Princo Rupert Daily News Saturday, March 21. Chatham Has Busy Week Revelations by Former Communist Pat Walsh Frighten Quebecers SCREEN FLASHES .1 Tim Bui k l w , If uitvioua success has any tage "an in..... sit r Caindwn Pr'" w riter QUEBEC CP A lon running fight against Communism, waged by an official organ of the Roman Catholic Church, broken into full-scale warfare. The heavy ammunition is supplied by a 37-yeur-old Irishman, nying Wulsh's claims. He started a $Jj Out) liiirl suit agaiiut Walsh and L'Acllon Soclale Llmltce, publishers of L'Actlor. Cutho- lique. Kortln said "the attitude and statements of Pat Walsh constitute un act of treason towards the wot king class, and especially WP. much iLV' Pieinicr ri:,r,'.. olanncd to hold a dance for the Cadets and ship's company. The officers will be entertained in the wardroom at Chatham prior to the dance. La:.t week also saw the visit of Commander Charles, communications expert from Naval headquarters, to inspect the RT facilities at Chatham. With the exception of minor details, the bulk of Chatham's radio equipment is now installed and work-ins, a credit to Lieutenant Hugh Bancroft and his "sigs" who did the work. Chatham's new band has started its practices, and for the first time in the history of the base. mutlon h,,d cial p.,U- corn..,., ' These latt two weeks at Chatham Uave seen quite a flurry ol activity. First in line was the departure of AB. Eddie Dawes for the Coronation, with a stopover in Halifax for training as a Quartermaster. As soon as he qualifies in this branch, he is elegible for promotion to the rank of Leadinp; Seaman, and this is the rauk he will held when he represents Chatham and Prince Rupert at the Coronation. Socially, last i riday night saw the Seamen hold a successful dance In the uiill hall. The lower deck is to be congratulated on their enterprise and hard work. Kext Friday sees the arrival of an American Army Fleet Transport in Prince Rupert, carrying a load of Cadets from the University of Washington. It is thing to do with the popularity of a motion picture, then Columbia Pictures 'Eight Iron Men," opening Monday at the Totem Theatre, should be one of the bigyet hits of the year. An unusual number of top-llight people are associated with the new Stanley Kramer production. Eiaht Iron Men" is Harry Brown's screen adaptation of his own Broadway stage success. "A Sound of Hunting," in which two unknown actors Buit Lancas- I the bushwoikers he betrayed " Wal-h's .taU.nwm'H a former labor organizer ' When Pat Walsh went to Louis-Philippe Roy. editor of th" dally L'4'tion Calhullque, thri weeks ago with a story of Kremlin-directed plans lor wartlmp -..U.,...,A In r'ii'rlft the. Hlli,r " g 1 ) ; .- V-'li EMIS TODAY 7: 9: p.m. M1TZI CAYNOR . DAVIuayvH "THE I DON'T CARE cV ' i ! loosed an all-out attack against t u e r r rBru Communlim In Que'.iec province. . i i Petty Officer Fitzsimmons can bark his marching orders to the new recruits to the time of a musical march past. 0' 1 ' V -..'r" ,Ni J4 1 j ter ana Frank Lovejoy made j their first bids for stardom. Brown himself won an" Oscar for his scieenplay. "A Place in ' the Sun.'' Similarly, Edna and Edward Anhalt. associate pro 11 iV 1 X WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE It brought tips u' denial and veiled threats from Communist ranks and created some consternation in Quebc City, which is predominant'.)' Koman Clh-ollr. In a auiW -f li.Ui'V.cws wi'.tl editor R y. Walsh named leading Labor-Progressive Communist party niemixTs In Canada f s allered king pins of aabotug-' planning He denounced Communist "clutiV and t'ommuni t front organisations In upper 2 y FOR BOYS' : AND GIRLS' WEAR We Know Where To Go! THE LIFTING OF A IMTH) STATFS embargo on Canadian meat Import1! has stepped up activity in Canada's stockyards and packing plants. Here, cattle are being unloaded in a Montreal stockyard for processing and shipment as dressed beef. The U S. embargo was Imposed a year ago because of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Western Canada. It was lifted March 2. trn and In I'wr town ducers of "Eiht Iron Men," won an Academy Aard for their original motion picture story, : -'Panic in the Streets." Bonar Cjlleano. who makes his screen debut in "Eight Iron Men," played opposite Vivien Leigh in the London stage presentation of "A Streetcar Named Desire." Arthur Franz and Richard Kiley also played the famous Stanley KowaLski role, while Nick Dennis played Stanley's pal ; in both the Broadway and in-1 Hollywood versions. Dick Moore is the former child star of a score of triumphant films. Lee , Marvin, James Griffith, Barney : Phillips and Mary Castle I The lear that na..i. s of tjue- TOTEI Ix-cers mignt r.r nuD.Shon STARTS MONDAY t'. KMNG hllOWS 1: S: p.m. Theatre Managers Not Afraid jii bole city .talking oerrrs air to public A l-AioisruvvBstittr i . I. ;,... L.u -n.1 It's : Wallace's : ol Course. Of TV Taking Away AlAai KllClnOrr Business I I rEH usually take them In stride, but ; MftUy UUjlllCjJ this Red-ting.d sensation touch- I J (,....-.,. I r..tli( tH1f TODAY IXJNAI.D O'CtiNSOU - LORI Kl 6:50-9 in "Froncii Goc$toWtiirw Sunday Midnight Only ANNE OVVYNNE I On lb. In I ; A person who talks a good game of love is usually limited ..o just that, but when Charles ' Boycr talks about love it's more than conversation. Currently; starrm? with Louis Jourdan in Stanlev Kramer's romantic production. Columbia Pictures' "The h-.m.iw Time." opening Monday "Breakdown" "H ELLSHIP MORGAN" By ROD CURR1E Csimcltan Press Stall Writer WINDSOR. Ont. (CP)Thls Industrial city, though beyond the range of Canada's television .stations at Montreal and Toronto.' still enjoys a greater variety of telecasts than any Canadian city. It boasts iorc TV sets per capita th,an any other Canadian area. The reaction to television In Windsor therefore may be a guide to other communities to which Canadian television Is to Uat ll't had any serloas' family ties i Meet on biwuess in the last1 A family might be oMre-t two or three years " Theatre by .the namirig of one fi llow-managcrs were less cheerful, but traveller or card-carrying Com-, were confident that thrce-Ulm- There might be dl.smi.N.s-ensional movies, when they als from jobs come, will be the ".shot in the Red-haired Pit Walsh started arm" the movie theatres need, (he uproar with an announce - Cocktail bar and beer parlor nient he hid resigned from a proprietors iald TV Ls "great for number of labor orgarilraUotu bUi.uie.-s." It draws customers, which he said are Communis! particularly lor .special rvenU. fronts. He said he had remained a member only to gather Infor-Ir.AUIUtS Illinois mation about Communists and However, many parents and their 'activities. tVhrn a man't on Ihe rrtt ol thai rl' hnown urjr . . . Dial's . . . THE HAPPY TIME Mr Roy. 25 yars with 1,'Ar- be extended In the future. Apart, .,chool orgamjittona .still look ; from Montreal and Toronto, i a.-,kaiic at the ellei t Tv ha-s on tlon Catholiuue and editor sirtrc Canadian areas mat win nave,;ne family circle, homework )94:, wro. tn one of his front - ST Alt (UNO CHARLES BOYER - LOUIS JOURDAN It UrU the day a boy discovers llif urid u it. beautiful things All Women' at the Capitol Theatre, Boyer nortrays the "talking lover" rather than the "active lover " And on him it looks good. The Happy Time" Is all about the birds and the bees and the happy time of a boy on the verge of that well known urge. Everyr body makes love to everybody cL-c. Everybody, that is. except Buyer, who, married to Marsha Hunt, is surrounded by a household of Lotharios. Drive a NEW CAR Kent your own car under ihe lietn Driv-ur-self system for liusini'ss or pleasure trips. ALL 1953 MODELS For information, enquire 99 TAXI CO. STARTS MONOAY . television In months to come can schedules and church. Boy Scout two column stories that see In Windsor what the advent . other group activities. Walsh had supplied the names of TV means in terms of cduca- iu. Windsor Women Teacher' 0( Communists and svmpathi-tlon, cntertainrntnt habits and Association and S hooi Council 0rs About Ml names were re-family ' life. collaborated to que.-Uou hund- rmrted to be on the list Hut Three stations across the river; of patents, tea. her and inter he wrote thai names of in Detroit provide a wide eiec-j hchooi clilldrtn. Quebecers would not be pub-tion of programs, both network! The poll of more than W0 .slu-; lished. and local. Stations in Cleveland ;...ts nhowed the average grade He g;rve three reasons; Many and Toledo, Ohio, are also view- school pupil viewed thri e Hours Communists belong to prominent led here .occasionally. ion achooi muhts. 42 on Satur-1 families whose names wouid le I ' ....... . ,tA ,i , 5nfi-.i. I besmirched, wmir l,ommunUt flu, f AKTOON - M.WS "WIXTI.R WllKIMr Show7:-9:13 CAPITO . moi's ruvasw i Mow . . to rt;tlUlL I - Theatre managers, nlght-c'.ub More' than half the 3W par-owners and tavern proprietors, ; tnta who replied said they had ! at first apprehensive ol the new lu M.t dHmitc rule. r-gardlng .medium, It Isn't say ?'L;' children's viewing habits Alxmt threat now. "The novelty of TV customers 31 t '1" salu """X lclt TV had j kept many i away when it first became popu- j Improved th' ir children's gen- are young and divulging thur names "would only embitter them In their deviation " the public welfare, nt for Hi' present, does not require the naming of persons who are with cut leading influence Walsh savs that since publication of the Interviews he has been approached on the street and by telephone with requests that names be withheld Fortin Issued statements tie- ; lar," said one nisht-club owner j eral kno ledge 1 One teacher -saLI It enco iras ed students to become ' viewers, 1 not d.-ers ." Call 112 That's the Cebh New Rate, Wage 3 WATCH This Space Next Saturday Hikes Missing In CNR Figures OTTAWA (CP)-The Canadian . Nat.onal Railway na-S made a ; preliminary estimate of a 133 surplus ol IW.UOO-up from $142,000 last year but points to idCiort that might throw the t.-.timate off widely. The government-owned company, predicting its second Only niiif lifMir and you're lln-rr! Minliiy, V-Iii-m!vh anil Friilayi. )AH) a.m. llincl conn. , lions lo KAS I KUN CAN ADA. AIhi, Fly lo Vancouver ly ay of SaniUptl. Sme time-. . Saw money . . Ami rnjoy faiiiatliun Pacific frit-udly, courleoiis M Ti e alofl. I: a ASPHALT ROOFING And S1DI1 Consult Your Local Contmt For Estimates llffrclive Murrli Iftlli Srrv'i 1i dirrrt rnrr- ltnM-rt iii 9 a.m., Mitlifliisf., Urilnmdufl and 1 r , I H rill Ni, Ml I rMl rnnrifihrr what!" YOU won I rrtnrmfMT rithr in mw of fir fwt you nlvmid huve our HOUHKHOI.D INVr.NTOHY" brirkl-. lit hit your w,ruiml propfrty, Yuur FREK copy iwiim your cU II iluiihiful If il will rrmrtiihrr. whrti rrr thliiK'f burning rmltrr. j iiracetime record revenues and j oix-raling ex(en.scs at $720,000.- iw..J ai.d iVa.oOO.tMK) respectively. ; .n its b iJget, taoied in the Coin- j Tll'ihS. . The Income figure was up by I about nom the l'-:2 rtcord ol $ rJa.OOd.DOi) and tin operating expenses would Jump I a 4s.ouu,000 from last years iak ol $034,8.2,000. Hut the budget pointed out that the e.stiniaie? take into ac- count neither the eflecl ol Hie PICTURE CONTEST FOR PRINCE RUPERT PRIZES FOR YOU Check Your Fire Insurance Then Phone U$ for service t i GREER & BRIDDl CuiiMilt your I ravel Agent or 4inailiaii I'ueilic Airlines. I'lione T)"t LIMITED P.O. I I Phone 909 iHHUls, 1iTfiTTi latest Ireight-ratc increase nor i a retroactive wage settlement i cached in Feoruary, both run-uiiii; into million.). I lie rate went into ..-fleet M .inlay, alter the budc. .i.s prepared. It probably will .iive the CNH around $20,000,000 .'" -SJ " V,4l I- ...hum 1!)j3. Cost ol the retroactive wane llici;.. r.l. giving trainmen anu iinmcn $.jO0,000 in pay lo April 1, will be taken out of l'JOS 'veniies, since the contract wa.s reached only after 1852 boots rOU CAN IIHD 0U1 WKf ih Prince Rupert had been closed. In its 1953 capital budet tabled with the Income forecast, the CNR looked to capital spending thus year of $130,000,000. The company plana to spend this year $w,yitf,U00 on new equipment and $12,323,000 on "additions and betterments" to Its property across the country. A total of $6,580,000 will be spent this year on a lino authorized In 1052 to link Terrace with Gxtutdlcut (Pacific about fh. tpclallid Iroinlnfl ! No"V ,H yu In any on ! savirol importanl ,,ct""1 Irad.s ... about tho pay and olh.r b.n'" caroor at a with tho Royal Canadian NT-For compUto details, too NAVAL RECRUITING OWCt Recruiting Officer, H.M.C.S. Cno Phone 526 . Prince Rupert- the big aluminum development Ypur Local Trovel Agent . . . at Kitlmat. Much of the other capital spending will be on equipment ordered In previous year tor delivery this year. New equipment orders to be financed this year include 50 dlesel locomotives. '1 Nl-i-SJ ' CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES 1 Voilace Building Phone 620