Ray Reflects and Reminisces Prince Rupert Daiiy News As I See It Wednesday, May 20, 1953 Another fight in prospect, ai-an awieie. une assumes that. times printed iter all? While thirty-nine is an mis wrestling tooK place be- Dutch P,i,r"' L uiiopondent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Kupon fS "uicn, carried una Northern and Central British Colunfola by ! getting along, it must be admit- fore the bear's breakfast. Member of Canadian Preas Audit Bureau of Cl&ulaMouj n m I ted, it's not so aged. It looked a Robert, F.M.-Md. "s,! Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. I bit that way Monday. Maybe SOl'NDS AIX .. KICIIT news. W(.naril Published by Tie Prince Huprrt Dally News LlmttM I. f. MAOOK. President H. Q. PERRY, Vlce-Praalden Jersey Joe couldn't hear right; Nampg Qf newspaper3 ln Ca). Friend.' "t M Cli. I" VJi 'jod 1 T CI more varry on, wnen couiu.n mac ada conform t0 Bubacrlntlon Rates: a g(,11Prai cias4 By oarrlw Her ween, 25c; per month 1.00S per fear, alO.OO be? But at any raie. slIch as Journal, Free Press, Post Consumption By mall Pc inonU), 16c. &00 pilOUC wain is ui-uuu. uioui Of an , pr year, Sun, Globe, Star, Gleaner, Ban- j pound of fish jthormiS am Mound class n.all the Post OfBoe Ottawa, for! Mr lJJ by Department, what they pay nor Rontlnol Jfolr4 . Tv.1.. Of ,...., year t. the M,: WHALES AND FISH FOOII ""s1""! iiwiinig uui iti iuiuc c queries, Hon The Crown . Si als. In marked contrast Is There is, of course, a posslbili What hr snvt It , ty of contact between whale and newspaper received la.st week but what u'..,. .11 ' r.i.n evnlninlno Inst week's dls-1 from Bloemfonti'in. South Africa 1 ir, . "'"Wis-: rises on the coronation it will . . ; .... t n "i me anirM't MIEN the thecurtair curtain WHEN he a curtain risi Election Picture Now HERE is how the B.C. election picture as it looks to me three weeks before the poll. 4ng on a deep vista of history. aster at Prince Rupert. But be-1 'the name 01 that paper is "The freshest halibut taw yond that, however, one could Friend." Fort William Times-1 near Prlncf n,,nL- ' i ii.. l!,,,h It oor, Tnnrnnl ..j. .... nuP,rt Storle' terday. With Mr. Sinclair .. tainly be said wiiales were morej u k '"is.pornapshffanpf, frequently noted here ln pur- That's interesting. When liv- his public to mir tWl) a suit of herring. Townsile sur- mg jn Blocmfonleiii fifty-three 1 pounds, The revitalized Liberal party, under the .steady-going, nioder- i vey engineers founci sometning to years agm we were reading "The write home about. ! Friend" not every day but i whenever it came out which was iate leadership of Art Laing, is J Vleriiiy pninine The fact that! Members of thf hint net sailed yesterday or ; , Only in the movies do people every now and then. We can see smoke part of a cigarette, leave the shiny h'aok little newsies! " "rc me "me lit mast of a drink, and get up and niclng toward the camps, yelling! k"u Uial tut (.inaman go away from a costly dinner "Friend, Friend, Friend." (A darn era' election Is expretrrj u, ! the Sorred's have switched their I heaviest attacks from the CCF I to the Laing Liberals, speaks i for itself. 1 LAST NOVEMBER Mr. Bennett j boasted that Social Credit j would win all 48 of the seats in .the Legislature. oeiore naruiy iuuciiihk u. guuu immc, uy mc jr. inr, hi yarv 01 August, Oik ran four pages, six or eight pages, squeeze enough 1 out ol t-had no special headlines, some- provide a holiday "Having a wrestle with a bear belore breakfast will keep a man in good physical shape "writcj1 m w IT'S MY FORM Kit WIFE. SHE COT TOO FAT By Robert Chambers ln the Halifax Chronicle-Herald. ! Two months atro he had low- j f red that claim to 40 seats. I Now the Social Credit party j if buying newspaper space to I advertise that they alone can r . OTTAWA DIARY By Norman hA. MacLeoo 1 win 25 or more seats. Some come down with three weeks to go. The Social Credit slump grxs back to a Biblical principle: "A 3 a Kj; 7m Jx The most widely held theory currently are predicting, ton in Capital circles is that the St. ' seats may be important or even Laurent government was flying critical in its outcome. house divided against itself can It a ii Free nesfrvMion Servic. Maps, Highway Information. Free Towing Serviu. Personal Accident Insurance. Free Legal Advice. Enjoy these B C.A A. lien and many more for Ins than 3 cents a day. 3 k not stand." a mie in me recently circuiaiea i It is significant that none of i report about the impending ap- the rpa.s,ls u,.,ich the Liberal , Half of the Social Credit lead r"S Not the least of the benefits of this ceremony is that life in the present takes on a profounder meaning in the larger context of time which its pageantry recalls. The coronation is an act of the highest poetry in the Commonwealth's life, saddened on this occasion by the death in March of Queen Mary widow of a King, mother of tw o Kings, and grandmother of the reigning Queen. In relation to the Crown we are mystics. Our Queen is not a person exalted above us by Divine Right, nor a person of our own choosing. We have ;i part in her dignity, but she does not achieve that lignity at our will. The Queen is the unimpeachable figure of all .hat is good in government; her crown is a symbol landing above creeds and parties. In a materialistic ape, when the world is threatened by dangers never icfore known, the British Monarchy endures in noble strength. It is, in essence, the exaltation of dutiful example as opposed to the hazards of ruling by the mailed fist and the fleeting greatness of dictatorship. . One virtue in the coronation rites is that they are out of date. How could the stability and continuity of the national history be more impressively shown? Our Queen is crowned with the same ritual as that with which her predecessors have loen crowned for more than a thousand years. This is the oldest slate ceremonial in Britain, and perhaps the oldest in the world. The first preserved ritual of an English coronation dates from the eighth century. There is one attributed to St. Dunstan, said to have been used by him at the coronation of King Ethel red in the year 078. The forms are ancient, but the spirit embodied in them never grows old. That, spirit is the solemn recognition of the sacred .character alike of royalty and loyalty. ' ' ' ' . Monthly Letter," Royal Bank of Canada ' , ' z. ers are careeri Tories who artf i lunriu 01 j. w. ri-Kersgiu 10 MPS advance against Pickers-seeretly opposed to the monetary the rabinet in succession to Sec- Kin-S apK)intment attempt to dls- j principles of their own new- tary of State Gordon Bradley . lnlt, the fact that he would jidd : joined party. They have sternly That diesn't mean the Pick-.strength to the cabinet. His forbidden any dLscus.sion ofiersSi11 ls" 'l going to be named, j ability is accented w ithout ques-"Just Price Fixing" whereby all u Just means that there will be tion. The onlv noint at Issue is I Uio- goods would be sold ln stores at i an interval of further decision the. political wisdom of draf ting less than cost. , while the Prime Minister digests him into the enhinet over the in Outboard Motors No cabinet minister dares to tftke advantage of my invitation to explain ln this space Social Credit "Just Price Fixing" etc. the reaction to the reports, par- Ye&AH of MP's who themselves ticularly in the ranks of the , are hungry for appointment and Liberal Party. ln violation of the strong tradl- At the moment all signs indl- tion in the Marltimes against cate that the reaction amongst imported cabinet ministers, the federal Liberal MP's is un- Whichever way the P.M.'s decl- u The same thing applies In re- For th prydl colch yow ton mofa . , . 0f totttAc porformonc, oH ftth9 fo-Uttmt or4 low cot in 5 N o. (Ho Sporttlar ovlboord motor. Nvtrol Ckikh, tlow trotkng, nothing tptvd in a dtwn, conomtcol motor. S it NOW. Owl a dctwfto I9S3 EI(o for m hrri .,,..... . . . u P.ard to the Social Credit two enthusiastic almost to the point ( sion g-s, it s going to have inter-pronped attack on the B.C. ;0' violent protest. The basic , esting repercussions. Pickers-schools for the Rolston form-atti-"de tf the rank-and-file in iV'n ability is badly needed ulu and uguinst Effective Living ! tne Commons is that, if any right in the cabinet. Teaching. When Mr. Reid of j vacancies exist or are in prospect i Salmon Arm made his "sex and in tne cabinet, there are plenty' n f socialism" attack the ex-Torics ', ' Liberal MP's to fill them. The DSXlGT OCOTGS in the cabinet repudiated that i Liberal MP's definitely don't . . outburst from their own--narty 1 111e the policy of recruiting new i riafU frriOC supporters. Now Mr, Reld claims cabineteers from the ranks of; LVCdlll OIUI ICb that Premier Bennett secretly the so-called - "brain-trusters" i LONDON P Beverley Baxter, RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC supportea mm 100 percent in who haven't won their political Canadian-bom member of Par- BRITISH COLUMBIA AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATE caucus. And Hon. Eric Martiri spurs the hard way by having to ! llament. says he thinks news publicly describes- Mr. "Reid as get elected to parliament. ..;.. o -4 o ti,r., P iivr I'riru-e Kuprrt Box l"!7p papers concentrate too much on vi violence. JI5 West Third Strffl "the hero of Salmon Arm." .It s The Piekersgill proposal fur-i double talk or double' dealing, Jther fails to win the support of! " "' ) the Liberal MP's from the Mart- : 'Death, death, death," he said. is the recurring theme, except THE CCF under the new leader time provinces on - what are ; on Sundays, when it becomes Arnold Webster has done well, represented to be strictly practi- .adultery." Ro has the real old undisguised i cal grounds. The assertion is' Baxter, who was addressing Tory party under the genial j made that the Atlantic Coast the British Association of Indus-leadership of the smiling, pipe provinces are traditionally in- trial Editors, added he doekii't smoking giant, Deane Finlayson. I hospitable to the Idea of import- think much of Britain's Sunday for Peace Brighter, Best wishes to both foil ing cabinet ministers from other ; newspapers. imcaqam GYRO CLUB PRESENTS Nehru Says in Policy Statement'. tFrfHDELHfI?)PrimeMinis- of th Korean Primer of war tor Nehru of India said today problem was more likely to be the outlook for peace is brighter found on the basis of the United than it has been for a long time." Nations resolution and the Chin-The remark came in a major ese eight-point proposal than on foreign policy statement made the latest United Nations coun-berore both the upper and lower ter-proposals Houses of Parliament and re-' ,, .iH t.,iH, . I The tt UN resolution, adopted adopted But the CCF leader himself is under no illusions. He has publicly declared that no single party can win a clear majority. I agree with Mr. Webster on ninny things, but not on that, yet. My ex-naval intelligence officer friend Jim Denniston spent u TO TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT YOUR HOME It pays in hard cash to give your home a careful "once over" every year. And spring is the most convenient season ! to nuke repairs or to modcrnitf. provinces. They contend that geography and the distinctive nature of their resources saddle them with problems that are exclusively theirs and which require native understanding if their economic and social interests are to be served. For that reason the Maritime MP's argue that Pickersgili's appointment and assignment to a Newfoundland portfolio Hon. Gordon Bradley Is slated to go to the Senate would be received unfavorably by Maritime elecr tors. The estimate Is even' maIe that it would cast Yhe Liberals the loss of 10 seats in the four a year analyzing the 1952 elec Inst Der-emher nrnvlrlrl Ihot ih tion. He painstakingly proved that on the first count Socreds gained from other parties as Nehru welcomed Prime Minis- UN take custody of any PoWs re-ter Churchill's proposal for a fusing repatriation after a four-conference of the leaders of country repatriation commission world powers at an early date had had them for 90 days and a and addedr'l.wopld ..earnestly; political cdnftrence ; tfn : Korea Scl. a pi va Distinguished Pianist FRIDAY, May 22nd, 8:30 p.m. CIVIC CENTRE TICKETS $1.00 $150 lollows: From Liberals 82.447 " Conservatives ... 58.344 ; ' ' " CCF. '.. 33.489 t-.rt t.i..i irr jn" ' i. 'rr.c. i ....inrnw mi.i-KU!;gesuon . viRad dkeussed their Jut ture for ; Every hit of repajr work neglected, every crack, every i flake of peeling paint means a loss in dollar value a depreciation of one of He noted that President Eis- another, 30 days The rommiinist W i 1 ' L -" Lieuu Ian ouiy iwo provinces of Nova Scotia, New a conference but had said that proposed that a five-country re-if"oe"t ahead of.tj!el.1IJ5eta Brunswick, Newfoundland and "S i . your most valuable atts. the time for it was not ripe. i patrtetlon commHion-lnclud- Prince Edward Island. If the coming election Is as tight an Nehru said he felt a solution CCF. Last time Social Credit was every other party's second mg India take over the prison- , Ave 1 m. HI., t t C affair as many political prophets , fv?y r,HPahtriat,HnH I' tPr i be other party's second the period would be settled by a Ch0i,,e political conference. That is why it seems to me to come down to this: Either we might get a neck-and-neck deadlock with the CCF, Liberals and Socreds getting about 15 seats each. Or if Laing continues to forge ahead for the next three weeks, as he has done so far, the new Liberals could emerge with a clear working majority, with CCF running second. Beauty Hint REGINA it Women who talk to themselves while applying lipstick get a more beautiful finish, says Ardelle Saunders, travelling expert for a cosmetic firm. "Too often, women forget they are applying lipstick to a living paii of Hps," she says. NOW IN STOCK The GENERAL "BRIGADIER" TIRE 6:00x16 6:70x15 $18-95 $22-95 If yon need more cash lbi f bat e on hand to make ibete npi and improvements, see ynr Bilsl manner. He'll be gU to talkthwp be surprised rf lb over u ith yoH. You'll low tost ojaHojM Imh- t, , the easy repayment terms- CCF. PUBLIC MEETING Heor ... ARTHUR TURNER GEORGE HILLS AT LEGION AUDITORIUM Thursday, Moy 21 - 8:00 p.m. M.d.l 425M.30 Folrkanki-Mon Shollow Wl Wol.r Syittp. Cgpocity 400 gotloni pr hour. S)f WH-prlffiing. yJ, F-M Syttems or bckd -by a company Willi ovr - WE FIX FLATS it Tire Vulcanizing if Recapping 1 20 yoart of txportaico Bank or Montreal in tho buildinf of machanical oquipmwit. '"U Vhether yon need I system to supply the needs of large farm, or to provide enough (or .household use in a smull cottage, there's a Fairbanks Morse Water System for the purpose. Every unit, whether for deep well or shallow well use, is built to give a lifetime of economical, trouble-free service. Most systems come fully issembietl for easy, luw-cost installation. Let us give you full details. Ivery F-M pump carripsatag ihow. loo otluol 4ITvry ot wol.r to Ihp tank, nrtifod ti APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL AGENT (Section 67) . I, the said GEORGE EDWIN HILLS, nominated in the foregoing nomination paper hereby appoint MRS. MYRTLE M. ROPER 1140 East Sixth Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C., School Secretary as my official agent. .; GEORGE EDWIN HILLS, "' : Candidate. KNUTSON'S Prime Kuri Ilram h : I UNI ST I'Al ')IN Sltwart' Itrrtmh: KOIIi ltT COHNW'AI.I. " llpppndnl labororory. Term Kramh: " "vi'll 1 1AM 'wl 1 1 -INOS. TIRE SALES AND SERVICE 811 Fraser St. Red 548 hi ii v 'ai I IFE SINCE i r EVERY Saanich Plumbing & Heating WORKING WITH CANADIANS. IN It l n vi -