mier Hotel, a roomy frame build-in? overlooking h rn... Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, May 3. 1952 Local Girl in RCAF Training enther, who served a Eisenhower's chief of staff, assails the belief that war ls inevitable "With that doctrine of despair I am in complvte disagreement," he says. And that's positive enough. ray... Reflects and Reminisces yards. Citizens came up against! discipline In wartime. And that' meant .sentries and all serts of rules and regulations, the same being quickly and carefully ob- served. j Mi8S Ethel J. Croxford of Prince Rupert recently enlisted LONG TIME BETWEEN "This is the first time I've been ! here since then, and naturally I ' don't know tt1P nitu anaaian Air force ' A at Edmonu"i fr training as a SjOb i oLJaualllerA telcPhone operator and will pio-1 J ceed to No. 2 Mannlnir npr,,. Cf lorutitj A couple from Holland, with a 1 family of twenty -one, arrived in y Pa, l'J 011 .1 ;fhn's, Quebec, on May 6 From Sionor 1 1 InlUt iere, sne w.m Jury to a a- PEOPLE NOTICE THE Arrow "Dart" WITH THE COLLAR THAT STAYS NEAT ALL DAYI $4-95 cr5 . t K i Llon m soulnern Ontario to take Boyd Lauder, who served in the Irish Fusiliers at Prince Rupert early in the First Great War. The ! Fusiliers belonged in Vancouver.! The regiment occupied the Pre-! .v,oir rpmilar nieet- Halifax the other day. They plan on 'making Canada their homj. And as the years roll on, this! land will have no lack of Dvtch uncles. - . ! Mothers were ho iorert Vta., I training in her trade i The price of a seat on the New i York Slock Market exchange Is ; currently placed at $48,000. A 'seat on the Toronto Stock Exchange recently sold for $56,000. Must be gradually getting away ; from that Inferiority complex. I . ' ! So far, in Prince Rupert, May , is making a valiant effort to ex-; plain the conduct of April. , ljie Sons of Nol riteht at the reenlar mnihi ' r'.1,nel 18 tne daughter of Mr Ridley an evcniiiK and the iilgh- ,linc. ClIlllL' meeting of Job's Daughters when 'court J' Croxjord PHn, J,!Court- Prlnce Rupert. a beautiful ac-nria wa, , 1 liUI TOl'n i.i,,, MiNaimluon. LV-AA nibi'f.wiis presented with every Job's Daughter present taking part. Each mother was presented with a corsage by her daughter. The hall was filled to capacity. Honored Queen Heather Brewer Delegated to Nelson Meet wan: 1 1 ,Mie I..0H 01 ni.i APPLICATIONS Y thLudr6iK"l 'he pltlon of General f-rcMn,TT erttdry jf the Prince Rupert Civic Centre. PP"m!0,, shoultl "it qualifications, experience, salary 7 ? a:Kd "M1 references both m to characr ana experience, and when available. foTTv'n-v,!lpliCaUonS Bhoulcl clcar'y m"e ApPL-t CAt los CONFlUf., I IAL and addressed to: DR. R. G. LARGE, Chairman, Civic Centre Association. ,:ion was maue uy .Canadian National ls retiring "Lady Rodney" and "Lady Nelson," last two of the famous family of four white "Lady Boats" that for so many years kept Montreal and Halifax in presiaea. h! ,r ... Auxl'lary ot th Can-present Three members who are at T", holidaying in the clt i S"' 5 tllelr regular were welcomed They were Mrs S ,1 C'r Thursday night, delo-J. PresWent- Mrs. Dor- Luke formerly Mis, Audrev KiXtZ m""" Gomez' Grimble of tcnd the con- O prt'.SlUL'lll., Mr. McNaUtthton "good fellowship as ,'d Lodije w;i.s cun-rJSe birthday cake ;,e guest of hoiio.-. 11 in smiting "For You'll appreciate the Dart shirt with comfortable non-wilt collar that stays neat and fresh all day! Sanforized (shrinkage less than 1) and Mitoga cut to fit you bene. Extra-durable buttons are anchored on. Stock up NOW! Whyte (Miss Marion ev? t "ln xo De held ln Nelson in I touch wfth Caribbean ports j winter and summer alike comments the Montreal Star. The i fleet had many lovers, and small ! wonder. It was a grand ob no matter how you looked at it, ; taking "tired people to the is- lands of the blest." Mi Fellow " Vn.icuuver and Miss Dolly Smith! who who k is training training . at RoyaUublee pnm I 'heard" , A g.d satSnrl" "endance j of T" members Hospital at Victoria. ?L1 spTln il After th., mn.intt a eaiusiaciory I, lPrt reports ou .,t..,s M oaic and auu bazaar uazaar 1 irotn . ajjnu ru- wuraocK, the convener. tertalnment. w r k.. Sunday May 11 is Mothers Day You are sure to find suitable Cards and Gifts for Mother at FOR ARROW SHIRTS WATTS & NICKERSON MEN'S CLOTHING Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 345 Among property reported missing at Petawawa military camp is said to be a tank. Slipping that . under your Jacket is not so simple. , ,nfing was provided ini bv Mike Colu.i. railed the square reMto Ellen Wa..-Pederseii and Mrs. .est session which social it was decide i Mermen's fare-, st Trlday and a . May 16. While dauirhier. wrrP mt I accorded a hearty vote of thanfcs serveddeliciouS refreshments.; lftSJuS riving from dLstrict points next Mm. Hrank DIbb returned 0MPday- NOT A DOl'BT ' All soldiers do not think alike. ' If they should, there would be no armies, 9i as understood today Maj.-General F. F. Worthington chnl defence co-ordinator for Canada, says Canada would suffer more than the United States In the event of war, being more the city on the Camosun last eve-! ltelre'snments were served af-ning from a trip to California I t ter tnc meeting by Mrs. E. Roth-She was accompanied by Mr 1 , and Mrs- - Glen and a ses-and Mrs. William Wood and son1?!0" of dancing brought and Mr. Southard or New York, even'n? to a close, who are visiting here untij Tuea-1 A long established member, day. when they return south o1i!5irs,' E- antn. 'a welcomed ' 1 the the roonitiam Coquitlam. - ! back after an absence llmrlwiw vti u '1 T a . JrliLin mnT t.rni.ii'- 'J uinci-tUje. uenerai A. M. Gru- i mmmmm Itere food ; 1 -J. readers n library was Jhe i meeting of the Club last night P Charbonneau .;htening talk on , the library and .liable. mprovement was out, a modern built by Mr. Leon ktmara. OMI, acted This firm favourite, 4 sparkling extra dry lager is t Cash for old gold. Bulger's.' 1 Sonja meeting Monday at! Mrs. H. Hagcn's. (lMc) i WANTED Office helpr Stcn- j ography not necessary. Box 371. ! Daily News. (108ct '. Whist drive and tournament Saturday, May 3, Moose Temple. Everyone welcome. ' l05c ' A meeting of the Deep Sea i Fishermen's Union will be held j in the Union Hall, Saturday. ' May 3 7:30 p.m. O05c I ir o( the evening. pnt were Miss E. lad Mrs. L. LeMire, .irnaud Miss Rosa !i Mrs. Leo Figas U Dor.ald 'he evening wcie L P Charbonneau. served wit!i pleasure all year round. Here in British Columbia the pure soft water s and gentle climate combine with the (kill and patience of the brewers to bring you Lucky I Lager, a thoroughly satisfying beverage. ' $2 ' tfre , , , " perb ! I Vv i : Lb rim 1 Be Happy Getlucky Winner 1950 PICK THAT r v -1 ... ,V.ltut, Brussels Award ANNOUNCEMENT ised to inform everyone in the Prince EQ. suffering from hearing loss, that - 'I f, 1 " " X"- V r Pm BULGER JEWELLERS PRINCE RUPERT B I t v , s r4LV I F PP0intcd our nerrAnA r..lff l. .'cprcscntorive for tU FAMOUS yuosliont Wlial is Allrrimtive Voting? Answer: A form of.vwting vhicli allows the voter more than one 'choice iu the marking of his ballot. (Question: W liat is the purpose of Alternative Voting? Answer: To prevent the election of a candidate on a minority vote. Question t How does a voter mark his hallot under Alternative Voting? Answer:' lie marks his hallot in the order of his preference hy using the figure 1 for his first choice, the figure 2 for his second choice and so on. (Question: May a voter vote for one candidate only, in other words, "plump'? Answer: Yes. (Question i Is "plumping" or voting lirsl choice only considered advantageous? Answer: o. Suppose a voter marks only one choice: that voter has virtually said to the Returning Officer "I am only interested in my No. 1 ' choice". Upon distribution of the low candidate's ballots tp the remaining candidates, the hallot of a voter who voted one choice only, cannot be further dealt with. It is, in other words, an "exhauste'd bailor'. Such a voter simply deprives himself of full participation in the contest. CVT OUT THIS MESSAGE I OR REFEHEXCE AM) DISCI SSION. Fred H. Hurley . . . Chief Electoral Officer PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA fpif 5 1 aV X'A.X Xf7l urn JA HEARING AIDS, based on Bell Search laboratories design SHATI0NALLY WELL KNOWN 0 EAR" HEARING AIDS C tGQm of dignified pre-eminence. ! erS ,n the Hearing Aids Field. I BULGER LTD. in their appointment l!sanr 'mC sount after franchise In the r ill it tanatia ajtd wish them all the success ( AGAIN! LIVE AGAIN! IT SEE crrlQr hearinq aid wear the BULGER LTD. NOW. fili'!iS f01' a11 type3 of "earing aids, u' the convenience of all. " - . Wtorn Distributors j"la Electric Ltd. 654 --u Free Home . Delivery Phone: LUCKY LAGER BREWING CO. LTP- New Westminster, B.C. ALSO BREWERS OF BURTON TYPEALE This Jvertismnt is not published or displayed bv . Liquor tontroi Board or by the Government ot BritisttCaiufnbi," ;i. For quick results try a Daily News Classified!