rrifiCe ixUperi uoiiy t e..i Baturday. March 21, 1953 ! Hockey "uie j t. v;. ' U,:--r-r i 50?r5 ROUND-UP By CAYLK TALHOT " U 2-1 .. " . ... f T AVC.KLKS (AIM St. Louis I'.rowns m;iv Leafs in Tough Spot ks Uttl Nears Close Toronto Will Need Help To Get Into Cup Finals MONTREAL (CP) Two tough assignments focus attention on the National Hockey League as the teams swing into the final games of the regular schedule tonight. i In order of toughness of at- j heln and a superhuman effort tainment, they are: A playoff i of their own if they are to dis- tmim'hora PVPffif Flilfk to .t. IXlUtA Miter h . u i,i-1rw,Il uiiKuwIiitl 111 it tVlf-rp Vtill 1 tllitViiniri ' lackadaisical about their jilay as long as they have Clint Courtney, the 1!52 rookie of the year, catch ino; for them. He's still ft throwback to th icniciai, wno requcu-cl atKjny-1 mlty - V.'hut If the Sox are out ! of the race a week before It For fighter ends and want to try out Home old-time, hard-bitten who liked to keep 0 keen fdP; on his spikes. rookie InilrWiers and Stephens 1,1 cnljr t'co or three gnnie hy nf I Ii t t:l lilKl will u, . Bruins or spot for Toronto Maple Leafs place eitner uosioa Black Hawks. The and a Roal scoring record for ' Chicago -How do you think we're KO-jphrni, dM,jd(, wh,.Ul,.r h plflyj ing to do"1" he demanded at th third, or will manager Paul Red ; Bruins and Hawks are tied for Oordie Howe of Detroit Wings. The Leafs will Units. , a mean gum in nia eye lurnniu.i need outside You think we haven't got pitch- '1 ! Ka."'w'ii''P-".'rw. ,r,,w Z' I f'"K tilt,: 'H0 Hug .... . ....ti-i-:-. i . l. .1.. nf d rilunlilT ntfn THE DI KE OF KDIMil KGII, fifth man in uriiisn nisiory u or uir nu.......u v.. B h Alberni Beats Rupert Cagers ' Inn' I tell you this much, it II ; be better than we got from that : bunch of bums we had last vear. It couldti t oe wors-. We r.- is possibly the most versatile sportsman ever closely associated with the crown. He 1 ,.,nH .thiot whn ran nut tin a tiood ktiuw at anylhi:;g from iocrrr to kit"e H leret in VANC'OV! VrK All.i-ml d- liahir to show vou something t f 'A WV"' Who do I think will win ir rented Prince Rujx-rt 58 50 In sport began when he was a schoolboy. Here he examines hL running shoes before taking part in inter-school games at Edinburgh In 1935 He attended Oordonstoun school in Scotland He still has trophies won at school for swimming, diving and high jumping i lh in V, u third place, with 65 .points each. The Leafs, In fifth place and currently outside the playoff fold, have 61. Detroit clinched first nlace March 8 and Montreal Canadiens clinched second last Saturday. New York Rangers are out of the running. The Leafs' big test started Wednesday when the Hawks visited Toronto to go down to defeat. If their playoff chancc3 are still alive next Sunday, the Leafs will get another chance when they play that night in Boston. On Thursday they beat Montreal and tonight meet New York on home ice. Even with this week's wins the Leafs must depend on other teams to administer spankings to one or both. There are no Boston-Chicago games left, so Superiors Well, I guess you've got to say ' the provincial high whoo! baa-them Yank.;, !onr ai they've gH ketball rhamplon.vhiij tourna-thul Mu-koy Mantle out there l ment yesterday tor Uiclr -ci.mr1 plavid with him In Kuna CUy los. und I could ve told cm they The Bo-Me-Hl team made il wouldn't HiJ.-Ji UlMaggio I we lout of 30 foul sImiU MnrriMin they're worrying whether Phil , toped Htipeit playrri with 13 l;iuto will be able to play short ! point. Young had 10, Clccon all the way They can quit wor- o, Ford, eight. Krlxtman.yin, lying That little sucker will be five and Lrtourneau, four. Easily-Accessible Winter Sports Attracts Those in All Walks of Life SERVICE U J U4 Ave. W. Pktk . u Ihnrrt" there Is a l'j-mile-; park .But they cant compi.uu i the "saddle Bv I'ETFR Ml URAY Canadian Press Slaft Writer of any lack of co-oMratioii from ! lone run to the chalet. i i..nt.in ! ti,.t ..,,.li. In K.iim n ih in fill VANCOUVER Boosters of At least one magnate out this way doubts that general man-ier Frank I-ane of the Chicago a cut-throat affair is ruled out . Vancouvers Evergreen Play lilt? DrRIIUVUIUS lllMtllbill lllitl Vllt iuti". ' "t.. , -' jonly government indifference is .-ns loaned $100 each. Interest , I preventing them from opening free, on the purchase of their . i up the full potentialities of the' new snowmobile i. -i V I v ground" have started plugging something new for them snow. Careful to' remark that the snow falls only on nearby mountains, the tourist bureau is drawing many visitors to the city with the lure of easily accessible winter sports. II tnere are ues uu pinma the finish, the team with the greater number of wins gets the higher placing. If there is still a tie, the call goes to the team with the fewer losses. If this doesn't break the deadlock, totrd number of goals for the season decides the issue. The tasK Gordie Howe has set himself gets no easier as the White Sox made such a smart move in signing his new third baseman, Vern Stephens, to an escalator contract in which the veteran will be rewarded for playing in a certain number of I'ulllIM When Stephens balked at the contiact offered him It called lor a healthy cut of the salary p:ild him by Boston Red Sox lust season -iJine Induced him Man Who Led Wings to Title Never Played in Big League f'fQum ucmei I'm , t'h IF ".nns,, . . o.'Kt to onji. twini U!UrWM wji " . - ... 'I "i . '(-1 .rw-'-i is , . Si : -v - ",-. '' I ;. i . i 4 1 i ? t. "V I -.-. t I - t. , - ; - The three peaks of Hollyburn, THE ri-AVING M.IGIKIMTY of -Ron Attwell. 18, has. stirred up a hornet's nest betw een the Canadian Amateur Hockpy Association and the Quebec Amateur Hockey Association. George S. Dudley, secretary-manaei of the CAHA, said the QAHA defied the, parent organization by granting Attwell a playing certificate with Montreal Junior Canadiens, after the CAHA had refused to transfer Attwell from the Ontario Hockey Association to the QAHA. The QAHA later was suspended by the national body. Grouse and Seymour mountains ' ... DnrvarI Tnlot U-ill IWPlv nE-TDATT A littln vl t 1 1 1. 1 1 ! I'tlMi It Tft I' h 1 1 1 il lUl CU1 1 - Inrt'di hv eniOffd the finest )rflS3!i4niic life on Holnod ktMtKi bm'i Her s urtier -.pHT..n . . . lruiK , . . Cuisme nd t (jch pH pt'lertion loo. for truly mtm. wcub'e Hn-p.Ui:l. roull tint) t fxendiy Mol!nd-mfii crosiif nf, idetil nitinc ! season nears its close. He nas ut. i i " " . , eenmrl 41 PoaH and is aiming ." i more than 120.000 visits between who never played big league Ir.g before Adams moved him up Spexiol Sailing from ? RYNDAM JUK: the single-season record of 50. them this year during the De- j hockey led Detroit Red Wings to from Omaha to Indianopolis and set by Montreal's Maurice cember-to-May season. Chair : a fifth straight National Hockey th,,n to Detroit. TwfWf $""0 t (wri.' Richard in the 50-game scneaul? ; mis on urou miu hujtoni , i,eague vine, an unprrrniriin-u of the 1945-46 season . I and a government-maintained achievement. He Is coach Tommy n S e y m o u r have ivan. In the two game, left, j pressure on. Howe must do Bet- i brought skiing within an hours I Tne surcess 0f the 42-year-old to sign by promising an extra $1000 If he played In as many as 100 games and $5 000 for 120! games. Stephens npiieared In I only 92 fur Boston last year, j when he was hampered by a j bad knee. ', ' Frank might find himself in I an awkward position before the season is over," opined a rival i There were several veterans of muMderable stature on the Willis when Ivan appeared on the scene. Including Black Jack Stcv art. but Tammy .says he was given free rein. ter than .7, his average in 68 , Journey of downtown Vancouver . : Ivan dapl)r and reserved, paral- MONTtf Al WINNieie VAfKOWU Ml Hurrar.l Hlrrrt. CURLING DRAW Vsnrouvrr t, B.C. Ft 43I RECORD LENGTH lels that of Joe McCarthy in The Grouse chair lift. In two ! "a-wball. McCarthy who led New and is ! York Yankees to four .traight sections, is 8.800 feet long described as "the world s longest ! champion.ships, never played b.g metropolitan chair lift." It was i 'Pague ball. completed in January, 1951. i Ivan said he never ran Into a ' resentment becau.se of mountains about The three are games. But tne Dig leiiow may break loose in any of them. The j teams he will face are Chicago ; and Montreal. There could be a dramatic ' finish to the season if Howe breaks or ties the record or i : fails to do so at Detroit Olym- y.fc-,',l m-nmi .una uu nijini I !':, . -v I " Basketball Executive Meeting MONDAY, MARCH 23, 8 P.M. at the Civic Centre 1,1 T:"J. n.u. ..r.i-; ft In lewatin and have MS ummunguisnea piaung par it - Following is the draw for to night and Sunday. pia ounuuy infill,, nic iiiuvi -- . 7. . 7 , ' . cri-iiinri ! will be the Canadiens. with an average snow aepm oi eigne u -0-00 pm. (Superior Autol Richard himself in action. Moore vs Berg; Adomcit vs Kel- WUn nls 4n Bf)als and 46 as. 10 feet. Some of the best skiing j Like so mnny oi tne kcu comes ln late April and May , Wings," he said, "I was a product when a warm sun melts the over-, of the farm system. McCarthy, night crust, making for ideal on the other hand, came out of snow conditions. j a different organization. The man who recommended m to the Ski lessons sponsored by tw 0 lroit system was Carson Coop- city newspapers are attracting lougn, bieoer vs armicnaei. 8ists Howe is tar ln ront ,as 12:30 a.m. Rowbotham vs Do-' individual point-getter with 93 mina to i Grand Challenge) ; Heg- points, well ahead of his own gie vs Robertson (Superior Auto) i record of 86. DIRECT TO ROTTERDAM lot at liitfc ATTENTION His teammate Ted Lindsay . - ... j I i r, nil ..... .n ..ait. r . er, neaa scoui. lies me same nas vu poinis ana nicnara uiira i ijcufic -j on . , ... .. nince with 60 nointe. followed I life. It is not uncommon to see "V" u. 'V1' "lu" " Bateman vs Scmitt dSuperior Auto i 3:00 a m. i Grand Challenge l Shier vs Carey: Waldbauer vs "Collinson; Scott vs Willson. Marty k, 7oii. Unnuhpim.. nf nw a kinrierf.artpn-a2e tot skim-:,ed LJndsay, Hea Kelly l.m HtHln 0.'' Mr n 1 IriHii lolnl Js:l a ,,m Sn lt i nr M Ju. I' " My 31 Jur.. r r. I. ZflMKH.W on ni'-tTn Nrihrrir.tii (iavrm-mi.t 'ttit kxl lirt wmti hlj, rlf jlrtllh Cnbln ImtiI. 160 l-nnlt.jry IIM tliHKCTOR ATe-OKNrHAL, OP Mtll'I'INC iMinUlrtf vn 'fitrrr en Wslrr-Hull. Tli Hu-HOI.I.ASn-AMrRICA LINE. Axmlt ming down a slope alongside a York with 58 Pavelich, Bill Quackenbu.-h and Harry Lumley to Detroit contracts." Ivan suceeded Jack Adams as 60-year-old. A little harder to reach but ; offering unparalleled a 1 p 1 n e j (coach after the 1940-47 season scenery is Garibaldi park, some ; Only an unprecedented three-game avalanche of goals can displace Terry Sawchuk of the Wings as low-average goalie for the season. His average of 1 89, compared with his 1.94 last season and 1.98 the season before. Gerry McNeil of Montreal ranks second with 2.10. TTJ nrzrr- MIXED FIVE-PIN BOWLERS A!l those interested in joining the spring league please leave your names ot the bowling alley or Phone Red 709. Remember When ""Harry Vardon, one of the world's greatest golfers, died at Whetstone, England, 16 years ago today at the age of 66. The English stylist was winner of six British Open titles between 1896 and 1914, in addition to dozens of other trophies. 35 miles f rom Vancouver Still in : coach and mall The w the devolpment stage this 450-, wond fourth o square-mile park land is destined . ,acfdur, fir,t o rival some of the finest resorts captured fmir Mr,lKnl! in the Hockies. , before (.hampion.ships. Twlce HIGHWAY PLANNED ; this had been done In the NHL, ! At present the only means of . but never did any team win five getting there is by boat, bus, i in a row. snowmobile and a two-mile ski I "Adams deserves, most of the trek. A proposed new highway 1 credit," said Ivan. ' He provided along Howe Sound to Squamish , the horses. You can't win wlth-would bring the skiing grounds ; out the horses." within a two-hour drive of Van- t Ivan was a centre In his play-couver. i InR days, which ended In Brant- I Garibaldi's devolonment has : ford, Ont., at the age of 27 when W Vi $35 Million For Alberta Air Base w . .tl Ml SPECIAL on SHOES Mcnmsca r OTTAWA (CP) A combat- heen pioneered by two Norwegian he fractured his cheekbone and training base for the RCAF. i immigrants, Ottar and Emit dislocated his jaw in an Ice jam. mm . cuBiiug joj.yuu.wi win ue uijcii- ; Branovola ana uuar s wne, joan. H n mm ), MW ' 20 OFF ALL ed next year in a huge tract of ti man""' lu-aprnw This hardy trio, beginning in 1941, has built a log chalet capable of accommodating 37 people. The Brandvolds eventually plan a series of mountain huts dotting the area which would j2b; northeastern Alberta, the Commons defence committee was told. H. A. Davis, engineering superintendent of the defence department, said the station will r ncouver LEATHER SHOES permit easy one-day trips from , cabin to cabin ln the alpine playground. j Most of the terrain around , Diamond Head, where the lodge ! Is situated, is above the timber j line, giving long, uninterrupted i ski runs on treeless slopes. From j For the Finest in Office Supplies ,i,h " Ihf tin- The wlf-rrnUtin MnrriMin, t ii(lni, i lomrr be used to train airmen in high-level bombing, in the use of air to air guided missiles and other weapons, and in fighter interception. The base will be partially opened in the spring of 1954 and completely opened later that year. It is known as Coid Lake, about 150 miles northeast of Edmonton, or as Lac la Biche. Construction casts are expected to run to more than $35,000,-000. In addition to this nearly 8.000 acres of land are being and SLIPPERS -Men's - Women's - Children's Fashion Footwear In flrM nl anil v" P i with tawline pkinl J" ' rial i4 norkmahip: '" '. reit rompureil SEE wrvlrf. AvuiUlilr Irom nlork. " "" , . Kilburn Fined For Attack SEATTLE AP) Colin Kil . . . thin come to the Siihia . . . on the nhtm of Emjlixh Ban and Ihe e;hje of Stanley Park. Fine rooms fine terrice fine, ftxid. Enaij jxirkiiiij. lltihij xittiwj sen-ice. Sensible rales. n Hilliord C. lyle Managing Directoi kUrllnr ir 'push butlon" n Blunt, It I" MtA tJiik unrt ljrlini ballrrir. turn Pnrt IF" atl Sl.ljO, 3on Kalla Ulllil. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY burn, Victoria hockey player, has ; been suspended indefinitely and fined 100 for his attack on rcf- FREIGHT... tinnikir I'"' purcha.sed and rights will be ob-leree Powers in the Victoria- S tained to use a for larger area Vancouver hockey game at Van- iwcTAlLATION..''?' ior me vrarmiig. Icouver last Tuesday night, Pre, ! w "'"' :u;ii' ..tltl www sident Al Leader of the Western Hockey League announced to- 7 Vancouver won the game IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE THE AIR FORCE RECRUITING OFFICER will be at the PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., on March 23 and 24 day. 9-5. Write today fnr lllmlratfil I.llrritiire and full I'rlct Infurmatloiu -fT7 wmm . t -:J .;,' I.."' Branchcut North Vnneonvtr, Frlnr Qorff da BdnioMtoa FIBREGLASS BOATS And SKIFFS UNSINKABLE UNBREAKABLE ALSO Fibregloss Gas Tanks; "V" Rollers and other Marine Products AVAILABLE NOW AT THE SPORTS SHOP to Interview Young Men and Women interested in Aviation. Learn a trade so you can demand high wages! The Air Force will give you a FREE complete course in such trades as: Electronics - Stenography - Accountant - Mechanic - Radio - Electrician - Medical and many others while receiving full pay. Join the thousands of Young Men and Women who are enrolling in the RC A F. ENQUIRE NOW NO OBLIGATION j " -r 622 3rd Ave. W. Phone Blue fin A I Inr lliili l...to .Mr p...Krll...Et I '4.' 5 I, -rf.