PROVINCIAL MORROW'S TIDES PRCVISCIAL, 113 Ly, January 24, 1954 VICTORIA, E. C. i-me starnari i 4:J2 19.7 feet 16:40 17.8 fec( NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Doily 22:46 10:43 6.6 7.1 leet feet Published otConaio'i Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' Delivery VOL. XLUI, fio. 19 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 1954 PRICE FIVE CENTS Phone 81 hes n 1 toawon him t City C L HO 4,000 Whs: Cart mm - ry AAolotov vVedium Run Seen t f , jt ie may not pay for breaker but it eer-added confideraWe e to Prince coffers in 195"i lines in city police nmountcd to $24,- For Sockeye Salmon While nothing better than a medium run of ! sockeye is expected this year, t,he fisheries depart-j ment believes that there are prospects of a substan-; tial return from pinks in this area. ! A. J. Whitmore. chief super the money, contributed Arrives For Meet By The KmnSMwi Prin BKliLIN. Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov arrived here today for a Big ,5 convictions, was from of which there were t Hint there were only I visor of fisheries, who was here r criminal cos's show V ' J V . ' - co Rupert is reasonably ajor crime. inures were disclosed MP Sut. II. I.. Norman, inert police clilrf, made Lions Admitted Into WIFU cn a routine inspection trip, s-aid this year's run of sockeye is the last cycle of fish that wasn't disturbed by the Babine River slide in 1951. The 1952 spawning of the pinks was exceptionally good, he j said, and this run helped offset the impact of the Babine slide. iFour meeting and imme-jdiately jirodded the west-jern powers to admit Rod ; China to the conference ial report to city council. otal revenue from con- md"r other than munl- table if they want to speed up the end of. the cold war. :is $22,057.30 were In d S2.701.5O was paid In ts. mivictions during the ,-took place In July when MANY LOST I By The Canadian P-esn "While we know that there i . . . were a considerable number of I KhGINA. British Cc- ItwrT 8?eZllWa Lions today bo River system was exceptionally , came the fifth team i heavy." he said. "If other fac-i(1 r , T , tors behave normally there are; the Western InterproVin under security protection of -J thousands of troops and secn-t , : FAMKII MAORI guide Ranjl conducts Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh around the Maori village of Whakare- wSrewa in New Zealand. Philip, thumbs jammed in pockets, is obviously enjoying the tour. They arc just leaving the ornately r carved and painted Whare Runanga the Maori meeting house. 1st Team in 35 Years To Play Hockey Here For (he first time In more than 35 years aivuuLside hockey were hoard, but biggest fines was collected In : lien 193 eases enntribu-96 in fines. Lightest ir fines was December iy $!il.r) was paid. Least ns. 77. came In Feb- prospects for a substantial re-ipiu Fnnthall TTninn ponce. me Kremlins No. 1 diplomat came to East Berlin by plane from Moscow and de-clared: "The sooner the Chinese Peoples Republic takes part In ne. turn for this year." The Vancouver club was welcomed into the WIFU fold at The extension of the herring aeason asked by fishermen in fuuauuiis over current interna- fc the year the city de uonaj qustions of the great! . . i ' 1 tainer contract to siaws, me Better it will be the better for the strengthening upert, travelled 59.353 this area was not Justified, the , ,op, nlng OI tne lcaues an" chief supervisor of fisheries said. ,,u .Sl'k. ,' B k K He .said that a scientist f rom L J1 ,by S'?utche1,?n the Pacific biological station at hih I ", t0 w r'00" the entfy Nanaimo. the department s own I wai? V . of patrol vessels and himself on Edmonton, the Howay, fisheries department ! w XS.?1? ?fld, the T'ly deep-sea vessel, could find little ""'session ' buM,ne!. 'thf "t morning m the two-day meeting sign of herring THE CHARMING SMILE which Liliane , Piquet shows here, combined with her fetching form, won her the title, "Queen of Paris." over 22 other French beauties. The 18-year-old queen works as a demonstrator at a beauty stand. routine patrols and duties and received ligated 8S5 complaint. : ijles on patrol also re- ( ndlng 439 street lamps . ui pi'uce oeiween poples. . . He arrived as his opposite: numbers from the western Bigi Three conferred on strategy for ! the four-power conference opening Monday. The has been cold to th idea of having Red China sit V i on the present meetings. ( ' 4 and 115 places of ; mlorkfd. Worst month nessmen leaving their , I I was aamitung Lions. j WATCHED FISHERMEN A "lion s roar" had been ex- - It was very Ironical. Mr Whit-' Pected to develop following an-; more said, he should come all ttwncemer.t by the Roughrid-ithe way up here on the Howav.fcra tnat they might block the seeing the whole coast frozen !r c- entry- i up and no fishing taking place ! Rlder officials charged Lions isnd tnen 5(W yards fmm his with signing Arnie Weinmeis- .ocked was August when ep were reported and tb was November when TENDERS-FOR MACHINE ; RECEIVED FROM 6 FIRMS Tenders from six companies on a multi-purpose machine to carry nut wrjitary land-fill operations and other necessary city workirWre tptied iy city comiril In committee of the whole. m- Notlijg: jHni "tlie dlffjrreiit, types of machines were so varied, council insgucted works superintendent -O. E. Beaton to compllcalTrtje facts and comparable prices for presentation to council Monday night. , " " l destination '! enter Prince Rr.-i ter,, all-star former Vackle with New York Giants of the Na ( store as dlseovcred I The pu'ier h1m) at-' '7 fires within Ihc city, i! mnrt cases were dle-' withdrawn during 1953 '" were 274 court convie- 4c municipal b"Iws. f"odina prisoners In the j durlns the past year 11.15. I pert harbor and find two scin-j ers fishing for herring and a ; salmon trailer with its poles J down engaged In fishing." Some 'small catches of herring have i been made In the harbor over tional Football League, although by WIFU law he could only oleker with Saskatchewan. In a statement brimmed with venom, they accused both Weln-meister and the . Lions with "breach of faith;'V ; team Is heading towards Prince Rupert this afternoon to play . for the Kalen Inland championship of the hockey world. This time It is Smithers that is challenging the puck wizards of this city. Thirty-five years, ago it was Prince Ceorge thai invaded this Island and the only two remaining members of the last Prince Rupert hockey team that could be found today recalled Hint the Rupert and George squads met on a rink located where the Provincial Court House flag now .stands. The entire population of (he then-young city turned out to watch the game played on an ice-surface Ifl Inches thick and 200 feet by .110 feet. " -i STILL HEARTY - Hurry Love, pioneer city niuchine simp operator, w ho played fonviud. and Lionel Iloltby, chief clerk at the CNR freight office, who played centre, are both halo and hearty survivors of that encounter and looking forward to tomorrow's gurne scheduled for 2 p.m. at the Lake Oliver rink. The Prince Ruiwrt Kinsmen Club, sponsors of tomorrow'! ruck game, assure fans that there will be no Admission charge but that doesn't mean donations won't be appreciated. All proceeds of the game will be forwarded to the polio fund. Bill Bond, chairman of the ticket selling committee, said tntluy motorists will be approached by Kinsmen tomorrow for aid In the fund-raising and one ticket will be sufficient to Insure success of the project. Children will not be expected to subscribe. The Kinsmen will also operate a concession stand nt the lake for those wishing refreshments. Mayor George E. Hills will face off the puck at 2 p.m. sharp, on the' newly-scraped and flooded ice surface. Coach for the Prince Rupert All-Stars is Stan Pctrow of Winnipeg, former St. Boniface Juniors' star who at one time was on option to the New York Rangers of the NHL. Piloting the Smithers' squad is Bob Williams who Is bringing the following tcum: Smithers D. Tew, goal: O. Hetherington, V. Flockhard, F. Watson, R. Arnold, H. Ooodwln. W. Kilputrkk. Gas Burned ! After Truck j Turns Over V otorUt s on the Rupert-; Tfei'race. blgliway yesterday ! v atched a king-sixed , bonfire , when some 1600 gallons of gasoline spilled from a tanker truck ;" set afire. Flumes shot 150 feet in the air Rainmakers Lose Game 51-45 To Ketchikan High School ' the past two weeks for bait pur-j poses to fill the requirements of i the local fishing companies. I j The herring catch thus far j for the Pacific coast Is approxi- matcly 165,000 Jons. Mr. Whil-! more said. The quota of 40.000' tons still has not been reached : $1 Million Fire Razes ier Parlor from the blaze which extended E"!a.1.,?The R?"" NP" , quarter. But foul culls on Dick about 25 or 30 feet along the . e. ii.mK.AN. Kupcrts Bo- . Nickerson and Ron Ciccone gave in the "w. .V,entral Central Area Area where wnere there lnere 1 ditch beside the highway about i'e"H1 Rlnmak, dropped the : the Alaskans four foul shots to j Bre u"- a.bout 15 000 10,18 t0 first of a two-game basketball . win the game. 23 miles out of town. The gas was ignited by wrecker i VZtoVn TitW?? School I Ketchikan was ahead 19-24 Ct High t-wa from Dans Service station! cug- the half-way mark, and in the Tank Farm SEATTLE KPU-Fire swept the length of the Standard Oil Company 1,000-foot dock at Point Wells "t8nk farm," 13 miles north of here, early today. Damage was estimated at more than j who were salvaging the remains l and 10 are still waiting for the weather to break. ATTEND MEET Mr. Whitmore will attend a meeting of the International Halibut Commission in Seattle Th:"". , , ,. . I third quarter each team netted The close game was through- 11 , nnl, n.ilh D,...,4 t..l,;.,.. ..!,. lot the tanker, demolished when1 'n is In hospital and ii .lail as a result of an , a downtown beer parlor j ; B. MacAdam this j ' reported in good! In hospital, where he I rating from head! "id possible other In-! A. Martin has been! an affray He: Wilty in police court' and was remanded i days. i r were arrested nt Rin next week. On the commission i $.1005) 000' but no mJulies or It skidded on the Icy road surface lead ln the first Quarter onWt Tnc eagers will meet again I and turned over into the ditch. 1 10 lose out In the second when ' tonleht t0 wlnd UP tne series. Driver Tex Carrell and helper j Ketchikan star Tucker started i Rllinmakers ,kw to Ketchikan Oscar Johanson walked away i putting In shots from all angles. ! yesU'rday wlth coach Jatk i unharmed from the wreck, al-! Freddv Krist.mnsnn wii h tn- Lvans and manager Bill Morri- oeai ns were reportea. The fire started late Friday night after an oil-laden tanker, the. J. L. Hannah, smashed Into a pier wlille attempting to dock. Sparks Ignited oil flowing from ruptured fuel lines leading from the storage tanks to the dock. The fire, in turn, set : though the cab was flattened : tal points of 18, and Rod Tait i and the truck almost a total loss. : played a standout game, pulling , The truck went into a skid and i the Rainmakers within two s"ln in nn attempt to pass an-; points of Ketchikan in the final other truck on the straight ! with him are Harold Helland of Prince Rupert, Ritchie Nelson of Vancouver. Oeorge R. Clerk, assistant deputy minister of fisheries from Ottawa, end American represi ntatives. The commission will work with an advisory group from the fishing industry and what was planned for a three-day meeting will probably last for five days starting Monday. ii. Friday after fin ftririi. i hununury RAINMAKERS: Krlstmanson 18, Nickerson 13, Ciccone 6. Tall 7, Rey Mackcy 3, Clary Morisuu, Art Helm. Oiyik Furbes. Doug Hunkey, Roe Biaek. 45. KETCHIKAN -Vlnrent 13. Alitun-soli 7. Aiiaer 7. Valentine 1. Tucker Vi, Andis 1. Maddux. Juhausou. To-till 61. 'edlnto fisticuffs In the; I off a number of explosions from Spanish Students Demonstrate stretch of highway. ! The gs was ignited to prevent j a possible lorest fire next sum-. mer when a match or cigarette ; from a passing car could have started a blaze. FLU COlMliV FACE-OFF 2 P.M. Prince Kuperl team is composed of: Miner Slniuiulsen, Pumpkin Centre. Sask., goal; Alt Rutten. Holland; George Clouticr, St. Anne, Man.; Const. Ken Tubman, Moosomin, Sask'., and Const. Del Lee, Moose Jaw, Sask., all' on defence; Oord Cameron, Vancouver, G. Veger, Montreal, Johnny Pod-lcrski, Yorkton, Sask.. Stan Petrow, Jimmy Pinnlger, Vancouver, Don Hill, iRCN) Winnipeg; Howard Lavli;nc, Flln Flon, Man., Bill Yarema, Rama, Sask., and J. Pachal, Winnlix'B, forwards. Spare Include; Const. Vic Irving, Telkwa, and Don Hawryluk, Kamsack, Sask. The Prince Rupert All-Stars arc asked to meet at Art Murray's Men's Wear at noon tomorrow for a briefing. The Smithers hockey club, expected to arrive In the city about 6 p.m., will be guests at the Prince Rupert Challengers-Ketchlkan Rockets game at the Civic Centre tonightv OTBALL MADRID (CP) Britain has protested to Spain against at-acks on official British buildings during demonstrations In various parts of the country. 50-gallon drums of fuel oil piled on the pier. Flames roared 601 to 700 feet in the sky. Burning fuel oil covered tht waters of Puget Sound in th( immediate vicinity of the dock keeping six fireboats from effective range. The Hannah, being nosed ti Us berth by a tugboat, wa pulled safely away when the fit broke out. Unidentified Plane Over Seoul ' SEOUL (CP)-A flight Of Ull-! k!.'ii(lfii-d planes fmm Vnrtli f(iIISII l.f.;iK "IMMiis ' Sii'ldi-rlnnu 4. 1 liousands of Spanish students ' Korea flew as far south as Seoul besieged British buildings in ; A:.ton villa a 0. M three major cities, shouting: "We : today and touched off a half- elwler fl. 3. ! hour air npd alert. 'oui-nltiitn u r u 1.,,., U r 0. f'hurH. a n Cold Weekend Forecast Here As Whole Continent Shivers i I -yni niwiimnwwT rniiwTi i ' p. . ...vw.,,, .-.vvsAca.,tJaT.,..,W.-,-.,.-.u.....t1, TIBMMM ni " ' feii-nieig "iv,,hH,1u,n 0 u. a " 1 0. Hn,l, y 0 "'MMON 11 c i. ,,. c 0 "u" ' V - o - inct.ii, " f i oi.n,,n . 0 N..I.U, ! . ' in a ii A i X-t t;. i. in n . "s,' T. 1 UNCI! M I IT Y want Gibraltar." They hurled stones, coal and oranges through window. They Were stirred up by Britain's rebuff of the Spanish government's protest against the scheduled visit of Queen Elizabeth to "The Rock" ln May. In Madrid students marched on the British embassy and hurled stones and lumps of coal through three windows. Other demonstrators broke a lamp over the door of the British Institute. At the embassy in Madrid, about 15 policemen were on patrol when the first group of 200 students swarmed against the buildings, carrying tlie Spanish flag and shouting: "Gibraltar for Spain." ; KFTP CXITA Toousie, son, sv Kf SPINS root USTAMCt XI CANT STC ON AM ICY OlMf.SO &ve worsuf yyiHQ moo . j'TTISH I I ACil .; Northwest Air Fare Reduction Brings Probe WASHINGTON ( The civ 'erommtics board Friday Qrda-ed a suspension and investii ion of proposed reduced a fares between the Pacific Nortl est. and Alaska. The reduced fares betwee . Seattle, Portland and Alaska ar. Whltehorse, Yukon Terrltor ooida. were proposed by si airlines: Pan American. Alask Ooastal. Ellis, United, Wester and West Coast. Two other airlines, Pacifi Northern and Alaska, comptali ed, and asked for the suspen siou and investigation. Ireland Wins BKLFAST tewIreland defeat ed Wales 3-2 in an amateui occer match here today. A cold week-end was forcust for Prince Rupert as arctic air. maintained Its grip on nearly Hie whole of winter-wen ry . Ciniiidii. sending at least t5 people to their deaths on the prairies. Continuing cold was forecast for Prince Rupert nnd for most other centres as new arctic blu.sU continued to strike. The entire west coast labored under heavy snows or below freezing temperatures, or both, while eastern Canada hovered around or below the zero mark. On the prairies, deaths were attributed to the weather as temperatures plumettcd to 56 below zero, colder than the North Pole Some of the lows reported across Canada last night were: Edmonton 28 below, Calgary 33 below. Saskatoon 28 below, Winnipeg seven below, Ottawa 16 below, and Montreal 11 below. It was five below at Prince George, Smithers and Ques-nW. Telegraph Creek reported 10 below while Victoria was the "hot spot" in B.C. with a high of 38. Forecast for North Coast Region: Mostly clear aloni; the mainland coast; cloudy with snowflurries elsewhere. Continuing coM. Winds northerly 20. occasionally reaching 30 hi mainland inlets. Low tonight and high tomorrow at Sandsplt, 20 and 28; Prince Rupert, JO and 25. " " H. , 1. HHrt 4 I I 'klrk a. ,5UlDy'"m, 0. , . Allua 0 fC5r,B' - Penticton Girl Hurt in Shooting PF.NTICON CP Ftrteen-year-old oiendean (Snooky) Hatfield is ln hospital here today following a shooting late Thursday ft the home of a friend. TWO OF CANADA'S pioneer television stars. Uncle Chichlmous and Hollyhock, were stolen in Toronto from the station wagon of puppeteer John Conway, former professor of English literature at the University ", of British Columbia. The puppets have appeared regularly on CBC television since It began in Canada in September, 1952. In this picture Conway stands behind his puppet stars while Larry Mann, who also appears on their program, reads Ui them,