PROVINCIAL J provincial Lin?;T, vic.cnin, s. c. tTORARY WORROW'S a i i i i i r v i i is it Hi ii iv. v mm -TIDES- 0..liiy. May 21. 1953 . ..i,.r.w&rrt Tim 3 -i' ! K : v- . '- is s ,. " 4 ... Itej t' A I .. tt ' . w " HS ,u i a,IIC .-.. I Daily VDeliv Phone 81 15 5 1ml 16 9 feet 05 feet 7.4 feet . 7:31 20:31 1:8 13 55 """T NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port 'Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 117 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY TO, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' fUl Ml Three-Day Search X5 Ends at Cedarvale A posse of RCMP froni Prince Rupert late last night captured two young men who escaped from the city jail here sometime last Sunday at Cedarvale to end a widespread three-day search for the pair. The two John Robertson, 21, and William Stevens, about 34, are being brought back today under yd Woman To Battle Premier; 229 Candidates File Papers By The Canadian Press f v - police escort. Robertson was being held on a ; WANTED TO GO TIIISAWAY This is why coronation procession participants are '.:iy rehearsing their roles as Queen Elizabeth's big day nears. Two horses, drawing a i e coach, swerved from their path and ran afoul of a tree In the Mall, not far from Marl-rough House, during their first run through the procession route. As the Queen's men in forward to untangle the beast and put the procession back together again, they i; that horses and coachmen have learned how to avoid the same mistake come Coronation Day. Police Dig Up Woman Slain forgery charge and Stevens was awaiting trial on a charge of robbery with violence. They escaped through a coal chute VANCOUVER surprise woman candidate from the furnace room of the to Battle Premier Bennett city hall after making a hole through the ceiling of their ceil. Four Years Ago in the British Columbia iiergency Embargoes Ordered !s Seamen Set Strike Deadline general election June provided the highlight at the close of official nom iX Vl n nn 4 LONDON (APi Scotland Yard, ; tolling until dawn Monday, dug up the body of a pretty, 20-year-old housewife slain four yeai.i ago in London's Infamous Not-ting Hill "murder mill." Home office pathologist Keith Simpson stood by as detectives raised the coffin of Mrs. Beryl Evans and her 14-month-old RCMP from Rupert, under the senior non-commissioned officer of the sub-division, joined the hunt after a car, reported stolen here early Sunday, was discovered at Terrace. The posse arrived at Kitsalas, 10 miles east of Terrace, about 2 a.m. Monday after two strangers had been reported seen in the area. Police began a trek along the CNR railway tracks, Involved In the dispute over inations Tuesday. . ' Mrs. E. C. Weddell, Kelowna wages are three steamship lines the coast steamship service of OUVKK CP) Emergency witp ordered Tues-;lit by Canadian Pacific . as crews manning ups along the British ;a coast set Saturday s the strike deadline. Uihable goods if shipments are destined for points served by coastal steamships. Canadian1 National Railways said It will implement similar embargoes. The CNR is not Involved to the extent of the CPR housewife and grandmother, filed papers for the Progressive Conservative Party in 'South the CPR. Canadian National Steamships and Union Steamships. . Futile last-ditch negotiations were held throughout the day Okanagan, making a four-way Linlr tnnit Tift .- ana tne Kkeena Kiver Danks. Ci'R announced immedi- which, with its steamship ser-ibarf!oi s on shipments vice, links the mainland and is! of livestock and per- , Vancouver Island. daughter from a grave In a fog-cloaked West London cemetery. Simpson was to examine the bodies later. The woman's husband, Timothy Evans, was convicted of strangling his wife and daughter and went to the gallows in 1950. Their search continued all that day and night a they followed up 'tips' from the few scattered citizens in the area. Travelling on foot and railway fight for the constituency of the Social Credit Premier. A total of 229 candidates will fight for 48 seats when voters go to polls June 9 for the second time in leuss than a year to elect a provincial government. Total Tuesday between representatives of the companies and the Seafarers International Union, representing 700 seamen. AFFECTS 25 SHU'S The strike would tie-up an WRITTEN IN BLOOD Having pricked his arm, a member of the South Korean Youth Association writes the words "Advance North for Unification" with his own blood on a national flag. The association gathered In Seoul last week to hold a rally demanding Korean unification and the embellished flags formed part of their display. speeder the Rupert police, with DAILY WORKER TO PRINT CORONATION CARTOONS the " vl nls tvans lrlal' repuaiaieu aid of thp Terrace detach- f1" 0, LerIacf an earlier confession and tried ment. scoured the bush, country of candidates for the last election was 2 12, then a record. Nomination day saw the Social estimated 25 passenger, freight and barge vessels. Deck and engine room crews ,0NDON i APi Tho Cornmunl.'.t Daily Worker announced Credit and Liberal parties filcj it has decided, like other British newspapers, to give the lull slates of candidates, for ih$i Arthur Turner, CCF Whip To Address Meeting Here to pin the blame on John Christie, 55-year-old trucking clerk now charged with strangling four women whose bodies were found In the same house two months-ago. Christie, a chief prosecution witness at Evans' trial, denied through to Usk and Pacific and then proceeded to Cedarvale, where it is reported the two men were taken into custody X 10:30 p.m. last night while attempting to break into a store and sub-postoffice operated by a Mrs. iUior. a little specfal a'tientlon. "' - -- IthrouRh their union demanded a wage increase -of M a month. I The union rejected a majority report of a conciliation board, leaning for $30 monthly increase iiid a trout-page notice: "The Daily Worker on Saturday publishing a new type of Coronation cartoon. Evuy day until Coronation Day we tell, in strip cartoon on the basic rate of about $180. Essex. Stewards of Union Steamships It is believed the- escapees the great story of the British people's struggle against the '. .si v -r. J 1 '' - ' 7 -Via i. " 1'. , w x : '!' .-' t. - '5. ) Jk 'if J " ft" .v i 1 j -1 w - it jk. t "f . . I "Vi ',1 J. . 1 . ; i' V V .A7 iff . 1 :' " v-t . ' . i. - . m r r . ( : . ' . i t-' 14 I also are involved in the dispute. 48 seats, which Include two triple-seat ridings and three two-seat constituencies. The CCF, under school principal Arnold Webster, entered all ridings except Fernie, held for the last 33 years by Laborite Tom Uphill, who is running again. The Progressive Conservatives, lqd by 33-year-old Deane Finlayson, placed 38 candidates. eluded police earlier In their rchy in the days of the Stuarts." vote for a pig in a poke because they have not yet outlined their policy." r In support of continuance of Pro-Rec, he declared it false economy to cut expenses on such A CNR spokesman said only search by darting into the heavy two of his company's ships carry a substantial amount of bush country on hearing the railway speeder each time it the accusations and was exonerated by the court. The exhumation was demanded by Christie's present defence lawyers. They gave no reason for reviving the earlier case. Police cordoned the cemetery to keep reporters away from the grave. Just after dawn an ambulance took the two bodies In their single coffin to a mortuary. iamese Twin Boys Born passed along the railway tracks. crime-preventive measures and freight on their runs and one or these vessels the Prince George Arthur Turner, CCF whip, arrived here last night In the course of an election campaign tour. He speaks tomorrow night with Oeorge Hills, who is seeking re-election for Prince Rupert constituency. In an address at Smithers, Mr. Turner excused all opposition parties, particularly his own, for having finally defeated the government in the last session at The men made no attempt to is undergoing overhaul an1 evade capture and after being Nova Scotia Woman taken into custody the police isn't scheduled to resume service until May 30. and escapees waited In a CNR section man's house until the Onlv CNR ship involved im Second Polish Pilot Escapes WithMiG-15 mediately is the steamship Prince Rupert, which sails be- j tween Vancouver and Kctchi-; 1,200-Acre passenger train arrived at Ced- arvale at 4 o'clock this morning. They took the two men to Terrace, arriving at 8 a.m., Dr. Frank MacLeod, chief surgeon of Inverness County Memorial Hospital, gave them an excellent chance of survival. I "I can't see any reason why they won't live," he said. They are perfectly healthy." have to spend millions on extensions to Jails and Industrial schools. Speaking against the Rolston formula, he said it would throw the financial burden of education onto school districts. Equality of opportunity for education would not be possible with 78 different standards of education in that many school districts. He said opposition parties had not been prepared to take (he Imposition of unnecessary fin kan, Alaska, with stops up-coasl Forest Fire at Powell River, wesivicw ana ROENNE, Denmark fl An- where the pair were lodged in Jail while the police, tired after their three-day trudge, went to bed. They left Terrace by car at 1:30 this afternoon for this city. HNK.SK. N.3. ; The ol Siamese twin boys ere Tuesday to the 19-1 wife of a garage me-Way is reported in im-conditiun after doctors described him "not doing boys, whose total weight :l as n pounds, are rest- 1. tily-fashioned ine.u-'i'"'nif their delivery by "M M'-'l-lDIl. were born to Mrs. ''; I Hospital officials said it Is loo ol her Polish pilot crashed Victoria. He said the Socreds "wanted to be beaten, while the opposition' wanted legislation, not another election." Never before had such a parliamentary session been witnessed, said Mr. Turner. He claimed it was the first time a premier through the iron curtain today early to discuss a possible opera. tion to separate them. The twins are Joined faec-to. Controlled PRINCE GEORGE (CP) A tenacious forest fire, burning over 1.200 acres in the Red Rock district south of here for the last three days, was brought un with a Soviet-built Mid-15 Jet fighter. face from close to the neck to ancial burden on the districts Braving hazaruous landing I the navel by bone. "Otherwise Halibut Landed VANCOUVER (CP) The fish-packer Eastview arrived here I said Dr. MacLeod; "they are per- 1 lectly healthy." der control late Tuesday, forest that would come as a result of freezing the school grants' level at those for 1952. Mr. Turner also spoke in favor conditions, lie landed the plane successfully on a knotty military training ground Just outside" Rocnnc, capital of the Danish Prince Rupert, where she docked this morning. CRIPPLE SERVICE The strike would cripple steamship service at the start of the summer cruise season to northern British Columbia points and Alaska. Canadian Pacific Steamships also links Seattle by sea. The last coastal steamship strike was in the summer of 1950. just after the national rail strike. Vessels were tied up for 10 days. At that time an emergency air lift helped move passengers and cargo to fishing villages and lumber camps up coast and to did not tell what his party's policies were, and "now the Socreds are asking the people to Baltic island of Bornholm. of compulsory hospital - insurance, right of civil servants to An unconfirmed report said Tuesday with, 12,000 pounds of halibut first of the season to be unloaded in the city. The packer, operated by B.C. Packers, Limited, picked up the halibut at Ucluelet and Bam-field, on the west coast of Vancouver Island. arbitrate and government auto the plane was of a newer type mobile insurance as at present in than the one landed on this service officials reported today The blaze, originating in s sawdust pile, destroyed two sawmills and damaged "another. Damage is estimated unofficially at $50,000. Some 125 firefighters, aide by seven bulldozers, succeedet in breaking up the stubborn fin into three smaller section: which were expected to bun themselves out today. effect in Saskatchewan under a Baltic island Marcr 25 by Lieut. CCF government. Franciszek Jarccki, first Polish Fijians Eye Sockeye Carryover air force escapee. Jarecki's ulane later was re centres on Vancouver isiana. turned to Poland after a thor-1 ough examination by western air experts. VANCOUVER -it) The Fijian Jarecki was granted asylum Islands' delegation to the Coronation stopped over briefly in Vancouver and regretfully eyed and since has gone to the United States. B.C.'s bulging sockeye carryover. Murder Appeals To Be Heard In Vancouver VANCOUVER Oi Ap)eal of 'Before the war," said Hon. NEW PICTURE SERVICE BEGINS IN NEWS TODAY As part of its program of development, The Daily News today introduces a new daily picture service. The pictures are supplied by United Features, a world-wide organization whose photographers are listed among the best in the business. This makes two agencies serving The Daily News with pictures, the other being The Canadian Press. Numerous other pictures are received from Individual sources and many are taken by our own photographer. Other new features will be Introduced at an early date, so continue to watch the columns of The Dally News. St. Laurent Leaves Ottawa OTTAWA Prime Minlstei St. Laurent left Ottawa Tucsdaj for the Coronation and the London Conference of Commonwealth Prime Ministers. His departure was marked by announcement of the appointment of four new senators from Eastern Canada. Maurice Scott, European member of the three-man group, "sockeye was almost a staple food in Barnholm ls only a few minutes flying time Trom Poland. -WEATHER- Synopsis A disturbance centred about Fiji. Now we can't buy It because we are In a sterling area and Walter Pavlukoir, conviciea 01 the 1947 murder of bank man-ar Svdnev Petrle, will be heard can't get the dollars to buy It." June 3 by the B.C. Court of ADDeal. He ls under sentence 10 350 miles off the Washington coast appears to be moving eastward and Is expected to cross the Washington coast tonight. hanir June 23. . "ffl fit "5 O ', '.,'!"'; Court Tuesday also set June 16 for the appeal of Kosaburo Ma-snda. who was convicted at the Foreign Office Fails in Bid To Free British Businessman "It ls regretable," agreed Hon. Ratu George Cakobau, whose grandfather was the last king of Fiji. "We can buy limited amounts of Russian salmon, but it ls not as good and ls a fabulous price." Travelling Ballot Box Proposed Kamloops assizes of the murder of his 17-year-old daughter and was sentenced to die June u. AnDeal of Glen Donald Smith convicted Of murder at White-horse, Y.T., of taxi driver Ralph Caruso, will be heard on a day to be fixed in June. He was sen Gale warnings issued for the entire coast have been amended to read west coast Vancouver Island. Only Intermittent rain will accompany the disturbance as it moves inland. Cloudy skies and unsettled weather are likely to prevail in most regions of the province. Forecast North coast region Variable cloudiness and widely scattered showers today and Thursday. Little change in temperature. Winds light, occasionally Increasing to southerly 20 near the Queen Chnrlottes. Low tonight and high Thursday at Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 40 and 55. VICTORIA (CP) Travelling tenced to be hanged July 10. Climbers Away tence was commuted to life Imprisonment. A foreign office spokesman told a press conference today that another recent approach to Hungary on Saunders' behalf "met with no success." He gave no other details. There have been several big-scale amnesties in Russia, Romania and Czechoslovakia since the death of Stalin March 6, but not in Hungary. Sanders was jailed In Novem- ballot box system to allow bedridden hospital patients to vote LONDON (API The foreign office disclosed today that it had failed in a new effort to win freedom for a British businessman Jailed by Communist Hungary. Last March the Budapest government offered to free Edgar Sanders, sentenced on charges of espionage in 1949, in exchange for Lee Meng, a Chinese girl Communist guerrilla under death sentence in Malaya. Prime Minister Churchill turned down the proposal. Lee Meng's sen league, Robert Vogeler. Both were convicted on espionage charges, Vogeler was released In exchange for some concessions to Hungary by the United States fiovernment. The family of Sanders is expected now to make an appeal for his release directly to the leaders of the Budapest government just as the wife of AP correspondent William Oatis did to the president of the Czechoslovak republic. in the June 9 election was pro In posed Tuesday by Premier Ben nett. The Premier has sent tele. KATMANDU, Nepal (API Reports reaching here today said British team of mountain 'fon tot I.nt . . Rmnt JUSI can seem to get a tune oui 01 monsver grams to all party leaders asking their approval of his climbers has begun its final as. sault on unconquered Mt. Ever VrcuJrl,Ich ls part of coronation decoration in the Mall. Trying her best as a aiiun awn w. mual music maker 1 ber, 1949 with an American col est. .. .... t u4b Annette Colllngrldg. age Jour.