Vfj. "".jswasaas. The Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday. January 23. 195-1 'CAv: J Missionary Misses Jungle Leper Colony Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 3rd Ave. W . f-hone Green W0. BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE o. . ran r-w rs i . -. , . . . . JK -vrs - oy cajlc I cLALIsWUvJIJ a . : 1 Mr. Champion thouoht hi hand vm int shade short of an opening two-bid but when he hki one heart and heard a two-over-one from his partner he "knew" there must be a play for slam in the hand There was. But since Mr. Muzzy was going to play the hand, it would have been wiser to stop- at game. Mr. Dale led the 10 of clubs, i - Looking the hand over, it ap- I ,or a Rlam- 19 in trick points I ";'! 0 fjlv t, M f , ; '.' Hospital WA Plans Sales Plans for rummage and home baking sales were made when members of the Prince Rupert Hospital Women's Auxiliary met last night in the Civic Centre. President Mrs. L. M. Greene conducted the meeting at which it was decided to hold a bake sale February 13, instead -of the usual Valentine tea, and to stage a rummage sale in April. It was reported that the invalid walker purchased by the auxiliary at a cost of $109.60, has now arrived and is much appreciated by patients and doctors. Mrs. M. B. Lemon reported on the hospital library service and expenditure of $112 for magazine subscription renewals was authorized. , It was also reported that baby clothes made by members and displayed in .he hospital, were idling well, and members were u-ged to continue the work. It was planned to hold a "bring and buy" sale at the next meeting, with each member bringing a mystery gift. New members accepted were Mrs. Don Martin and Mrs. Antony Railing. pearea io Mr. Muzzy that he i 1 " l"c "i me game, Mr hflrt had t.rleire tricks in to hhrn hum v.,. I ChamDion vnarrmion sprpamprt screamerl "onH "and u,mi burned some of them. irWAKT ST. GEORGE of Montreal stands beside a snowman at Montreal's Dorval .,H 12 Iwurs later Is serenaded by a band on a balmy night In Mexico. Trans-Canada s sirwaiilfss a Cermalne pinned a corsage on Mrs. St. George's lapel before she took TA's Inaugural f light to Mexico City. TORONTO (CP) Missionary nurse Helen Keller has had her first look at the outside world In more than two years. . Her reaction! She wants to get back to the African jungle and the ieper colony .she administers there. Miss Keller, a Toronto missionary with the Sudan United Mission, is enthusiastic about her life In Africa where she is the only white in a community of 5,000. . "I can't explain It." she said. "It Just seems to appeal to me. I'm really anxious to get back to my charges and start working again." She established her leper colony at Beladja In French Equatorial Africa in 1952 with! 25 patients. Soon the number had swollen to 400, all her' present staff - can handle. Of 1,000,000 Africans in her district, she said 3,000 are In desperate need of treatment for leprosy. "If people were aware of the tremendous need I am sure they would be willing to help." When Miss Keller began her first task of building a dispensary she took on the roles of architect, building boss and "everything else needed" without any previous experience. Her native staff even made the bricks for the building and cut down trees for lumber. The result of their labors was a neat red-brick building completed In four months. Encouraged by her experience, Miss Keller has plans for a nurses' residence, school, chapel, throw all this out the window on the off chance of makin ' another 30 points." Mr. Muzzy made a telling point. "We were not doubled,'' he said, leaving Mr. Champion speechless and the opponents in stitches. This, then, is another illustration of when not to lay off the first trick that is, the case where you can go risht In at trick one and run off enough tricks for your contract without interruption. North dealer East-West vulnerable Nona (Mr. Ctiatiiplftn, HA 8 8 4 H A Q J 10 6 D A K C A S .Wet Ka-f (Mr. Dale) ir. Alwl) 6 K JO 8 Q 6 6 3 H 8 7 6 4 H 0 3 a D D 9 6 6 3 C 10 9 6 4 3 C K 7 Mouth (Mr. Mum) 8-J 7 3 H K I i J 10 7 4 C J J 6 3 The bidding: pping in Moscow Complicated Project Crowds Line Up For Merchandize r,v HIM' ih enure. aimouKn mere may be a Queues move slowly. Three In- V. KhnpiiiiiK in Mos-1 greater selection on Gorki Street dividual operations are required a i up ration. j earlier In the day. , j for every purchase. You Join the w nstiuimiss l"'ie and j Shopping- crowds are tremcn-1 first "ne to see what you want, Went Pass PaKS NortU Et South 1 H Pasa 3 n 8 Pass 3 NT 6 NT All pass FLY iKiilr on ;i iirsi-come auus oom downtown and in the i cnoose u, struggle for the at ,i ba-is Prices arc the suburbs. One of the current edl-(. ni iiilibu! hood stores torlal campaigns Is to make !h: simps on Gorki customers and clerks more cour-snm's mum shopping teous. a b "Wouldn't lead from a king, would you?" he asked laughingly as he played the five of clubs from the board. " Mr. Abel won with the kin.; of clubs and Mr. Muzzy then with tention of a clerk and get a cash slip. . Then you go to a rashier's cage, take your turn at paying and get a receipt. Finally you claim your purchase. It took me 45 minutes to buy a ream of paper. Apart from large items such as pianos, television sots or refrigerators, everything is cash and carry. There are no bread or milk deliveries. net tm shrink no l&prcad his hand on the table, ! claiming the rest of the Iricks. ' "I think we'd better play it workshop and a six-room brick house- when she returns to Africa. On leave In Canada she has raised funds for the nurses' residence, a small truck, a microscope and $1,000 worth of drugs and medicines. The Sudan Unlt- All LINE out." said Mr. Dale. "Me too." said Mr. Abel as he led a heart. This took the only entry out of the closed hand so that Mr matter how many firne they ire washed.. That's your assurance when you huf Harvey-Worlds Kroy wool hne. v T hey're reinforced throughout with nylon to give citrs long wear. See our wonderful new range. Handsome colours; distinctive patterns anJ plains. In half .-hose and anklets. r.M. Kt9 j. I There is a drive on to modern-; ize and Increase production of ' consumer goods, give them more H n r . .. , I .... . i. , i Saturday Sermon j eye aoueal Rtvlishness. elegance International non-denomlnatlon-, or or color color still still have to be Intro- ; al society supported by various duced. individuals and churches and to Ill V. There is a sober uniformity in f. r. AM AVI 'Honrs, liOltl S. raslor raslor First First liaplist liaplist Church Church FAITH THAT WORKS . 'Jitmrs 2:14-20 and 4:1-17) merchandise, both in quality and looks. Colors are subdued or dark. Cut is conservative and Muzzy was never able to run his diamonds and down he went. - Mr. Champion, with conslder-I able Justification, hit the ceiling. "Why not take the first I trick with the ace of clubs and jrun off 12 tricks?" he de- manded. I -"Are you aware of the fart " jieplicd Mr. Muzzy stiffly, "thai ; if Dale had led from the kim? ; of clubs I would have made seven?" Interested In soreading Christianity In Central Africa. "Lenro'v " laid Miss Keller. "Is not a fatal disease as most people think. It cripples for life but it does not kill. KETCHIKAN with connccti9ns to SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and all ALASKA Hi. lialf-ln-other of the Lord Jesus, wrote the 'book t i6tondard' Mpn's sults and coats ihompluMs on Bood WorkViln fact, his epistle is fuU '? bdul"able b"1, dul1-, w"ien' frocks a mainly printed cot- i ., ., v.Hnt ,.r .Ki,A0 ,.....,,, u, KROY WOOL HOSE Watts&NickersoiU ead r lers h.ilK'.iunre of our w orks, on what we do, in connection 'inn: hi over there Is no real contradiction between :. of Jjmcs and Paul. '1 Juir.cs were both - . - Phone 265 Ca. fur old fo'' Pulser'i "I am aware of the fact that you loused up a hand where you could have made 500 points tons Qi pne-colof woolen fabrics. Shower Fetes Bride-Elect. Mae Newton i Moo.se whist drive, . 8 p.m. Saturdav. (19i ,.; . .; ; i W " '' f e,.T V ! j J,, ' "' ' .. . '"'';' 1 '" , ; J ' ' .;. . ! 7 J .; . .', ,J .'S'jr. ? . r p. ' Vr ' A- A H,Aa ,: , '(W n i ' '? ''7 f .1 . . f VJ a-i,'-'-:'' , 7 - - 1 i '7Si'''-,U'-i ' 'V' -V. P. V-7 ) i ,; ' I ' "" ; 1.?' J I . - ) ; VI . , -' : ' ii-m-.7-' J'V' 4i7wr - ' 3 .,.. i ' -,;-! - f, j'a, ,: I- ... - ! 7 h , ' '7; Waf'. . ..s . ."' . f s i t a.. w t : t i. k! ' " ... . ... t l..7!,v' ' ' V' " .' : cV, k.a ' ''I- -i1.' 7v . - ' J 7 '.,. I.-' ' v ' "'' -., '' v v if . r- , , ,: , y v.7' ... ''' A f ' f-'-V""' Sons of Trway m"!'v. "ondn.v. Ji'n. 75. 8 p.m. Instnl-l illen of officers and soct-il. i:0 i - foin fr travelled ' ii" Wnmin Kmpirc i ;t'h"n Gentile to t'r o'her stayed 'Nil and soiilit, to ': J' NutiiRilly, i'H' lililil ,trl 11; lu 'I i':"iin of pi-uple, J.'ini s u .oil ,vo til r- -i '111 "f to Iftj Cilisp" t, dui-i Jiimcs say " ( liri .t. is not ucces-iiirstioii he rai.cs Is: 'i i r.utli witlirmt r fxainplc. if n rcilnw "''"is tixxl and r-loth-" h"lp io him tor you floUvil and fed," un-tuiilly Rive Iiim food n-ally had ialth In God, is the fivt that he 'did' what God rc-cr.iested of him. In other words Ahi aiiiim's f ilth was revealed by his works. Ills rlsjhleousnes before Clod Jmne 2:2S- wa: bid 'on his net of offeriir; t"""" tis a satriflee because t'vt ri'-t 'proveti' that Abraham too'; CM nt His Word. Jnmos dies to' Impress his readers vth Mi - need of behaving' like God's the rioctrines of Scripture, children, as well as 'believing' all And how Is faith to Work in evervdiiv life? The Christian is not to be everlastingly Insisting upon his rights, but to consider others. The Lord Jesus is the perfect example of this kind of conduct. He humbled Himself, Mis:; Mae Newton. lirWe-eJecf of this monih, was h nore-.l. .it a miscellaneous sh-iwer nt the home of Mrs. Bob Grecnvood Fliabelh Apartments. . ; The hostess was as.sl.sted by Mrs. Ethel Jonnsnn and Mrs. W. U. aarbutt for the affair which fcaw the honnree roca-tvc a iovely cor.saue of roses and caraiitions. Shocworkcrs L. -a! U.F.A.W.U. meets Sunrf-n-. J-n. n.m. in th" Metronole Hall. Flection of officers 1054 asre-menis. - (I9 Regular . monthly meetln; l oyal Order of Moose No. 1051. on Tuesday, Jan. 29. at 8 p.m. Special initiation ceremony. Attendance of all members urg- I2U rd In a prettily decorated ! C.li!?l!fZl Cash in on these First-of-lhe-Veek Specials. These are over and above the Specials advertised in last Thursday's Daily News. All Specials good until Wednesday, January 27. 'K. Unless what von basket. . i Tlie Kuests enjoyed a variety j "hat you say. your Youcantqo of panics, and refreshments! ""l. amount to any-, went about dolne good, and I were served by the hostesses. : stun; ht to do the will of God. The that a ChriNtlnn Kill .!..,, It nn III hut It's tile IMiint, iy' In- hi ALLDOTiy llrrves a KOOtl ri,nt,-,,l 1,U tumour. f,.r Thrift :s Hut the only wuv iiio ...o., o,i i i,.,i.. 1 fll VIM. JUSt. if ll -l,. ... nai nc ; In fact, James is so practical ' Guests included Mrs., Olsn Newton, Mis. H. McKcnie. Mrs. A. Bateman, Mrs. L. Trudeau. Mrs. K. Mori, Mrs. M. Dvornek. Mrs. M. Anton. Mrs. J. Dickens, Mrs. H. Maiwk. Mrs. K. John-Min, Mrs. N. Warne and Mis.! Betty Newton. FROZEN 69c IFycufeel aii in OXYDOL Giont. that it hurts! When he makes a j j point, you can feel it! God has' ja plan for every human bclmr. i and wc must seek His will in I i'('H the way he acts. " illustration (,f Ainu-'"' Kfi't test that Oocl "t Ins faith, in asking i r liis son Isaac - WALL" PEAS every detail of it. Unfortunately m nail led the apostle ! i..t r rh,inar,u o,-.. i, ,h " Alirahain ns mi mJ,.., .... .., . ... i '-''ill. Rum. 4; i)lul Rites Held For Senator Dennis HALIFAX (CP) Senator William Henry Dennis, newspaper AAcaroorene S": 2.9c so Riiuled bv the Frozo Brand Tlirw ikyi noil ptptt irorb unHpr rfiiur., wmtj more, deep leu. Tlib Ir.iii m bod; Ind bran ukra h;aifaj 6lnra Niw It lew harder I regain. Taday'i lenae living, kvered reaiaUwe, ireramrl. werrt any ( these any affect nermal kidney ictiM-When kidnera et ai rder, eicen arida and waslea remain in the antern. Then barkarhe. him them. They prefer their own ; plans. The Christian mut, elve priority to the will of his Father, j for only In this way does he as an example :,;,i"s that the only tove that Abraham j publisher who died Monday in j Ottawa at 66, was burled Fri- prove the reality of his faith In God. , 4 Yes, the faith that saves. Is the faith that proditces good works.1 2 pkt 35c ;i:c TORY DOG FOOD-1 0c day. He was a member of the Senate for 22 years and publisher of the Halifax Chronicle-Herald and the Halifax Mall Star. oiaiurnen real, that "hred-aut" he.tt- headed leelinf alien fellaw. Thal'a ll ! line la lake iiadd'a Kidney Pills. Dadd'a stimulate the kidneys la normal actian. Than yau leel better sleep better wart . better. Ask for Dodda kidney PUIa at an ririw emmter. c. ''"'"I.I.S 1,1 ,l m s""'li'V s.h nt FOR FRESHNESS & ECONOMY COME IN AND GRIND YOUR OWN 1 Pkr. SHERRIFF'S PIE CRUST HIX 1 Pkt. SHERRIFF'S LEMON PIE FILL we necept salvation as a free flit of God's erace,' and then in confidence of sins forgiven Joyfully work for the Saviour who loves us. VWiat are the "works" i In your life? Is your life pleasing to Ood? Jesus said, 'By their, fruits ye shall know them.' He iiNn said. "Not everyone that: siji'h unto Me. l ord. Lord, shall enter Into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of My Father who Is in heaven." First United Church Sixth V, ami Musravc j II IMiiuviij; Worship Sermon: "What Did You j Kxpcct to See?" ! Children's Story: "A Victory." , Anthem: "Thou Didst Leave! Thy Throne." ' ; 7:.t0 p.m I veiling Worship Sermon: "The Life of the , Church. I Anthem: "I will Lay Me Down i $j.03 n:'l SUPER-VALU GOLD CUP COFFEE lb. SUPER-VALU SILVER CUP COFFEE lb uMii-vr 1 VSr :tL food A S.01 I 111-' I I, v IIMV ' t UK .1(J tllC E 35c IVA , "V' .v,t BOTH FOR 4 sft' ' k Mill CCETCHU 29c l Heinz, Bottle 1 1 nn it . " . I Hi' 1 v 1"' v 11 - -l,- 1 1'lwk (lioi w ''I Cuve - it,,v,'r 7.- '? ;lm ALL ORDERS THROUGH THE CHECK-OUTS BY 4:30 P.M. DELIVERED SAME DAY t'v . r-C In Peace." COME AND WORSHIP SUNDAY SCUOOl-S - At First United, Heijinners and Primary nt 11 a.m.: Older pupils at 12:15; at Conrad United Hall, all at 11 a.m. OATMEAL or MIXED CEREAL. Lorae Pkt. -in d .. .Service U m Lai7 baft si? m w. ta 61 ' ' Jif vvov a a . f, j , v .- ;. r-?','- ; ' ' 5 '. f y.