i 14 Prince Rupert Doily Nevs Wdneday. April 8. 19M Game Commission to Start War Stage Set for 1953 Opening Monday Of Major League Baseball Season On Wolves in Prince Rupert Area at the monthly meet- small moose population in the A war on wolves in the Prince Speaking Rupert area, which includes the ing of the Rupert Rod & Oun Kitimat Valley Just returned loer Skeena Vallev and Kiti- Club. Mr. West said he believed 1 from an inspection trip there. By BEN fill tGAIl Associated Piess Sport Writer A man in blue will bellow "play ball" in Cincinnati and Wa.sh- Sunday by Atlanta of the 8outh-day in a ro em Association. Austin, Ti-i Two home runs by D Tondy! Dick Wti'i,m, heltK-d the Cub. 4,!e the i f or the rj.',t, , 'Vao-Browns 9-8 at San Antonio. Tex. wall i Ka-Cincinnati beat the Senator 6-2 two on bm' ! ' ' T 10 at Charlotte with Clur(w PikI-'j.i .' I vinirton next Monday and the will be waced next winter h number of wolves in tins area ne mm b p" , . : ji V , f - ,' . by the B C. Game Commission, v ere destroying fur-bearing ant had been seen near the banks tf the river by a group of ramp- Bin ovcr u 1953 major league season win begin. ti first man to bat In the G A West, supervisor ol preoa- mais bielan goini? the route for the - Redi. Second basemau Uavey- tory animal control, said last night. In the Kitimat area, he said ers. He saiu me vaury was wolves are likely feeding on a habited by a few moose but little - other game. first innitmoi ine uiM...r ....Wmianu MnM five straight make a little bigger niarn in baseball history than usual. If time for New York Gamut, who wtilp)ed Cleveland for the third Mr. West explained methods of poisoning predators, most popular being the spreading: of buit by plane. The department's main problem was its war on wolves and royotes in the Cari present schedules are carried out. that man will be Bill Bru-ton of Milwaukee Braves. Bru-ton, a rK)kle outfielder, will be Alberta Evens Cage Series t EDMtTSir- the first player to bat fur Mil-1 boo district where predators j caused much damage to ranch- i waukee m a major wur VANCOUVER CP-Uniwrlty ; since U'Ol ()f Alb).rta aoldcn Bear edged j I $57,73 ers' stock He said the department was The Biavcs. moved norn j Vancouver Clover Leaf 73-70 ton to Milwaukee ourins mriTufM to tie the let-of-five not interested in killing predat- , ors In areas where they played j ! 1 4 ! . v i KAMOOPS CAGE TEAM TO ARRIVE HERE TODAY Kamlocps Merchants were scheduled to arrive in the city toda with an e!ght-p!ayer lineup and roach Art Barton, former i nc Thuncierbird star, to meet Prince Rupert Thursday in the first of two names to decide the provincial senior B basketball championships. Barton is no stranger here and has vowed to avenge his tcam'r defeat four years ago by Rupert for similar stakes. In the 1949 playoffs here, locals downed the Merchants 5: -3f in Uie first same but lost the second one 41-32 to win the serier H-79. Kamloops gained the finals by downing Cloverdale in a two-game Easter week-end series. Senior B basketball competition dues not go beyond provincial boundaries, but the championship is emblematic of the second-best ball club in the province. The Kamloops lineup Bennett Camp. John Buchanan, Gordon Farouaharson. Stephen Foulger. Fred and I.en Fowles, DonaRt and William Marriott. WcHiern Canada senior men basketball thamplonshlp series at one w in each Leaf were'lefl with only five player at the eid of a rough game as three men fouled ou-. Bear had only elRht men. and the rule allow the home team trttt'Mt'" si-aoin will be guest of Cincinnati Herts for the sin.jle opening game on the National League s.hedule In the American League. the drlendlnf world champion New York Yankees visit Washlngum where vice-president Ru-hard Nlxc.l will toss out the first bull. a natural part in keeping population of moose nnd deer from ; "blossoming " MOOSE STJUtVED "Moose can get so plentiful that they eat themselves out of existence if thev are not harvested regularly," he explained, cit- . iiur the Cariboo district as an j : - jniiU tttr T-m only the same number a the All 18 clubs are due for action . visitor. the following day In the Ameri- Your Trove! 4 can Leaisue u will be Philadel-, tAJUII n!o phia at New Yuik. Washington j VY nirluWay UIGS at B.t--ton. Chicago at Cleveland i . J.. ... . . . .an rmr mi 1 i w K('l'liri l viKKlMt MfO heads the stellar cast oi sues land Detroit at St. Uuw lor am example where hundreds of' moose starved because of lack of j range feed. ! i As soon as the moose died, the : coyotes and wolves were on the increase and turning to domestic i stork, he said. ' Mr. West answered many ques- ' ' lions from the membership con- j PARIS tWbirlRwayr bush- ... Back on Broad ay." Warner Bros new WauierVoiur Muauai ima jtngni game league, bi i-ouia wm oe ..v , f. n,r tluJ . . Mazur Leads Canadiens To 4-1 Win waukee Cincinnati at Chicago, crown la l.Utd States flple Fituburgh at Brooklyn and New York at Philadelphia horse racing In 1041 and set a Washington suffered ft .wrl-' Kentucky Derby record which nu setback Sunday when Gil tiu stands, died Tuesday at Coan broke his rlht ankle try- Milrcej nouesac tud farm In m-i for a cirrus calch In an ex- ,hern N)rrnanay im ureal which opens tomorrow at the fipitol Theatre. t,ene Heison, Frank Lovejoy, Steve Cochran and Patrice Wymore have other Important roles. . Dom' Dominato Lands Giant Steelhead in Copper River corning various problems on . game. He said he favored an open season on cow moose where necessary. He considered It un- ; likely that a deer population : II II 1 1(11 1 fie mipl ir lr. n.muon game am ........- ,luirou,.,lbld 14 yc,r, oUi at Chariotte, N C. . - MONTREAL, (CP) Eddie iSpi- woula ""lurn 10 lne rrmte BU" den Mazur, bis 23-vear-old P"1 arca u,ltil a Bood Potion of! he tall timber now standing was , beak shot rookie w ith nose, Montreal Canadiens into the '"PB off- He blamed the pres-Stanley scarcity on lack of food, J Cup final Tuesday night St. Loui Brown lust one or their bejt player Sunday wlu?n The happiest visiting spurts- 22 were high individual guns. men from Prince miperi at A spenai leaiure a iuu- Went caUher Clint Courtney with a pa,r of goais that carried crowded out by tall trees. .Terrace ,as -ek-enn , y no ru e l,lt ?oul baU ttnd broke .lie P L a Canadiens to a 4-1 victory over MlMltHtSIIlP liRIVE , ... uiutuie linger ox m ii""s i Boulter who battled a lS'2-pou"d b..th won priws. "hand Hank Sauer of Chicago ... I. J I... 1...,.. l 1V. 1.... I ,hlll ... . Chicago Black Hawks. The miwllna arinnteH a mem. 5-PIN BOWLER interested in the SPRING LEAGUE A tpeciol meeting will bs held rru,ru" '-' " " ou'uhi " U" n,osl Vttluum! Piayrr Cubx Geoff rion Bernie. 'Boom Boom. oiin 'Z bershio drive to ndividual T'nX w?ll be XniC"Pprr RlM'r . . a Pr0: , in the NatU-.al League last year. and id Maurice Maurice .Rocket. Rocket i Richard Richard m(im0frs. iPrf WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 8 1 supplied the other goals that "e Bul u,mn"aw- wm) "'r,t' " " ' 1 . aS, U out with a broKcn linger, ,he ,sonEettii.a the most squelched Hawk in the seventh J.hnJX?"bv 'thi ne rneet ithe piant ra'nb0 flub president Jim Bacon tl unk- Th, Yilkt.ej, were be.ten 4-J n ' trout sa'd a few orda 10 hlm' ? f - - and deciding game semi-fmal. Mav 5 T. tl'"M .T r y The finals will oi)en here April B', . , , . . .K-'self when informed here that Mathews and the Terrace mem- - 1A 9. Nional HkeTagTe X cl JS tor tner ho.spluUy. Ktrt Remember When B !t t-ounul was lkn the RU)ert Rod & Gun Club visitors Included Mr, and Mrs. cials announced this morning , . . . Th Z Tn prnl the l0ft U"tl1 the-"PXt meetin-. teelhead derbv hich g'-l un- Harold Th.mi. Mr. and Mrs. Ba-i Canadian Amateur Hockey As-Jt fUrwi t committee head reported . Pro-fJ (!iu.h' , con. Mr. and Mrs. Wood. Mr. and Nation off leal meeting at oesi -oi of-seven seven rtnai wi i oe oe in j ess on thelr proJecU Mrv Dominato Ftank Hurlrtte." Toronto 20 years aco Uxlay ad- Montreal April 9 and 11 and the Hlver u Uicluded I' -Copper JXto Jack Wilson 0ame Wardtn of,' Elmer and ,0 John opwd two playing rule, used in next two in Boston. April 12 and Terraoe de3cr.bed briefly oppor-1 ftshmj era for the local 'Pe profe.Hs lonal iame-alUm Int 14. As necessary to complete tunllies made available by the rterby. jC.ausen. C. OuLseth. B Sweet. three ,nM. the series, dates are April 16 at Xerrace Rod & Cun ciub for .22, The near-r.vard steelhead wai .H. Schmidt. Hans Husvik, Ray lnjlU.a(j of two; and ryrmltting ot the Bowling Alley THIS MUTING IS IMPORTANT. All lniereted buwlrn are rucMi I " Muiiucw. npiu ai hnotncr hw m.uors. and to d of taken in a noo osout 7a tret Monteomerv. Sandv Hamilton kicking of the puck in the third ine the skill of some 10-year-olds. He above the Copper Paver brlrtzc,' o;to and F.m:l Qua.4. ureed the Prince Rupert club to said Dominato. who used ciusti r' - - and April 21 at Montreal. Terrace Enters Team in City 'develop a similar interest here . roe for bait. 10-t m.;l test i.t j for competition w ith Terrace. and an rl.-ht-poutid leader i President Jim Bacon reported weighted with l'j-ouncc le.id 'on a bic development program sinker. by the Kitimat Rod & Gun Club, Beside the big: fish. Domin- i which now is launching a con- ato and Boulter also took a:i- 'struction bee for a new club other two smaller .steelhead and house and shooting ranges 14 Dolly Varden trout. Other guests present included "Fi-shinR was never better," Bob Wilson of the Terrace Club both reported. Baseball Loop KAMLOOPS VERSUS PRINCE RUPERT t .. ,;r - : " ' . " :'. . . " V, ;tf- 4 1 1' l ; l . t W ,7., t 'L v 'If ' - ; - : i , . " , - i. i 11 -1 n " 1 I. . I-' Vt"C t.f,". I . .. i..' K v" 'if. , t ,... . -' " The 1953 baseball season in and Prince Runert Game. Warden But this event w is nnlv Dirt Prince Rupert is scheduled for Ed Martin. of the entertainment provided an early start with first train-, . w ipm, tv,fl to the Prince Rupert vwt r ing practice scheduled for Sun- , an ' -,rrt. when the Terrace Rod & Gun day. the annual general meet-: ,,' club turnPC, hosta ,0 a ga,a ing of the Hnnce Rupert ana District Amateur Baseball Association decided. the recent crow shoot. Several outdoor films were shown following the meeting. O clip and mail Opening league game is scheduled here for May 10. three-day affair. The affair began Saturday niiht with a social function buf-let dinner and dance. On Sunday, three Rupert trap-shooting teams took a trouncing from their hosts with the top teams scoring 91-82 for Terrace. Bill Wood of Rupert with 20 and Cecil Blakeburn of Terrace with this ordergram TODAY Wheelchair Cage Team May go to U.K. Plans for the season feature a four-team league which will include Terrace. Details wer? arranged at the meeting between local -club representatives and Neil McKerric.her, Terrace delegate. Plans call for three Sunday double-headers at Terrace to Group May Buy St. Louis Browns The Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. 6 DAY RATE IS CHEAPER THAN ONE DAYr MONTREAL (CP) Montreal's V. SAVE MONS one in Prince Rupert through- I out the schedule. Prince Rupert j teams not scheduled to play at j Wheelchair Wonders, a group of paraplegic veterans who formed their own basketball team, have been Invited to n.irl icin;ttp in the "Olvmnic j ST. LOUIS i APi A group of i business men are making plans I for a possible purcha.se of St. I Louis Browns to assure that the Thursday, Friday lit St. Lou Is. "mains games for the disabled" in Bri- clu.D j . ucrnaon mriuiinu, ncuu ui Terrace will play here. , The league will include the 1 following local clubs: Commercials, Gordon & Anderson and Esquires i formerly Abel & Odo wes ) . Constitution of the association will be revised completely, delegates decided, and will cm- a travel agency was named Order Your Ad 6 TimcJ You pay only (or II" fW' Inverlions. Thf olhrt wrlion are KBIT- "" m" Uie liisi-rlioii" seculively, Please run the following od for days. Enclosed is $ : in full payment. NAME - . ADDRESS Phone No please print clearly chairman of the group and Willis tain July 25. The veterans, who formed their team Just one year ago and have taken on all comers providing their opponents also 830 p.m. brace district as well as city) use wheelchairs, have been E. Johnson, travelling secretary r of the Browns for nearly 25 years, was named secretary. Klrkland said neither presid- ent Bill Veeck, nor any other official of the Browns has been ' amateur ball Eddie Gladding was elected asked to meet other starring paraplegic teams in the "Olympics" at Stoke Mandeville rehabilitation hospital, Ayles commissioner and Alex Bill, secretary-treasurer. The execu approached by the group. I tive Is made up of each club- I I owner and one club represen Write your News Wont Ad below. Begin where shown "START HERE." Put ONLY one each space. (Each group of numbers of letters count as one word). Put your address or i number, or both, in the od. In case you want a box number, leave space for 4 words (c g Dailv News. tative. The meeting backed a park board proposal to develop Al-goma Park as a ball site and outdoor recreation ground. Team managers are Rustv Ford, for G-As; Miner Simund-son. Commercials, and Alex Bill, Esquires. bury, England. They are coached by 'Niggy" Rabin, well-known In district cage ranks here, who has been Instrumental in their becoming one of the best-rated paraplegic teams on the continent. Tom Sommervllle, their captain, said the trip Is a dream all the boys hope will come true, but the Wonders have first to raise $5,000 to pay the expenses of the trip. Don't Forget The Preliminaries STAHT lll ltll . , .llllf . ....... I -... I mm WO. Mr.i t far- i Baseball Scoies PCL Oakland 9, Hollywood 10; Noted for its sturgeon, the Seattle 6, Ban Diego 0; Los An- I Nottaway river flowa 200 miles geles 5, San Francisco 3; Port- into the southeast end of James land at Sacramento, postponed. ' Eay. I .... I '" ....iTa CIVIC CENTRE PHONE 231 for RESERVATIONS To earn the W . ....ffiili1' " . niUM run GREER & BRIDDEN LIMITED Builders and Contractors FOUNDATIONS ASPHALT ROOFING CONCRETE WORK INTERIOR and EXTERIOR RENOVATION Phone 909 Prince Rupert, B.C. P O. Box 721 Ilri NO II-; M;ike your money ..riler r t lieques .iable lo tlic MUNXt RirmtT DA'I Y NUVS. Ails WW 5 p.m. day prior to publication. If replies are to be mailed, please add 10c postage. Yon reach over 12,000 readers wilhyour Isilly News Want Ad. '-'"J