it. Doil, Delivery Phone 81 BROW'S jruury H. lfM imliiiil Tin"-') 1)0 48 197 feet feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER K, -54 9 7 feet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port- "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" ;i7 47 3 9 feet VOL. XLIII, No. 37 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1954 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' r . 4? j t v X Av to IPS shed Pimm i ..: u x... iLriii ....... 1 ? ' Jtm it West Must Maintain Alliance instruments Failed On Practice Flight VANCOUVER Body of a U.S. Air Forca F-86D Sabre jet pilot was found early today on nearby Grouse Mountain, 12 hours after his piano crashed into snow at the 2,500-foot level. Bodv of LI. I amar J. Barlow. ; : ' , . t, wft KOM.K (i'V) sia's conduct at the 5, of Taeoma, Wash., was found n the wreckage of the plane Ik-r- which became lost In ralr.- DIM' lU'KNS ol Kriooport, UO m.. wears a special liamleUtT device .that hrouded skies with useless ln- truments. A search party of RCAF and RCMP officials left for the wreck hortly after midnight last nfrht. Wreckage was found 100 yards .dlilS Il'T liailU.S UUl Ul lull IMS W i.V SIIUUJU ..Mil.' 1UI'V to pull U10UI UHI'H wmtr fi ir Imiiiral press. The device Is u od at the hlkursky plant In Bridgeport, where Union Barred From Kitimat Demands Probe VICTORIA CP) The Independent Union Of Mine. Mill and Smelter Workers told the prov-n"ial cabinet Friday that offielals are being barred from Kitimat and demanded a legis made. lin Miir I'our conference rtiaks it "obvious" that the West must maintain and improvo its alliance, iYnne Minister St. Laurent said today. - "If wo really want xw' v.'1 must be prepared to undertake war to protect It." the 72-ycr-old Canadian leader khI(1. Ho spofco lo nearly 100 Ilallar and foreign reporters during a A' V' -h f 1 v II : fi v.-: : l ' ) lift: sji- ( Aim' -i ' - v H '" '' ' ' .. m.2 - - r ' . I i rn-i-rrn I ) Lifts Ail Restrictions press Photos in Legislature from a chalrlift to the peak. It's i 20-mtnu'e. sU-mlle drive from lowntown Vancouver to the toot of the lift. Pilot Barlow, married bu' childless, was last heard frotr 'ust after noon Friday when hf reported he was at 20,000 feet and 15 miles northwest of the Vancouver airport. ON PRACTK K FLKiHT Stationed at McC'hord HpI? near Tacoma. with the 465th 9 Ail restrie- Hon of restrictions was released His removal ol the ban, after brlrf P" a "Wile official two minor relaxations, followed ' K-liMiiUp arranged fr him dur s press pnoio- to a Vancouver newspaper. He announced Wednesday a storm of nrotest. n n,;i uwf-oay visii lo ttome. !!r (il the B.C. that only government travel I "I wish to assure ao orou-sed ' PHrt of his goodwill tour. Ht U !' l:nig cere havo ix-ou lifted bureau photographers and a press by voluntarily withdraw- ' u' "!' ,ul r'"-'" ' lative inmiiry. A delegation from the union largest in B.C.. and headed by " pElonal director Harvey Mur-3hy. called KiMmat a "feudal ompound" during the cojrse of .heir annual meeting with ths cabiret. The union also asked the c -o-vinclal government to request Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent to visit Communist China j during his globe circling trip. television cameraman would be'ing any reslrletlons, subject to Farller, under a warm Itallar allowed to take pictures of the ; an agreement with the legisla- !. Irwin. slalemeiit from D.iiiiiiciiid relaxa- fighter-interceptor squadron, lit was on a practice flight. sun, the prime minister placet tradltlonal ceremonies. a wreath at the tomb of ItHly'i First word of trouble came in RfN TIN TIN rv, the great-great-grandson of one of he. silent tlve press gallery,", the statement said. lie had wanted to etili:;t the eo-oenitlon of press. r;u!o and repeated calls of "May Day, 2' unknown soldier In plama Ve-nezla, where Mussolini formerly harangued his followers. the airman s international distress call. .OMMENT MADE AFTER ISSIOH OF DRYDOCK He also conferred with Ital He reported he was 60 milet north and that his Instruments The delegation said the pio- vinoial government should pass a resolution asking the federal government to open trade negotiations with China where 400,- Ix-levlslou. the statement said. le'auKe "accommodations In the legislative hall were limited" and the press could bo of "public service If voluntarily they cotdd restrict the number of had failed. ian government leaden at VI mlnnle palace. ;- SPOKE IN KKKM'H . screen's greatest money-makers, pays tribute to an oil painting of his Uustrious ancestor. A new series of 26 telefilms will feature the tlvree-year-old German Shepherd In the kind of adventures Rln Tin Tin I was noted for. Donovan Gets Six Months ? 0n Latest Assault Charge Radar crews picked up thr l iitiire of the Prince Kupert drydork and lone Jet and guided it through 000,000 persons ofler a huge (iis(ii,;,cd here Friday at a private niectiiiit at- Speaking In French. Mr. St the murk to a point 15 miles 1 market for " Canada's surplui Laurent told reporters that ip.spurt Minister Chevrier. Bruce Brown and Ted north. After asking permission u PrOQUCUOn. to molri. on ,ercn.'V lsnrilnp United Nation. action In Kore 'the' .i tki, vmimiivnr ntrimrtl Bar- Tfcff union claimed that "proved Hiat'eXrlve'rled aMUm U worthwhile," I i, rem: nt was made following the meeting, and .m; declined to c.oiinnent. on the discussions. court this morning In wliicli the photographers assigned to rover the opening of the House." ASTOi;NIKf "BY OLTt'RY "I have been astounded by the outcry from all sections, of the press that my well-intentioned announcement has brought down upon me. I hadn't realized that what I "This was confirmed In n-ocn H waj "tlu-oo .strikes and you're out" In city police court man, whose complaint originally days, by the Insistence of Rus low disappeared. He had only 45! Aluminum Company of Canada minutes fuel left. . ' turning Kitimat Into a "com- the act U Davls Boughey. a weekend " nw" skier making his way In dark-. .. . , , , , Mine-Mid officials, the dele-cabins ness to one of the many small' on the slopes, found j gation charged, are being ref of the Wreckage scatter-1 Pd tickets on public carriers un-ed in the snow. ' clur the "guise of no accommo- , Idatien" and persons landing a. sent Donovan to jail, pleaded guilty to a charge of perjury, u)d was remanded until February 15 for sentence. : He Is Roland Dale Griffith j Barge Slip Expected e Finished on Schedule sia's foreign minister Molotov that we dissolve the NATO pact M Is obvious we will 1)0 wise tc maintain and Improve our alliance." The Canadian leader arrived reuarded as a mechanical detail of housekeeping of my office would lie regarded by the press of all political affiliations as a "'. if dale March 1 , lion between 19 feet and 27 feet who. In the theft case against Donovan claimed the latter had robbed him of a sum of money In a cafe here December 13. Later In the trial he satd the '' f'anadian National ';i fr .slip alimit half a "i it!"' cram elevator I t b- (uUiitctl, CNK Kitimat must first produce written authority from the Aluminum Gompany or Kitimat constructors. Bargaining rights at Kitima.' vind Kemano were recently awarded to the American Federation of Labor by the laboi Two Arrested In Baby Probe MONTREAL 'CP) Police said money hadn't been taken In the ol water depending on the size of the binges. Alojie, the ramp, constructed from rocks only a lew yardR away from the CNR riKht-of-way, will le three net of tracks Friday afternoon when John W. Donovan was sentenced to six months In Oakalia on an assault charge. Donovan was released from jail eight days ago after spending a month, hi the lock-up pending complcUon of a theft charge against him. He was acquitted of the charge and released, only to land In jail again the same night, charged with an. affray and assaulting a police officer. He whs sentenced to a total of one month and 14 days, or $75, paid the fines and was re leased from jail again. But Thursday night the long arm of the law hauled him In again, this time charged with assault occasioning bodily harm cafe and that he didnt know who had taken it. t-.dav challenge to the historic. British principle of the freedom of the press," the statement said. The statement added that Mr. Irwin wished to moot the press after the session and "enlist their active co-operation In working nut a mutually more efficient basis of pictorial coverage (or succeeding sessions. few hours after announcing the original restrictions. Mr. here Friday by air from West Germany after a abort visit tc the CJros Tonquin air station in eastern Franco where he saw the Canadian Sabre let squadron based th-re. Bad weather urevented a vinit lo Canada's other' overseas fighter base at Zwciliriickon, West (formally. The prime minister said hi; stops in West Germany and Paris have revealed "encouraging sIkiis of Increased confidence." CANADIANS KKI'KKNKM'Mt Uiuay u. iviomaeai nuiitoii w I ,.nltir,,i.. K-.D Mr. Murphy fy slip blu epimnh ir Imii'cs ix bcnn f'b'ii'e .slnpmints arrested at her home Friday said later the workers at Kiti OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL night In connection with a $3,-000.000 International black mar Kctdiikan I'ulu to maU h the three set on the hiK barges. Already completed are the steel towers containing the machinery and counter-balances which will operate the -hinged mat and Kemano would be given the chanceto belong to the union of their choice. at Ward's Cove, ''led to be com- Irwin relaxed them to allow two slip apron at various levels BULLETIN .slip. used to land machinery ami At the old slip, the barge had press photographers to take plc-to settle on u grid and wait un- tunw. and Friday said two more, til the tide was exactly right. for a total of four, could attend Work on the towers was done tne opening. Ani.assHdor Pierre Dupuy and to John Ridley Watson and yes-nearly 300 members or, Rome's terday tie and another man. Canadian colony also were on John Vandal, Jointly charged, llio msirly-ciim-"'il .six miles front fiW rulers to fniir ket In babies. The woman, unidentified, was described by police as a director of a Montreal nursery. Herman Bailor, 38-year-old Montreal lawyer, was arrested at a Montreal airport Friday as he prepared lo board a plane for Lsrael with his wife and her parents. Police said the ting, operating for the last 10 years, lrts smuggled more than 1,000 babies Into the U.S. were each sentenced to six hand ill the airport Company by Dominion Bridge tnore liiaiioeuv months In Oakalia. Tying la with the Donovan TORONTO (CP) The first woman to be a member of the Canadian Parliament. Agnes Campbell MaePhall. 63-year-olci veteran of Ontario politics, died In hospital here today. She had been taken to hospital earlier this week suffering from a heart attack. tKX'f'KH seorps puge l ..... JJ I OMDON-RobuI I of wcr gumos plyeti todny In United Kingdom: im.i imi i r.Aoi t; HMlen I Atwiwl 1. Cumtff CI.' Klivkpooi 3, fundeUud 0 Bolton W 0. Prebtoo II I 1 'hlwa 4, Wolverhampton 2. Liverpool 2, Charlton A 8. Mnrn'hsir t!J. Tootouham 0. Mldilshroutth 0. Huddersfl'ld T 3 Ntsi.p U 3, Buroy I. Portsnmuih 4, Manrhf6'pr C t. Hhftrtpld vs. Aston Villa (ppdl. W Brouiwlrli 4. Bheffleld W a. Pttlklon II Blrmliigliam V a. West. Ham U 0. Blaekburu R 4. Olrtham A 0. lil iidlaeenl In Conference To End BERLIN The Big Tour for The prime minister greeted his Italian counterpart In FYeneh, saying Italy i.s 'engaged in great, common undertaking for court series was the session In and Western Construction Company and a great deal of the pile driving part of the project was carried out by Skeena River I'tledilviitg Compuny. fill have a counter-' winch will allow ihl hjut tide varin- eign ministers, frtill wrangling over the Austrian peace treaty. I the happiness and welfare not I only of our two countries bill j for the whole world." I I -WEATHER- Forecast decided today to end their con ference next week. :T-7 North Coast Region: Northern NATIONAL CHESS iGURNAMENT Kitimat Cagers Arrive For Games Here Tonight v $f - 1 DEATH GAME 6Y CABLE half clear and very cold today and Sunday. Northerly winds 20. except northeasterly 30 down the mainland Inlets. Southern half cloudy with snow flurries t:day and Sunday. Light northerly winds. Remaining cold. Iw tonight and high tomorrow at Port Hardy 28 and 38; Sandsplt and Prince Rupert, 20 and 30. members of the t-mn arc Marie Blacklock, Marilyn MactXmald, Marion Viirfeldt. Verdclla Hall- Brentford 2, Hull C 3. Bristol B 1. Notts CI. Pcrhy C a, Bverton 6. , Powastpr B 0, Bury I trwls V 6, Llncolu O H. l.uion T 0. Stoke O 1 Nottlngliam F 4. Pulham t. Plymouth A 0. Leicester C 3. tiwausea T 0, HotherUam U 3. MoiTinH rrp Seroiid Hound Albino R 1, Dmidee 1. BerwIcK R S, Avr t' 1. Beehin c 2. Hamilton A 0. 'olds'resm 1, Pal'h B 10. rnmder H 0, Aberdeen 8. Kit Ik trie vs. Clte (pjKi). rYaKeprhnrgh O. Hearts ;l Htt)enilan 7. f'lvde 0 mii n, Sharon Carlson and Bev 4 - erly Parkin. A group of Hooth Memorial High School .stmlenls. acting, prineipiil .11. II. Davidson and ci 'tidies Hon Mart wig and Sheila I Hicks, were on hiiiul this morn-i lug when the Kitimat High' sctaiol i;rl,s and boys basketball j teams arrived by Mcanicr for Imiluht's I wo name series at 111" Civic Centre. The Kllimal visitors, about SO in number are being taken on WNi 'A i"i' '.if y Wrong Way' Jet Pilot Lands Safely in St. Louis , tt i-7i ' n-v 1 .. ' i" " U 's 1 srir"1 - f Morton 4. Cowdenbeath n. Motiierweii 4, tMiiitermlhir A 3. Peebles R 1, BueKle T 1. Wneeii of K S. r'orlar A 0 nniera i, Kilmarnock 2. M'lrlltig A vk Arhrtwili (ppdl. iHrif B i. Patrick T 9. Third Lanark 7, Devtron V 2. SCOTTISH i.i.uni: mvikion a Bt. Mlrren 7. Eaat rive I. Pit Mull B Dumbarton v. Ht. Johnstone tppdl I'rlenilly Mali'li Stt'llhouseuiuir &, Allua A 2. a tour of the Columbia Cellulose plant this afternoon and will be guests of Bo-Me-Hl students the rest of the day Billots have been urrunged for the boys and girls hv parents of 'incc ItuX'r students. , ,, Aiteomimnyln.'? the two teams are teachers V. Bower and S. R. Kemp. Tlie Kitimat boys team scheduled to take on a combination of Inter B and Junior players from Bo-Me-Hl is composed of John Cru.elle, "captain; Alan Cruzello, Don Cruzellc, Doug Blacklock, Bob Fleming, Garth Hamilton, Frank Farrell, Ray Bower and Fred Malby. The Kitimat girls team which will meet the Bo-Me-Hl Rain-birds in the opener is captained by Elaine Hokanson. Other ST. LOUIS W-An RCAF jet plane, on a routine training flight between two Canadian points, breezed Into St. Louis Dy mistake Friday night. FO. N. L. Harrison of Toronto, who was "surprised to say the least," said all his navigational aids had gone on the blink. Harrison .said he and FO. G. G. Macleod of Montreal left their base at Portage La Prairie, Man., Friday for North Bay, Out. "I began to suspect something was wrong," Harrison said, because we picked up none of the scheduled check points e.n the radio." This was shortly before St. Louis airport ronlrol tower radio oierator Jerry Moonier heard the Canadian plan report Itself lost. Monnlcr put the Lambert-naval air station's ground control approach unit on the alert and picked up the jet on a radio directlonal-flnder near Springfield In southwest Missouri. ; The ground control unit, tracking tlie plane on Its ra-darscope, brought pilot Harrison safely Into St. Louis. The distance between the two points In Canada was estimated at about 900 miles, roughly the same distance from Portage La Prairie to St. Louis. ..: ZiJiiik. IM.lisON, Canada's co-champion of chess, is shown Royolty Welcomed CANBERRA Reutersl Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh were welcomed today by the greatest number of people ever to throng the streets of this Australian federal capital city. They will Rpend the five days here. The Queen will open the new session of Parliament i or national match by cable with the Soviet grand f Bondarevski. The Canadian board, with timing I f1 '' was set up at the International Hobby and " 'm!"W at Toronto- The game wps played eight hours "V;moves to be made hi an elapsed "playing time of SOME PHOTOGRAPHER thought It was a bit unfair for the rest of the country to shiver in the grip of winter while the folks in Florida enjoyed the sunshine so he did something about It.. He brought snow to Miami Beach by means of Infrared film, which makes it look like a winter scene despite the people In swim suits. Snow on a palm tree? Well, seeing Is believing or is It? ?'"Ucrsnn tro,, ; . . . . . . . -j nisi, move to BonoarevsKl ana usea a 1 defence.