3L ftr Mafctoda Ba. , Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, May 20, 1953 eastern Up of n. ... Sir William Edmond Logan, first director of the Canadian geological survey, guided It from 1843 until 1859. I The first r -re -bred sheep irfrc brouylit t" Canada about ' J834. but there were inferior prades here befoi - that.. "amed from . QBl "wis. ,1 meaning swamnv ..... 1 Sloan Hands Down-Reasons Why Play Considered Obscene VICTORIA ((Pi Reasons why . In this, whether the tendency of British Columbia Court of Appeal the matter charged as obscenity held that the recent "Tobacco : is to deprave and corrupt those Road" performance in Vancouver whose minds are open to such ,,..jc nhsrpnp were handed down I immoral influences ... r.......t.. ...... Halifax Housing Problem Growing Worse, Not Better toi.. CHtif 4 A fit i. . T I'i'MWI'IWM'lif yU,L,L Wf 0 Kv JACK BEST Chundian Press Stuff Writer K;ilurdav by Chief Justice Our- ! "This statement of the law has don Sloan. been accepted and followed In many instances by Canadian courts. It is manifest that the learned magistrate, In convicting The judgment said In part: "Upon consideration of the ailiiiuied or undisputed facts adduced In evidence, concerning Today to Saturday Kveningg 7; . g:05 Matinee Saturday 2: p.m. TOTEM ! "M.IFAX h There was little jubilation at recent ceremonies I mardiiig completion of the first 17 units of a 161-unit housing I protect here. Instead, the occasion broujifht sombre reflection on conditions that are steadily ' the prcscri restiendcnt based. 2 1 f 1 n ( 1; his findu.-s upon this properly, test." TODAY 7 - 9:00 KOBKRT RYAN - MALA PlA in "CITY BENEATH THEtti" Cape Race J the most southeasterly point in Newfoundland, and Cape Ray is the south-westerly tip. in; suoject matters of the charge, it is my view that the learned police magistrate reached the right conclusion thereon and I am in general agreement with the reasons he gave Impelling him to such conclusion. "With deference, It is my opinion that the learned County Court judge erred in not applying the tcit of obscenity laid down 1 TW3 6RUT 1 USED CARS 5TAKS...IN Ml action m::x;zi u b:;. by Chief Justice Cockburn in Regina vs. Hicklin: AS RE.AI AS"BmtOR0UW! mm " I think the test of obscenity LiLLS Dressing For Two You'll love our wonderful collection of smart mater- JJ nity wear. Priced reasonably , too. I I IIAAII l 'F 1' iN JlIftLLlbUH growing worse instead of better. Since 1939 about 7,000 families have moved into this city, tmt only 2,000 new homes have been bunt wnue 300 have been demol: ished. It's estimated that It VM.md require 5.4U0 more dwellings to relieve the shortage en-j tireiy. Alderman Byron Hatfield 'chairman of the city's slum ; clearance and public housing committee, says there is immediate need for 1.500 new homes. Based on a bureau of statistics finding of 3.5 persons to the average Halifax family, that means 'more than 5 000 of the 85.000 : population are living in substandard dwellings. I Rents are at high levels. Some persons are paying $85 a month for two rooms and rates, of $10C or more for apartments are common. House rents are extremely : high. I EXPANSION, DIFFICULT I Unlike many other cities, Hali-; fax, on a peninsula, cannot dc much in the way of expansion. ' It has been suggested that the city branch out into adjacent ' county areas, but suburban communities oppose such a move, j One possibility will doubtlest be exploited as the new harboi (bridge nears completion. An pb-' undance of good, cheap land is available on the Dartmouth side. ! and It's expected that with the elimination of the harbor bottle-' neck there will be a big exodus from the city. City manager August Debard predicts that Dartmouth, already a bustling town of 20.000, will eventually become the "bedroom" of Halifax. Halifax had its housing troubles during the war, when the population of 60,000 nearly doubled overnight. Gainsborough Picture Sells For $76,000 '49 Anglio Coach $495 '39 Austin Coach $260 '49 Austin A-40 Sedan.. $750 '49 Studebokcr 'Overdrive $1395 '50 Aistin A-40 Sedan $1000 '39 Hudson Sedan $350 '51 Austin A-40 Sedan $1100 '38 Plymouth Sedan $395 SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. 3 Robert MATERNITY WEAR DRESSES SKIRTS j JACKETS CORSETS ' CARTER BELTS I BRASSIERES j WALLACE'S ! DEPT. STORE j PrrM-oeenH"'! he Yukon Girl Guides at the Coronation, Lena uzya, native of the town of Old Crow. 70 miles north of the Arctic Circle, arrives in Montreal en route to London. She said she hopes to visit the Tower of London while in England. Girls Pick up Guests Forcibly If Necessary Kcenan WYNN KEITH IS tt -tV. Ill mm STARTS TOMORROW III1I1IIIBIIII1I1I CAPITOL Also Cartoon - News Shows 7 - 9:01 .1 FAMOI'S PI.AYKRSTHIATI: LONDON (CP) Two paintings of the 18th century English artist, Tnoma-i Gainsborough, were sold ' lor 26.UO0 guineas ($76,000) each at Christie's auction sale here. An official for Christie's said It was the highest price ever paid for a Gaiasborough in Britain. Highest price paid anywhere fur one of the artist's paintings was $360,000 for "Harvest Wagon," sold in the United States in 1923. This work now is believed to be In Canada. Gainsborough's "The Cottage Door" and "Crossing the Ford," from the Tollemachc collection, were bought Friday by a London art dealer. He declined to Identify his client although he said both pictures will remain In Britain. It's THE Platform TO DEPEND I PON lMf (Mil Imt4 m fc Ommmmm ' NEW LIBERAL Vote BRUCE BROWN June THE '53 NASH RAMBLER With custom accessories which cost hundreds of dollars extra on other cars now as standard equipment NOW AT A NEW LOW PRICE Phone 555 for an appointment with a sales representative of McLEOD RAE MOTORS Ltd. 12:!!) Kingsway, Vancouver, B.C. P.S. Also 5-'51 Nosh Statesmen's For Sole GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 TOKYO (AP) Unless you're; an expert at Judo or a million-, aire Itching for a spending spree, you'd better shy away from Shib-: uya, the strfinghold of Tokyo'i strong-arm girLs. ! About 200 cabarets cluster' within a few narrow blocks In! the Shibuya district. These estab-! lishments hire about 1.000 gins! to go out to the streeU and pick up guests forcibly if they must, j Each of the girls has a man-i ual of field tactics giving in-' structions on how to get customers. It's not a gentle art. A sample text from the field manual: "When you pick him up, crowd him from the right, seize his right arm, then yell and pull the Bishop Fleming Buried Tuesday At Toronto APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL AGENI GREER & DRIDDEN LTD. (Section i7) I, ihc said ARTHUR BRUCE BROW nominated in the forcqoinq nomination p3pt TORONTO (API Rt. Rev Archibald Lang Fleming, 69, known as the Flying Bishop for, hir flights over the northland hereby appoint PHILLIP HENRY LINZEY, Print and sub-Arctic, was buried on Rupert, B.C.-, Broker, as my official cgenr. ARTHUR BRUCE BROWN, Candidate. Tuesday. Bishop Fleming, who died of p heart, attack Sunday, was the See us to discuss that new construction firs. Ansrlienn bishoo of the Arctic and he ministered to a stunned man up without allowing him to maice the least resistance." The captive "guests" usually are released after being squeezed of all their money. Some times watches, coats, hats and other valuables are held supposedly to pay t$r their bills. The bills are fantastic anci are quickly swollen by the hungry and thirsty girls. It's not unusual for a "guest's " bill to reach $100 after an hour or so of this sort of thing. oioecse covering 1.250.000 square ROM miles Inhabited by 10,000 Eskimo. He was known by them as In-Nook-Tah-Kaub, meaning one ol the family of the Eskimos. Bishop Fleming was born in Greenock. Scotland, and became 5 v . ,.. 4 1 Ik I - h. ". "F fin J. 3 t JV 1 . .... . ' I ,ti. .' ' - 4 it i t" - ,1 ., ;. 1 it., i i : . if i. . . ' tf V. 5 ;;-. - ' .Ho- 1 jr v r I ' " " f "- . ' i"- ' v- 1.9 . V 4 f 1- .' ., jjtv -.- ",.' - " " :. , . i .. ' "J t r' i ' ? -2 interested In missionary work AUCTION SALE No. 1 OF HIGH CLASS FURNITURE Thursday, Majf 21, at 2:30 p.m. Instructed by the owner who is leaving town. I have caused to be moved to the Auction Rooms, Corner Fourth Ave. East and MCBride Street, and will sell to the highest bidder the following articles: 1 3-pce. Chesterfield Suite (Grey Wool Frieze) 1 Crosley CombinaUuii itadio and Record 1'iayc. (J-speed) 1 Admiral Refrigerator (nearly new) 1 Enamel Coal and Wood Range 1 Ennis Piano; WTalnut Coffee Table (Duncan Fyfc) 1 18-inch KrmiiiKlon Typewriter 1 Superflame Oil Heater 1 Torrhierc Trilight Lamp; 1 Table Lamp 1 Round Mahopany Sewing Tabic 1 Walnut Sewing Tabic 1 Complete Dinner Service for eight persons 1 Mixmastcr; 1 Walnut China Cabinet 1 Walnut Bedroom Suite with -'i-bcd and beautiful cliiffrobc 1 Cisarette Stand; 1 Singer Sewing Machine Z Chrome Chairs; 1 Simplicity Washing Machine I Child's Crib and High Chair. And numerous other articles. ". ' LIST YOl It GOODS FOR THIS SALE BY PHONING: Red 127 Black 846 - or B. C. Messenger 678 GEO. J. DAWES THE AUCTIONEER If 3Hrs. 25Min. You can restore the GOOD ROADS PROGRAM YOUR VOTE FOR A LIBERAL GOVERNMENT ON JUNE 9, WILL: Kxpand construction and pav-ins: of main Highways. Provide a specific annual appropriation for construction and improvement of secondary roads. You can cut TAXES ON ELECTION DAY, JUNE 9, YOUR VOTE FOR A LIBERAL GOVERNMENT WILL: Reduce car licences lo $10.00 a year. Eliminate the (ax on all meals. Eliminate the tax on all purchases of thirty cents and under. among the Eskimos when he was 11. i Educated at Greenock acad-! cmy, he came to Canada In 1908 and entered Wycllffe College. He spent two years In Baffin Land before graduating. He was made n deacon In 1912 and a priest In 1913. A few weeks later he sailed I I alone for the Arctic and was stationed for two years In Baf- fin Land. j He suffered a disappointment i in 1916 while on a furlough when j told his health was unsatisfactory and that he could not re VANCOUVER $44.85 A Comult row Tr..l A" Canadian Pacific Airlines, Phone 795 turn to the Arctic. He became rector of the church of St. John the Evangelist in Saint John, N.B. In 1927 he was appointed archdeacon of the Arctic under five bishops, but five years later the whole area was made Into one diocese and he was consecrated bishop Dec. 21. 1033. at St. John s Cath-sdral, Winnipeg. Bishop Fleming visited the Arctic annually. His di:ese stretched from Aklavlk to Lab rador and south to Fort Georgi You can protect our SCHOOL SYSTEM WILL: .. , ... on Jnmes Bay. Bishop Fleming was the author of several books and a member of the Royal Geographical So Tne Cm"tlele Travel Service ciety. 1 Hrim: udditional litional rciici -the jflov eminent You can achieve better LABOUR RELATIONS ON ELECTION DAY, YOUR VOTE FOR A LIBERAL GOVERNMENT WILL: Restore the Lalnmr Relations Hoard to a full time basis. 9 Assure action on the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act at the first session. O Amend the Workmen's Compensation Act in accordance with the recommendations of Chief Justice Sloan. areas by m, xnfK.- of Kuucau"" fj . . . assuming ouy t. for Summer Weor Mammoth Auction Sale Complete Household Furniture Sale No. 2 Instructed by the owner, 1 have caused to be moved for quick sale the following articles. Sale to take place at the Auction Rooms, corner Fourth Ave. East and McBride St., on Saturday, May 23 - 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. 1 Ureal Radio Phonograph 12-record automatic, in natural finish. ' 1 Set of Living Room Tables, with Coffee Table, Corner Table, Combination Bookcase, End Table and Magazine Tabic (natural birch and maple finish). I KroVhlcr Chesterfield and two Chairs with slip covers. 1 Extra Kroehler Chair; One Hostess Chair. 1 9-ft x 12-ft. Rug with Inderfelt. 1 Trilight Floor Lamp; Trilight Table Lamp (wine finish) 1 TabU- Lamp (blue finish) 4 Pair Drapes, Eggshell color (newly drycleaned). 2 Wall Mirrors as new, 24 x 36 inches. 5 Beautiful Oil Paintings. 1 6-pce. Bedroom Suite; 2 Chests of Drawers, 4-drawer. 2 Bedside Tables with matching lamps. 1 Kindergarten Set; One 3-drawer chest; 1 Blackboard. I Large Crib and Mattress. 1 Electrolux (Dc Luxe model with all attachments). 1 Easy Washing Machine. 1 Small Writing Table with 2 Chairs; Kitchen table & chairs. 1 High Chair; Kitchen Step Stool. 1 Set American Encyclopedia; 1 lino rug, 7 ', 4 x 12; i Electric Heaters; 7 Record Albums with 50 records; lot of stainless steeiware; dishes, curtain rods, Lucite shelves; Stromberg-Carlson battery radio; Morphy-Richards automatic toaster as new; one 18-inch typewriter. NOTE All these goods are In good condition and must be sold GEO. J. DAWES THE AUCTIONEER Phones: Red 127 Black 84 fi and B.C. Messenger 678 costs. Provide a definite grant based unit f PP-and on a per capita employed teachers. Save H.C. from the n " cmt High and Low Wedg Foam Moccasins Desco Revelations . . . with foam rubber Insole and arch support for Formula. the most extrem comfort. iljour rJ&heral CancliJaleS are lite aldeil in lite fid. Ai r.iliera (va JvrJ) am (vJijvd lo !ntj)(emenl llteSc ami oilier jifaiiLs in our pfalornu Cool . . . Cool White for Summer. Fashi Footwear ion am (i