REFLECTS Prince Rupert Daily News As I Sec It t Wednesday. April 8, 1953 y nd REMINISCES '1 WM L WOHTII IT was auitnble enough n m ii)Ddn dally ncwpp-r drvoted to the upbuilding of Prujoa Hupn , . . jid Norllmni and Ontral BrltlsH Columbia. number of Canadian Praiw Auult Bureau of circulation Canadian Daily Hevxpaivr Association. ' Puhltshe by -rhe Prinra Rupert Dally Hw Llmltao t. P. UAOOR, President H. O. PERRY. VIce-rTaaldent . a ; ' j X Newspaper rlrruluuon all over cre Jf this continent has never been no' nve Uigut,,, in ,. hlnher than what It In today, and mi,ni "t a bunt ol thjiC that's because of the people' I"'' there wr(. Subscription Ratea: thirteen ciemand The people want the hicludlm; the r,(r a,,c' at rall-Pei inmith Ifio. ner vear. AH 00 i- atburlied u VKW.d class by tba' Poat Offloe Department. Ottawa. a: te.auaali , 2 , ' ., i i "a. p 4 news j ney warn me news or tne """" wen, the jiai ! world, inlernatlonal new, all un(erstaiidahl( kind of news, they want to know about the neighbors, the Women ar'' not mu,.h , ""'sfS;.' Give Russians Peace l..H. nnvl nn.mimtltt . I thf 1ml f ... j ..... .. . tt t k-- b niirs. Hi trie cany picture mill iifraq makes the dally paper. The reader buys and pays for it be- CAN' HE OF isf '' uw he realizes its worth the Thl5 rum. mmiev h... . ."" ""'I OKI m !. nereaved to ailln t Hennett Milk Uomb prvE M I E R BENNETT forgets that he heads a defeated government, and has no moral right or. even constitutional authority to make laws by decree in B.C. Jf his party won a clear majority in H C. on June 9 he rould Inter iiily the Rnlstnn formuli on school prants. He could al ;j upply the piojxi.sed Sm-red plun for a milk price scramble. American soldiers and British steer you down ht y girls are ifettlnn married at the the voyage of t- rate ol five prr day In spite of Widow: "No niipw, t, dialed or twant?. they do speak could be my wnma ir,at, a eommon luiiMine,e - and looks roimt- 100 AsllpfiIf m.u V T1 IK Or OUT AM K j may be", wlih',ur,"l,r,"'; Man argues women may not j him over to preir.atur be trusted too far; woman feels '. ilaijaav t - J r J RUSSIA makes one conciliatory gesture AH after another and the cold war shows sicrns of melting, Josef Stalin takes on a blacker aspect of villainy in death than in life. Contrary to the opinion once expressed by former President Harry Truman that Stalin was all right but the men around him were obstructionists, it appears now that his subordinates must have fretted undi-r his harsh and dangerous policy. An outsider who had no illusions about the sinister personal influence of the Soviet leader was Marshal Tito. In his book "My Break With Stalin," TitV descrilws experiences which left no doubt about how the dictator's mind worked. On one revealing occasion Stalin advised him to re-instate King Peter. When Tito demurred, Stalin continued: Ton need not restore him forever. Take him back utTiporarily, and then you can slip a knife in his oack at a suitable moment" This was the high order of statesmanship that governed . one of the world's mightiest powers. Never before in history has a man of criminal man cannot he trusted Imt near Henri Browne But if Mr. Bennett arbitrarily ' e . - . k la. From a want t (P Citizen: -VapMf lv , ubuses hi Am:R Till- AKN-OINTING (1KKMONY during the foiouatioii service, the W'icen lnveU-d with the Koyal Kobe, which shiaths her In o!d a.- a symlx'l of ioverelgnty. and with other vestmenus. In this artist's drawing of the scene to be enacted next June In Westminster Abbey, the golden robe Is about to be presented to ths gueen. position ai tempor- They may have attended ser 'JI mine ISKiliUlt. a ' . le- k , 1 mt:t. vice last Sunday also, yet It's a 'r and R fact that muny hundreds drove J Hons " nut the highway, and relumed ' ' . aS ary caretaker premier, by issuing milk decrees meanwhile.) he will plunge the province of: BC. Into a nasty constitutional' crisis. The Lieutenant-Governor of EC. has admirably .steered tlw t b'3 about the weather, once tliey Rot safely outside of Prince Niipert It h-'is always been like (hat. no matter If deserved or unju.tilicd Mental Illness 'Most Dicif Victoria Report I . . . by J. K. Ncbitt VICTORIA. As a relief from the excitement of good ship BC. past some dan-' perous rocks in the past year, i I Mr. Bennett should not plare : Ithe representative of the Crown INCOME TAX QUIZ in a posinon wnere tne crown . , . . "u, u i representative will be constitu-1 the session and to rest a little before the excitement itionaiiy eompeiied to veto a 1 0f the election, I went browsing the other dav in the move a caretaker admlnistra-i . , , , r-v r "M - J ''I'W ' ! J - 3 k V '. . Vfe - - (, ,. . . k . t.. 1 h , t . t , , n pa , . ' , - 4 " - instinct ttuameci sucn neignis, nmer nuivuiiM.aiiii- :"" " n., -..v ror some reason i ran i ex- spite what some people say. docs ; add stability to Rovernmenl. j TTTF Rfr'PFrifl nrnivn in In. inlain t f,mnf mwlf i n!Arpltfi ' With the aid of modern equip- M.JiL T I ment, the maple &ugar Industry ncQlliI I rOll WU,lli Pi in Quebec has become but busl- The LirK : t prodiirini; area "Mental lllne v . is in Remii-e coui.ty where more largest and must dif!i-. .titan J.&OOOfiO tier s are Upned 1 obtem in Csn-..' " ! ' annually. This musl help explain ifntlin. genera! !rn;, how Quebec alo tnanaeed w' Canadian Menu l!-produre a son; like "Alouette" r ialion. told lh JH nieetiiig of She lie ,:! 1 i The irood ship Memory which Ca,u"1:1 late last year cleared from Eng- j "About Go()fj rrf r land on a world cruise quit at ; tienU occupy hoop;l;u t , Monte Carlo The 72 -foot ketch ' 'r at can be 6k,t peak has not yet tfr troduce the worst half of the in the bealnninus of cur great!"1 y . , , , , , iit r., i,- s.nnin.i:i,.mh.r inrf.i.irv Th ntnrv nf : "d up-net Um appccarl. Ullt ; on June 9 the situation . that was tried in Winnhwe ilumnor is onlte as romantu- s perhaps may be sorted out. The farmer would be Ruaran-1 the story of ships and aallormen. jteed a floor price for milk sold tut so ur it nan t rx-en Riamor-' in the fluid market. But above Uzed. Ves. I was into politics, but ' ut least I was looking back Into! history. 80. while I was bout it. I looked back once more Into ' lh?t level, there would be no! r think I found the start of control. The bit chain storfs nc's rich export trade In lum- II, on completing my I'JV.' Income lax return. I find I owe a balance of lax, when do I have to pay? The due date Is April 3(Th, 1U33. which Ls also the deadline for filing returns. If payment Is not made by 3oth April, the amount owing Ls overdue and Inruus interest at 6' per annum as well as bcinijj auoject to rcl-Irction ptoceedliiBl. Can I pay the baUmce t oe on my l'J-r2 tax by instalments after April 30Ui. l'J.';3'' No. The final payment date U April 30'h. 19.'3 I)r OriKm mmlfi n ia pomiral career inai never wowld be free to sell at any: her In the following three notes erases to amaze me the II-' about 50 i-r cf'!!i- MILESTONES"' W 1-4 piicp. ana in any iype 01 ron- ,n tn. victoria uaeue 01 !Tear-old political career ol coniprlsin iU yi. " 1 summer ui iojj a c UtniMtt physician 1 pr-jfi'f it: I rolll Ih. I lira irt Ihr llly Seat But there is one vital differ- "Gone The slup Thames Cltv. j Perhaps you know It and per-; Q nice ut 1.WCC11 me nniai- 1 Glover, master. na Fi7 "'h-ins vou don't -hut its furl-! ly applied in Winnipeg a :id that ! Sooke. atx)iit 20 miles to ttv ' ' ollr, . n ' 1 a : . ; proposed by the BC. So.-reds: ' anuthwrst from here, to load . Here eoes: I a very pill it r A Bennett Onre pars for England " "For F.ncland The In Winnipeg there wa a cell-j ing price for consumers ai. ws M; BritUhl . 1 t of th Conservative party, thene as a imur pi ice lor larnirra. in 1 bart Euphrates has ciearea lor aN, thns(, wno nslst he helped aritne lorm 0! me:,' . - . . . There l "iaiiln'ul 40 Yeor Ago Itvloy w ,uppr,rt ,hP r, ,,-. Alderman Bviil a k-Web. er re- jioor mental hei fc'f ' si-.-ned a.t chairman of the Health tniticant way U lr Hoard when ainmenUmenta to if) per rent of t!. PC Uie health by-iaw were made Canada w ithout his knowredge. He ported ttt" piotMir'.n.n ol gr'i! : Tenders will lie called for the pwtltt,.er ait w rxcavation of I0si f-el o! rock ln pV(-hotheriiv ' . hi II. e vicinity of the city hall ptai tlral psjcfcethrir V . j. . yed "we ran exr-t v 9. . ing. If Stalin had so few scruples about taking a life, it is certain that the blood-letting of war gave him no uneasiness, provided there was more on the enemy's side than on his. His menace therefore had riT limits except that imposed by the production of munitions. While more substantial evidence is still needed, there is reason to hope that his successors are better endowed with normal human qualities. Small and isolated though it was, an instance was given yesterday in Korea when the enemy returned a wounded marine to the UN forces. In the confusion of battle, the North Koreans could easily have killed the man without disturbing the talks at Pahmunjom, but it seems the new attitude is sufficiently authentic to make itself felt right down through the fighting ranks. Without, belittling whatever good intentions Mailenkov may have, it is likely that the real force liehind the altered policy comes from deeper in the heart of Russia. Now that the Great Father is dead, there is no one sufficiently strong to deceive the plople any longer that he knows all and they nothing. If the Russians want peace and it is reasonable t suppose they do Malenkov's wisest course it to give it to them. A. V, U4-,rus .': Sooke to load witn spars lor lo scllttIp thllt partv. He wot a floor, but no selling " ' i.eeislature ;Enpland nret el-rted to the "For Aastralla-Thc ship AH. jM , conservative, tn 1M1. only Q Can I pay the balance of my tax by cash when 1 mall my return? A Do not send through the mall.', Hfild your payment by cheque or money order payable to the Receiver Oeneral oi Canada, ijst januskt tt aairy in- ThornUike, inornnme. masier. , fi d thil, coalition eov- ; jvi icuiasju ivuuy fini!llar 'txitlie n( psi"l dustry of B.C. sent to Manl- has cleared for Melbourne. Aus-, ,,rnm,,nt niuj lo be formed be-, toba the best trusted and re- tralia. with 11 passenuers for, r(IUM. n,uher Liberals nor Con-; liable expert they could find, that port and a cargo of lumber .rvatives had enough seats to. Ills Job was to make an abso- valued ut $7.M0." form a snfe eovernment. He ran lutely Impartial factual report ; ... ,acain in 1!H5. acaln as a Coal 1 on exactly what happened when! In an i860 edition of th ic- iUonUt le showed his driving Winnipeg adopted the new sy- toria Colonist I found the '-, nnd determination in - , U.S. May Request tern. lowing intriguing noir. m.toi.v m, whpn h(, Pontest,d tne Cm . A wa ie offer by the city conn- 3rrt ,h- fui pal sr. ell was unanimously rejected at grlliMaiy disapp" meetlnf of the Civic Employ- p c,.ii(iniiCv. ces Union and they tlecKK-d d rri'l(.i horr N i e-iiCiliation board m ner es- l)M(.hl,llItr ho.p,ui I; ; spiti- of (he bt t . .. Z : . , . vlnclnl departtnenU. 9 ; As the result ol a drive by the , p( f r,-" Cl.amber of Commerce headed . m.nUI natifcU i 1 nave that expert repmi one ol tne popular pamimm 01 -.rV3fi. uadprsh'n wi. h Russia To Release before me. It la contained ir sir Ithe dav Ansconib Mr. bert won Feeling throttlfd in Bennett resigned his B C Dr. Walter Linse to keep In I'M", and ronte.sted the Yale have beeii enrolitd. pages of single spaced type-1 "Ratting March At -Round the feilpt. It literally shrieks to Corner' 8aloon last evenint; BC: "Whoa whoa go alow." iHhlrpser's Joe was occupied for ione minute and 10 seconds in HERE are the main facts: milling eight rats, while Film's 1. Safeway store greatly In- j Jack did the same service for creased their milk sales by sell-; the community in 55 second'. Ing 2 cents below wagon de-1 'Jack' Is therefore the champion livery price. They were selling! of the heavyweights" 1.9 per cent of all fluid milk! It sounds a horrible pa.itime. He felt the trial 23 Yeuit Ann Todov federal by-election. The Coaser- BOSS APi United States vntive prime ministership of authorities here are reported rnnnda apm-al-d to him But contemplating testing the Rus- he lost that by-election to Owen sians' new conciliatory attitude The belief been .spread Pch.atrle . J to at the city hall that no move !";" ,. w Jones of the CCF bv asking them once again .. .. i. V. ; '- ( -1- - t . Scriplure JPaSiuqe jar Jodaij "Lc, the winter ia past." Song of Solomon 2:11. He was. at that point, en- free Dr. Waiter Uinse, nernn .ill oe inane o) ir, o., cuumu H , ,h, r .0 oppo, proeeedlnw which 'facilities and ttr before the new system went in. j doesn't It? But the mystery Is t)r(.V 01t;' nr nad nothing in'.l-Communu-t leader who was Thev were selltne around 8 Der.thia- who were Shirpsers io' more mvrhlatnt. I' He was not downhearted In kidnapped last July and drained OilVff uri 11 IliflUUl'id in hit D.iu- rrme Court oi IJritL.h ColumbU uith a vip-jv to havinu a coinmU- 1949 he was ai;aln elected as a into the Soviet zone cent as of January 15, 1953. jand Eden'i Jack? couiu triey 2. But to offset the fact tint : have b-en assistants to barteml-tome B per cent of the people prs called Shlrpser and Eden? OTTAWA DIARY &S232 Coalitionist to the BC. Hnuso. late that year became so open and social worsen -and will continue to : ' factors 111 'our 'agalii't mental i- At least seven times the Am- sionpr mU.(1 bv ,lw provin-erienns have aked Oen Va.-vslly rU, 0ov,Ftll!nl,nt t take over f Chuikov. Sovjrt commander in ,hf af ,lrx f uie city Tarliament returned from ita ' that their extra living expenses Vrief Ea.r ;recesg to didover a accrue every tfsy the ire away minor disturbance on its own ' from home. ' ' ' ; Koi ca.sri-anu-cariy muib. i ccin we 11 never , a thrPnt to Anseomb that a per quart cheaper, the remain- 'conservative convention was ing 92 per cent lost out-in! To pet away from politics. I ra,lpd An,comb resigned nn.l some cases lost their delivery i said? Is that why I went to the, fan ff)r the 11!1C)rMhip anntn. service altogether. Small shops j Archives? I saw the ' ''anain-;( Bennett Anseomb won. were hardest hit. j George lH-arke -In the M'.- To fjt j.,, dlf) nnt hcnt down IVr- ; 3. A mad scramble developed : me there Is only one George ,,, Determination and am Holidays H r.Jlsl VM ,iniili!. I'l Hit nmiiriuni- ates for Unse s release but al 1 0 YeorS AqO Today ways hi vain. The Russians have Wailne Uousinjr has axreed either Ignored the requesU or l0 lnM,n a cUellcIaii to supervise claimed Utnorance of Unse s ,e 1,rr,)ar,lKin and srrvm of whereabouts and this despite , ,.. ih,r.i,v tita!lm a labor front. Because it proposed Actually, they are all recruited to sit mornings as well as after-'from Ottawa. They are typically noons and nights, its Hansard middle-aged married ex-stenos ' among the distributors to put Pearkcs ine uyiianui; s'im' hiiinn Here Agw I njuv thi. in an A I I" Bennett then proceeded to thp Presentation of documented 1 lhrMl,.nP1 R!r'jke by iura nip- amanuenses were demanding who use their Jobs to step-up the i in cardboard carton machines, ; turned MP for Nanalmo. I more pay 1 miaaie-ciass incomes or tneir uui as noi enougn 01 inese areiso astonusneu 1 luum u "" ; embarrass Anseomb every The Hansard amanuenses are inr.i romwe - available lor an, cnaos tempor-: i,r. of that eariy ueorge rcumr : chance he got In arily ensued. One dairy even; to find he was a leading lawyer . rouh. matters to a husbands to the luxury fringe. Their Jobs don't interfere ser 1051 he head by , not by any means as important people as their high-sounding of Victoria in the early days iously with their domestic life. Blue Ni lil Dimwit trouble-1'" and hiiKtled out of West Berlin ! 11 by Communist-paid thims Dr gnd Mrs j T Mandy Pom. When the former UH hlnh , m.morfltPfl tn0r IOtn weddinn commlMloner. Walter J. Donnel-;a!lnlvorM1.T w)h ft rPrf)njcra. Iv, sent a Chrlhtma paekaae for ,,,,, rPr(,mony al the home of Mnse last Oecember, It was re-lMr 8nf, Mr-, M;lh Ton lyrr turned markPd "misaddressed used small American size quarts in the emergency. 4. The smaller dairies which The Colonist, writing his obit-uarv. said: "Death comes to all title might indicate. They are j Normally, making allowance for the typists who transcribe the j its Wednesday half-holiday, Par- -that ceaseless dun. who wal 1 were hardest hit either had t'l EXTRA SPEC quitting Coalition, crossing th" floor of the House to sit as an Independent. He watched his chances, with that uncanny political sense 'if his. and just before the election he went Social Credit. dictaphone recordings of House Uament works four and one-half go out of business altogether, 1 tn all. yet watts for none.' " days per week. But the amanu proceedings made by the Han ,... ANM.U Tl IX" eases don't work even that or lay off employees, and cut cut routes which could not pay Donnelly then pledged that U S ' authorities would never stop, As far as U known, ororgo Pearkes, lawyer, wait no relation to George Pearkes, politician. Cheaper u" shoe-le. lth - stretch. They rotate on a three sard reporters. They don't even correct any mistakes in punctuating or reporting. Editors are though, to be fair, he didn't pressing for his Linse. and one-half day week basis. TRUCKS In short, it s reasonably safe to u,...i.h:ikern'1" say that no comparable working under the new system. 5 The per capita milk consumption in Winnipeg declined. Total consumption shrank. Hence many hundreds of farmer milk shippers had to be cut off from the well paying fluid i:i.a know It was rolng to be a band- an outspoken foe of communism At this point I was right back . WBRon But that's what it turn- 1 who was given to documenting into politics", and so I gave up. fld out an(J tnafa what it's go-' his charges with hard proof, was The Archives will have to wait j lnR ttay for a while yet. la (horn in the Russian side. until after the election. - I started counting up our pre-; r. 1 1 Vi I if' TJ 1 group in the nation has It any Motor better, 11 as good, from the condUi"" lillU standpoint of not being either Water Well CASING t nt ( imii-r ami iMmeollr W H Pipe and Steel Aluminum Roofing and Siding HECTOR MACHINE CO. ITl. Matt Aftrlrenaea tnvMiMiiv mm -mini trei I IH.lMY sth Ave and I'll N HI. K KNOW Yl' HISFH' III V VOI employed to do that. Their Job if wholly manual. They could be replaced by the inexperienced and over-green products of any business college. Those amanuenses are paid $10 50 per day, but on the basis of a seven-day week. The real explanation for this is simply the way tax money la wasted ln the payment of Parliamentary services. But if you asked House milk market altogether. 8. A check shows that only underpaid or overworked Consequently, there was surprise and even a little Indigna ?sT,ltSSl St ruiure 01 teniiai Ainca reaeranon rTKw j Rests With Voters ol Southern Rhodesia A. C. Bennett is the !5th pre- ! BobParW well-to-do women who drive their own cars bought tlw cheaper milk in cash-and-carry stores. Even these families bought less. Young mothers with children, pensioners ln outlying suburbs, and the poor people who live far from super tion in Parliamentary circles 1 when these privileged ladies weighed' In with their demand for more cold cash because a couple of hours was being added in these final days to their normal f Ive-and-one-h a 1 f hour mler. I also learned that in the! , SALISBURY, Rhodesia iReu-32 years, from 1871 to 1003, there j tersi Nearly 30.000 Southern were premiers, but, In the I Rhodeslnns will give their verdict Controversy over the federa-j Hon proposals contained In a White Paper Issued at the end of the London conference have left doubt about what the decision of Southern Rhodesia's 49,032 50 years since 1903, there have: on the proposed Central African officials you would be told that, as sessional employees, they come from outside the. Capital and been but 10 premiers. Party politics came In 1903, to that markets were hardest hit as federation or Northern and Southern Rhodesia and Nyasn-land when they get to the polls In a referendum tomorrow. working day. What the MP's don't stop to consider In situations such as were farmers. (proves that party politics, de- this one Is that the Parliamentary hired help is just taking a j Federation, on terms worked out at a London conference In i January, would give the self- Prison Riot Choked Off PUSAN, Korea (CP) United ADENAUER THANKS US FOR HELP AND KINDNESS leaf out of their own book. The House employees are close to the process by which tax money is governing colony of Southern OVERSTOCKED T0ASTMASII$ U'TOMATIC TOASTKRS Regular $29.95 Now S22.95 appropriated lavishly for purposes that often are of dubious necessity even when not out-rightly political In their purpose. registered voters will be. Sir Godfrey Hugglns, Southern Rhodesia's prime minister, and Roy Welensky. leader of the unofficial members In Northern Rhodesia's legislative council, have campaigned vigorously for federation. Substantial European opinion still opposes It, mainly because It lacks essential native support. But Hugglns has assured the voters of Southern Rhodesia that if they accept the plan It will be passed by the House of Commons. The 'legislative councils of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasa-land will debate the proposals after the referendum has been held in Southern Rhodesia Then they see the Parliamen Nations officials today said two Red prisoners-of-war were shot to death and one wounded, another was found slain, and a threatened uprising was choked off last Friday ln three Incidents at camps on and near Koje Island. The command said there was nothing to Indicate the Incidents were connected. All three Rhodesia and tne two British, protectorates a virtually autonomous federal parliament and prospects of ultimate dominion status in the British Commonwealth. Two African representatives from each territory would sit ln the parliament. Only whern an African affairs board, as a standing committee of the federal parliament, felt that legislation wan detrimental to native Interests would royal assent be required. NEW YORK Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of West Germany arrived Monday for a round of conferences with President Eisenhower and other UB. government officials, to be followed by a visit to Ottawa. . Adenauer will make a one-day visit to Ottawa for talks with Canadian government officials April 18. He will fly from Ottawa to Europe. Expressing gratitude for U.S. "help and kindness" to Germany, he said: "Very rarely in past history has a victorious people stretched out a helpful hand towards thn vanquished, as you have done." tarians' open-handed generosity towards themselves ln successive salary and pension grabs. Under ths circumstances It's hardly surprising If they come to the con RUPERT RADIO AND flfj clusion that tax monies are gravy Phone 644 involved North Korean prison tor tnose witn the enterprise ers. No UN personnel were hurt, or the opportunity to grab. 1