. Trlncc rtupcrt Daily Ncwj Wediit'sday, April 8, 1U53 I! S'l Russia's Turn' in Case of Doctors JSCRfcfcN In,.; , V frf- Raises Suspicion in Stalin's Death FLASHES v., lite C7.ar Lavrrnty P. Berla. burst into The ' doctors' plot" fcM.S TODAY "KOCU'lrs Mtlttlr 7: - B p m I'F.TLR LAWFOIM) - RiniA1b , ,,( ftOlgPASSIONS! RoUTruRYi A Th only alrl in that lawless, v love stjiweo ildeinesi...ind .' V -. r ...THE LAST MAN . ' VJ r' I AllVI GETS HERI ' james jTijiX wmi A mi Not in some time lias Hollywood re. eased a motion picture V"' , J ' - f v ' Ml:. J violent pi ess denunciation of the arrested doctors, they disappeared from the press at the time of Stalin's death. Now they are proclaimed innocent. In attempting to find explanations for such a giddy zigzag which, incidentally, must leave the Russian public sorely puiiled it is necessary to po back over old ground. Having done this, one comes up with the startling suspicion of intrigue in the Kremlin involving the cold, calculating Malenkov. Stalin's successor, and his ruthless, cold-blooded sidekick, po IU WILLIAM 1.. It VAN As.soci;Ut'c! Fr s.s Ni us An.tlysl Tl-.f f.nitasiir Soviet gtxuU-lace in the case of the tkH-tors' plot luisrs a soriovis question whether Stulm died a natural death. By fitting pieces of the Kremlin jigsaw pu.zle together, it is possible to discern what appears 10 h.ive been a rrefu! iayins of thp groundwork for announcing the death of Stalin. j hero is a madness in this new development that defies all loKic. After six weeks of the most so crammed with suspense, action j unci gripouu chat aeu'iTat 1011.1 I as that offered In MUM's unusual drama, "Thc Naked Spur," open-1 ng tomorrow ut the Capitol Tiie-! atre Aside liom a group of Indians who appear In a U-n.e sequence in which the enraged Uluckkel attack the story's chief protag print with great fury in mid- Januarv. LOST CONTROL Clearly detectable at this time was a hint that Stalin already had lost his control of the Rov-ernment and had become nothing more than a symbol and figurehead. The spy plot, with its overtones of violent anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, was strong and dangerous medicine for the Kremlin to play with, and must have been dictated by the most urgent of onists, "The Naed Spur" has only five characters, enacted by 1 James Stewart, Janet Leigh, 'Hubert Rvan. Kaiph Meeker and a . . -s ,J, -.4'.. J)r . A ' I Millard Mitchell. ' Stewart Is seen as Howard limits Kemp, a man who trails a kllier, Ben Vandergroat iKouerl RyatH, CCF Delegates Express Fear Of SqcivcIs in Federal Vote Then, curiously, the Soviet press departed from custom Februarv 14. with the death of lev 7. MekhUs. a Jew and an' old Bolshevik who once had , headed the ministry of state I control where he answered to ROilKRT RYAN, playing a man vu-.ted for murder and hiding 011! in the mountainous country of thc West, prevents Janet ' across the cuuuuj, Iiun. Kui'.-wi to a mountainous region In the West in the hope of collecting national Beria. i TOHONTO CF Some dele- p-rt from the party's 1 uw-v r.-a :?,vji 1:3 thtr $15,000 reward for thc fu. pates and .M aw'rs to the On- executive outlining the 10 major In reportinn on his death, the j tive dead or alive. Janet Leigh 1 Una I'alcn. the homeless laiio CCF convention expressed campaign planks which the CCF published a long ana oe- 1 fear that the Social Credit party will empliaize in the next iea- fll l I V. r - ' ' ill j ill voini't girl who has taken up will become a notent political era! election. The program un derscored provincial leader E. B. force in the rext federal tailed communique on now me : death occurred, what doctors! were in attendance, and the . stcp-by-step treatment. This was something new. But ,it was nuieated. in much more detail, Leigh from crying out in a tense scene from "The Naked Spur," M-O-M's excitement-packed Technicolor adventure drama starting Thursday at the Totem Theatre. Also starred are James Stewart and Ralph Meeker, as two men who Join up in an attempt tc capture the killer. ', AFL CIO Union Chiefs Open Merger Talks in Washington WASHINGTON AP The AFL union" structure of the CIO, rs-and CIO are Retting ready for tablishing "rational machinery" '1.2 !r u, - 1 ..' m - 1 1 t ; ' t V r -t - -' -.. . , . - , .la".' Jollilfe's contention that the time has come for the CCF to shift its main empha.sU away on. l e with Ben Ralph Meeker is Roy "Anderson, di.'.lionorably .dls-.H,,r,il ir.iai the US Cavjliv ami ready fur any adventure that will bring him gain. And Millard Mitchell Is the old prospector. Jee Tale, wlio.-e share of the id here dur-reived a re- The co-iv in a V,i? Stalin s illness ana acam announced three weeks from purely welfare legislation when to "a mastery of the whole econ- were IBS9!39tBISSIIIII Coats Sp reward money looked big until he learned too late what It cost him. omy" and international problems. Of the 10 major campaign planks only one concerned new welfare legislation a demand later. It was as if tne MCKnus case was a trial run for what j was to come later. FLOTTKO PL'ATII If Malenkov. with the aid of, For Girls Evening S'nor, STARTS TOMORROW TOTEM . I tMIH S I'l AH(S HIKAIKfc for tor national national health heaun insurance m.ura.ue. llt.;llany plotted the death One other asked extension of the 1a'1,n'or leasti U they 7: 9: - p m, . Mofinec 2: Sar WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE A backstage drama with mu-lc about the show people who help make Hollywood and Broadway the crossroads of the world's cli-tertainment business, Warner Bros.- "Slie's Back on Broadway" and liisher rates for old-ac 4 plotted to hasten the bovie. : dictator's death the arrested doctors would have constituted o innriv snfemiard for them. If pensions and family allowance: for resolving Jurisdictional disputes or squabbles between unions over work rihUs, eliminating racial and religious oiseiimlna-tion wherever it exists In unions, and expelling union racketeers as well as union Communists. Thc CIO's "conditions" irked thc AFL. With mote than B.WM).-000 members compared with about 4.0O0.000 in the CIO. the AFL feels In a superior position and doesn't welcome having the CIO call the tune another try at negotiating a merger, but leaders of both groups feel the odds are against success. Several prior efforts to combine the two big labor federations have collapsed in the face of bitter rivalries and conflicting views, and most of these differences remain unresolved. But a team ot top American Federation of Labor officials, headed by president George Meany, got together here Tuesday The program also included a ROHALl RK.UlAN - tiltUMM m in "TROPIC ZONE"co!oi TOIV 7 9:05 demand for an end to discrim- M)mPlhinR werc to eo wrong, if inatiun in freight rates; 100.000 n,thin accidentally were if the plans went new homes a year ana iow-reiiuu duKrovcmrl V 1.. 't. i m i begins Its local engagement at tne Totem Theatre tomorrow.; The 111 w .screenplay presents a , big cast including Virginia Mayo. Gene Nelson, Frank Love)oy. Sttve Coemini and Patrice Wy-rnore in the important roles in the Mm. Virginia, whose ; ; i n ni.ivie curi er keep fckyroc- . k t". ", with perhaps the greatest variety of part a- iord' cl a Holly- . wood star, plays a film celebrity seeking a renewed career 011 Broadway One of the production lil:;h-'ii;hts ol the picture is "Voodoo housing; uanaaian leauersmp for peace to eliminate hunger, and poverty on which communism thrives; support of collect-. ie security and the United Nations; parity prices for primary producers: marketing agencies ft r (arm and fish products; expansion of overseas markets and reduced taxes for low incomes; higher taxes on corporations and awry in any way, the aociors would hae been ready as the scapegoats. The doctors already had been given a tremendous build-up as the foulest criminals of all time. They hid. according to the flat assertions of the entire party press, caused the death of Andrei Zhdanov, Malenkov's onetime rival for Dower. In 194H. Van Fieet Offered New Post 1 M 1 JFVJ V U.- " "?. - , ; . ' . - V t with top officials of thc Congress of Industrial Organizations, led by president Walter Reuther. It Js the first time the unity talks have beqn steered by the new labor chiefs. Meuny and : Reuther have held their top Jobs in the taoor groups only a lew , months. They weif elected presidents last fall on the deaths of AFL president William Green and CIO chief Philip Murray. New unity talks were the first 1 excels profits. I and the deaths of others. II The fear of Social Credit in somPthing had gone wrong wita he next federal election was thc way Stalin died, it would voiced in a resolution sayin? have been a simole matter to Cmt Social Credit "will seek to blame them for that, too. capitalize on a false religious ap-' Maienkov. according to th-; ;ieal and ... a ureai, many voters ,,,os. rc-l' able reports from in- ( C. i:p-o." a lavish production number Mr. In the New Oilcans French Quarter at Mardl Gnu t.me and featuring twenty boy and girl teams dancing to tl' torrid rhythms in clouds of swirling confetti and niu.ll-coloteU baiioons could be influenced by the bro 4 mmm A side Russia, shed no tears over the death of Stalin, his mentor nd master for a quarter of a century. Neither did Beria. Ail of mis adds up to grave urpi"ion. ?v rlr.irirv th" doctors Saturday in so fantastic a manner, the Kremlin now (rives weighty .support to the charge that trip tiood-purge accusations were trumped up. therhood of man ideal imp.icil in : the philosophy of the CCF move-; merit." ' These statements were deleted 'oy a convention vote but the ; party did declare that durin? : the coming election thc Ontario section of the CCF will emphas-i e more strongly than in the na-t thi moral and et'niial bails of the CCF. ! WASHINGTON ' Al' liecp in' controversy ov r lib ci.timsof ammunition shortages in Koua.' Gen, James A. Van Fliet has had an offer of a Job that could n:ve mm po'enl iiiiiuii':e on national dele:,ce. It was an invttat on to serve as staff military advi.-:i-r to the Senate appsepi lation. .-onimtt-. tee, whicn will have a big say 'about how many biii.ous ol dollars Conr-r will vote f ir (ie-leru c in i.ie muni hi ahead. Chairman Bridges ilt-Niii of tiie pur.n'.striiii; ci.maultee .aid he" and Seraior ri'ieun R-Mi.:h., ciniirm ,11 of the defence funds subco..i;i-'' '. li.viti-J Van Fieet to taxe t- ni.l.taiy ad-vi.vir post. "The genera, iu:d us he uUi take it under eoni, deration. Ferguson said, adding it m:iv be several days before Van Fleet decides. The former B h At my commander retired Tuesday after nearlv 3B ye:-rs of Army service. He is 61 1 w 1 1 .e H proposal made by Meany after taking the ..FL's helm. Both Meany and Reuther. far younger men than the late j 0 recti and Murray, have pledged i to give the unity idea a fre;.!i i try. Both say they favor merger 'and wont let personal ambition stand In the uy 01 achieving It The union leaders ..v the purpose of a merger Is to build labor power and prestige in American : affairs. They feel a combined union movement would be stronger, and wield more influence, than a divided one. Some .unionists dispute this, contending competition keeps both on i their toes. j Almost ever since the CIO was established In laa5 In a splinter-: tug away of unions from the ! AFL there have been efforts to j get the CIO back Into the AFL. j Reuther, however, lias Insisted on maintaining the "industriil 1 I ImAiill A M RA - i ' I'M V ITtPf.U ill. v n n n uiic STARTS TOMOt CAPITQ .ft ,, ' N . 1 . .ls , CArt rno.N . M.ws (.I.AMOrit IN TK.NMS" Shows 7-9:09 1 1 Add zest to food ... have a Coke with meals Scientists Seek New Cancer j Killing Drug Br ALTON L. Bl.AKKSI.Ki: NfcW YOKK iAF-SiiuUists are necking new kind of "gciscr' counters" to discover tie can-j cer-kiiiing drugs. I Already there are me drugs which do some good, against, aome cancers But other One. , undoubtedly far better ones, lie hidden somewhere among thei thousands of possible combinations of various chemirab The problem Li to find, ac-. cmateiv and faiilv easily, any which pusses activity against am er growths. Such screening and testing is a r-adv being done lt w:iie result. But rx tter methods of seieenliv; are wanted. 1 1 he need is something like this: If you have a great row of oatterlev ho d you Veil which dries sliSI can' n electric, charge? A voltmeter tells you. The cancer scientists would like a voltmeter to tell whtrh of thousand of chemical carry a ; charge against cancer. Or in unoUier ai.u.ogy, some-' thing that work like a gel r counter to tell what chemicals , are hot or radlo-ai tlve. If you can pick out the chemicals which do have -some activity i atain.st cancer, you can then concentrate upon them. This search. Just started by 1 the American Cancer Society, Is one of the newest tilings in I chemi.al warfare against can-! cer. Elks' WELCOME KAMLOOPS DANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 10th 5,. , r ..... 1 ' t . ,- C001-O0U in a distinctive rii,al ii"i' U-Vfrac. More nntl more nl uur-nit."? with I'1. are m-rving Coke Next time you're eat inn out bay, "I'll have a Coke." Everything Free! Admission $5.00 r. k PHONE WITH A MODERN ELECTRIC RANGE ! PROMPT SERVICE HEATED CARS STAND: HKI.GFKSON liMM'K, SIXTH 8TRKKT You'll be proud of the cooking results yon can achieve with a new, electric range. You'll be proud, too, of the smart new look that a modern electric range will give to your kitchen. T .'.Jr.. The NlijLslqult river in New nrunr.wick, flowing 100 miles tJ C'haer Phv, Is celebrated for i.re.e Salmon. 1113 I 'SpSSr-- jf ll!S PHONE 266 ! DISPLAY All n n x si r O0KUTS CATALOGS 1 jOl-l-T-V ENJOY "ABSENTEE COOKING" Clockwork control. w,U cook you( meals automatically while you go out on 1 pleasant outing. ENJOY THE SPEED OF ELECTRIC COOKING push a button. a dial and the quick heat itaru a meal cooking right away. You'll aUo enjoy the economy and deanlinesa ot cooking electrically the modern way. panoKtrf A . , Prince Rupert to AuU.u.Ul bool- J C.-C1. WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! DIBB PRINTING COMPANY KETCHIKAN wirh connections to WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE SPEED - COMFORT - SAFETY Bee Tour Local Travel Aneiit NORTH STAR BOTTLING -r I - i HI 1 .i..n.-ri. " I ITiliire I'lione m In 11 rnglfitcrfd trude-mBrk. "Coke" i