r-nriCt; KupeiT UOny (News Wednesday, May 2i); t5S Brig. Bogert Gets Top Spot TO: Buy -Sell -Rent Trade or Hire IN BLACKWOOD on WANT AD 748. She will be glad to help you place your ad FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ACCOCNTANTS ige HELP WANTED FEMALE vSuhfecl to Chancfc) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income j By EASLEY. BLACKWOOD RADIO ELM. 1240 Kl'ocyele WANTED Stenographer with beckkeeplng experience urgently required. Shorthand not essential. Apply Box 37, Prince Rupert. (118) CFPR lax specialist. 8. Ci. Furk, Stone Builaunt. Ked 583. (20ml KAVlKKl oKKVILE Take Out Trumps earjy If Ruff Play Looms When you suspect that a defender may be able KUFKKT battery Shop, 234 East 3rd Ave. Phone ts-.av 128. Ke-puiii, rechargir-e in: i-uuiid-inK. V'oric uuarar.uja. ic STENOGRAPHER Grade 1 or 2 CIVIL SERVICE SOCIAL WELFARE BRANCH Prince Rupert AWMAWAWMWMAV WEDNKSDAT 8:00 Mulc Prom trte Films S:25 International Commentary 6:30 UN Today 6:45 CBC News. Weather Report 5:SS Have You Heard? get in a ruff, it is very B.C. BOA rSFOK SALE GRADE 1, Salary $128 $165 take out trumps as quickly as possible. However, in many situations there are other things you must do SALE Trailer "Fisher I," 32 ft., good condition. Phone Red 615. (120pl SALE New 12-ft. plywood "V" bottom rowboat. Apply 1524 Second Overlook, evenings. (121p) CAKS FOR "SA LE monthly plus $15. per month Special Living Allowance. Typing speed 40, shorthand 80 words per minute. GRADE 2, Salary $185 $203 monthly plus $15. per month Special Living Allowance. Typing speed 50, shorthand 110 words i per minute; a minimum or 2 vears' experience. Must be British subject, under 40, except In the case of ex-service women. Application forms obtainable from the Social Welfare Branch. Prince Rupert, IMMEDIATELY. (ltc) WANTED BEST OF FOOD ( FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR '! VANCOUVER ind Intermediate Fort v' Each Thursdey J at 11:15 p.m. for KETCHIKAN -v WEDNESDAY Midnight; Comfort and Service ,jj For reservations write a, lean fit or l.spnf Offli' IPl.':e Rupert, B.C. il RE-CHROME bumpers, grills, etc'., with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not a paint or polish! Ju.st like chrome! Last years! Send $1.98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (124) CASH FOR Scrap; copper, brass, batteries. commendable to try and West dealer Both sides vulnerable Nort (Mr. Dale) 8 A 10 & 4 H A 4 D Q 9 8 8 1 C 6 Weit Iat (Mr. Abel) i Mrs. Keen) S J 8 14 Q 9 7 3 2 ' H Q J 10 8 6 t H 7 - , ' D A D 2 C Q 8 3 2 C K J 10 7 4 . Hon III ' (Mr. Ma-len.) B K 8 H K 3 2 D K J 10 7 S C A 9 5 The bidding: West North Rist South Pass Pas pass 1 D III IS Pass 2 D Pass 4 O . . Pass 5 D All pass In the closed hand, Mrs. Keen would have ruffed out the ace of hearts Instead of the trey and the hand would have been down one. True, Mrs. Keen might have had no hearts at all but that would have given Mr. Abel seven hearts not as likely a holding as six. There was also the point that if Mr. Abel had held seven hearts plus enough strength to overcall. he might well have opened the bidding with a preemptive three heart call. 8 BO ProgresHlve Conservative Talk 6:05 8upier Serenade 8:16 Hospital . Insurance Talk 6:20 Hupper Serenade 6:25 B C. Liberal Talk 6:30 Supper Berenade 6:45 Smiley Burnett Show 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Vancouver biruiK oitli. 8:00 8lr John A. MacDonald Pt. II 10:00 CBC Kews 10:10 CBC News 10:15 The Lively Arts 10:30 Ellstubethan Munic 1 1 :00 Weather Report 11:03 Music Till Midnight 12:00 Sign-off THURSDAY AM' 7:00 BC Fishermen's Broadcast 7:15 Musical clock ' 7:30 CBC News; Weather I'epovt . 7 36 Musical Clock 8:00 CBO News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:1S MurnlllK Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:46 Little Concert 8:00 BBO News tr Commentary 9:15 Musical Varieties 9:6 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 "Klders of the Purple Base" 10:30 B.C. Lloerirt Talk 10:35 Recorded Interlude 10:45-Musical Kitchen .00 Klmlcritaru-ii of th Air 11:16 Koundup Tiinfl 11:25 UC. Social Credit Talk 11.30 Weather Report 11:31 Messane Period ' ll:33- Rec. Int. 1 :45- Scandinavian Melodies. P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:16 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast FOR QUICK SALE Cheap for cash. 1938 Ford Tudor. Perfect shape. 937 3rd West (rear). imp FOR SALE '49 Morrrisr Oxford" Cheap. Apply Empress Hotel. (118p) radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West (c WANTED Home for grey, part-Persian kitten, male. Phone Green 562. (118p) WANTED For summer months. June-September, receptionist, man or woman, for Prince Ruiwrt Museum. Apply at once FOK SALE FOOTHILLS Phone 651. Co. Ltd (sootless) coaL Phiipolt, Evltt & (c) FOR SALE Double bed, cheap; good condition. Forced to sell for leaving town. Apply 937 Amhrose Ave. (119p) FOR SALE Three-piece chesterfield suite, double bed chesterfield, dining table and stools, bookcase, three small tables, Axminster carpet, and general household efferts. Quirk sale. Owner going to U.S. Box 678. Daily News. (117) i f, I ! been lost since no one naa reauy ; Qut Mr Masters mereiy S OlOCKS !Practised them since the First ; 1)ed the trey which was always FOR SALE "Sunshine" de luxe baby buggy; boy's balloon tire bicycle; two 5 25x16 tires, new .Singer buttonhole attachment. 70'J 5th Ave. West. (118p) FOR SALE Three-piece ches At Ottawa OTTAWA CP) Brig. M. P Bogart, a cultivated soldiering 1 gentleman who built a quality brigade and put ginger in a static front In his year in Korea, is going to take" over a senior position at army headquarters in Ottawa now that he ts back. He will be deputy adjutant-general, a post being revived to bring help to the staffs wrestling with the administrative, human to" and personnel p.-oblems of a small, 48.000-man army with commitments In 3 continents. To it he will bring a long army experience freshened by a year to in command of the 25th Brigade on a Korean front which he says has proved Canadian Army training to be on the right road has neaped it peifecl the nucleus of a good future army, given a proving ground for new Canadian wrinkles and provided experience in co-operating as part of International armies. Neither colorful nor reserved, no seeker after easy popularity with his soldiers, he is very much the regular soldier's commander. His edition of the 25th Brigade, Brig. Bogert .says, marked "the iirst time we have gone to war with regular soldiers." "They regard the army as a career, are more amenable to discipline than the wartime vol imteer nnri therefore can be dls- ciplined more easily. He defines "discipline" as "alert response to orders " I 1 ..mur. mn'rt,nrier,t on their officers. If an officer is , , . , and vnn and: good here he has more scope gets more rtapecu t -we've learned a lot about , i handling men me u.at .m i i should be perfecting the nucleus. of a good regular army. "Korea," he says, "has helped his recaoture.some of the tech-, ntciues of the defence which had He had confidence In the of f i- j cers on the spot. "If you haven't: vou shouldn't have them there, he says. TO Problem In Alaska Said Tragic LOS ANGELES API Widespread tuberculosis in Alaska rtnd other Pacific areas stands is ::n indirect threat to the bealtn of people in the United States, a leader in the fight tgainst tho disease reported here. Another cause for concern, Dr. Howard W. Bosworth told the National Tuberculosis Association, is that the number of people who contract the disease is not decreasing, even in the United States itself. Dr. Bosworth, who is medical director of Bosworth sanitarium, Los Angeles, said the increasing travel between the United States proper and the Philippines makes people here subject to exposure from without.. Dr. Edward T. Bldmquist, r f the Public Healtn SerVfc Arctic health research, centre at An-t chorage called the TB problerri In Alaska tragic. Among the natives the death rate from TB Is 600 for every 100.000 persons, among the whites there, only 37.2 per 100,-000. In sections where the native population Is exclusively Eskimo one out of every 10 persons has active or probably active tuberculosis. At present there are only 600 hospital beds for tuberculosis in the territory, but an increase to 900 beds is planned by 1954. Coronation Bells MONTREAL CP Coronation proposals here include a festival of bells on June 2 to mark the enthrsnemet.-t of Queen E.1Z-abeth. Under the plan, bells of all churches would peal on a carefully prepared schedule. BLONDIE LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Fxperieneed handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" ;. . Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or OS Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. Use The Phone MISS DEADLINE Classified Kates 4:0 p.m. day pro- ui publication. ,d 3 cents per word per K,n; minimum charge 50 ti(., 50 cents; Card -hnnks. Death Notice, . ,i Notices, Marriage and t.mn. t Announcements, Display dcuble price. N Ktlunds FOR not accept responsi-,. ,.) .. .-sifip'.t ads Inserted ",,v ui under wrons ion unless notification FOR f'-ors is received within t-l rir-l i.ueiiiJis. ANNO I' Nt LM ENTS Tn (,f the Moose Spring May 21, Moos Temple. spr.ng als, May 20. "Yard parly, May 21. ..an limine cooking sale, numhlei-.s Variety hiiow, M iy 24, CapiKH ine- i, missionary tea. I .....i, i i nn P e sine, iit4iu:an :tl, May 30. . an cinirch tea May 30. i tea. June 4. I d Chuicn w.A. npruiK me 11. Wom.'ii'ji League tea, June 11, at the ,1 Mr:;, w. P. Mccoilery, Avs. West. ,run i.auii'.-i aim tea Manse. June 18. (,u,i mi:nt NOTICE nil Mrs. E. Kirkham wish I rjum-c trie engagement oi i miTii'i'st daughter, Ednai ct to Burns Pierce, i t son of Mr. and Mrs. S. The wedding to take ,n the nrst rresoyienun i June 20. at 7 p.m. iltpi KlST anil I M'NI Blue Biutrie named "Pet- viriiuly Waklron Amnl- KinnYr please rontact I.hizcy. phone 301 or n TjL , ... , ,Ut rutsoNAi. information regarding (alums of William A. If anyone knows of kindly inform E. T. Iake, "fc, Alberta. Ro father's (117) r"m on your govern- Jnin Social Credit to- (1201 M'iai, Affairs are your Jum Social Credit to-(1201 ISINISS OPPORTUNITY f U'RANT for Sale Phone 6C (119p) ISIMSS FRSONA1.S !-V e.ervbiidv uses 99. if !'BINQ, automatic-, oil heat. wn metal work. Phone Cdl m fith West. I- SINKS, novel Mes. fcddle'a s Stand. (cl PRD Electrical Works. Mo- ""'iliht. sold, rewound and hired. (tf. f K your rla.isiripd ad in this Pr at the economical lx ' Wte. 1!S u.nrcW for ma. davs mvt ti iv is Ms i for six eonseeulive days ' to. And teinember you l'ie your ads lust call Ually News ( tf-nc) V0UR vacation nn the ifs of beautiful Lake Kath- "1 the Rllllrlev Unlleu f Box 88. Smilhers, B.C. (121) 'SCAPING ANn riAnnFw" ' Rock Wnlls rnclrnrlnc HOWer boxes laumo anH t Free estimates. Phone 806 U30p 'ECTRICIAN D.Gu"v7tt. p Wlnno- nnrt o'iaI .185. - U38)! ;HAL Mnnh'iZ' - ' . .... ,; "Wr butors for: Mining. uver l. B'g PTS fr , rCotM , ,"'Jl'o"' L,iquia 1 "welding supplies. UplL storage IW.tvu ;rrr- i.'M.WX. Phono T.l or ,i- -..inaies service. (O) 0 HesKtSu protect yourself, In today's hand, for example. Mr. Masters and Mr. Dale got into the right final contract of five diamonds. They could have made the "easier" contract cf three no trump on the expected heart opening, but would have been set at that bid if Mr. Abel had decided to open a club. Against five diamonds, Mr. Abel laid down the queen of hearts. Now Mr. Masters could have won this trick In either hand. A careless analysis would indicate that It made no difference where he won it. But of course Mr. Masters Is not a careless player. He had heard Mr. Abel overcall in hearts and therefore Mrs. Keen mast be short in the suit. He bad to let the enemy In with (the ace of trumps. If Mr. Abel held the ace of trumps, another heart lead from his might, and probably would, be ruffed by Mrs. Keen. mat wouia not necessarily uc th Qf the cQn t provided Mrs Kecn did not fuff ace Qf hpartg Qn th,g reasoningi Mr. Mas. tprs playe(J thg ace of hearts Qn the first trirk He then led a diamond and Mr Abel won and ,,,j tw. wi, nt Viart Mrg Kecn ruf fed as expected. if the first trick had been won . Ferryland near St. John's, in Newfoundland was founded in 1621 by Sir George Calvert. SPORTSMAN'S DIGESTS FISHING NYMPH r IMITATIONS ........ WADES QUIETLV ! TO THE CAST INC. ivn I'll TO POSITION ACROSS FISH STREAM WITH A sji IN v 5 J 5W0RT Line. : PORINO il5 ( ' s mK-' PRIFT ROD IS HELD . . HIGH TO 7 Ky t ' . 3 31 PREVENT LINE TOUCHING AAAIN CURRENT TO FORM A BELLIED DRAG. END-INS DEEP DRIFT IN THIS LANE POINT ROD TIP DOWN AT LINC CURRENT PULLS LINE ACROSS TO RAISE NTMPM. SUOWLV fiOlDB FLY INTO QUIET WATER BEFORE HAND RETRIEVING SLOWLY TO RAISE FLY TO THE SURFACE. LIFT ROP TO STRIKE AT TINY FELT TUSS. POSTfftft ISPIAV OOKUT CaTJOOM WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Love is Blind! ffiofe.sionaf J JOHN H.' BULGER Optometrist Third Avenue John Bulger Ltd. John F L. Hughes, D.C , CHIROPRACTOR I Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-b:00 21 - 23 Besner Block 1 Phone B!ue 443 H. G. HELGERSON to the -secretary, P.O. Box 75a, with full particulars and salary II expected. (117) HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Five-room house ! 1 and four lots, fine location, two minutes walk from wharf. Apnly or write to W. 8. Sineer, Ma.sset, B.C. (121p) FOR SALE Modern four-room house, partly furnished (new furniture I. Full cement hase- ment with furnace. 792 Alfred St., or phone Red 129. ( 120) FOR SALE Four-room War time. Partly furnished. Good location. Reasonable for cash. Terms if desired. Red 137 after 5:30 p.m. (117p) HOUSE FOR SALE Four rooms and bath. Near school. Phone Black 6H7 before 8 p.m. 117p) FOR SALE Big 6. furnished or unfurnished. Newlv decorated in and out. Ca.' or ensv terms. Phone Black 731. (125) TWO SPECIALS Looking for something differ ent? See this big four wartime with full cement basement, laundry tubs and oil burner. Copper piping. Fully insulated. Lawn front and back. fenced. Price $5500, Includes I'voetisive fridge and oil range. Terms arranged. . WHY PAY RENT? $1000 rash, balance as rent, buys this wartime four. Nicely decorated and painted. Floors n b 1 y sanded. Price only $3300. Armstrong Apcncis Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance Phone 342 Black 197 evenings (117) LEGAL NOTICE IN PF THE MECHANIC'S MEN ACT" TAKE NOTICE that-Joshua McKav. oi Prince. Rupert B.C.-linens .owed ttupert Motor 4t4. vf Prlneo Un(rt.- P C. the sum of 404 78 lor a period of over three months for labour and I materials bestowed on a 1046 Dodje four door serinn. 1951 Licence No. 52719. F.nclne No. D25C3MOC. Serial No. 9733465. reelstered in the name of Helen Alberta Hauclenschllrt. of 510 Seventh Avenue West. Prince Rupert, B.C.. the said Rupert Motors Ltd. will offer the said vehicle for sale nt Its premises on Second Avo-r.ue West. Prince Rupert. B.C., on Friday, the 22nd day of May, 195:1. 10 o'clock a.m.. unless the said sum . of 404 78 and the cost or auvertisinn this notice shall sooner be paid tn the said Rupert Motors Ltd. DATED nt Prince Rupert. B.C., this 5th day of May. 1953. RUPKUT MOTOKS 1,111 ny "John S. Lindsay" Director. (1183) IN RE ESTATE OP EUOENIO ( Al.FS- SANDROI MAOGETTO. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS ALEX US-CETTO.. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that as Adminis trator, duly appointed by tne court, of the estate of Eugenlo (Alessandro) MnRRetto. otherwise known as Alex MetrRetto. who died t Prince Rupert, British Columbia, on the 15th day of March. 1953. I require all emitt ers and others having claims against the said estate to send the same to me. properly verified, at the addreRs mentioned below on or before the .10th day of June. 1953. after which date 1 shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, hav-tnK regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. And further take notice that all persons Indebted to satd estate aro required to pay their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 12th dnv of Mny. 1053. OORDON ERASER FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. M13,I4.20.aip) CiiSy's ays (Coortesy K D. iohnstoa fk Ltd.) ; VANCOUVER American Standard 15 Bralorne 4 30 B R X 02 Cariboo Quartz 108 Congress 07 Cronin Babine 10 Giant Mascot 42 f Indian .06' i Pend Oreille 4.80 l Pioneer 1 90 Premier Border 06' Privateer 03 2 Sheep Creek 65 Silbak Premier .11 4 Taku River 07 Vananda 02 xk Spud Valley 03 Vt Silver Standard 90 Western Uranium 2.25 , Sil-Van 40 Dorreen 23 12 Estella 47 Oils A P Consol 33 Cnlmont 137 Central Leduc 3.00 Home Oil 8.25 Mercury 16 Okalta 290 Pacific Pete 1100 Royal Canadian 13 TORONTO Athona 14 Aumaque .....i......0:....-...t...:'. .15 Beattie Defmesne ... - 2Vk BeVC0urtv..".:. -51 j Buffalo Canadian 22 Consol. Smelters 25.50 Conwest , 4.35 Donalda 72 Eldona '. ... .37 East Sullivan 4.75 Giant Yellowknife 10.25 God's Lake .79 . Harricana .10 Heva Gold 06', ! Duvex .. .40 Jolict Quebec .... ... ' .29 Vi Little Long Lac ... .65 Lynx .. .04 ''j Madsen Red Lake 1.50 McKenzle Red Lake 39 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 2.45 Moneta .43 "2 Negus 16 Noranda .. 68.50 Louvicourt 16 Pickle Crow 1.43 Petrol Oil Si Gas 54 Sherritt Gordon 4.70 Steep Rock 7.05 Silver Miller 65 Sweet Grass 65 Golden Manitou 2.20 Landover Oils 25 Rix Athabasca 2.25 Nesbitt Lablne 3.60 TAXIS and TRANSFERS CI1Y. TRANSFER Long Distance CRATING and PACIlINO Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE ' Household Effects Moved to or from any point In B.C. Phone 950 First Ave. aiK McBrlde 'fit (Business & DELUXE PRESS , "Gesrerner" Duplicating Circular Letter - Monthly Bulletins any sind of Business forms. Direct mall advertising, etc. 30 - 40 legs than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd A. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Gin as your mailing list We do Uie rest. ., Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For Hie East ' Daily 'dxcept Sunday.. p.m. ' 1 Ft& the East Daily except Monday 8:30 pis FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 a tneie CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. r Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phou. 133 SO THAT rr.-A ' Jthll ROMANCE terfield suite, fair condition; oil space heater, practically new. Phone Blue 254. (117p) FOR SALE Baby carriage, as good as new. 1136 Hays Cove Ave. v U17p) FOR SALE Household" furniture, mostly new. Two-piece clonhfe-bed" ehenterfleld, full-sized bed and dresser, combination secretary and book-rase, rhina cabinet, chairs tables, rims and miscellaneous effects. Exceptional values. Apt. 221, Elizabeth. ( 1 2 1 p FOR SALE -Set of 1 rolling gur- aics. u jo nays uove Ave. (117p) FOR SALE Washing machine $10.00. Phone Red 418. (119p( FOR KENT FOR RENT r- Board and room for working man. Black 650. (118) SINOER CEWINO CENTRK rent portable machines. Phone 864. c) FOR RENT Large 4-room float house. Phone 453. (118) FOR RENT Sleeping, room. Blue 602, - '.""'. f 118) FOR RENT Light housekeeping room. Phone Green 894 after 5 p.m. (122p) WANTED TO RENT WANTED Urgently require three-bedroom house. Phone Blue 602. (tfnc) WANTED TO RENT Small house or suite suitable for couple with two small children. Phone Green 486. (117) WANTED TO RENT Will any one have living accommodation for young working couple and child, non drinkers, around June 15? Phone 20!). office hours. (Up) SITUATION WANTED SCOTCH woman, very reliable, will baby-sit any time. Phone Black 334. (117) GENTLEMAN, 33. married, de sires steady employment, any kind. Phone Red 911. (119p) HELP WANTED MALE DRIVER - SALESMAN WANTED Large Canadian food manufac turer witn Drancn in rnnce Rupert is desirous of employ-ine voune man age 20 to 30. Top salary, pension plan, irroun insurance, hospitaliza tlon. splendid opportunity for advancement. Reply giving full details or age, education present position, and experi ence to Box 679. Daily News Ltd. Replies strictly confiden ts . iu WANTED Young man. me chanic's helper. Apply T.M.C Office (122) LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, Phone 98, Evenings Black 89S' SCOTT McLAREN , CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W 1 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 PRECISION JAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened 115 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 i By CHIC YOUNG I HOP! 'E IT'S NOT i i ,: SES.OUi jS I'D hate)! k. TO WAVB ,VB THAT THAT .-S 1 f- AVPUL-LOOINS MONSSEL FOPf A SCM-IN-LAW A wu cant go 1 1 II i wish doss vf1 -v-N-v I TO BSD UNTIL , COULD CAR?V THEIR y. DASy 1. V.HEeTSj K-.OWHK5.YSj f 1 HASN'T T IN VVt S t COME IN f " .'--s V. ' t- . . 1 IJiff TSii bssG A&QdDSesse Place Ik iHmA M