I 11I1C8 iNupi-rt UfCiiy IMe'Wa Wfcant-ouay, April 8. id3 FID Ai Today's Stocks (rUruy n, i. J..iiH-M i. via ) t 'aiII " 'WMiJiine yr-Tr -,. ,. i ilia ! iniiiii imm . Injured Jockey Now Employed At Race Track BOWIE, Md. (API It was eight year ago that jockey George PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER pWDlJNf FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTTHINO 4 30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS nnr?r?roi ' . t ft.-, . V ' k 4 , V . hit V v r j: L 51"" . b .. . I. j ' , ' i"" 4 . t i ; , i- V. 4 - . 'f M 'I. 4. ' A COMPRESSOR STATOR, with its thousands of delicately machined blades. Is checked at a Toronto jet-engine clinic by Inspector Albert Stansfield (top photo I. The engines, which power the pecdy Sabre jets, are a complex collection of pipes, wiring and thousands of delicate parts. The pressurized casket belowl housing a J-47 jet engine Is removed and the engine made ready for, overhaul. Previously the RCAF had been forced tt send the engines to the United States for overhauling. VANCOl'VKR American Standard 20 Bralorne 4.35 B R X 02 Cariboo Quartz 1.15 Congresn 06'j Cronin Bablne 18 Oiant Maiicot 48 Indian 08'i Pend Oreille 5 00 Pioneer 1 S5 Premier Border Privateer Reeve McDonald fheep Creek Silbak Premier Taku River Vananda Rpud Valley Silver Standard 1.10 Western Uranium 2 55 811-Van .42 Dorreen .281.4 Faitella .62 Oils-Anglo Canadian ...... 685 A P Con .32 Cnlmont 1 52 Home Oil 990 Mercury .20 Royal Canadian .16 TORONTO Athona .......i... .17 Aumarjue io Beattie Dcqufiine . .35 Bevrourt .70 Buffalo Canadian .23 M Con Smelters 27 50 Conwent 4 85 Dorialda .70 Eldona .40 Eatt Rullivun 5 35 God Lake .98 Ilardrock .18 Harrlcana .10 Duvex .44 Joliet Quebec 30 Little Long Lac .73 Lynn 13 Madnen Red Lake 1 50 McKenzle Red Lake . .32 Moneta .45 Negus . , .16 Nuranda .. .. 74.50 Petrol Oil Ac Oa .61 New Senator .20 Kherritt Gordon 4 80 Steep Rock 7.45 Silver Miller 87 BOXING Saturday Night ! or ; I j Annunciation I School ANNUNCIATION CLUB versus TERRACE ! TBN DERS ! CjIALED TENDKIIS. adUresaed to the j nnder-litned and marked TTN- PKR FOR BUILDINGS AT MclNNES 1 fRIND ". will be received Up to U joVloc noon, MONDAY, APRIL 91, j IflSS. for the erection of a combined i fog alarm building and light tower. : and three acparote dwellings for Aids i to Ntivieation Rer vices at Mctnnea Island approximateiv twenty mlics from Bella Bella. B C. 1 Plana, kpecificattona. labour con-Idttlons. contract farm, form of ten der and return tender envelope may be obtained on application to the District Murine Agent, Department of Transport. Besner Block. 3rd Av- I nue tPO. Box 89). Prince Hupert. I B C. upon receipt of an accepted cheque made payable vo the Receiver Ocnerai of Canada for the mint of $iS 00. This cheque will be returned upon the return of the plans and specification in Rood eonditioQ. Ad ditional Information. If required. Oldtime Smithers Resident, Roy Calderwood Laid to Rest SMITHERS Funeral services travelled uprlver aboard the ; Walker, once the leading steepie-j chae rider In the U.S., was carried from the track with a I spinal injury that was beyond rerair. He was aboard T. T. Mott's Chen In that teeplechase and jthe horse fell heavily during the i race. Walker was paralyze! from the hips down. Now George la back at the track, rilling a wheelchair instead of a jumper . George's return to racing be-ean Uut year at Pimlleo and Bowie where he was given a job in the stable area, checking the arrival of horse vans. He worked Irom his special car which he drives hlme!fand he asked no vors. GcO.:g Was pro;nclcd lo the racing secretary's staff here this lAirini as .custodian of foal cer-' tlflenlpk A native of Mason City, Iowa,; he has come a long way since that day after the accident whenj doctors said he'd never stand on hi own feet again, much less ride a horse. When the word got around, George's friends In racing collected more than $3,500 to buy a special automobile for him. Mrs. Walker went to work as a tjovernment clerk and George no's over h's wife's housekeeping chores. Furniture and appii-nees In their home were rearranged so he could take care of himself. It was on a trip back to the track that officials realised his capabilities were being wasted Queen Charlotte Airlines Schedule trips to: Kitimat and Kemano Tuesdays and Friday St wort and Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays ir Chorter Service ir Contract Flying Agents: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES I Phones i'6 and SZ9 DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters Mont nly Bulletins any kind of Business - forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 lej than tegular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv as your mailing list , ! We d th rest. CREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Builder and Contractors New Construction, Repatrs, Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W. .Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 All There ACCOUNTANTS nw.wi. -"iflnr, Income 16 Kp-f taiiKt. rj. o. KtIrK nionciMiiminr. Irtl:i. (20m)! .U.ENT WANTED DISTRIBUTOR want7dfor Prince Rupert and district. New automotive product to be released in Canada. Requires about $7 .000 (Hi Larger territory available, If you mean biihines.i wnti : Box J7 Dally New. in) CAKS FOR SAl.lT FOR ftA!.fc 1950 Monarch Private Excellent condition $1975. See it at New Royal Hotel. Ask for Oeorge. FOR 8AI .E Credit note on new I'lymouih cur ul discount Green 407. igflpi . i.nsr am nii Nii LOST Hlue budgie Reward Phone Red v.n I81!pi iifi.r wanted Mm; WANTED A man to start Iii own bumne'w Almost no money required. Sewing ma- (time Mtr)enep helpful t, it not enjnii.il Reply If l I Lot 5!i'l Daily News 1 8!) I HHP WANTED I EM ALE WANTED St nurntplier'. bookkeeper Apply Large Clin ic, 2nd Ave. iH4) 1 simrniN wanted 1 WIDOW, expetii need in baby carp, reference; will tend bahy and do light woik for working couple or working mother. Box 840, Daily New idr.8 lot: stit. KKvnui.i-s I wit less e o I. Phone 6:, I'hilpott, Evltt At Co. ttd. (et NOW IN STOCK! Gossard NURSING BRA Drop Shoulder THE STORK" SHOPPE Pnone Blue 810 82c) FOR KAl.E-MiMellanrous" furniture. Move and heaicr. approximately VHKlOO Maybe I run iwiive your hniMnt problem, too. Low rent Please contact Box flil. Daily News 184) FOR SAI E Combination record pluyer and phonosraph. like new Phone Ulue 081 84r Ft')H SAI E Wentimrhoti.se wash-inn machine . SW 00 Good condition. W73 Ftr? Overlook (871 FOR SAI.K Flowercraft snn-jiiies Civic Centre 82 FOR SAI.F Window boxes Oreen 986 8flpl FOR RALE -Restaurant etpilp-menl. or rent as Is Box A.19. Daily New. I86p) FOR SAI.F Dohcrty piano and bench Phone Green 788 afier 6 82 Ft III ItfVt VQll Vn $T -C.irrier loTet?A-ler HIiM-k, Third Avenue and Sixth Strict: Oil-O-Miitlf hot water heatint: owner will decorate to suit tenant Also two stores on Sixth Street, rould be used us one litrce store. See Prince Rupert Really, 345 Third Ave. II) FOR RENT Business woman will share with another, expenses of small furnished two-bedroom house. Ptmne Red 769. 1 85 FDR RENT Unfurnished three-room apartment No children. Phone Clreen 168 after 6 m. 83pi FOR RENT 2 slncle rooms, one doiilile rtxim with twin beds Board If desired. Gentlemen only. 812 2nd West. 83 FOR RENT Suite and llcht housekeeping room. 221 5tn East. 86p) rOR RENT 2-room RUlt2 fur nlshed. Working couple pre ferred Call after 5. 1344 8th Ave. East. I83p ROOM FOR RENT Red 471. (84) FOR a 1953 HERTZ U-DRIVE Car, Phone 09. (94) SINGER GEWINO CENTRK rent portable maehlnci. Phone 864. c FOR RENT Two large semi-f nrnished housekeeping rooms. Central. Phone Green 241 evenings. (82) WANTEI TO K.M WANTED TO RENT Furnished - house or apartment for two or three months. CPA. PO. Box 339 or phone 795. (83p) WANTFD TO RENT Two-bed room house. Phone Reel 14j (82p) .Subject U Chntt) CFPR RADIO DIAL J20 KJocyelt WfcDNKSlMT 6 U Kkwhld ' iii ivmirinirK In linnronf 6 4V- Ni-lvhlirirly Na 0 - lo,iatur KeiKirt ty Nenblu m -.i,,r fceri.iiJi. 8 4f,- Kmin-ji hiirnrtl Khow 1 IIM w: Nevn I IS BO New. Rnunitup 7 ao-r.wtry 7 4- Hxruld In Italy Mti- Trmi . id Hymn in do kc 10 lo - w N-w IU 1&-I(rrlul m jif-'Heriiiu IUKI Wrnlher ltXrt 11 HI . Mii.ic Till Mlillilt'lit 12 OU f)IBH-,(t TIIDItHnAT AM 7 Mi - n : rislii rm. ft-, Iirnndejuit 7 h M'itrm fiitclc 7 SO im; Km,,; wniilu-r lirpurt 7 'I.S klte.lrul dm k. mi l: Npi i; la H. rn hm If-- M.irniiiK M..UK V -iO- M' tiitNii; llev'fltoiis 4( I itiip r.,nn-n iioo tiHf. New r-onVmry II l i MimkMl Vaii'tlca Ml - I line Mvn.tl HI HO Morning Vl.it Id IS - -"HirtfTn of lite rurplr Bum id ao Tm We. it', Arum 10 4.'i M.ulral Klf 'il. II 11 ii K iihk n ..ru n of ih Ar II I ft . ffoiiiiduji T ime II ao-Wratiwr H'-nort 1 a I - Miuiia i.al 1 a t u c Int 11 4U 6i aiHiaiavtHn Mflolleg P M mm M!d-I, ktiioflira 12 i. - lc: h. w 12 2a- - WvTiiiii li .'mm WANTmj CASH rOR Scrap; eopper, braiw, batUrle. raoiator. PlKine 54J Call 33 bt.it Avs. Wwt C WANTED TO BUY-Puppy for child pet. Large breed. Black 624 iltpi KF.AL I STATE REVENUE HOME , Duplex consi.stinK of two four-room fully modern suite, all larne rooms, hot air furnace, automatic oil burner. Also three-room cottage at rear. Prekent revenue 1150 per mont h. Can be lncreaed oy renting th-i cottage. Armstronp; Apcncics Ltd. Phone J42 Black 197 evenings ni ; SPECIAL Beautifully furnished wartime four with garage In cement basement Iot 37',' X 100'. Sandy soil mo musket i. Immediate possession. P r I e S58M00 Terms arranged. Exclusive listing. Armstrong AfrcnciOi Ltd. Phone 342 Black 137 cvenlne It FOR SALE In Terrace Three-room Iniuse on U ucie. Has electricity and well with hand pump. Has 50 00 per month revenue Apply or write John Lrvlnkv. Box 8' Keith Ave-nue. Terrace. BC 84 Sure w have houses for sale! 1. 2 bedrooms close in. A bar gain at 5780 O0. 2. Brand new with 2 bedrooms. $4f00 00 handles. New home Close In. Cement basement with saMR'. Nh e buy. v.i 2 room cabin with 1 lots. Cheap for ouick sale. 5. Wartime 4 8th East. 6. Close to town 2 bedrooms. Revenue suite In basement 7. Unfinished house $1000 00 handles Take your pick and let us show It to von. T NORTON YOUNOS Real F.state ti Insurance Phone 451 Res. 648 (34c TAXIS and TRANSFERS CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distance CRATINQ and TACKING Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effect Moved to or from any point In B C. Phone 950 Flrit Ave, and McBrlde BATTERY SERVICE RUPERT Battery Shop, a:t4 East 3rd Ave. phon Blue l?6. Re. pairs, recharging anr1 rebuilding. Virk- euaranteo. tel IN RR EMTATT OP HAROLD EDGAR MILLER. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE! tht Admlnlntni-tor, duly pplm by (he Court, of the estkte of Hnrold Edr Miller, whn dim kl Prlnek Rupert, Province o( Brmh Columliik, on the Mth dsy of Pfibrukry. IBS.1. I require all ei eilltori and others having clalm airmnst the kiilit tkte to aentt the win mi me. properly veilBed, at the aditreu mentlonee) below on Or before the 31st day fl May, 1983. after which dote I nhall proceed to dl-trlhuto the pstute to thoee entitled by law, having: regard only to uoh claims of which I aliall then have lwi nnllSerf AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE ihut all Demons indbeted to the aaid entute are required to poy their tn-debtedneKt to me forthwith DATtD at Prlnck Rupert, B.C., thj ! 7th fly of April, !.i ,ifiod KatM 4 30 p m. ""X Pre ., ni'):irilUn. J r ,.r w.ird IXT m"" ' - Si. 50 rents; Cards , id-.-ittl Notices, 'i' .'ins, M.irriawe un;l M,liiy rlmlhle price. 'm. K'-:ii'"i i nut accept respnnsl-"rUtsifixl ads in.trUa . r iiniK r wrong i notifiniiKin invfd wl'.liin 1 1 ,t jrwrtiiin. BIUTII NOTICE Brn t nn Mrs k in UK' Prince nuiierv sill f Mt"TS ni gral oawiar, Carl) parties April 9 .J Hi l. ter's, April ;ill'l Sunday. .'C : tl (i.i'.i April l' - pill g sale v ,ry ris-ifitcr d:.fl'.d,! f.'pr'iK Bazaar, :; spun; l.;:iar nt ;rl! 23 i 10 DE Pprm"; Bott- ! Av L.tinn Pa. filial. May 2 t Prop "Uloiml Wilts' cic May 3 biza:ir, M.'iy 6. D,y Pa. May 12 A.iJilury Tea n1 si. M.iy 13 t:a Pa. May 14. ol the Mise Bprlnf ij 21. M'ai.ic T'rnple. May 20. t.'a, , Anullean 30 n thur. h tea Way 30 J. June 4 Church WA. Spring 1 'omi-n' Lea Rue i "a June 4 at the Mrs M P MrCalfery. 'I I HtSOWI.S if fi.iwined nd m thl l the en.nomlral lx Is ti.j , fr 3 ron- ; h.h ciut tS'r. n r in imujriitive t!avs And remember you ! v""r ad-Jii.t cail j;y ( '.f-nel "Tvlmflv uvs m. (r! Ii'l ( .in:irtlan 1 Im.wl I'd , fur It Veen ncetv.l " in weiiting supplies .: f-'W S'.oraire m0. ,c,j 'TRK'JAN I Giivatt ' and clectrlral ftlh Ave. We.it '."X Phone Blue 1 J.'ls-Ral;-s-8ervle. (CI . aiit'imnlle olfhenU -till work. Phone ! 6th West. I. (C ' M.ic,in,.ry"rn. - Lim-limti,rs fr: Mining, : '''WIiiie and Con-"I'Himient. Inquir-.ville Islnn. iaM novi'""'- tddle" (c) rraned. Chimney --. y.ren wot). I HOp) ;J Offtrleai WoVkiTMo": , sold, rewound and . . (tft AND GRDEji: walls. irt t ' ' . """ries. Miniates. Phono (91p) I'LE-rartner: I i:R " t East Kwin- Hhi ej;1" cordon L. ifrrnce, n r. ii A l "Inlander" to Hazelton, and by stage to Telkwa. After spending the first win- tcr there they moved by pack horse to what was to become the site of the Village of Smlth- ers in 1913. Thf deceased auenoea Smith-, ,.rs Hjgn scl.ool, then the Uni- r Versity of Washington. Ill health; caused him to change his plan ned vocatijii as an electrical i engineer. Afler taking a business course) at Tacoma, Wash., he returned! to Smithers. He w as employed by the Canadian National Railways; until 1940 when he bought the business he was operating l hts' death. . I Last January he visited En-: terprize Uranium Mine at Boul- i tier, Montana, seeking relief from the pain and discomfort of arthritis. , ; Mr Calderwood was secretary of smithers EH trict Chamber of pommerce for 10 years and was a past president. He was He as married to Catherine M. Colli, in May 1943 and is survived by his widow and five girls. His mother, Mrs. J. O. Calderwood also survives. Requiem Hiah Mass was conducted by Rev. Father Peter Keane in St. Joseph s Church. Honorary pallbearers were M. R. Robertson. C. Millar. R. Smith and S. Robinson. Pallbearers were R H. Dunlop, C. Gooriacre. M. A. Raymond, O. n. uosKins, A H. Dockrill and H. B. Leach. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE Ol'T ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Little Man Who Isn't H '" Ci.n, AUCTIONEER . Phone Black 846 and Red 1ST. I $HB&Slf' i ii DINING: PLEASURE SPARKLING NEWi SURROUNDINGS t Commodore Csfe Prince George Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR I VANCOUVER A' and IntcrmeUiate Por.ls Each Thursday at 11 :1." p.m. . For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnit;lit Comfort ar.d ScrvWc For rratlona wrikp or f j 11 4. it IW IHMl -t lU ' IP,.. -t Kttpert. B.C. I 4' . II . I Ml MMII W JOHN H. ULGER OjtfoMt'frhl 'Ihird Avenue John Bulger Ltd- 'John F L. Hughes, D.C ; ' CHIROPRACTOR ' Hrs. 10:30-12:30: 2:00-5:00 Eves : by appointment only 21 - 2'i Besner Block r Phon s B'ue 442 H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUN TANT James Block 60S -3rd Ave. V. Prince Rupert, BC. Phone 347 P-G. Box 374 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone !WJ 1 By CHIC YOUNG were held Tuesday for Roy W. j tttiaerwooa. simmers real es- u tate, ins'iranceman and notary public, who died in Bulkley Val- tley District hospital last Satur- day. Mr. Calderwood was the first wime cuiiu in me oiniuiris mia, , HI family came to the district ifrom Butte, Montana, where he was born in 1907. They arrived ;at Port Eineton, at the mouth iof the Skeena River in 1911 and Dulles Warns , Of Russian : Threat to US : j WASHINGTON State Sec-; ' rctary John Foster Dulles told ; Conpress Monday that the Unit- j ed States faces the "greatest; peril in its history'' and cannot , stand alone, w ithout its nlJies, ! against the threat of fcoviet Russia. . j ; . - it. : ' ' -4J. ft t g" ' , .. .' . : " x. .. l J ,4 a' L, .i "Wh v " - - "... . 'i . 4 . ; . . " , . . -je t if y. e- ' . f t. t 4 .. 1 - If. . - i . ' ! - ;- . ' bibic made tiie statement inhilso a member of the E'ks. who opening the administration's ! attended the funeral In a body. fi;ht against proposed eonstitu-j tior.al amendments to curb the president's treaty-making powers. Burns Profit Up $200,000 CALGARY P The hiKhest i peacetime income in the history ; of Burns and Co. Ltd. is disclosed in the annual report for 1952 j released by R. J. Dinning, prcsi- dent. The record is -attributed to the increased output through Can- ; Indian packing plants during the United States embargo on livestock after the foot-and-mouth outbreak in February. 1952. Mr. Dinning said the 1952 tax Income Increased 25 per cent over the previous year with a profit of $634,435 from packing plant operations, equivalent to 57 cents on each $100 of sales. The over-all total profit with dividend from subsidiaries increased from $690,094 to $898,-198. BLONDIE v . . k Jlv? - ' -It '--t-fV BA'r i :JAI',TU I -ic--" ( I'M PROUD OF MV 0ADDV--I' A gee. cocke. soti S v vrr z -.'? vMl ! everything V FATHER IS THE BEST I v . f;No him . v . ;-Y II , . N ' 4 I ! ' with regard to auch work may be obtained from the aforementioned District Marine Agent. Each tender must be accompanied by security deposit equal to ten per eent (10) of the tender price. In the form of a certified cheque on a Canadian chartered bank, made payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada, or Government of Canada bonds at par. or bonds of the Canadian National Railway or ita constituent companies unconditionally guaranteed by the Oovernment of Canada at par. which security deposit will be forfeited in the event of a tenderer refusing to enter Into a contract on the basis of hla tender If called upon to do so, or falling to satisfactorily complete such eon-tract. Cheques of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned. Any. tender not accompanied by a security deposit as described will not be considered. The Department does uot bind itself to accept the lowest or auy tender. T. T. COLLINS. Secretary. Department of Transport, ?v Ottawa, Ontario, March It, l53 1 . .(Mo) OORITCIJI ritAnr.n rviwco, Official AdtnlnlatTator. Prlne Rupert, BC tAi,,lS,l(p 182) RENT House. (86p) WANTED TO Blue 331.