Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, May 20, 1953 Alfred Bell Elected President King Ed Parent-Teachers Association Schapiro Prepares Varied Program For GYRO Concert OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone BuiKi.i.g .-li'.nt Blue rJSi A varied and Intriguing pro-1 program here he will play the , 1 : gram ranging from Ragtime Bass following selections: Andantino to Beethoven has been prepared and Variations , in B-Minor by by Maxim Schapiro, pianist of Schubert; Toccata in C-Major International renown, for his by Schumann; and Sonata in' F-concert at the Civic Centre May Minor (Appassionata) by Bee-22. jthoven. Noted for his humor as well asj After intermission he will play for his musical talent, Mr. Scha- Nine Studies by Virgil Thomson, piro is proving his great capacity including the fingered glissando as an entertainer and artist on of the Aoonan Harp, the Music his current solo tour of the Box Lullaby and the Ragtime north. In the first half of his Bass; Choros No. 5 by Villa- LoCos; Nocturne in C-SharD Mrs. Alfred Bell was elected president of the King Edward School Parent-Teacher Association at the final meeting of the year in the school library. She succeeds Mrs. Ken Harding. Annual reports were presented by various officers and the audited treasurer's report also was given. During the report from the Central Council the bursary was mentioned and it was emphasized thit the bursary is from all lour P-TA groups in the city, not just one individually. Mrs. F. E. Anficld thanked orlnclpal R. o. Moore' of the mm, mwmmm I J ig U I Minor and Polonaise in A-Flat Major, both by Chopin. Tickets for the concert, being sponsored by the Gyro Club, are available from Gyro members or at the Civic Centre. Royal Purple Ladies Report 'Good' Year ; i rir: "5' ... Ladies of the Royal Purple, , District No 8, held their sixth f annual meeting at Prince George, Reddy sayi J ai. which to ueiegabcs representing the various lodges attended. Annual reports were read by the honored royal ladies or representatives, showing splendid Aa niAA ItfiiA J? !.. f MR. AND MRS. ALONZO BROTT of Trout.Creek, near North Bay Ont., have celebrated their 13rd wedding anniversary to put them among the oldest living married couples in Canada Mr Brott is 91 and Mrs. Brott 88. They have 12 children, 14 grandchildren and 33 great-grandchildren. "I often laugh at some of the things we used to argue about," said Mrs. Brott. II V Iff VIC UIVC IflVilUUfbl progress during the past year. Mrs. Woodlawn of Williams Lake was elected new district deputy supreme honored royal lady. She succeeds Mrs. Thelma Bell of Prince George. , Next year's convention will be held In Smithers In conjunction with a modern ELECTRIC WASHER Elks Form Association For Fund-Raising Purposes scnool for his co-operation in the use of the school gym for the morning sessions of the nusic and drama festival. She said she had felt it was "ery profitable and appreciated 'he opportunity to hold sessions here. Officers sworn in by the retiring president, besides Mrs. 3ell, were: Mrs. E. Turnpr. vice-president; Mrs. H. C. Halliday, secretary; and Gordon Freeman, treasurer. Membership convenor, Mrs. H. Knutson;. magizine convenor, Mrs. Boyle; film convenor, Mrs. L. Herring; Central Council representative, Mrs. R. L. Tough; historian, Mrs. Simonds; jjub-licity. Mrs. Denning; dental clinic, Mrs. Sinclair; hospitality, Mrs. McDonald; program convenor, Mrs. O. R. Orecn; music snd drama festival, Mrs. Ouy-pte; safety convenor, Don ilKEV.HiK WINNMIS in the national sewlnn contest . with the Elks. Delegates to the Elks district , show all along this northern I Prince Rupert Lodge was rep- convention at Prince George to route under the sponsorship of resented by loyal lady Mrs. Elise ,l by the Canadian Needlecraft Association, model their diuns at a fashion show in Montreal. Monique Cantln, cit v . ik'fti won the glamor division. Louise Legare ! tears her own hand-made suit that won top prize In and class. , me tins, a project not likely, possioie Dy any one lodge." Clip This Ad NOW! day reported it was "a mast successful session and all had a wonderful time." About 150 delegates irom the seven lodges of District 7 were in attendance. The district takes in lodges from McBride, Quesnel, Williams Lake to Prince Rupert. One of the highlights of the meeting was the setting up of nn organization within this district of a body called "District No. 7 B.C. Elks Association." Its purpose is to combine the McMillan Tops tin Spring League Many other such large ventures could be undertaken by this special combined business body which would operate entirely on its own. ; . The body consists of one member from each lodge yet to be selected a president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer and four directors. . Len Evans of Smithers was elected District Deputy Grand Mrs. Dunn s room room won won the fit We Will M Dyke McMillan hit the pins fur OK ,or tne bost attendance at ling Bid Safety Social. Credit Gov- ' hi.,h on,,,., f iAn i .i i """"S- " mm cauea TGiy. You Not$1.S , . ui tnv ii uic my Family Circles" was shown - w if: Hague nisi wcck ana also rolled financial resources of all lodges , . OKI I into a nool wherehv larirp onH I fcxaited Ruler, succeeding Mal- after the business session. It concerned the relationship between home and school on the Save you $25 costly money-making ventures 1 colm Joh'son of Williams Lake. ' can be undertaken that would he 1 Smithers was chosen for next tune . . . save vuur child's growth Wnr is the govern-h of the people. ( Wasli the easy way with an Refreshment werp spi-voH hv too costlv for an'v one Inrtoe year's district convention while electric .the best three-game total with 745. t Olga Newton had high single for ladies wilh 234, and the Sharks rolled 1.176 for best game and 3.210 for high three. I Results: Troopers 4, CPA 0 (de an continue to be Mrs. McDonald and her com- handle. .Prince Rupert put in a bid for mittee. . - "For instance," sid one dele- I tne B c- a)is Association annual ' '. gate, "a circus could be billed to i convention. 1 . 1 Those attendinE the meetine on your purchase of any "A-l" Used Car. SEE tit government it washer. It chaws out the must stubborn dirt in jig time... quickly, thoroughly, yet 8U ?,.nlly it won't Iiarni the finest fabrics. Come in and gee the latexl ls ... or see your electrical appliance dealer. give Social Credit fault) ; Spitfires 3, Spares from Prince Rupert were: Verne1 kGerman People; L pa,r I Lucky Six 3, Hotshots 1 ; Sharks leer working ma- "Rio" Cnoauctte i9. 2, Comets 2. Ciccone, Jerry Pettenuzzo, Gus Stromdahl, Hugo Kraupner, N. J. Gurvich, Robert Shrubsall and Garnet Hull. - ' tKOur Used Car Man &s y in the next At Zweibrucken ( pa,L I Spitfires lead the league with ! points with Troopers and Hot-shots tied for second, each with jqi: Like Canadians olhcr party con cl ion without Bob Parker Ltd. rihs of confusion I Swiss Discovery For 'ECZEI9A' SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT FOUND "The Home of Friendly Service" A former Saskatoon Vomnh. r.ow In Ocrmanv with her hu!-bnd, a sertresint in the RCAF. "s the German pen' '.3 Pke Cnn-'dinns nnd arc 5. ad they arc In Germany. Mrs. R. M. Rowitt. now llvln-' uncertainty under :rs who hove hod revious experience fovinciol odminis-on. t be misled . . ; Th"rc w?re 11 tables of T'hiist t the Moose card party Satur-Jav nl-ht. P -I-.T -innor! were: tattle-.' fi''s: M-s. H. F. C!ai-.second. Mrs. O. Breimo. Mcp's first: Ted Rorvik; 'second, rut between J. R. Cormier and L. Franklin, which Mr Franklin won. Pool was won by Mrs. A. E. Dickens, and the door prize by Al. Fjanklin. THIS WF-"K Hospital W.A. meeting, Civic Centre, Thursday, 8 p.m. - Zvclbnirken. Wse of No. 3 1 rrr; 11 k your ballot first f(arnation... ce. fitrhter wins, the first Canadian x'TO bse in Germnnv, write? that 80 to 85 per cent of the town was destroyed In the last rinvs of ths war by Allied air raids. However, she snys she has yet to meet nn unfrienrtlv German. Everywhere you look you see ruins, says Mrs. Rowatt. In the heart af the town lie the ruln;i of a duke's mansion. The towns- i 7 1 v 1 m I -1 !AL CREDIT 1 f6'$ cad is"!hrnt is lAsrod by tin' mm'iia s.-ini credit Cam-''JKii CiimniitU'c. fPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL AGENT Carnation Milk ";s aIv . . coffee exactly v rirlir Y ' crt'""s nihr. r Get r Carnation- IT'S SM(JOniR MAKE THIS 7 SEVEN DAY TEST , CrnatitM, m Weck usc Milk in M. f czr prm bra,,d- ncc we e Sure 0m ao otka brand wiJJ satisy you. S ii'iit;tn lia-B discovered that a.11 internal tli'ticiency m the lliidv can he one nt the main causes of Kczema. This led to ten years research, ri'siilting in the processing of a natural remeily extracted from pur vegetalile oils and now contained in the Swiss F 'HI)" Preparations. F "99" is a new and suecvMsiul approach to Kezema. it is a Twi-W ay Treatment taken internally to relieve the deficiency (Capsules) and applied externally (Ointment) for absorption through the' skin. F "9It" is being used with out-s'andine; reulls even on cases wliere all ordinary treatments have, failed. Write fur free K "9" Illustrated T'.oolilet to: Diva Lalioratories. Dept. 412, Siianichton. H.C. ' " ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR neople h""e contributed towards 1 its rebuilding. ! I Workmen are busy everywhere I "ortln? bricks from the rubble, i j The (.rood brick is saved for i -(instruction nnd the other Is i ' "r"nrl down for cement. ! i 7wcit)nirken's main shopping district has been rebuilt. All , ; -icw builrilnis ure' red and U"?ly I In shnne but the interiors are nicely finished. I Houslnrr is still short in Zwel- ; brfe'-r-n. New suites are rentoJ ! months before their completion. Mrs. Rwiitt. srvs C'lnadlins , hive no trouble obtnlnin-j ae- : rcmiiiodiition. hi'wever. ns thv j nre In n position to n-iy hliher , rents. Drublo rent f(r r -"i" j lar-re room ccsts iibout $-0 (Section B7) 'ne said WILLIAM HARVEY MURRAY, noted in tne foreqoinq nomination paper, appoint ARTHUR MURRAY, 1738 Atlin Prince Rupert, B.C.', Merchant, as my - 'a I agent. WILLIAM HARVEY MURRAY, Candidate. 9 Valhalla meeting Thursrl''v. (113) Pulp Sulphite Union Local "03 Bcneral meeting Legion Auditorium tonight. (It) Foolbell tonight 7 n.m: Rupert All-Stars vs Norway. (Norwegian vessej in port.) (It) W.O.T M , yprin1? bazaar homeeooking and teacup reading, Thursday, 2:00 p.m. (ltl RegnlT meeting rJiirpentcrs' Uni'-n, Wednesday, 8 p.m., Car-nenters Hall, Frasur St. Special business. (117) " Altentien tallies of Oriler of Itoynl Purple Please attend mrclinj in Thursday, Slav ?l. Kleetinn of Officers. (118) Salt take Ferry ruanin: every Sunday. Leaves Cow Ba.' Flonts every hour from 11 a m (It) Attention Halibut Fishermen 2J0 tons of large, fresh Rkidc-gate herring bait, now available nt Aliford Bay. When callini! phone vessel 'Westjack." (119) -t cm WL 7 I'm miwva tl!lF!!lflllBltltnl1l 1 jltUillil'li.ila.JI ' T."7ril2Hr, JUillttlUlil'lii 11111 n. Mrs. Rowatt writes that Oer- ; vn currency Is eisy to under- stand and the German merchants are very scrupulous in 1 their dealings. The big stumbl- 1 Ing block Is the language. How- , rver. Mrs. Rowntt stvs ere-tti thlnixs can be accomplished with few words and expressive ges- . tlculatlng. Pelicioiis and PiffmnJl W I , SAKE RA!WTl:! 1 "KJft I t - ' V Modtm ttend dcmindj new colon rd complcltly new type ol pint especially lor exterior rule, ihinjlei, rousS una lumber end lencei. Good coverage and hiding quality with one coal over previouily painted lurlacei. Nine wonderful, new, non-glare triadei, DIGESTIVE 100 P. F. English Quality A generous-sized meal biscuit that is just slightly sweet. So suitable for a beutime snack, or for V brush or spray. E).CEStJV ussr C I v. lrip refreshments when entertaining. Serve P. F. Digestive with cheese and with beverages men prefer. ' So B-H Shako Paint al yaur 8-H OtoUr m v w Vour holiday begins when you lard your comfortable, air-conditioned Canadian Pacific train. Choice of accommodation from berths (i) drawing rooms. Delicious lycals and thoughtful service. Plan it now ! For a mountain of holiday fun come to Banff and Lake Louise in the spectacular Canadian Rockies. Iinjoy thrilling mile-high gulf, (lancing, swimming, boating, hiking and trail riding on sure-footed mountain ponies. Available al: fnformafiort and rvsarvarions from any Canadian Pacific offkt, your travaf cgant or Jrd Avw Wil. rinc gprt Ttl; Princ Rupert 31 1 ITrtWfir .... Sr 3 AUHAXMMX MTMtV - -i I I I i !! li I I ii . I o OZ. Maroon and yellow packet. j M' Bride St. Phone 311 CJ'-A