Friday, June 6, 1902 Prince Rupert Daily News Specia Supplement pri rr LTU Greetings The Mayor's Greetings v To the Citizens Colorful and Tuneful Array of Prince Rupert: Gizeh Temple was very pleased to accept the in vitation to ho'd our Spring t ? V i r. K I "s ' f J I i ceremonial in your City this year, and we trust It's a Pleasure .... On behalf of the citizens of Prince Rupert to extend to the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and their ladies, a tery hearty and sincere welcome. . We have all been look- that we will leave with you J , . ft. fry ninn . - v I tond memories of our visit. We will initiate into the Shrine over 60 Citizens of Northern British Columbia which we wM! leave as Shriners to carry on the ng forward to this return great philanthropic en deavor of the Shrine in visit and expect that once again we will enjoy every minute of it.. your District. These gentlemen who are privileged to wear the' ki ore God's disciples of the under-privileged c(j child who cannot obtain help from any other p rcqardless of the color of its skin or the reli- ' ""' iiimiiiwk timing- - -mHr- W sfrMttgyro, ' crrjr ; k... .-:t.,wy-S'- MU.itl.ilT.. ' ? mi itmu m i ? y- '"t MX 9t"mm.m f -mrammimm - - f mtmmmn-" ' 'iwj4w' - ajjyt- "b:SP5ir' sMSSBitoifc- mumt,inm J'ljJfrt ' ifa''y' Bfc"a v"' ' -r;!:v -spiers v . jaar&j-x, .mmm-vmif- We all know the very worthy projects which you sponsor and in this regard, wish you every success for the future. " It is our sincere hope that your pilgrimage here will be of benefit to you, as we know it will be to us. Make yourselves at home and enjoy every minute of your short stay with us. HAROLD S. WHALEN, Mayor. beliefs of the parents. The only qualifications .jtthc parents cannot afford medical treatment -at the child can be cured or materially benefit- Our 1 7 Crippled Children's Hospitals throughout jninent have been truly called the Greatest table Onanization in the World. On behalf of the fifteen hundred Nobles of the j -Shrine in British Columbia and the Yukon, 1 1 v,qu, the Citizens of Prince RuDert. I JOHN A. CLARK, Potentate. & i i Gizeh Temple Patrol (LOWER) Potentate John A. Clark and his Nobility by special train to honor Past Potentate Richard Nelson (well know nln Prince Rupert as Gizeh Temple has a large Patrol for the size of its Temple. Over fifty business men from the Cities of Vancouver and New Westminster take an active part in the drill work and practice weekly. one of the brothers associated zeh Temple Pipe Band (TOP) i TlMi'l.F. I'lpe Band ... Pipers in their Buchanan Tar-.jiih is tli' famous Oizeh i tan kilts Is designed to make 'ty which was) Oizeh Temple remembered A Iu.nI ytsir tor the big ! throughout the world of Shrine Con-1 dom. :. This first-class band,) The Pipe Major Is Noble John ; live former Regimental T. MoHardy of the Vancouver .Lots, be brought in City Police who is also a mem Two weeks ago this Patrol was with Nelson Bros. Fisheries) who was President of the North West Shrine Association. This Association embraces all the Temples in the Northwest, Including Alberta, Montana. gretted with cheers from a pack ed Stadium in Billings, Montana when it paraded with the Cana Washington, Oregon, Wyoming ber of the City Police Pipe Band. dian flag before the North West (y to Prince Rupert as Shrine convention In that Am .ire attraction of the Parade. ion of the Ara- Oizeh Temple Pipe Band has put on performances In Portland. Tacoma, and just a few 1 - - ,,.r, . J i i - - r , - - frr---rtsr - i erican city. and North Dakota. There will only be a portion of the Patrol visiting at Prince Rupert as Hhtp accommodation-was limited. The Patrol, together with in mi lite al tbj week au at Billings, Montana. Gizoh Tempi's Band from Victoria travelled to Billings with For Him A Better Life program PRINCE RUPERT SPRING CEREMONIAL GIZEH TEMPLE, A.A.O.N.M.S. HELD AT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., JUNE 6 and 7, 1952 EDITORIAL FRIDAY, JUNE 6 2:00 p.m. Arrival at Prince Rupert of Vancouver Nobility aboard Union Steamshio Cruise Ship S.S. Chilcotin. crmc of the largest and one of ""'.At distinguished groups of rs this city is likely to see for . Presentation of Keys to City by His Worship Mayor Whalen. Display of Prince Rupert Job's Daughters' Champion Drill Team of North America. 2:30 p.m. Inaugural Parade from pier through city streets break-off at Bus Depot. tnc, The Prince Rupert Daily :rjms in hearty welcome. rrrr. yiu T1 ' ( i 1 ,..,,l,, n.mtiimjton ... Q I " " -" IWffiir Wirili Willi IMIMMIJIMM - 1 ... LI cp- 1 ' ' '''" f 'iHt' ' ' wmrir" !'rWMl1M' ""' " ' 1im ti luff- 7:30-8:00 p.m. 8:30-9:30 p.m. is colorful and tuneful array Concert by Gizeh Temple Pipe Band Court House grounds. Reception, Canadian Legion Hall, Nobility and Ladies and Candidates and their Ladies. -Ceremonial Dance Armories 6th Avenue West. , . ''eh Temple of Noblcs: repre-t(c socctacular h r a n c h of nry Those who recall their last to Prince Rupert five years ago cmher the joy and the pleasure 'ved from the visit of the jolly 9:30 p.m. 9:00 o.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. We know that we will again derive pleasure and enjoyment from their visit and all Prince Rupert spreads the welcome mat before them. While the Shriners are a happy lot, their motive is not only to stage a gay performance. Their work is practically their life making possible medical care and treatment in hospitals for crippled children. - Shriners all over North America have contributed to a fund which now operates 1 7 hospitals for the treatment of crippled children. They give generously and lend a helping hand where they can. We desire that the Gizeh Temple of Nobles shall find Prince Rupert's doors open to them and that they will derive the same measure of pleasure from their" two-day visit that we are certain we shall derive from their stay. Welcome, Nobles and your Ladies, to Prince Rupert. SATURDAY, JUNE 7 Ladies and Nobility leave Civic Centre by motor caravan for Columbia Cellulose for conducted tour through plant. Concert by Gizeh Temple Pipe Band Prince Rupert General Hospital. Concert by Gizeh Temple Pipe Band Miller Bay Indian Hospital. Gizeh Temple meeting General business, balloting, Civic Centre. ; Hospital and without an operation. Nature, with the help of 1:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 'rcrcvcr the Shriners visit, a joy-toiAphcrc develops immediately, lingers to be enjoyed by those WW it comes in contact. to Shriners have come to Prince rt tor these two days to conduct 5rcmonial of initiation of novices ,hls city as well as from the :t Q"d other parts of British many different types of shoes, was allowed to rectify them. Johnny wears a body brace Registration of Candidates Civic Centre. ' ; Meeting Candidates; Potentate's address; moving pictures--of Hospitals by Noble Norval Mackay Smith; Instruction t Candidates. , Entertainment Ladies of Nobility and Candidates, at the Canadian Legion Hall. Parade leaves Civic Centre through down town streets, stopping at Evans' Oasis enroute to Armories. Ceremonial Dinner Armories. which will help straighten his spine. Our Hospital is confident that when Johnnie Is old enough 2:30-4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. This is our little boy, Johnnie. He lives in the City of Vancouver, B.C. Johnnie came into this world with defective feet, a defective spine and without any arms. His parents did all they could for their little son, within the limits of their resources, but were finally told there was nothing more which could be done for him. On a New "Year's Eve a few years ago, the Great Architect of the Universe intervened in His mysterious way and brought Johnnie to the attention of the Shriners. Today, he is outplaying with the other little boys. His feel were corrected by our Ladies of Candidates and Nobility dinner aboard the S.S. Chilcotin. he will be fitted with artificial arms so that he will be able to write with his artificial fingers. But for the Grace of God, Johnnie could have been the son of any one of us. We Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and wearers of the Red Fez are truly thankful of the privilege to help tills little boy to his rightful place in life. 7:00 p.m. First Section at Civic Centre. 8:00 p.m. Second Section at Civic Centre. 10:45 p.m. Get-together Buffet Supper (after Ceremonial) Civic Centre. 11:00 p.m.- S.S. Chilcotin leaves for Vancouver. EG GIZEH TEMPLE mf J L l " I I