riitiie Kuiert Daily News Weanesday, Ma 2u, l9.-3 F' lt ?'' Bob Fleming Golf Crown Wins Amateur Office opposite FOOTBALL GAME TONIGHT Fifteen plavers have been selected from the North Star Football League for an all-star team to play a picked team from the Norwegian freighter that arrived here last night. Game time is 7 o'clock tonight. Rupert players will be: Tommie Boulter; Ian Dunbar, Brick Eby. J. Robinson, Alphonse Rutton. Quinto, Jerry Vanlerland, Adriano Tambourini, Murray. Nick Pavlikis; Charlie Mills, Leopold, Gofras, H. Nuyten and P. Wilson. Srv r OH; a nr Ballplayer Held on Driving Charge SIMCOE, Ont. Dike Wakefield. 32, a wartime outfield star for Detroit Tigers, was held on $500 bail on a charge of danger- j ous and careless driving follow- I ing a collision in which six per- i sons were Injured. 1 The six. members of a family from Newtonbrook, Ont., near Phillies Grab One-Game Lead in National League J. MONDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY VICTORIA (CFi Bob Fleming, i 22-year-o!d Victoria shotmaker. iwon the British Columbia ama- NEW YORK (CP) Philadelphia Phillies took a teur goif championship Monday Holiday Luggage .'n ihc W V-.Hrmal I o-. miP va M ' With a 4 tO 2 Viewy er van- lines one-game Prince Rupert to KETCHIKAN while Mn- Tuesday night, whipping- Cincinnati 0-3 wtuikee was bowing 4-1 to Brooklyn. Toronto, all were occupants of a car which collided with Wakefield's vehicle nine miles east of this southwestern Ontario town. In the American League New WRANGEL - PETERSBURG - JUNEAU and other Alaskan centres :-6-hole final. i Runner-up to Jim Squire in 1 1950 when he was defeated on I the 37th hole and finalist against Erll Mawhinney in 1951, Fleming1 made no mistake this time. Mawhinney vacated his title when he'.urned professional lat fall. Fleming trailed through most ... all the latest styles and designs to suit you. Some to suit you. Prices to suit you at The Sports Shop York Yankees had to go 11 innings before downing the cellar-dwelling Detroit Tigers 4-2 on Hank Bauer's home run. The victory, combined with Chicago's two hit. 2-1 loss to lunneaiont In Football Tonight Rupert All-Stars vs Norway 7 P.M. WHITEHORSE SEATTLE Feller Wants One More No-Hit Game ANCHORAGE 8r Your Local Travel A;; Philadelphia increased Yankees' cf tne morning round when Rey-first place margin to two full rniri tiwik a two-hole lead on I names over the White Sox. j Other results: Ithe first two holes and held the margin until the ninth. Fleming I then knocked off nine holes from j the 17th to the 27th to clinch his win. Reynold's 10-foot putt for a : birdie two on the 33rd hole cut 'Fleming's lead to three holes but I the end was in sight when Rey-' liolds was short of the green i with his second on the 34th. I Reynolds finally conceded NEW YORK i API There's one more thing Bob Feller 'S anxious to do before he calls it quits in basebaU pitch another no-hit game. "That would give me four, more than any other man in history ever pitched." Clove-land's persevering righthander remarked. "I figure it's the one Important all-time record that's itill within my roach. National League New York 6. Chicago 4. Brooklyn 4. Milwaukee 1. -Philadelphia 6. Cincinnati 3. Pittsburgh 1, St. Louis 2. American League St. Louis 3. Boston 4. Detroit 2, New York 4. Chicago 1, Philadelphia 2. W1L Calgary 10. Edmonton 1. Salem 8, Wenatchee 3. Tri-City 1, Yakima 3. Victoria 2. Spokane 3. Vancouver at Lewiston ppt. POL San Fransico 0. Seattle 1. San Diego 3. Oakland 12. Sacramento 0. Los Angeles 3 Hollywood at Portland ppt. when his 15-foot putt for a par four was w ide of the hole. Fleming was even par for the h-.les played in the afternoon, being three over on the morning round. Wherever you go in Canada today, you see the work of the professional engineer. A river's course is changed and its rushing power harnessed for man's needs . . . an oil pipeline scales a mighty mountain range ... a highway is punched through the rocky wilderness . . . the skylines of cities are altered in a few short months . . . and behind each mighty accomplishment stands the engineer. Behind our many new industries, unknown a decade ago, as well as the unprecedented development of our natural resources stands the engineer. Mis is the vision and the orderly thinking that is contributing so much to Canada's phenomenal expansion. Wherever big things are going on there you'll find the engineer "Sure. I'd like to win a world i aeries game, since I never have,' and- I wish I could have won j 00 games but I'm afraid there's no hope of that.'' The onetime fireball kins I from Van Meter, Iowa, a trim and youthful 34. posted victory! No. 240 April 27 by whipping i Detroit 2-1 with a five-hitter. , "I'm not winning too many games this year, but, gee. I don't know when I've felt bet- , ter." Feller said. "I've lost some weight. My arm feels loose and seems to have a lot of whip in it. "If things go well I ought to do as well as I did two yoars ! ago when I won 22. And that no-hitter who can tell? It may pop up any time." Feller pitched his first no- I hitter April 16, 1910, against j ' Chicago. He got another in 194fi against New York, and his third j Baseball Thursday ( & A vs ESQl'iRCS 6:45 P.M. rSPOLISH in l'Jjl against the Tigers. The only other men ever to ; pitch three nc-hit games in the majors were Larry Corcoran, the old Chicago Nationals ace. who did it in 1330-82-84, and ! the matchless Cv Young, who j collected his in 1807, 1904-08. ; Fi ller said he hoped to re- I main active at least until 1958. which would pive him a 20-year span, excluding his four years iji -the armed services bft-x-ecn Ml! and 1945. i- y t r r i y-1 .if .1 .- , - 4 a1 i 4- . 4 ' j. t Joe Dukowski Heads Arena . Managers Group iMt SHINE W&W''y:-. ' ....-:. . . v'. VANCOUVER P J. A. (Joe) i Dukowski of Victoria was elected I Ml M M 1 M . II WWy - : Ul lilt; JiMLl.Ml lUlU!li. Mill I I ! I i I wl . I I . bla Arena Managers Association Rt the group's annual meeting l III I II 1 1 II i 1 1 1 II r . ' i 10 POPULAR SHADES Waterproofs Protects Preserves ' ' here. Vicw-presidents are Reg Stone of Trail, Kootenay zone, Percy Downton of Kelowna. Okanagan zone, and Jack Elliott, Kerrts-dale, Pacific Coast zone. Secretary-treasurer is Harry Porter of Nanaimo. The semi-annual meeting will be held at Pentkton in September and the next' annual meeting at Nelson in May, 1954. , Continuous quality year after qeai' Remember When Pete Latzo dethroned Mickey ' employees anJ is continually adding to their number. These men whether they work as development, design, production, application, sales or service engineers, in the electrical, mechanical or chemical fields are in the final analysis working for They dcvelop.'design and manufacture the complcic-cleanc.il equipment that generates power, transmits it across great distances, controls it and then puts it to work for the common . good. They are constantly improving and simplifying existing products to increase their efficiency and lower their cost. I hey develop brand-new products to meet brand-new needs. In cooperation with our customers' engineers they design and install equipment to meet .specialized needs to raise productivity and to lower costs. The engineers' part in Canada's rising prosperity It is an important part of their work to find new methods of manufacture, and to develop new equipment and products that do more, last longer and cost les to operate. It is by employing of Canadians? crNHR At. r! nrTRTC never forget that ours WE is essentially an engineering organization. We know that our progress depends on the constant recruitment of young engineers and are proud of the contribution we are making to their training. Engineering graduates join this Company each year Each year, since its earliest days,' engineering graduates have joined this Company to continue their training in special courses nearly twelve hundred have already gained invaluable experience on the Company's well-known "Test" Course. Thepurposeof theCourseis primarily to ensure a constant supply of trained talent for this Company. A high proportion of the executivesof this organization gotthcirstartonthe"Test"Course. The Course over the years has also contributed a constant stream of highly-trained graduates to fill the ranks of Canadian industry. In fact, it is a source of pride that hot a few of them are to be found today holding important positions in many widely diversified engineering fields. Walker a.s world's welterweight boxing champion 27 years ago tonight when he won a 10-round decision over the "Toy bulldog at Scranton, Pa. Walker moved up to win the middleweight title from Tiger Flowers and later campaigned as a' heavyweight but had small success in the top division. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE outstanding engineers the key men in QiiukIu's '!' Everybody benefits from the engineers' work Canadian General Electric currently employs some eight hundred engineers that's one out of every eighteen we are able to play a worthy part in our tountry s industrial growth, and in the developments that are raising die living standards of all of us. 1 I CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED HEAD OFFICII TORONTO . Canada's Oldest und LatgtiULlectiUal Manufacturer' f ulhoriiMl boHUr si Coti under contract with Cc-Col U4. km NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS rnone m Prince Rupert, B.C. "Coke" In a registered trade-mark. ' M-mir-V -