SORROW'S ORMES HIDES mam DRUGS L March 22, 1953 Standard Time 610 180 feet 19 57 150 feet feet 33 24 6.9 feet DAILY DELIVERY Phone 01 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XUI, No. 68 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1853 TEN CENTS (Including comic sectioD) i ', ; , 3i IMmmE 5oii IF Fair MS a' R. PlaiiD u .7 f - ''i""" " 't"''?- I : 4r-v :- y -vvi- Craft Strikes KiSi South of Oakland By Tbe Canadian Press OAKLAND Thirty-five persons, most of them United States airmen heading for duty in the Far East, were killed when a four-engine transport plane crashed and exploded in a ball of fire south of here tx-1 rusty New Czech President By Tht Cknului Press VIENNA Antonin Zajjotocky, 6 8 - y ear-old former Nazi concentra H J" Big or Little Slice? AI'I'I K Hfc weighing 150 pound wu baked for the 5oq youngsters In Montreal fa B'iV Club A Montreal grocery chain provided the pie, Ice cream and soft drink for t. r tion camp trusty wanted el Fire Jury to Call Wife i ty me uutch on war j crimes charges, today was Owner at Resumed Sitting 1 elected Communist presi Giant New Gas Well Reported In B.C. Area OTTAWA (CP) George Murray, Liberal Member of Parliament for the Cariboo, said in an interview Friday night he has heard a big gas well has blown In about 300 mile north of known fields, on the British Columbia side of the Peace River area. Mr. Murray said he got the Information in a telephone call from his wife at Fort St. John. B.C., about 375 miles south of aU-d In that room " He said hi- "v"v ui vitulun,wTarv.a. ill the proprietor of .owner, told the coroner Jury he ;rt!r Hotrl. which "didn't know anything" about a x iuay nigUL. The plane, a Transocean Air Lines DC -4, struck, a hill near Decoto, 20 mllea south of here near the eastern shore ot Ban Francisco Bay. Decoto Is in an area of California's worst air disaster 50 were killed In the crash of a United Air Lines plane under similar circumstances August 24, 1951. The Transocean plane carried 30 airmen and five crew members. Eyewitnesses said the aircraft, flying through a drtele of rain, smashed into the hill, broke into bits and then burst into flames. Mrs. Henry Andrade, who lives only 300 yards from the crash scene, said: "I saw men with their clothes on fire, some on the ground, some trying to get up, staggering, falling back into vestigation showed that section i prKe radio announced the of the buildlmr ... n.luit j 'Ubber-sUmp Czech Parliament l ! i- .( ground here Sun- hotplate being used In Rourn 2. ' a 1. ...... ..Ill K ru..,,,.l.l t.u AM.... t,. l i.,.. verely burned voU;d unamlmoualy, 271 to 0, An ' of Mrs. Peters' i f ?ut the ore-l'me trade union 1 ieder ln the at cated Just body was held tills morning and a week ago by the death of reKulU will Tc rilsclo.scd when i; iivv iir.-v m iALupii-u uj niu rrirn Mliu Ills tify i. cut Monday at Hklfe. Nina, whose body wax found 1 lujue.n following In the ruins, v evidence given by! Other witnesses testified they ! and a tenant last I saw flames first In or near room 1 2 and Fire Chief Earl Becker f n d Pr) stay, hotel said the blaze "may have origin- president Klement Gottwald The Czech Central Committee proposed to Zapotocky that Vllcm Siroky be the new pre mier. the well area. The well would be In the ex 'AW BRINGS 22-INCH the Jury resumes. The four other bodies have been released for burial. A witness be i ore Pryntay, Peters said he had been given a hotplate to use In the room. After Prystay denied this, the Jury recalled Peters to ak him again about the hotplate. "Both. Mr. and Mrs. Prystay came Into the room, gave us the Zapotocky has been premier since shortly after the Communists seized power In February, 1S48. the flames. J treme northeast section of British Columbia, Mr. Murray said.) He said his information indicates that the well Is uncapped ! Tanker Seized and "running wild. He was not sure It was afire. 10WFALL ON PRAIRIES I i nothing gentle about the coming of spiing to i rn prairies yesterday. Strong wind piled a 22-lnch ,nu dci-p drifts In many places, , a rw. almost unscathed, however, with wldcly-f iiKiweni on tlie coast and a three-lncb nowfall In a K ci'enays QUEEN MART, S6 IN MAT, has been ill for the last three weeks, confined to bed at her Marlborough House residence by a gastric ailment. Because of her age she does not plan to attend the Coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey in June. hotplate and showed us how to i hook it up. There were two cord He said discovery of gas in MPs Suggest Act Cover All Seamen By Americans that area would be significant, j from the ceiling, one for the adding to known reserves of the Peace River territory. light and one for the hotplate. "The rent was $7 a week with At Richmond A proposal now is under way out the hotplate and S8 with it. to ship gas from further-south We wouldn't Ultp th r,m with- wisws-mbmotw au pr- .Committee Named to Study Canada's Territorial Waters Peace River districts to southern B.C. and the United States. out the hotplate." slated Peters. ! anenUry parties representing , '- , . . : Canada's coastal fishing areas When Mrs Prystay could noti,.s,,H mrta. mh .h. v Rupert Ball Players WASHINGTON tt The United States government has gone after 15 ships it says were trading with Communist countries and has Westcoast Transmission Company now is trying to obtain a Federal announced it is pointing its legal permit from the U.8. , be located to testify Coroner ernment extend provisions of the ;Oeorge Dawes adjourned the In- ;Merchant seamen Compensation ! quet until 2:30 p.m. Monday. i Art to cover def p.wa flshermen. 1 Pfftore 1 , i ! r 1 tit , 1 1 r t m u u n c ... , . . . .. . . e For Big League Camps Watson' MacNaught, parliamentary assistant to Fisheries Minister Sinclair, said in the Power Commission to take Peace weapons at many more. River gas into the U.S. Commons Friday, recommenda Mr. Murray located the re Two separate actions were taken Friday: 1. The Maritime administra tions of the committee will be i. k.iix rt baseball , here, left on Thursduy night's In Terrace at the time of Uie fire. I slstant to Labor Minister Gregg m their way to Uke boat en route to the St. Louis 1Ie nad learned of It Sunday who administers the act, said oKcra by profes- .... farm .,,lh ,,klnh j afUrnoon at i o'clock while play- , most fishermen already are cov- studied and possibly adopted by tion said mortgages on 14 freight ported new well as about 75 miles northeast of Fort Nelson, and 75 miles east of the Alaska Highway, just south of the B.C.- the government. He spoke before the Commons f 'Hl-known catcher OTTAWA Q An inter-departmental committee has been established by the federal government to study Canada's territorial waters. B.C. to Ask Ottawa Help InPGEWork VICTORIA (CP) The federal government will be asked to Northwest Territories border. gave third and final reading to a bill making a series of amend ments to the act to protect coast rial ui iu i erea lor compensauon lor oeam . . ... , , , California, for training. spring , e ,cft FrldByior irljury through various pro- Already In Vancouver and set jpveriing by train to look for a Job. vlnclal workmen's compensation to leave next Wednesday for1 He returned to Prince Rupert : boards. HeaUbury, Calif., is Rupert-born (Monday. ) Merchant seamen compensa- Dlrk Letourncau. taking spring! Witness said he and his w.fe t'" designed to cover mer-traliilng with Vancouver Cap!-i had been living here for about I chant seamen sailing abroad who lHnog I five weeks and at the King j are ,lot 80 covered, i ..I..... i.:iniin George Hotel since February 5 I The discussion occurred as al fisheries. OLD COUNTRY FOOTDALL ers sold to Greek companies are In default because the owners have not submitted annual inspection certificates. This could be preliminary to foreclosing mortgages. 2. At Richmond, Calif., the government seized the Seven Seas, a 10,195-ton tanker, charging it had been bought Illegally by aliens using U.S. citizens as dummies. Fourteen freighters wartime Liberty-type ships of 10,000 tons or less were said to be scattered s Price gasoline Iw'sJ amau-ur pitcher and last Before that, the couple had j the Commons considered gov- j roomea ai a private awciung , ci iimm Kjuriiuuiuiibs niKMitg an ; ..... . k...Paf I k. ..,,!, nn.hll no-run shuUiUt here In the DOstlP'w E1Kh Avenue Wfst- upward revision in compensation j under the Merchant Seamen 1 coroner uawes askea nim: 2D vrars. lie la 21 years of age contribute toward cost of construction of extensions to the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Premier Bennett said in the Legislature Friday that he is "looking forward to co-operation with the Federal government on a joint investment policy." Abel was bom In Reglna, Is 25. u leave Eighth Avenue of I i H .imperial Oil '!i.v announced In-f lr g;iMilme, fur- -love oil in Brlt- and at 16 was a member of theiJ"'ur "w" "- Compensation Act. Maximum Income used In computing compensation Is being increased to $3,800 from $2,500 a year: monthly pension to the Pelrs said he left because "the all over the world and the next step to be taken in their case was not immediately apparent. landlady did not want us to do any cooking In the room." effective today. here will go up a Mllon: lurmrr Bennett said vne Federal gov- Howard Green PC-Vancouver-Quadra) said Queen Charlotte Sound and Hecate Strait should be considered part of Canada's territorial waters. He stated he had received complaints that United States ships were catching crabfish in Hecate Strait. MaJ.-Gen. G. R. Pearkes, VC, (PC-Nanaimo) asked if U.S. ships could come within the three-mile territorial limit to catch crabs. Mr. MacNaught said such ships could be stopped by protective Canadian ships. Mr. MacNaught said he would inquire whether any complaints have been received about American ships fishing within territorial waters on the west coast. Many amendments to the act, first passed in 1868 and last amended in 1913, were designed to bring the legislation up to date. ! tt'inOTV nf a Kf.uman tsi frnm great Were you on good terms with i 4s lnn r, rf-,rff i,hj. ernment would make a South Saskatchewan senior A circuit. After a year and a half in the Navy, he returned to Prince Rupert In 1948 and married the former Ruth Johnson. In 1951. he was a.sked to tke spring training for the Caplla- " ' " .V, K. ..... . , V , ,111.1,1.11 , - , , , If , your wife when you left for Ter German Pilots cents a gallon and I' l() renu a gallon, lid increases at In-f M-rved by rail will Flying' Jets - deal of money the Railway was extended into the Peace River area. He said the government intends to spend $2,650,000 on the railroad this year. FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION CI P Semi-Final. Bolton Wanderers 4, Ererton 3. Tottenham Hotspurs 1, Blackpool 2. ENGLISH LEAGUE Division 1 Arsenal 2, West Bromwlch 2. Charlton A. a, Middlesbrough 0. Chelsea 1. Sheffield Wednesday 0. Derby County 0. Newcastle U. 2. Portsmouth 2. Burnley 1. Sunderland 3, Manchester City 3. Wolverhampton W. 3. Liverpool 0. Division II BarnsleT 1. Birmingham County 3. Blackburn Rovers 1, Plymouth A. 3. Brentford 1. West Ham United 3. Doncaster Rovers 0. Leicester C. 0. Hudderafield T. 5. Southampton 0. Hull City 1, Leeds United 0. Lincoln City 1, Luton Town 3. Nottingham F. 4, Rotherham U. 3. Sheffield United 6. Bury 1. Swansea Town 6. Notts County 1. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division A Aberdeen 4, Queen of South q . Atrdrteonlans 3, Dundee 1. Clyde 1, Palklrk 4. . East Fife 4. Celtic 1. Hearts 1, Ralth Rovers 3. Rangers 4, Motherwell 1. St. Mtrren 3, Hibernian 3. Partlck Thistle O. Third Lanark 0 AMATEUR I INTERNATIONAL Scotland 0, England 1. MalenkoY Freed i m and later oolloned to the Strrate rrflwtliiM IK i ... .... ...... x . v,,v aiuornia oiaic uiikuc uuv - approved by unable to accept the offer due f - lran.s)ort Commls- InlirPsLs here. eek ' ' i, M , p. , ices maylln i ' year wrrKtrir. Abel soiu nis aflrr interest to $15 from $10. The bill was given third reading. U.S. Cutter Coming Here The U.S. Coast Guard cutter. White Holly, will arrive here tomorrow for drydocking In the Prince Rupert drydock. It was disclosed today. The ship's company consists of one officer and 20 ratings. Thc cutter will remain here three days. race?" asked the coroner. "Yes." Chief Becker said he and Assistant Chief W. H. Hilt had inspected the King George Hotel shortly before the fire and had found "everything In order." There were fire alarms on all floors, he said. The Jury.relcascd the body of Henry Morgan for burial after hearing testimony from Alex-antler Munroe, that he had seen and Identified the remains. He Continued on pane 5 BERLIN W A report reached Berlin from the Soviet zone today that jet fighters which shot down a British bomber March 12 were piloted by Germans. Allied airmen were unable to either confirm or deny that Russians may be training East German Communist "Air Police" in flying MiQ-15s. r nt levels with eom- Husband -Wife Medical Team noUflcd of an opportunity with the major league Browns. One provision would prevent Before he left, Abel said: 'Tve 'W Edmonton-Van-i line next fall, "a'rt the Increases '"eessary by higher imported crude oil, h rimies from Call- foreign ships from buying bait been training at home for the or supplies within Canada. past three months and I feel In good shape. My arm feels better than ever." , Going to Mine VICTORIA Health department officials said Friday a husband-wife medical team will be sent to Hazelton April 1 to replace a doctor refused recognition by the College of Physicians and Surgeons. The announcement came after the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers de MOSCOW 0i Moscow radio announced Friday the Central Reach Under -WEATHER- North coast region Variable cloudiness today and Sunday with occasional light showers. Not much change in temperature. Light winds. t Low tonight and high 8unday at Port Hardy and Sandspit, 32 and 48; Prince Rupert, 34 and 48. All Services . To Take Part In Exercise VANCOUVER 0 RCAF Xan- Committee- of the Communist party of the Soviet Union has freed Prime Minister Malenkov, at his own request, from his i Orders duties as secretary of its Central caster bombers from Greenwood, Committee. manded an investigation Into medical services available to 150 miners at Hazelton. f"ONCPi... Sealed or- f '"'"I oDea in mld. aircraft flying f 'antic int.. ii,. tr..,. SOME CREATIVE ARTISTS SHOW SIGNS OF INSANITY 9 "ler a new ihhi Tito Returns 'Satisfied' '"ununited by the "uunct'iiipiit ,r it,. M 1.: ,i; iL v ' - - M . . .lIh, , Y ' ," i . ' .( -- . 1 - , , . j V ieueh?' thC U'S' Alr LONDON (CP) President Tito of Yugoslavia wound up his his N.S., and Comox, B.C., American submarine, navy ships, commercial merchantmen and 60 ground observation posts will be among units participating in a west coast defence exercise this weekend. ' - Four Lancasters from 404 squadron. Greenwood, will combine with 11 from 407 squadron, Comox, to sub-hunt and provide air cover for freighters. The navy will round up merchantmen into convoys and provide escort. This will be only part of the exercise extending from Alaska to U.S. west coast states. Main purpose it to test communication facilities. toric visit to Britain today with I ."'"tary-must enur l Z"Mor 225 miles I hes the Nantucket, f1"1 ' Similar l k- the declaration: "all that we have hoped for has been at of "It. "Sensitive people are going mad first. We have art, such as surrealism; poems, short stories and plays that have little or no meaning. This, I think, is due to the peculiar kind of Insanity produced by the machine. "It accounts, too, for the obscenity of literary production these days. Insanity and obscenity re related." '' LOS ANGELES (API Lord Dunsany, Irish playwright, dramatist and poet, says some creative artists show signs of Insanity. - , He blames the machine. Sipping tea, the Irish peer told an interviewer: "The shock to the human nervous system produced by the machine is far too great. We no longer live attuned with nature, but that's not all tained. We have reached full agreement." f i'P'oyod for the last What he was taking back to , YuiroKlavia with him was a THIS IS AN ORNITIIOPTER, claimed by its Inventors, Hartley D. Shannon, J. E. Caldwell and William Francis of Medicine Hat, Alta., to be capable of the closest approximation to bird '.light ever designed by man. They say that ir successful It may reduce the cost of air transport to the bicycle class.- Main features of the machine are the four wings ot flaps, each eight feet long and five feet from head to tail edge. The pilot sits In front with two wings on each side of him. Cast to lrtBnUfJ British pledge to stand by his Communist Balkan state in the event of aggression. "mi area.