The Prince Rupert Dailv r'ws Saturday, January 23, 1!54 rr - -II T tr j:, Cl46 ENDS TODAY ROBERT TA Y LAJH - ANN BLYTH 7: - 9:05 "All The Brothers Wert Voliant" SOI U IN AT: ','ANC F, , OSLO CP No ay's largest iron ore producing ompuny has sold most of the 8i '0,000 tons it expects to produce ra 1954. Main buyer is Western Germany, followed by Belgium and Britain. In Fire Prevention Program cary COOPER lorettaYOUNG BOSTON (CP)- -KentvtlK N R.,' Wr-k a .springboard for year-won the (rrand award for Cuimla round fire prevention programs for the best 19o3 municipal fire A. Leslie Ham of Montreal, a prevention week program sub- member of the Dominion Board mitted in the international Fire .f Insurance Underwriters, was Prevention Week contest, the one of tha judges. : WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE AWARD KOR ALBERTA National Fire Protection Association of Boston announced to ntk WILUAM DEMAREST DAN DURYEA J . in : ' l f SUllI t UMM umit vxr. nrawini I . .. . MEN'S, WOMEN'S, GIRLS', BOYS' and DRAPERY, Etc. V1 The Screen's Supreme Mventure m SUSPENSE! day. . I Awards ol special recognition The contest is sponsored by; went to the province of Alberta, the association, a non-profit ed- whose lire commissioner is A. E. ! ucational and engineering or- , Endues, for outstanding growth gani;:ation devoted to improving m plovini'e-wicle fire prevention the protection of life and prop-, activities, and to the provincial erty from lire. ' . j (nil ,it F.irt Saskatchewan Aita. Of 719 Canadian communities the provincial mental hospital at competing, Vancouver placed j Pcnoka. Aita.. Petawawa army second, Calgary third and Ot- : ram?. in Ontario, the fire pre-tawa fourth. In the United ' vention training troop of the States, Philadelphia took first ' Rcyal Canadian School of place. i tavy Engineering, Veddoj' Crass- Purpose of the contest is to im;, B.C.. tnd the naval "dock-stimulate public fire safety con- yarci at E.squimalt, B.C.. sciou.sness and encourage the ( Kimberley placed 21st and Clearance Sale Now On AH Departments WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE RAYMOND MASTT ... ,uH7, m m m TOTEM Till. ge"' ia) use of File Protection 'iauan-' Storts Monday One Complete Showing 0,iv Slarlinif 7:30 p.m. A FA MOI'S I'l AVtRS TIIKAT81 SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT . iTii look what you can do w.m MM . fiflK Kj'tafce-home-jwneiV fj UfeSw zL r- - 'j Jo AVVMW km OKINAWA ' PAT O'URIEN - RICHARD DENNING RED SNOW" ... . j " RAY MALA GUY MADISON MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY THE TITLE TELLS THIS PAINTING. "The riuzzcttn." hy the 18th-e'titury VPiietiun artist, CanaU'tto, is part of the $2,000,000 collection of Canadian-owned art on display at Toronto's Art Gallery. The 90 paintings, by European masters, ctiiiio from public and private collections in Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. C. F. Bell, chairman of the board of trustees of the National jGallery of Canada. Ottawa, is admiring the paintings. ' " Drug Addiction 'Bad' Magistrate Tells Court EVERYTHING! . Oftra 7K fMM a ? . eaier - VANCOUVER CP) Drue ad- watched so many dope parties diction among Vancouver teen- they became completely familiar 1 Hirers Is "as bad or worse than with addicts 'argon ! ever before," Magistrate Gordon They also admitted taking part Scott said here Friday. In a number of sexual orgies in ! He made the statement follow- volvlng eight or more Juveniles ling a story of dope parties and Mid at least one adult, in the sex orgies indulged In by two same room at the same time. : I'Vvenr-old girls yho hitch-hiked ' I ri Gn' scorc5 of limil" i,cms' iOl 200 miles "to the bright lignis two months ago. j He prohibited the publication j of their names or home town. The two. who pleaded guilty to . immorality charges, were re- Epidemic Under Control 4 I fi'T '"'fV.-tr- . . ; . iiri f m wilMii "take - home - panels' HANDY SIZES FOR SMALL JOBS AROUND THE HOME 1 J JJ.-.M ; nianded a week for sentence. ANCHORAGE A polio epl- i During their stay in Vancou-' demir which claimed two lives i vcr the two girls said, they on St. Paul I;,land in the Prihll-! I - iofls was reported under coiUrol These "little economy size" panels come in ' Friday by Dr. Henry Belcher, ! Fish and Wildlife Service physl-; elan at St. Paul. BURTUMAKSKAU. Hal Hit lWnr JW I L i, I Sixteen persons were strlckpn .Ceiling On Loans To Be Hiked ! last week among the Island's 9 ill MWNfcftH-raiini 45 different sizes and thicknesses ... 12" by 36" and up . . , just right for home repairs and odd jobs . . you'll probably find the exact size for the job you've been planning to get around to. Easy to carry, or slip into a car trunk. Keep a few panels handy . . they'll always be reudy to use when you want them. I i NkAl 1 ' population of 'JfiO. V.I . ib. I 9 mh ymz-m ; A mass tnor i.ion of gamma globulin was completed Sunday. (TP!! Works minis- .f OTTAWA Winters hinti"! ThuisfUiy NEWS tr ' lit 'J PRINCE RUPERT Last Complete Sho I W mil id"' """" j j... 1 Inl ynim MV&JZZttZtZ 11 THEY MAKE "DOINCIT-YOURSELF" EVEN EASIER! 8:20 p.m- DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS' ANC ENGINEERS , W'i, yu . cupboard. i q z- -;Q JO nr-r"-" 1 Of ' f 1TU 0 CAPITO A FAMOLS I'l-AVtKS THEAW tint the SS10 000 ceilin", on gov-i eminent lmusinc lo; ns nvv be i ; boosted by as much as $2,500 or, ; $3,000 under proposed new leg-I ' islation. i Interest rates on Nation ! I Hous'ng Act loans, currently ! percent, also may be Increased, ; but he said they will be held below six per cent. i ! In a 6.500-wird statement in ' the Commons, he outlined fnr-ither details of proposed Nil A 1 amendments and urged mem-: bers to give the legislation speedy approval so It can be jimt into operation next spring. With these handy new sizes, any average handyman can breeze through Jiome carpentry jobs . . ond enjoy every minute of it. There's solid , satisfaction and sound economy in "Doing-lt-Yourself". You'll be proud of the permanent improvements you cdn make in your horhe. Try it . , Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIAXJSTS ON SAWMILL and MINING 'IACH1NERY PGE Extension Plans To Go I'M'iJJifMtroni i Be certain . . choose Your Dealer is featuring "TAKE-HOME" Panels NOW I ; Before House VICTORIA (CP) Plans for ex- 1 tension of the Pacific Great I Eastern Railway to Northern ; j Vancouver and the Peace River j : area will be put before the legis- j j lature next month. 4 Ol Save .top, in . K.tchcn to.. A" "31 ftH ! mom You'll sec these handy Sylvaply . "Take-Home" Panels prominently displayed, each marked with its thrifty price. And, when you drop in to buy them look over the Free Plan Folders your dealer has for you. A i . il in d w. w tXJilnUI MVi J W : -7 ; : vp -KtO WMm lU 1 ;i' I. ii" ,,,s i Chairman Premier Bennett ' and the railway's board of diiec- tors have formally approved i ,plans for the extensions. ! The southern link, from Squa-mish 35 miles along Howe Sound i to North Vancouver, will be the I first step. Surveys of this section are Just ubout complete. Premier Ben-, nett said. "Say tell me is that Insurance feller still after me?" Water is always welcome In the desert. So is Insurance when you have a loss. Insure NOW before you need il. l?l '.- T V t!il CANADA'S BUSIEST, MOST VERSATILE BUILDING MATERIAL Sylvoply is going into more new home construction than ever before. No oilier building material serves so many purposes for amateur and professional builders alike. 3unmon Gets $400 EDMONTON (CPl A musked !-iininan escaped with $400 Wed-' nesdiiv night Ttroin a small east- wood ' I end grocery store after .scaring two persons by firing a revolver shot into a soft drink stand. ibZFnTOii.. ... ii iTTwTlJ i ! SF.VING tUMJta OEALtRS FROM COMT TO COASf when ou h. I I IW'l ond out ore cosy MacMUIAN & BLOEDEL LIMITED - . VANCOUVIR C Al GARY EL-MONTON WINNIPEG IONCON WINDSOR TORONTO MONTREAL OUtBtC CIT SYLVAPLVD0LMP2.YWOOD Spicy L M 1 . . .round th home. II II -r, rT'-1, ,mmm r IT I I Nut-Brovsr Portable Typewriters , The l-eadrr is , ROYAL 9 Magic Margin Triple Spacing' Quiet Operating 9 Standard Keyboard Specifications SF.F. IT NOW AT . ilTE D Ale jpERT & McCAFFERY Jlbr-rocc B.C. Phone 131 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 116-117-58 FRtE HOME DELIVERy PHONE 654 LUCKY LAGER BREWING CO. LTI - , NEW WtSTMINSTER, B.C. Terms may be arranged ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AAcRAE BROS. LIMITED "The Store That Service Built" Phone or 36 This advertisement is not published or displayed by ' Control Board or by the Government of British Column Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone Black 820