j McQhan. late of t if Sells Out of Prince Rupert Doily News Saturday, May 3, 1952 HToyKlamut f "o loons, i; "'oii Tiny Carlson is Easy Olympic Trial Winner WATERFRONT ....... ........ Taxi Company ' ; Mr Murray ,..; -the niu.r.,..- . 'ry . doiiui at I Interpst ntr Thirrt Avnnnn : ' "'"un or Ih. i, - HWFf5i Iness change announcement whs svnU'e to the Scalr made today when Art Murray1 For J5 years is, CiviCentre Scores Technical Knockout .Mouse Morrison Shows Tonijfht 1 By LARRY STANWOOD macle it known that he had sold the 0Derat out 99 Taxi Co. Ltd. to Ivan service 01 Yards and Yards 5 of " Spring : Dress Goods : The National Film Board mov- I VANCOUVER It 'took Prince Rupert's Glonj' Grain Shipments Resuming Japan's Biggest Shipping Man on Coast TODAY' 6:50 - 9:00 n Red Mounts.." t , I ((Tiny) Carlson just one minute in the second round j shii. shhJto take the fight out of McGill University's Jim -ies will be discontinued for the! ! summer months. j The Civic Centic's notorious! ICO! Next week will see a resumption of grain Sunday Midnight Only from Prince X 1 Rupert - after a lapse 1 of - a fen' Miller Friday ' night in the first heavyweight . , eiimmu- . , lost and found articles will bejrnents . . . i , . . l. r v.. .tm'ilmii' I hiimnwimhiiK ;mrl i "WARDS on sale Monday afternoon in the lobby. weeks since the local elevator wascieanea out 01 tion 01 uie nu1 wheat. Barley will now be moved from here for the Olympic trials 'preiiminaV rushes" frcm Mnier i Brown (ftian- Referee Dave l'PST pst. fit nf the tne season, SeaSOIl. CUmmcm-mi: commencing wim mm trie Canadian- vunainair .., rf ,h th finht ,iI)h. in the first. "Fighting Coastguard" "Missing Women" , : ' ...;....1 ,t,,,ma, AatW ,vl,;nl, B?er ;.r " . Carlson faces 220-pound James owned rananiainan-it-Kisvcicu c.vx few.. wnen Mu with Saunders of Manitoba In the The season's tickets for adults I and students for the Prince Rupert Music and Drama Festival will bo available at the Civic Centre. is due 0.1 Thursday next. , - here . " onVh a three-and-a-half "nals tod' Before she e starts muiu, to j load, wu, the , snlltMhound.. Mhn nri ; inch gash along ,e Ms rtulit eye Saunders, moving slow. out-1 from ! win- S Abynch of husky yuys iabattle-grW streaming with bloo.l. .slugged a RCMP entry The Golden Gloves chanson Regina. Bill Mtsslcbrook. moved in IaL after waraing off ning the decision enrly Agathi will have to be lined ana - , . that will probably take two or ; Traveli quietly but observ three claw. She will take a ng closely, Japans biggest ship r ohnt wnnoo bushels, mg slwwetl Hie world ou can't stop a Marine bushels Pln8 man sPen' speut a few lew weeks weens on on! . There Is about 750.000 coast this spring. Hs Morrison . to Meet , 44 ljuci)mr 1 the B.C. Lid Vl imiic; cl.ln.k. nriH.n nf: .. .. 1J, ..v.. and it is moving in. steadily i j Zrr.." Ruperts - , a ra te dai.y. u ""'"f vineial champion dui u cf ubou. '44 carloads, I a world tour. Before the war, the ts hefty TBobby Melouf of N Y K deep sea vessels num-: QlieDec in the finals tonight. , bered 134 and they were found i Thu ,m Morrison's first Making early arriva:. Union 1 in all trade routes. By the end ' lpl)t , 1 ' steamer Camosun, .witn Capt. of the war, there was only one; Tne Rupcrt entry is considered SATURDAY NIGHT Civic Centre Auditorium 9 to 12 p.m. James Hunter relieving Capt, afloat. At present mere are ji nl h favorite by ringside, huilt to nrrter vessels and an- . . 1 v t.bJ William McCombe who U . ; " . Uoiaen oioves laiis xitric iu wt who is tin now o t otncr 5fl uncler Pharter. Mr. Asao (V,0 hamn,imMn and be chosen1 WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE j describes himself as a sluppir.? one o ,lx flghters t0 enter! man by trade and a Journalist. 01vmpics at Helsinki in July, . - ov hobby. Starring j Mr p I.OVFJOY 'f NEWS Baseball Scores , American Boston 13, St. Louis 6. New York 4. Detroit I. Cleveland 6, Washington- 2. Philadelphia 13, Chicago 12. National Brooklyn 3, Chicago 1. New York 5, Pittsburgh 3 (10 innings.) Boston 2, Cincinnati 1. St. LouLs 3, Philadelphia 2. . Pacific Coast Hollywood 5, Sacramento 1. San Francisco 0, San Diego 2. Portland 5, Oakland 8. Seattle 10, Los Angeles . Western International Yakima 9. "Victoria 2. Wenatchee 2. Vancouver 1. LewLston 2, Tri-City 10. Spokane 2. Salem 0. ashore in Vancouver on vacation, arrived in port at 6 o'clock last evening from Vancouver via Kemano. The vessel had a list of 46 passengers for Prince Rupert. She sailed at midnight for the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands whence she U Couples admitted FKKE until 9:30 9:30 Non-Members .. 75c Member? 50c piiiiiimiirixiiiii Baseballers Turning Out idvoitise STARTS MONDAY Shows 7 - 9:00 If vou must seli It NEWS CLASSIFY. t Now being given her "finishing touches," the super liner United States will be the most fully air conditioned ship of Its size afloat. Construction took place in the Newport News ship yards. Its cost totals 70 million dollars. A mammoth network of 65 air conditioning systems honeycomb the 51 500 ton, 090 foot liner, to feed conditioned air into the 1000 staterooms, crew's quarters and public spaces. ENDS TODAY RAY MILLAND In 7: 9: p.m. "BUGLES IN THE AFTERNOON Commencing intensive preparations for the forthcoming season, all city ba.sebull players are being called to practice tomorrow. Not only the regulars are wanted but also other ivory talent in the city which may not have so far made itseif known. Gordon & Anderson will turn out first tomorrow morn-int. followed by Abel & Odowes. Commercial j will practice in the afternoon M-CM-. DRAMA OF A ffCUd At! Marring i Canadians Win title VAN JOHNSON h) Unless there Is a dash of highbrow somewhere In your makeup, it is entirely possible you never knew before that the scientific name of halibut Is "hlppoglossus stenoleplsV' This Is mouthfilling but, unlike the fish itself, designation does not imply any nourishment. When DOROTHY McGUIRE fp RUTH PTTTIlPmfAV ROMAN A .' VMM Allan Hotkey Cup Frank Sklnnc general ietit here lor Untoi Steamships 7.U1., .r!,T 1 -The FORT FRANCES, Out. 9 the Hippo Steno Is a few Inchesiand 'jack Sianstleld, awiatant. Fort Franc.es Canadians Friday In length It leaves the near sur- are makinc a week-end business night won the 1952 Canadian OH face and, going to the bottom, trip to Terrace by car." They are senior hockey title and Allan rests and swims on the left , accompanied by Mr. Skinner'.s Cup, defeating the Stratford Inside. The left eye, in course of mother, Mrs. Skinner from Van- d'-un.- 4-1 in the sixth game of time, moves toward the right couver, and Mrs. McCuaig. their best of seven series. MONDAY to WEDNESDAY TOTE,' side of the head and the left side of the body becomes white or grayish. , Kvcninc Shows 7: 9 p.m. ywun s Pi IVIJtS THFJtl Tlioiic Itrcl l:!0 Tod.-.v for rrwrvulions Jn "Curtain ul 8:30 "The Man in Hie White Suit" BASEBALL DON'T FORGET SUNDAY'S PRACTICES: B(Q) lie Mid-April saw the commencement oi Cunard liners docking in Montreal for this year, the largest being the 14.000 ton Ascania with 700 passengers from Liverpool. Her date of arrival was April 25. Another was the freighter Bowman from South American ports. Other j Cunarders reported In Montreal ! earlier In the month were th: ,t freighter Vardulla from London, Time: 10:30 GORDON & ANDERSON 12:30 ABEL & ODOWES 2:30 COMMERCIALS All las'' year players kindly attend their team prccticer and all new interested players attend them ell. VT : i and Le Havre, the Wrtt&$MMVjWffMWffffffffftJU.WJ'.WS from Rotterdam, the Laurentia j . ? trnu, lllnL'irnnT ofiH tYia Tlnrflfort m k . g Saturday Night from Bristol Channel ports. j gjp Painting a boat or painting ; Legion Auditorium anything while It's exposed to , the wCctlwr come sometimes as J a test of patience. As a rule, ! this Is' experienced by the fish- ; ' C ing fleet, for there the use of Daint comes within general rou- i Everybody Welcome 'J to 12 p.m. Blain's COMPLETE ntMBHnBHNHHH Boiler Repair Service Specialists in every phase of boiler repair work, Blain Boiler Works Ltd. offers you the economical and time-saving advantage ol dealing directly with one firm for all your boiler repair Ge-.its SI 00 Ladies ftOe J! f iTTi IjXi; I ; H0U$( i Fhoi ice miItI I JPA"T I Modern und Old Time Dancing MUSIC BY THE WESTERNAIRES VAVi'AViViV.VAVi'.ViPi'.Wi'AWAWAVA'.V.V ' tiue every springtime as the ; boats prepare to resume opera-; Hons. But it's annoying when ' rainfalls are . frequent and irregular, and different brands of : climate can be seen in loss than M hours. needs. Mobile Repair Unit, containing welding machine, a;r compressor, gas cutting equipment, boiler tools and materials. Repair crews include experienced boiler makers, welders, brick repairmen, etc. mnSHAU-VEUS Your Furs Need A Vacation PAINTS - VARNISHES SOLD BY mm 0 contract or on time Work undertaken on and material bass. Kaien Co-Op HarJ 251 3rd Ave. I rr d Suedes, Bcnqalincs, Plastics, Reptiles and Leathers at COFFEE TABLES n Efficient service given on planned or emergency repair. Detailed estimates promptly prepared for mojor repairs. ' NEW BOSLERS A large se'ection of Blain boilers is available in a wide ranqe of capacitier and working pressures. Further Blain has the skilled staff and facilities to design boilers to individual specifications. Blain boilers are manufactured in British Columbia and comply with all regulations of the B.C. Boiler Inspection Code. Your enouirier arc invited on new boilers, steel stacks, pressure vessels and tanks of all kinds. Fashion Footwear Let them summer in Bill Scuby's Scientific LA-: - Off' . ....:HScethcr We inv Itc you to COmu in w ly 0Cfs$ co how kv it is to have in your home at small cost. Fur Cold Storage Vault BILL SCUBY FURS Phone 974 Free Pickup Gordon & AnM ' , i ri 1 'XIM JPC TOOTS) mmnD oe - mm "Vl ilium-it III III I. . II II 111 I I T Phone This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 1