C , " "--'' -"" ti ied Church Extension 1 It's Maple Syrup Timt Prince Rupert Daily Mw, Wednesday, April 8, law JNears Halfway Markj Smithers Pledges $1000 To Hospital Ktial Uj Th Dally Npw r." . -1 ,., f li', yew the $000,000 objective. Metropolitan I'",'.,,, i, o! Canada Toronto, too, has shown vitality Cuiiuln ha having reported one-half of lu .Yt.-u! of SllM.OOu rouI of $500 000 already raised ' ,i i Jm.m goal Winnipeg lias rained $i5 00'i and pent I Vancouver SIM.000 .-.r , 3,.',., .inrcd Uxiay by I ."jr. Macdonuld aid Canada' Home Economist To Show Women How To Cook Fish Housew-ive in Prince Rupert ' Wednesday-St. Andrew's Wo-next week will get some proles- men's Auxiliary, Order of the sional personal instruction in Royal Purple Ladies, and the many different ways of cooking St. Peter's WA fish for table consumption. , Thursday-Conrad 3choo,'P Arriving here to begin a series TA. centennial Rebekah Lodge; of lectures and demonstration Soroptimists. Ho pital W A., S- " CWeZ nPXt Mnday Pau! s LadiM AirJ. and the Regu-Miss Mary w B. Allman. home econ- lar Baptist W A. yu, ,i(,::.ii(i, i """" , increnuea population and the i i oii'iiiitn-e on : marked expansion of industry ' ii tin' uimea j have resulted in the creation of i ;iHlM'"l tK si Friday Borden Street Snhool P-TA, Sor.ja Ladies Aid and the LOBA. I v , -,. : ' J .. - '!. scores or new housirm dutrii i. and suburban communities. He said Canada ha literally scores of unchurched or inadequately churched urea distributed throughout the major urban centre across the nation. Surveys have revealed that the United Church mut assist In the building of, at least, 200 churches In these new communi ties and provide about 75 manses Purftfifc (if ruiilnu U, o rjui Utuft by limn Df.ilm. TMt titling hi f stun t Every once in a w hile we all love a ricli, luscious-looking dessert particularly when having guctis in for lunch, afternoon lea or dinner. 1 his cake is especially nice, too, because it s made with maple syrup. MAPLE CAKE 000 Is Ui help the people in these j 'new areas build .churches and i Vx cup shortening Vj cup sugar . Vi cup maple sugar 1 teaspoon vamlla 2 eggs, beaten . n - f S r hMi-iim -iitm .,- in wiaaafirii iiifiniia i m provide Sunday Schools for their j families. j Moic than 75 PtcsliyUiies of the United Church of Canada : have acrepted objectives In the Church extension campaign, u is anticipated another 25 presby-; tcrle will participate in tlie! drive. Dr. Mardonald cunlend.i that never at any lime In our Can- I 'adlan hlnUiry has the United Church or Its parent bodies fac- ; I ed a greater challenge and op- purtunlty to extend the Kint;dm fillirrili-inn it'll -1 KMi liitK,-). village vuiiiuiiMsiuiiei s p i e u guu $1,000 toward construction of a 20-bed addition to Bulklcy Valley District Hospital at its regular meeting Monday. The campaign for $15,000 the communllv'g part of the estimated $80,000 cost sponsored by the Canadian Legion, gets under way May 1. The addition will be called the Memorial wing In memory of Smithers and district war dead. Thermometers registering the progress of the campaign will 1 elected and by-law aulliuiil authorizing their location at two places on Main Street will bo soucht by commissioners. Non-payment of charges for ambulance service by the majority of users was discussed. The rate of $5 in Smithers and 40 cents additional per minute. running mile out of the village was considered reasonable. However, a cheek will be made on rates charged elsewhere. The ambulance purchase was sponsored by Smithers Rotary Club and it was turned over to the village for use In November. 1S52. The volunteer fire brigade assumed responsibility for maintenance ?nd operation. Fire Chief Harry Haywood, present at the meeting, emphasized that services of the fir.-men were free and that trips out of town frequently took considerable time. They are also rubject to rail any hour of the day or night, he added. Eight Theatre Groups Named For Festival TORONTO CP- r-igni uieatrei .totipx from six provinces have! x-e;i named to compete In the i Dominion Drama Festlval for i 1.000 av.ard and several tro- i pines. The festival will be held ! May 4-9 at Victoria j 'fl cup i hopped walnuts Cream together shortening and sugar very thoroughly. Add maple syrup, a little at a time, and the wnilla. Cream well again. Add beaten eggs and mix thoroughly. Soil flour, salt and baking powder and add alternately with milk to creamed mixture. Stir in chopped nuts. Pour into two H" layer pans lined with waxed paper and bake in a moderate oven 075'F.) for 21-W minutes. Cool lor 5 minutes before removing from pans. Mace on take rack and frost. of Ood and reach (treat masses uutiti. x-acuic aiea, oi uie aeparx-ment of fisheries During her five-day stay here, Miss Allman will demoartrate various tested recipes In fish cookiog to five different city organizations at ine home economics department of Booth Memorial High School. The general public Is welcome j aiit-uu aii uie uemonsLrauons. j iiiei e ia no coaI. The home economics section of I the Fisheries Department which u sponsoring Miss Allman's visit. w a relatively new development of 2'i years. It was designed to iticrea;e the consumption of fish in Canada. The section is headed in Ottawa where testing of recipes and preparation of material is done. Six home economists are working in the field to bring the information prepared in the test kitchen to the public. The cookery demonstration in Prince Rupert will Include preparation of fresh, frozen and canned fish purchased locally. The recipes prepared will be distributed and other recipe books made available. The demonstrations will begin at 8 p.m. Following is the schedule of organizations which will attend: Monday Booth Memorial Parent-Teacher A.ssociatkm. Tuesday King Edward P-TA. k iinO 1 MAPLE 1 cup maple syrup 2 egg whites In new frontiers than is now 'presented through the Church Cook manic syrup in a saucepan until it forms a firm (not hard) ball in cold water. Now beat your egg whiles with a pinch of salt until stiff but not dry. Add syrup in a fine stream, beating all the time. X hen frosting begins to "stand" up well, add vanilla extract and froit cold cake. Extension Campaign. i "It Is a strong missionary and , evangelistic effort that touches j tens of thousands of lives and Is bound to strengthen thoe forres in our Canadian life that make for good citizenship and true ' patriotism," Dr. Macdonald said. UK OKI) Ol'TrTT 1 REOINA P)- Production of SnsUtchewan crude oil in 1952 was about S5 percent greater than l: 1951. reaching a record ou'.put of 1.694.000 barrels. Mrs. Alex Brebner Elected President of CWL Here Mrs. Alex Brebner was elected president of the Catholic Women's League here at last night's annual general meeting. uiuer oincrrs elected elected were were Mrs. Howard Roos, Mrs. G. R. Brett a:id Mrs. George Flem- a'm1"?. "rst, second and third rucnarci MacUonaid executive! A corsage was presented to i M"-retary-!na; .rer oi the festi-iMrc Brett, retiring president. val, announced the following Th;- le icue reviewed a highly ' vio-pi ana me piay they whl successful year of activity, re-pre.s-.-nl, be?n rho-rf-n by the ex- porting on such event? as the e-utsve and iU adjudicator, John .nnual fall baz var in October A.ien of Londoa: whir-h netted proceeds rf British ( olumbia: Tiie Piay- SI 87241: a ru:iiiiiage sale which ., 's . -v. . - -Jc - ;j rOR 5 YEARS, thousands of French-speaking Canadians have turned dally to the columns in Canada's ,largest t r t n c h-language new spaper wrllU'n by a frail spinster of 77 known to her readers as Colette. Her real name is Edouardlna Usage. Bho write a column on marriage, family life, etiquette and fashion for Montreal La Pres.se. Ray Manton Began Studies At Age of 14 Raymond Manton of west toast music, fame, who sings jhcre umight In the last of this season's Alaska Music i Trail concerts. Is backed up by jan audience enthusiasm seldom 1 seen for an artist who appeared in public limelight only three years ago, The Ncv York-oori. tenor. who began his musural study at the age of 14. made his debut tn San Francisco In June. 1951. Previously, he was soloist in New York city churches and for radio concert broadcasts. 11 k '.career was Interrupted by four years of army service. Manton rontinnert hi. tla,ni .r.,i ih n.. scholarship C'f t,he. Loring Club, famous Ran Francisco mnl" ihorus. After his debut, critics hilled him as th most brilliant new vornl talent in many year; P re s how two nrcss reports rotrru rt-, in 'part, on Man-ton s (Jehut recital: . He h is a bit; voice, and (lie tnU tinTs with the true vt!''rn tenor Ci.ijiity In every n. of It-? ronte. He has a Rood r vn- ol muntcal rtyle. and he '"f senrt by Scrtum;'nn and I A iwn- wi'ri as muc h assur-rnre rs tis'e" 'P. ivmnnd Manton . . is a i' no". loeks !P e a tenor, nnd, 'i.t'' more, h" Is a tnor of "f" rx"C"t i' nal yount talent. ' i'Pv snd promise Hv nature, v e,(r v ; v i e is virile, hi'Jh pi h-i-hV . . . Tal:ln nil nual-p,., j- rther. includint a ke-n "h C I r rllmix. yo'i can i '''. h" ave his audience en-ioymi nt " T'he !,ln;-er and his aeenm--n:ii-' t)o.ia!l Jones, arrived hue O" th" '.--ii.ee Geonte today Their erforriiatire gels " , -t h" Civic Centre itifii'orlum at 8 30 p.m. Red Cross Worker Misses Life in Korea (Alt ViiKinm Cook, ' of i'r v I. i .livid' in I? mI o -l ive 111 Kon:a. . ;y ; : Iv s i:l:i'l l he h'mi" but w 'li ir.i s the hie." Miss Co-'k :.ovvc'l :v ve:'r in , -.ii.uiot' d . m-l in .lapuii. .She is In the welfuro lM:im!i fiul h'M iii iin lob I" o--: cupiiti. tial Ih-rnry. l.-t'er v-'-l'-i rt-tl I'.ntrd'y ih'rrn"; th? ' t:oofs. I Army oflirinl-, until Prptevi-b"r. !:i"'l. wni'l'l not :tilov voinrn rear I he Korean front line. Ilowev.-r, once v? cot Illcre they were Uul to see us." she. .:-iy.s. "It was rlcvant for th-'id ; to lvr'0 Trunk' compnnlohr. ;n l.i!k M U made them f 'tl 1. ", lonelv." Vi-i"li found Mi" Tiiii'vv provided crlm livira but. she stuck it out .since she was over there to do rt Job. "Tf we roni'.l trip someone It made tts fell cor-rl. Tlre w-r- it lines wli -n we felt vrrv iniulc-o'l.ile. but ir.u.'.tly I lie? wo: k v"-. i sMisfyliiR." i Virninia served over-ens with tht Red Cross d-.:rt i'T the fl'-ov '. ,Wi)ild War nnd 'vis n mh-r 'of a rntlonnl tc".m '.vhl h toti-ei : Cnn.nH to sot tip blood tran- fu-' sion depots. I1, cups 4-way vitamin enriched flour Vi teaspoon salt 2'i teaspoons baking powder '4 mp milk ICING Pinch of salt Vi teaspoon vanilla extract I IDr n I udv- rresiaeni Mentioned For NFB Post OTTAWA CP Several persons are being mentioned here as! prospects for the Job of corrmis-sioner of the National Film Board, soon to becom? vacant The post, paylr.tr about ? 15.003, a year, now is held by w. Arthur Irwin, former editor of Maclean's Magazine. He is gu to Aits- i tmlia early thu summer as Can- 1 dinn high rommissner. 1 A cabinet off.rl.al said c'm-i" s the week-end that iv.ary p'r.-tins: are bei;ig considereri b;it that no choice has yet beer. n:?d T"c ' NFB, federal picture ptrency.T.as , budnet of pround S3.000.rpo for j the current fiscal year. i ' Among those mcittirned in spcrulation hre nr; tw: n-tv.?r- . sity presidents Dr. A. W. Tr.ic- i man, of the Univenity of New! Brunswick and Dr. Norman Mac-Kenzie of tin; diversity of British Columbia. A former secretary to the film board. Dun Wallace of Ottawa, nl so is said to be among passible choices. Two prominent Canadian v.-rilcrs have hr-n iv- i ."-rl. Th-y n'e Ralnh Ai'er-. v a : rrrtled Mr Irwin as e-l tor of Maclean's, and Rob-it 'l'-;m. : well-known newspaper man formerly with the Vancouver Province. Koine coveriiii'.cnt officials soy the cabinet probably will eive sliii'.y to the IH'a cf rtrolnt'ne a French-Canadian chief for the film board, which has never h;i-n headed by a French-speak-i ing commissioner. OPTOMETRIST Fred L Dcwdie K.min 10. Ktu'i" Ui:iltlin! Phone Blue St)3 walkltiK Koal lias ,t iive-yi-ur ovrra" i 'jrih ext'-ioion and t.J f xpanslon Minions ' will oe n SX),000 will annual allot-', - fru.-n "if Missionary and fuivJ and Home 'a vi..td Church re- lead the ' , j ,., . ui . raQers II I... I imII Cli.uil- , 10-11 'SO' i uii.i!. Civ'c AjHii 'J. 2 :j . it in playing i.iri-ial Hotel 078 a3 .v ml' tested lie (or player is April; ISnx 68 ! 1 34 1 r.n Howling ,U he hfld in ,; -r.i 10 at 7 30 lye- ;!:. , tiled for !:ng ' "841 I fi.-iictmen and i :ii c r s Th" ittii.j referen-f uCi.-i-rj com-A;):si 10. 7 30 n '.j.k in Le-V'-u must have ; () If avail-.' jiu of Identl-'84' v ' . A V v v ' if v'. I t "nal New Dessert t illed Willi Creamy )l is WClN. ! ''.:-; v. ju.st THIS meringue 1 d (it'lH'MlUS Ai1 surprise 'i.ing en le r a i ! . .(ta' ptiik ur - as the or- " M'ir fit thu S ir l, j.lt ,,M. Lll th.- hu,-. !! lie d, l.nhteil fc .i.i M' rt I ?o ', y M-t '-'"ide to ev are 'n I., r the " ' riniip. 'i'n lv tctimrt '!' -rt H,h ' r .T 'l will I..- .II I, .V wrl ' f.H'iritc. I'KTS r "mr I ll r" "nillj I'lVTS h HI I INfi r " rnuhnl f""t tHv Ik 1 '"nliNl ""M h,n,.. 1 .f Hfc ' "ram 'NATE ni.l.lMi v oinr F" -l nr enlorinj h'Bpln rrrsm L - "ormt Ik? THF. Kt.tllTV If '"niaxi ke 3 liberal . nut 1 ...... -.a run i'.t Vf u t i .; a,i's of com J.1 : ?" "! bring to over the sauec- f 14 .Vrr this I h. Jn,ln,!te- After iron, ;;:c remove i iii'ii U.TJI J1 ti tiie ' but "ul Keep rice j. t k ""nB lne .'""Uiiitely "Hem ""e and econ : tr ...... ,. TENOR Dclcctalilc Meringue Peppermint Kice. Alaska Music Trai! CIVIC CENTRE - 8.30 p.m.- TH groet advantui story of our time, if Hourt to l'ari, by Charles A. Linrfborh starts in this week's Saturday F.veninj Post. Don't mia it! Get your copy today! SPECIALS 1!H8 Oodsre Custom Sedan Heater, defraster and radio Licensed $1375 1KQ Prefect Sedan As is . . . licensed. A Good Buy at .... 5,95 15..1 Austin A-IO Sedan Low mileage. A very rood buy at $1175 133S Plymouth Sedan Will provide thousands of miles of Rood iruniportation $A95 SUPERIOR AUTO SERV'CE LTD. Third Avenue West Fhune Grc-fn 217 Ion fl r- .in all other .-..miu ui l.irn.ittiin ' strong anj , BKANDS C0MCI.'E0 " vire-prcsio'-nts. respectively, Mrs Norah ;nd. secretary, and Mrs. G P. i;.Tr!s. treasurer. netted $2O0. 13 card parties. nttting $231 75. Tori 1 1 funcieins Included sev-ial tes and a datherina in honor cf Father Turecon. firs', priest to be crdaii'.rd In th? city. Aw nr rV Kvrse-v-nt for h.' Ttir wrre in-! jrlort the foilowim '-r. iiinns Ch-irch library. $25: kitchen utensils to church hull; a r -nrriinn National Institute for 'he filind. S!5: -skiHo fund. t: fVo-l relief fonr!. S10: Annur--ittl-n S-h"Cl Christmas fund, "u- Mi'ler Bay Christmis fund, vi"., parrel to Korea. $10. Father P. tvner. who - Ueidi lie niertip.c. thanked the out-scins officers for their hard v.vrk in the past year. This Week- Ladies Auxiliary of ihe Sea I'aib-ts. ..in r e I i 11 tr, ..Offi'efN' Ward Itoom, Chatham. Friday. April 10. at 8 p.m. Mothers urged In attend. Social for "Over 7ft Club' members. Civic Centre, Thursday, S Co 5 p.m. Canadian I.cpitin W.A. monthly merlin? Thursday, April r. 8 pm. Coronation Celebration committee nirrtin in rinineil chamber at city had. 7 p.m. tmtisht. Alaska Muic Trail ciiueert. "vtc Centre, 8:10 p m tonicht. Put a SPRING ;h your step ? S'inqs . . Ju.'t th' shoe to set. you tlvse Fprinj Day Colours: a ad Red. Aj t'luo Alumni of the Umver- )-.y of Brittih Columbia. -Voi-p ii.e'' by jennson. .llbei la: E.imonton studio The. atrc. "O.hc.lo ' by Siiakcspeare. S.lkatclllvan: Reglna Little Theatre. 'B.iniinj Bright" by J'.'iin Steinbeck. tVcsi.-m OriUrio: London Little Theatre. "Dark of the Moon' by Kichardson and Beniey. ( enlral Ontario: University of T.ironto Alumnae Dramatic Club, fa.iiiw Reunwu" by T. S Eiiol. Eastern Ontiviio: Saturday Pia..i:s of U:e Ottawa Little Theatre, "The M.idwoman of Chail-lol" by Girauiloux. Western tjuebec: Le Jrune Scene. Aloiitrcal: ".'.one" by Dube. New IliutiNwirk; Les Etudiants v'e 1'Univer II:' Saint Joseph. "Le I'mi: T.ilc-i (i. nU. I. online" by Mo:- ' re Mr. Al'i'i'., a sript writer with ' ' I'.:' nlvi fliice January has toured Canada adjudicating ."l iii.i-.i-i-tn plays put on by vi -:i; rompetin, In the regional festivals ciiusr p?r,'o: mane's of I he ehht pr'.ups a.s the best In 1,1c eoiin'ry's 13 drama districts. "This festival sheivs the tre-menriot s Job Cannthi is doini; in theatre work. For a small Rioup to put on a p!ay Ukc Shake-sh arc's OiheUa and do it so well is an outstanding achievement " Mr. Mar Donald said the annual, prise ol S100 for tlie author of! the bet play written by a Canadian will o to Marcel Dube of Montreal fur "Zone." It Is the only p'.ay written by a Canadian that will be done in the Dominion finals. Ciovcrno'-GiHieral Massey will irerrt the winning awards at a luncheon M.iy 10. FXP.WIH.- Z( WINNIPEG CF Imnrovt'inen' nr,d expansion of the Asslniboine Park tro is ljwly BRtherinj mo-u;':itar:i a'd Ihe annual report-of park; miperlnteiidrnt T. R. 1! u'lst.n. At n-es?n the oo has1 Ii3 nnimn's of 25 different specie-;, nnd lnl birds, avid mere are brin-; sought. At. EVAPORATED Ml L1C "KBIASIO-KCX omy of time and effort, cook twice as muih nee. water and Kill keeping tlie 3 extra cups of lft-oer. leatly-cooked rice in the refrigerator in eoven-d container. Use it ns needml for iioirk. delicious and Inexpensive soups. Milads. caw.crole dishes. htl tiivart iind cleisertSj MKTl.'t)!): Draw a circle inches in (tiarneter on tirown wrapping p;.ter. PI.'hc pnjer on ecmlwe shis-t. r, sjo mKle n nnikie Hite-t with fl'MH' and rclracc Ihe tin le in the flour. TO MAKE THE MKIUNIH'K". I'.i.'t e;:K whites until lo.imy. Add ' of the stijMr, the Siilt, en ;im of l.irtar and aiulla, C'entmue IwiiliDK and Ki.idually add ttie rest of the Moj.tr. Heat until the i Kit whites see smooth, shiny citiil hold their shape. Spoon the nicrmjjuc iiremnrl the in-ide eoue of the circle drawn on the paper. huilduiK up a feme rihont 3 inches Inch. ISake in a i'atl K. oven for 1W hours. The mermcuc shmiltl l)e dried out rather than baked. TO MAKK THK PINK 'RICK Kll.l.INt : Crush the candy easily by folding n clean dish towel over the candy and pounding Willi some unbreakable object, until the candy Is crushed. Heat the candy in the milk, over a low heat, until the candy dissolves. Add the rice and mix thoroughly. Cover and chill the rice mixture. A short while before serving, whip the cream. Void the rite into the -whipped crcntn. To serve, place the meringue ring en a serving pliile and till the center with the rice mixture. Sprinkle the chocolate shavings over Hie top of the rice. This recipe makes 10 servings. TO MAKE THE GK K.K.N FILLING: Add the sugar to the hot , cooked rice and mix thoroughly. The rice must he hut in order to dissolve the sugar. Add the milk and mix thoroughly. Add the green fix id coloring until the desired shade of green is reached. Cover and chill the rice mixture. A short while before serving, add some food coloring to the cream and whip. As the cream Is whipped, add additional coloring to tint the cream to match the rice mixture. Add peppermint flavoring to rice mixture and fold rice into the whipped cream, H.lding more flavoring until the desired fl x-or Is obtained. Serve in the meringue ring and. top with the chocolate shavings. This recipe makes 1Q servings. Get (arnation Pluck More Cin.uli.in Kihics r. br.i mils LOinhiiud 11,1. - contented. 5f Rcpt.. j Trim Pumps 5;X neautifnlly styled to give your spring l-uttit the blK lift. LINDSAY'S Tor your b.ibv, if he n biril- (,. I . G-' " PROVIDES EXTRA VITAMIN D It is essential to health that bal.k-s .i.ildr c "tK-"HflH0. CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Kslhoiished I 1 0 .0VIN- . . . PACKING . . . CRATING m:i;Ti;;c. . . . foum.iuin; . . . siokack Ksp-'lenced handling Lotcl Nutlon-wide and Woiid-v.ido Shlpmenti MOVE WITH F.ASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY"' Agents Allied Van Lines ltd. riioiK ff ar 8 Cor. lt,A and Pi.rk Our stn.- k- are increashig every day. as new summer casual? pjle in . . . be sure to drop in to see these wt-nderful styles. Fashion Footwear vintK