tvi "inuurt services at SUITE for rent. 517 7th West. (23()p) SUITES for rent. Red 984. (235) 1 "'rt .... Chapei at 2 pm. NEW FRIDGE, blonde bedroom f '.,.. 1, ti r8- Inrment to suite, blonde radio combina tender to be opened at the hour ol auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria. B.C., or the District Forester; Prince Rupert. (S1U.26.03. 10.17. tion, chesterfield suite, lire Dlace: chrome set. washing ma HOMES FOR SALE 40 chine, oil wick burner and other household furnishings. Apply IDEAL LOCATION Situated on 5th Ave., close to the hospital, six-room house, ls. (It) J-KKSONALS" .'rtwineFaiTiSuriB 1421 Piggott Place. cipi NOTICE Ol' APPLICATION t'OK I'HANGE OF NAME concrete foundation, hot air POT burner oil range, 9 x 10' a economical six words for 3 eon- "'VS COSt. tl OK. . grev Cohgoleum rug; clienu, 1078 '7th East. (225) furnace, side driveway to garage. Two lots in lawn. Fully furnished. Good revenue home Price $8,000. EXTRA SPECIAL I A'!nH,,"ns.,'cut!ve 'days St)A KEWING MACHINES NOTICE Is hereby given that an application will be made " to the Director of Vital Statistics for a chanKc of name, pursuant to the provisions of the "Change of Name Act." by me. Marv Senna Johnson. e vr,r";" emper' yu JALES Repairs Rentals. Singer Act promptly if you want a real of 137 Hth Avenue West, in the City Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (c) good buv in a three-bedroom of PrlnC(. Rupert in the Province of bnmn, home, close In. Everything in British Columbia, as follows FOR SALE MISC. S2 To chanae my name from Mary jih "ti i"-i. Brii:s JWT Re-Nu!" I nt fl l??u Jt like Seltua Johnson to Mary Sellna Birch. , 772 King West, 'Dealers 's want want Dated this 20th day of July, AD. 1863: MISS MARY SELINA JOHNSON, (ItCI VIOLIN: E flat baritone saxophone; Remington portable typewriter: mantel radio. 303 British rifle; small desk. Blue 800. 526 7th East. 230p excellent condition. Velvety lawns. Price only $7,000; terms arranged. Exclusive listings. Armstrong -Agencies Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance Phone 342 Red 958 or Black 197 evenings. (225) (225) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE CU'ET PlSASE.' TWE FOR I C0IN5 TO WCTK... CAREER GRL NO NEED TO TALK . OH, K0, a BE NOT, PO?3. ALL 6000 JONESES TO WOLD EVE 'THEY'LL CALL ME...AM5 YOU, rrg MY TUKN...LOOK VS tuSrs 'or Minng, 'Prn ntB a,nd pontrac h Ule Islnd, Vancou-t (tf) ABOUT THAT, HONEY. I'W OUT TO HUNT UP 4 MEETING CM AVEIV VITAL ALL KNOW THAT I Mi K3T THE POPS, VOJ RELAX AND PREPARE TO a 1 1 IV'7 22-410 RIFLE-SHOTGUN combination, with ammunition. Perfect condition. Price $35.00. Black 511. 251p) MAN'S grey suit, size 42, as pew. 1533 Piggott Ave. after 5 D.m. 229pi ! TOPIC NAMELV, THREE SQUARE A J TM$ MORNINE'. E KNOWN AS THE FATHER OF PHI BETA KAPPA TiPE... 60 A1EALS A PAY AMI? HOW TO WHY WASTE THE TOWNS THAT SENSATIONAL FINANCIAL FINANCE A 6S0WIN6 0NEY TRYiMS TO POUND Phenomenon, eve jones,' tMRL'S APPETITE -THATS KNOWLEP6: INTO AW HEAP? i auokini? rAceP un-k m S5r milk THREE-BEDROOM home with double plumbing, large living-room with fireplace, through hall to beautiful kitchen; concrete foundation with automatic oil furnace. On 5th Ave. East. Immediate possession. Full price $8,500. or nearest offer. Terms. R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. Phone 88 (228) -e,l i'nol ir..B'r you. COLEMAN oil heater, very ra-sonable. 1022 2nd Ave. West or phone Green 835. (227p) milk guaran- iHl OIL heater, like new. Reasonable price. Phone eves. Red 2101, (227p) Kr bovi"5'. wckertea, TWO-BEDROOM house, oil heater. Available Immediate Miardni. , mwns and C.kWnK, Free DOMINION circulator heater, like new. at 708 Tavlor St. ly. $4,000, terms. Phone Blue 809. ' U3Sp s,- - a.. t (227)710, - .i , . . .