ft I . m mm I'i'iiict Icupfcri Daily "rifcvii Saturday, January 23. 1954 c.rmr. iiawfs RADIO DIAL CFPR1240 kc AUCTIONEER riu.ne Hlack H4U and Kid I?, (Subject to Channel FOR THAT m m r. f it. EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CAtt ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY ;00- OBO Neva 6 :0a Hockey ltrOfld!;UMfc. 730 Oran Mule 8:00-Share the Wealth ' 'a:Mi Prairie Brhooner :00-Basketball broadcast: Prince kupert vs. Ketchikan 10:00 CB; Ihcw, I0:I0-CBC Newa I0:15-Danee Timr 10:3(1- Dixieland Concert II :WI Heal I. it lu-fiort Musi-ul M.'ptcrie4-e Mu-I 'til MiilMlglil It.M (ilcn-.fr BUNUAT A.M. 8:30 Recital 1 9:00 BBC News and Commentary DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS f . V -4" ' ' , ... v'- r , " ' ' - I -: j , V"-'-... tV- ti :4:i Classified Hates !'IS H;.,! Qiw-Klii.n 1!,, :t :at Hjtirnony lliirhnr HKMI--IJC. tlurdci.er ni l.', .jt Mary W:.y ol Hie Hplilt II IHI 1h: Newa II O.i :,,iial 1 K,rt II :t K. bi-iolls I'itiikJ I'M I'iiut NY. Pliilhiirmonie Svra. Orcli 1:30 Critically H,)eakin! 2 IX) I-irkile Joc k Yams 2 :l(l Juke nrul the Kid ' :) cim; Neu a or, A;k tiie. Weatherman 3 : 1 2 Weather l-'oreeaat 3 1 The Way ot a Parent 3::i0 Vancouver Symplwmy Orch. ! 4 ::lf Di. : I iiiiu;hed Artists 5 tKJ-Hiinfiay choline I 5:30 Mi irolitan Audilion of the Air I 8 00--JHUtsu 54 I 7:00 :H New" 7:ll- Weekend Ue-.-fi 7:20 Our Kuecial Speaker 7'30 1,11 u Kyroihony Ore.h. 8:00 NBC Synihoriv Orch. O-HO -Veoer H'"ir 10:00- CBC News 10:16 Talk: 1W Forgotten Hevolu-i lion;iri(8 10:30 Serciinrte. II nil Ue.Hli r licpail iiiiiI Slfll-iiff 30 ROOMS FOR RENT THE DAILY NEWS" ,stir time 4:80 p.m. nay prenou. punllcatloa. TWO furnished light housekeepings room, separate or together. Reasonable. Green 600. i22pi iittried, ern " """" ,r . minimum charge SO cent i-rtlon: !,, Notice. 60 rent. Cwm of "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3364 LAST YEAR 383 To VAN( OITER via Waypoints FRIDAYS: , SS COQUITLAM, 8 p.m. SUNDAYS: SS CAMOSUN, 8 p.m. To Stewart and Alice Arm SS Camosun, Saturday, 6 p.m. To North Queen Charlotte Islands January 27 and Feb. 10 Cofiirttlam, Thursday, 6 p.m. To South Queen t'harlotle .'.. - : Inlands February 3 and 17 Cotiuitlam, Thursday, 6 p.m. I.ES SMITH Prince Rupert Asent 511 Third Avt Phono 5(!8 LEGAL ;)TH.K Sill KM I K S.U.I: tlri. Marriage ana t.-iB"iueuv LARGE housekecpinR room, reasonable. Phone Green 727. , ....... dfl. tnriouneementa. 2 00. IN THE COUNTY COURT OP miNCE nni'EiiT . I I Hnlrten n MlTMf:n ' Ill OlMploy amioie prm, IJ Bl'SlsiESS PERSONALS 11 SALESiYlhN AMI AGENTS fi.Tumiw WH' not accept rFinlbll1t 5aHieJ ids Inserted Incorrectly COMFORTABLE r.Iccpins room. 338 6th Ave. East, or phone Black 810. (21) under WTOliK ciabaincni.1011 mum i-arailnn of Jiucn errore is rrenng knln 24 bourn of ri t Iniertlon. . ! Rrtwrr-.n: ' ' I WAILACE HARVEY LACOURBIERK ' 1 Phtiittiif, ' Aeainst j j Wn.UAM CKOitC'.E HOY. ; : 134-fi-miiuiv ; tJnrlfr and by vlrHc of a W.jiinui nl r:P(Hli(in lroin the atKjV Coiii-t, to rnp iMrr-rtd. tt-iiltfct tht feijofis and ' rlnittW 'of thf delentiiaii. V.'iHiatu LARGE housekeeping foom, reasonable. Phone Green 727. l24pi LIGHT housekeeping room.-701 5lh Ave. West. . 2up) CALENDAR SALESMAN One of the best sellinn propositions in Canada is .offered by en established Calendar and Advertising Specialty house. The man we want must possess definite sales ability, have a good general connection, and own a car. To the right roan we offer n top line oT ealeneinrii miih 'ANT AD . Your cor needs SUPER-SERVICE Give . us the opportunity to serve your car needs. ; Phone 386 '-" . ;or coll . Corner 2nd and 2nd ,', Where the Service is 37 ROOMS AMI BOARD for Iliiv. I have trizi-rl tine li nk 10.W Si-dun. Brrtnl No. 170tia7. Mu- I ! BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL REPLIES ' ' BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING' I OR TAKK OFT OKDKRS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe . ' " j , . -; 7- j tor No. 7046XiO4. mid un 'I hlirsd .v. ! board in private , lh. 4lh ,, ... K,.hr,irv mu. i . ,v Red: working man. extensive ranse of exclusive ! ROOM and material, a bin range of adver-! home for lisinK specialties, also counter 14- ; - 21l IVe are holding replies the following News f.fnct' in tile Court House, Prrne Ru- , prrr. Hi?, ut the hour of 10:00 oilocs : In ihe fi-irrnoiin, I shall rrtte-r l'r k;iU-u public auction, for ca.sli, all to rl'.'JH, title itil Intircst of the b::IJ ofintlitnt i mul in the above c-jr. Terms ot a!. (,'A8H. subject to ;- BOARD and ro-im for working man. Phono Black 717. (24( Hi-en ihmikx, etc. Karmn(is of hinh commission basis paid weekly. Give full particulars re-BardinK age, experience, terri- r boxes: 2nd to None. 812 6lli ; 2-BEDROOM 1 -luse. 352 865 878 888 889 the Roeliil Hecurlly T.. to Bolt (21cl ,! wry covered. In letter lMl, Daily News. Ave. Fast. ROOM and board (20pi ; 937 3rd West. ' 21 : Replies must be 'Ilie highest or any olfer not nec-eRarlly aeceiiterl. Dated at i-riiice Huart. B.C.. this 21:;t di.y of Juntiary, Hir,4. " M. M. htcphcr.s. . Sllerilf of the County of Prince itu-rt. J2:i.a7.30.P3 colled for in person 39 nOMCb fOlt KM OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smllheri Every Tuesday and Friday. For connectior.s Phone 632 Luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN S3 SITl'ATIONS W I O l emale WILL care for small children for working pifither. 937 Third west. . i21) " lit K I 1 1 , 1 1 1 N ( ; M A I Ht I AI.S hrat;',.. All 7 :00- B C. I. tiermena brtndcwt ?:!" tlllif , I l liak 7:30-4.'H3 N:w.-; weat-KT flepor 7 ::r Musical I luck 7.4.r,- Morning Devotimis 8:00 -BC Newn; Weath r-8:10 - Here's Bill Good :lf- BreiikfaKl. Club 8.45 !.anra l.Ul. 9:00 BBO News and Jommcmary 0 .IS -AUiit l.ncy 30 vmie What Ma !):VI Tim, Kiknal 10 0i Vi.rnlnx Vi-it 111-15 The Happy (iang 10.45- Musical Klliheu 11:00 Your (lood Nrlnhlvir 0 11:16 Kindenarten of the Air 1 I .30 MesH.te.c pernal ' -11:1V-Mel kill hen I'M. la:lS CIKI N. 2:2r. Showcase l2:.lo B.C. 1 arm BroaUcaat t'2:rl.V-.lnterliiile I :ii icecord for Vim l::l liec. rd Alnniii 2:00 BC. School Broadcast H:;!0 -Trans-Canada Mattnen 3:lf Brave Voyaye 3:30 Hocdown ( 3:45 BC. Renuejit rtoundtip 4:16- Maxlne Ware Sinus 4:30- Tlie ThundcrbirU Curse ,1:lili Mock O iHilalloils m-aliii- 5:11 Ino.mal ional :onnnf.itary 6 1!0 Cli.:- News; W.-utlur 0 31) Ttawi.i'le 5 i:i Have V'm Heard1) TWO-KOOM 1 11 1 1 v furnished cabin, Keul ;ove. No drinking. Phone Blue 825. , (21 1 :' JANUARY I CLEARANCE SALE Continues at . ACME CLOTHING STORE MEN'S WEAR Buy Where You save the Most . , (ltc) MII HIII N Mil rlilLPOrr, EV1TT & CO. LTD. ' CLEAN 2-room apartment and COMIM. LVEN1H tiion Auxiliary card party, 3 and 17. ,cratl Guide and Brownie Bake Kale and Novelties, rati Klrn-l School, Feb. A. U p.m. iiud. Church W.A. Valentine jvb 11 at Mrs. L. M. IN TUB COTJWTY CCrtlliT OF , j PRlNC t ItUPEHT i Holden ttt Pltl.NCE RUPERT i Phone 6ftl or 652 single housekeeping room. No Inouire about our budget plan drinkers. 221 Sth . 19p for your home investment. No!rv . ; down payment. J100 to 2,000. 8 39 I I'IES UtR KENT ;4 WEDNESDAY MidnlslU Comfort and Service to mos. to pay. 131 i SUITE. Phone Bed 984. " For reservations write or j Between : i j PRINCE RltPKRT GENERAL I108- ; (29) jl'lI'AL ASSOC.. . Plauilitt. , Amiilwt 1 MAURICE Tf'NCi, Defen-lant. 1 !. j Under and by virtue, of a. Warraot. i of Fsicutiob Irom the above Court" 27 PHONE 18 your Northland Dairy, HOMES FOR HALF. call City or Depot OfBce. -tie s, !H:i llorden Hi. I Prince Rupert, B.C. i mr aatiy delivery except Run-jflay. By looklna after your milk EXCLUSIVE Feb. 11 Investors Syndicate, of Canada Ltd. and investors Mutual of Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 384 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prince Rupert. Terrace and Kitnnat W.I,. Curd Party, ' I OAIIC mlltr ndll tr.r,lr r. ti m Wartime four with stairway to i i "" '!' lutaiiwt the ro.hi nnd ,, , i j- nil. k,vi Ulri J"U. chill tela of t he dUVmlanl. Maur a large room in attic, lie? 'ler!'. 1 have seized a Ih ttH. f.prmi':; j view windows, full wm basement Your Hentlni! hollars Oo Farther With Mcleod River Hard Coal LUMP EOO BPOKEH : CfKil Hjiee laities: LtKnito In ton lota KS.M) Ton Diplomat Ew-Ton lota tiBOOTon " : Keep u cojl. All milk guaran- nadlan 1tion W.A. Valen- : tel. - iH) ,.,. Uani'i', Fib. 12. Lepion 1 : '' If r""ilT In Doubt T. """ l"r!u'"' .. j Fabricators of all metals. I,i- Iheraii Valentine Tea, Feu. ; censed High Pressure. Air, , 1 steam.. Refrigerations. Slim'b 1-3-iu. iniiiiB.. miiruv i lamp, fro-in machine, baasJnttln ! dation, garage in basement, low -ui rin.. tool.: ami other mia-down payment. Price $4O0. . j ceilnneous urtmlcs H. (J. HelerRon Ltd. . isrioii"? T r,!;"' '" .4th. 1054, No, 100 ;;ieventn Ave 1 Real Estate and Insurance 1 East, tnm.u u . -ow .Oniry." i 216 6th Street Phone 96 Prince Rupert. B.C., I tball oner lor Or V. Wilson, Black 197, eves, i ,0l! at public uuctlon for cah. at i . ' 1 19 1 ' tb hour of 2 ;0 o'clock In the trrtw- i , . , , noon, nil the ruiht, title, unit Inter- ONE block to City centre -Snug i ' of 'he said defendnnt la the said ng works, box 572, Ter-'Albeit & MvCafi'ery Ltd. B:c-.,hona" '-- Phones 116-117-68 pitm w.a. Bake sale, uor- lace fF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OB CONCRETE WORlt Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS Ancle AnrflMjn : Feb. 13. 1 -- - & it & I Peter's f - Sale, m.UMHiNU, autonvl:e, oil heat- W A. Rummage and :nk. nheet met"l wnrlr Phone 28c FOR your fuel requirements: I Oil "Sholl" Stove and Furnace. A P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS , '" ' ' ALFRED LI BELL, C.A. ' Resident Partner Piince Rupert ' ' , f Feb. 13, 206 6th St. ; 543. Cali 30 th West. Letour- lour-room bungalow with "na cn"lu l5- vOe Valentine Dance. Feb. j (cl CoalFoothills and Bryan Mtn Tenn'i of sole, CAKlf. subject to garage, good condition. Reason iiy inviiauon oniy. HCKets PfJBLIO ACCOUNTANT, lmnrw . 'U.R r,J"'L..r"Pane PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. JJrrry's Barber .Shop. able down payment, balance like rent. Full . price only $3500. Tax specialist. S. Q. Furk, : Phone 6&1 or 852 (2Cm ' Stone Bulldlnii. Red 883. - m Edward P.T.A. Tea and on Armstrong Agencies Ltd. 1- the (ir;la! Security' Tax. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. - hated at Prince Rupert. B C. t:ii: 21 ,t cloy ol Jnntlary. llf4 M. M. atetihena.' yiierirt of the Coui:y of Prince Rupert. March IS. SKATE sharpening and saw fil scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block. fiOl 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 174 Phone 342 . Eves. Red 958 325 Fourth Avenue Fast Terrace Prince George Telephone: Red 879 Vancouver Quesnel ITRMTI RE FOR SALE Utl ing. Ail types of saws. Pre- ,28 ciKion Baw Filing, 215 1st West. : ipital W.A. Rummage Sale, 1451 t41) 1 CHROME table and 2 chairs ' SMALL 4 Wartime, furnished. . iJnd -.'V.10.P3I , 1 :- f ..'.V .'J ' tilth .: ' a . . ' f 1 " " y 11 . ' 4 1 , .- ' f..y tt . . A v I ,: , K ,''s-. '. 1 i - ' j -y- ?-i ii 1 1, 11 y - r 1 "' , 1 f v, i 4 1 e .?' ' 1 : i' ! . , ' if . ' v'. ' '.We' tytyl-t V-'1 ' l'i-V. cW ,. . ' . -'. I ' u -J. f . - :.. , !,A-4t t -',; -nf; 1 '-iw ; ?! '.'ic 'i i , 0 r ) J r J , J . i ' J.- v: - . M . , 1 ' -J. - - ( "... rr ' T i , '!. ' . -,: -, , . .,-i' ' Ij .'1 -r " j, ,..t. 4IS'T'; , ,. J . 'J ', " ' 'l ' ;. ' V " f.V V" ' r' . ' . . H- , v ' "j-r f AT e -( , 1 . thedral Spring 3ale, $25.00. Phone Mrs. Bushaw Bushaw, u" cement basement. Good April 137) (251 location. Phone Blue 394. Miller Bay. ' tit) BLONDIE ! Watch Your Manners, Dogwood By CHIC YOUNG ! THE ELECTRICIAN D. GtiyaU. House wiring and electrical 'repairs. 149 9th Avj. , West. I Phone Red 165. 35! i IN MKMORIA.M i 40A Houses Wanlca to Buy m SCWl.NG MACHINES C VOU FOl .... . . . -''DAISY, RUN'S M . . LlPSTAiPS AND - '- : ' 1 NSKN In loving memorv H'nm.n'H irr n itkt n ita v ; !r ,,.. e,, I vr, several eusn ouyers Nets Jensen, who died one x-; ,rrr'. tt " c,"ct! for houses up to sia.ooo. im- - ...on- i"- orwiiig t-ciitre. rnuue 001. fTCT rV4V cz nncnt, 1 till " T i ' .tS " mediate inspection aeo today. nuary comes with deen i-r- Parts Sales Service. iu lor (c) -i w- .v. v. ?..- r.r-1 - '(I- vr gret. C); pa -w. ' .. month that wc will never FOR 8.U.E--MISC. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance ?16 6th St. Phone 96 Or F. Wilson, Black 197, Eves. . (22' forget. ' ' T'' , . NEWLAND'S Argo Kroy W(X)1 12 All colors. Sale price 35c ball. THE VARIETY STORE. i23i: always con- 'ays smillnn, lent, AV 1 ved and resneeterl uhirvi.i- he went. 5VILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, ,-ew jund and repaired. tf) i enme a a beautiful life mddon end, Sim xiQz 43 WANTEtt TO KENT TRAILER to sleep four for two weeks. Apply Box 890, Daily News. - . . i21-nc) -every- difd as he lived mp's friend WILFORD Electrical Works i Dealer for Ekolite Sounders. , 38 1 ! r'rom his loving wife Signs January Clearance COATS AND BUNNY BAGS 13 to Vi off ut THE STORK SHOPPE 214 Sixth St. Green 184 . (19) 143 IJSTIN'GS "V.NTED 1 altera- I (31) I wii uonaicl and Gordon. dtp) ItlRTlt DRESSMAKING a lid tions. Phone Red 224. KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED By ZANE GREY . . ... . I t. ., - . . INVISIBLE repairs, Ing. 727 Eraser St. dressmak-! (1901 : ATTENTIQN Owners: We have several buyers for good four-rotn houses-.'-No waiting wllen you list with Jim Georgesoh at n;i t-Born to Mr. and Ooila d Whvt,. m... u.,i. '. in the Prince u TO ORDER Avon Products, call Armstronjr Ar-'6110'68 Ltd. t Hospital, on Thursday Jan Red 604- (2lD' I Ira 7 lh, dR,h,7:,v,5a"'1 MAOAZINKS. i-Witei""iddl't! ,hi. in aim - 1. . News Stand. (C) -" uuin line. Dud tool (It) FOR chimney .ueuning and odd i jobs, phone On-en 773. (42p i ITNERAl, NOTICES . X) In the eitu TiiniT Phones 342 Eves. Red 958 ; (211 1 46 BUSINESS OPPORTl'NITIES ! "Tops in Opportunity" I Cafe and bakery for sale. Go-! ing concern. n4ontlily turnover j five thousand. . Good location. Reasonably priced for quick sale. ; Terms acceptable. Reply to P.O.,1 Box 261, Burns Lake. BC. U9 i CARS? Bob Parker's of course. SEVERAL GOOD BUYS In used RECONDITIONED WASHING MACHINES Terms Available , Gordon's Hardware (21) NEARLY everybody uses 99. , 5. 1954 Seto Wah Bo, ag d . N h-'loved husband of ! 18 HEI.f WANTED MAJ.E w "I- Hev. L. G. Sieber will 1 'm t .services i n. ; .t2V..8und. V.1"1'""'"1' ' follow In All O.MOBII.ES 47 "'W Ometery! B.C. Under- 1949 MONARCH sedan. cnaige , J KAi DRIVING THE TCH K I Vl 7lDTO Vtyf Kf4CW IT HASN'T yPUK L I Tuf Mnui JJ'r lAAT Jiy 1 , "v" . . CAZ,mDHeHA'iASLEPl HELP HIM, J HiliBAHD.' 1M CAUINS TH C THAI TALI TO '' ' -V -- ' wv4i but the f lAKuitMcemMPAM ro 1 r--.d t- " iiy! ris' efX,HtaHAHjJlTBKCKi.OOSefJ flPEJtHVPAVMK'TCF7HfOl-IC' S kv7VsNaT vT-'.vivY. fiK ImMyK fflS LI'LABNt'R . ByALCAPP ''vO &' dontnagth' A -fo'io , Bur. HESriLL 94 minutes-Y NOBOBV N I vou snatched Y"so eoN'r.'.' IS f POREBIU-IONAIRE.'.' MINUTEi.'.'-Jl HAII4VT HOLDiN' 9 MtNUTES-y KiN HOLD MAM HIH3 SECONDS J NO&OPV Kiu HOLDIN' ) HE'S PAYiM' lO.OOO . IT'S 9 e. HIM RIGHT.? ONL1 S A &ABV WROMG, SHORT.'.'-I rf7 HOLD OUR BAB y MAH A FO'TM'PRIVILEGE MINUTES, fj , ,. SECONDS U FO'A MILLION WON'T PAV 1 1 WRONG .TO NO &A&V A O'HOLCKN' HONEST AWREAPV-IX ' j' A T'GO-AN'WE DOLLAHS.'.' j A CENT.'.'- J AMOUNT OV WRCSMfi? ABE- . " ' 1Jjl GlTSftlQOOO. . , .,.- C MONEY.'.' mSm fe?f fr ? p A pk of Phone i21p) Green 326. FtUfSONAi, '49 AUSTIN A-40. 1827 6th East. Phone Black 2176. (23) f UPPORT TIIE KINSMEN LEGAL NOTICES A NEW, START "WITH A 36-YEAR-OLD FIRM Success js built on value, right prices and service give belter values and service by selling top - quality made - to - measure clothes direct from maker to wearer full or spare time. None can compete with you. Become the authorized Goodwear representative in your territory. Complete kit of 250 samples and simple short-cut selling course assure success In first, week-startling new bonus plan on top of commissions will make you best paid clothing- salesman in country. Write us about yourselflet's get acquainted. Frank Sims Kales Manager, Dept. 205, Goodwear Clothes, P.O. Box 652. Montreal. (Ji6.23.30i nil.IO FUND Attend the MIKRIIF'X KAI.F. THE BEST FOR LESS during the JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Nbw going on at the ACME CLOTHING STORE MEN'S WEAR - ,ltCl 1 PAIR of Chalet skllsTwith harness and steel edges steel poles, and pair size 10 ski boots. Like new. What offers? Phone Green 607 after 5 p.m. (20) PCKEY GAME at RLIVER LAKE IN THE EXCHE3fER COURT ' , OK CANADA 1 Urn matter of the Income Tax Act end jimendmcntu thereto, , . . Plaintiff, Against ADRIAN VANDKKYAC1T, . , Defendant. Under and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Kaclaa from the above Court to me directed. I have sl?ecl of the goods and t-hattelR of the defendant. Adrian Vanderyaitt, spray painting equipment Including two Webater compressors and BrtgKS and Stratton motors, complete with tanka, hose t,prny Runs and wheeled carriages, and one Comer Truck, chaaeis No. SUNDAY - 2 P.M. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, 2S-; 35 years old, for permanent position. Apply Personnel Supervisor, Columbia Cellulose, Mill Division. (20) (ltc) CASH FOR 8crp, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (c) CrIs-CRAFT speed boat with or without motor. Phone 373, days. (20) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE WHO fulls on slinnerv lc. ptrans ,,Lweal'lnB lce Creep- 19 Help Wttl. Male Female V- "H flk. ft NEVER MlNp SPEE0IN6 The Mv I TOlP v olP MAN 1 VW4T SIES CN WEI?E? ' mf MV.ESOpyTEUHE.'I'V 314i347, type a IS, motor No. C 10801, one ton capacity; and on Thursday, P aSa Vi-I'-i,f TICKETS-1 LLP4V VOU K -AA -Lslt IMivl X. BOU6LS RJB evey ONE 4 . , -' DON'T WANT TOSTUPV PENTTV Wis TwE eLACUEJT 04V IN V LIFE.' ,-id1e, eePCr- 2 PAIRS men's skates, sizes 7 and 10. Phone Black 419. (21) S 1 r-11 0NLV 0NLV SiPPOSED Sl?C0ET0B TO Lr . SV. HER BUDWesi :aJ45l February 4th, 1954, at my office in in Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. t&L ST . ...t.r BcTteou-r-vr'" I .fvrr J- 7V.-' 34 WANTED MISCFXLANEOVS YES MA'M.' at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the foreuoon I shall oiler for sale at public auction all the right, title uud Interest of tMe defendant In and 'V -rAAi. WANTED TOP MARK ST BislInRlo"NTiT ha away win, e, rr4y' IP.. 31 r4 J ""V PRICES PAID for crap Iron, steel, brass, copper, lead. etc. SUPPORT THE KINSMEN POLIO FUND Attend the HOCKEY GAME , at OLIVER LAKE SUNDAY,- 2 P.M, - Honest grading, prompt pay 'Vv- ;? A VA Ar ilf - ... -' - A :' ; ' V ' ' '. ' -'1 '1 t -i: !i. jrjri' '".' , , i-t. - .-, " ( IV --i ' 1 ' . s f ' ment made. Atlas iron & Metal Ltd., 250 Trior St., Vancouver. 1.1 AlL1C4iT :;S Labor Vr at to the eald goods and chattels. Terms of sale. CASH, subject to the SocUl Security. Tax. The highest or any offer uot ueo-raarllj accepted: t , Uated at frlue Kupert, BO., thlf 2lst day of January. 1964. M. Id Stephens, eherlff ot the Couiity of Prince Rupert. (-a3,17,30,F3) 3 ivv:. mm ! B.C. Phone PAeinc 357. (H) AV . PL4TT...SHE me o.-t a eu.-v.ic rM 1 1 1 r eC mw f : i i rv-a w i ! A.l klH ' .1, ! J 41 H ; TK4TEEiTO igj and Blue m m tf "V- mriaxsiLjsL I USED suitcase ! trunk. Phone I time, . - steamer 705 any (tf-nc) I (lip) 1