Wednesilay, March 5. 1952 4 BLACKWOOD on PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PIGGOTT TLAce Margaret (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publicattun) , Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notice, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. . SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE I'HICE. a it FOR SALE By EASLEY .BLACKWOOD INiiiH Hi i Cagey Opening Lead Sets ! : ? 1 5 (i s 1 1 ; I 1 J J ll.; i 'Jjiii.' . fcftntf, aiik.iiiiMrt-' ' 1 1111 illil Jlli ilia 11 1 iMMniiii"l 654 1 Mr. Dale by Four Tricks "I still want to know," said Mr. Champion, "how you managed to lose four tricks on this hand. The two red, aces are your only losers unless East got off to the impossible lead of the ace of diamonds and ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic card party, March 6. ' Canadian Legion card party. March 12. King Edward P-TA tea. home , cooking. White Ek-phant sale"' March 20. St. Patrick's Tea and Home-cooking Sale, Catholic Hal!, March 20. Card party and drawing of raffle 8 p.m. Conrad Street School P-TA card party, Conrad School, March 21. Royal Purple tea and sale of j 27. Pre-Easter parade, Civic ("en- tre, March .27. Lutheran Tea, March 29. Presbyterir.n Church Sprin; Sale, April 3. Rotary Hummag'! and Auction Sale, April 5. Conrad Street School Parent-Teacher White Elephant Sale, Conrad School, April 5. Legion Auxiliary Soring Sale, April 9. Job'.s Daughters Easter tea, April 10. Women of the Moose Spring Bazaar and Tea, April 17. Cathedral Soring Bazaar, April 17. Girl Guide tea and sale, Anglican Cathedral Hall, Saturday, April 26.- United Church W. A. Spring RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycle (Subject tc Change) WEDNESDAY PM. 5:20 luU-rnfitional Commentary 5::i0 have You Heurii 5:45 Question Box 8.00 Buppi-r Serenade 6:15 HuwniiHil Mi'lmtiM, 6:30 MUMcal Varieties G:45 Smiley Burnett Bhow 7:00 CUC News . ! 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7 :30 Peter Ol lines 10 00 C'BC Lews ! lu:lu Cbo Nta wIm'JS i.aueroute. tenor ! 1 IKI Weather Heporl and Sien-otl THURSDAY M. 7:00 Musical Cl.iek" 8:00 CBU News 8:10 Heres Hill Good 8:15 Morning iSong 8:30 Morning Uevotlons 8 45 Little Concert 9:00 MiC News and rommentnry 0:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9 00 Dorothy Douglas Show 9 :ft! Keeoi-ded lnlerlude 0-511 Time iSignal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Hitlers of Purple Sngc 10:30 Tins Week's Artist 10 45 Musical Program 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:13 hoiindup Tune 1 :30 Weather Report .11:31 Message period 1 :33 Recorded Interlude. 11 :45 Scandinavian Mel. -dies P.M. i :00 Mid-day Melodies 1L! : 1 5 CMC News 12:25 Pro n-am Kesuine 12:30 Be f arm Br.Kidcast 12 :55 Recorded Interlude 1 00 Aitenioon Concert 1 :30 Women's World Day of Prayer 1 :45 Deeds That Live: Comty. 2:00 School Broadcafit 2:30 Records at Kandom 3:00 The Music Box , 3:30 Solo Ouest 3:45 Novel Time 4:00 Sunshine Society 4 30 lead Mall's ls',and 4:45 Stock Quotations: Interlude 4 55 CHC News 1 5:00 liili Ishister Trio another one." "Just a minute," replied Mr. iDale. "It's very easy to look at all 52 cards and say I couldn't !muff this contract. First, let me y that the lead you call im possible is the lead East actually made. And after the cashing the ace of diamonds, he continued with the deuce. "Now consider my problem." Mr. Dale continued. "I knew East was a fine player. I couldn't figure his leading away from an ace-queen. It seemed more likely that he had opened from the doubleton ace-deuce, hoping to get a third round ruff. "It looked like Mr. West had the queen of diamonds and that JUTE PRODUCTION UP NEW DELHI (CP) Food Minister X. M. Munshi reported that jute production in India rose from 3.3OO.000. bales to 4,700,000 bales in the past year. An additional 500,000 acres were put under production of jute, a vegetable fibre used for making sacks and many other products. Box 1011 Station B-Agent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.: 10:30-12:3(7, 2:00-5:00 Eyes.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 - 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE&CO. ACCOUNTAN TS tz AUDITORS Besner Block . Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP "ermanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Us branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 WE KENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC , SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STIDIO 218 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rm-ert FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rugs, radios, chest of drawers. airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co., Third Ave. Uf) FOR SALE Burbank wood and coal stove in excellent condition, smart appearance, hot water coils, pipe. etc. Also baby i carriage. Phone Red 833. (58c) NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Ling-belt Speeder Shovels: i Cranes; Draglines: Adamsl Road Graders; Littleford Bros. Black Top Road Maintenance ! Equipment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples: T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; 1 Clark Forklift Trucks; Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal; Rice Portable A Centrifugal Pumps; National Dracline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills; National Rotary Screens and Conveyors. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tfi CARS I (Vll SALE I FOR SALE '36 Chev. motor in! good condition. Reasonable, j Annlv Dan's Service Station. ( 55p 1 I 1 FOR SALE 1910 Pontiac coach. Phone Blue 1U6. 54p . i 1 FOR SALE 1!M6 Dodge panel, j good condition, l!jf2 licence, I I good rubber, recent, complete I overhaul. Priced for quick ! sale. Phone 644 or Blue 454 : evenings. (tf) I ' FOR SALE 1947 Monarch 4 I door sedan-. Radio, heater, fog-lights, etc. Owner leaving town. Phone Red 789. i60pi FOR SALE In Terrace, 2'4 acres with modern six room house 1 I HICCUP SUFFERER I ruffed." LEEDS, England (CP) Fred "Couldn't you still get rid of Ramsden, 65, who suffered se-) your third diamond on the king vere hiccups for six months, died ; of spades?" asked Mr. Chani-in haspital here. He believed the I pion. main cause of his ailment was , "Never had a chance," Mr. his action in diving into a canal j Dale replied. "At trick three six years ago to .save a girl from West switched to a trump and L.O.B.A. Spring sale, home- dan- Heater, low mileage. Box j cooking, etc., May 3. 317. Dai'y Ncws- ,59P St. Peter's Spring bazaar, REAL ESTATE GOOD log house on cement Sonja's Tea, May 10. foundations. 143 acres. 12 - cleared, with frontage on Sey- Cathedral tea and rummage mour Lake near Smithers. Li-sale, May 31. censed for tourists. Sell on easy terms or trade for Rupert Zr. TZr.'. Drorjertv about S3000.G0. Box At School Board The board heard from thear-! chitects of the two recently-built new, schools that there were certain items still to be com- P'eted by the contractors. The OPTo;ffr: ROOJ:; BTONEBr; Pill;;1 BLUE; ELECTRr ales AM): Cleaners, f, Hf'frinf- MiKlcls fro,. Phone Blue r, HANDY-. HOME GENERAL CO!,' Building and j. kin ROOFS - pi OIL BH PHOE P O. Box 1670 r- 1 MATTS' cpholsti: Phone Blue nj. 234 3rd H Prince I M H. G. HE! REAL ESTATES Phone 96 Even: Oil Heatmc LAWRIE MAC: Blue 187 - iJ Complete service . burners tx I Stoves, Heato cc Repair and rr- House mten work ol aB fc Estimates given WILFOR ELECTRICAL' Motors ondGe Rewound om1 MOTI jiOl'GHT Ani Nf w a"11 Genera" - 12 - B Box 13MJjj Train Sd For the East-Daily except Sin From the V ii vrtDt MO1 Bv CHICJ For the MEAL that REF& including hot air furnace and roara was 101a mat mere were 01 nays uove circle in iront 01 : players are going to spend a water-pressure system. Is U workmen at the schools now the new High School building. month training in the booby-mile from town. Write E. T. cleaning up these details. There This would have a bearing on hatch before the match bins " Kenney Ltd., lerrace, or phone will be a final check at next telephone cables which were to , L L 1 Black 603, city. i56pi meeting of the board to ascertain be run through there. Mr. Janes, that everything has been com- will be advised to bury his cables ipieted. t jiderp as a terrace plan of ground North dealer Neither side vulnerable XiHrth (Mr. Hale) S A Q H K y 0 7 6 2 D--a 7 3 C K Q H la-l S - J 6 5 4 2 S10 8 H 8 3 H -A 5 10 D A 4J 6 2 C J 10 8 7 3 C -9 5 4 2 Soul ll (Mr. Mil.) S--K 7 3 H J 10 4 1 -K J H 5 4 C A (i The bidding: North bast South West 1 H Puss 2 I Pass 2 11 Pass 4 H All pass j his play of the ten spot at trick j ! one was a come-on signal. ! "Suppose that had been the set-up," the old master pointed out. "Tlien if I finesse the jack I of diamonds at trick two, the queen wins and the diamond re-I turn is ruffed. The ace of trumps ! would be the setting trick. I : therefore went up with the king ' of diamonds and Mr. West East won with the ace and im-I mediately cashed the queen of diamonds." "Well, that was quite an opening," said Mr. Champion sadly. 'Did East say how he ever thought up such a lead?" "Said he learned it from Muzzy," answered Mr. Dale, Raid the next time Muzzy plavs on 0ur team, the Uptown Club Just a Few Oldtimers Left BETTER'N WALKING 1940 Ford Sedan Motor overhauled $599.00 1937 Ford Sedan . Reasonable shape $399.00 1935 Oldsmobile Coach Lots of miles left $299io 1939 Chev. Sedan-Delivery Make us a decent olfer Special for 1 Week Only 1950 Chev. Sedan Sparkling two-ton. Only S1875 BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" Phone 93 PLUMBING HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know , PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. P.O. Box 274 2c pf doted ttf.d lot tmptici. Plciffl luvc then ftcdy when lh dfivtr cili. Itu advertisement u not publ. tried e ditpieyid by ike LiQiMt Cont'd Booiel m by lbs OovertMMAl I Brei.ti Ht ANCIENT ANIMALS Remains of red reindeer found in British peat beds show the prehistoric animals were much larger than the present-day type. Jaifotjifj jor Ladies and Gentlemen LING' the tailor 220 Sixth St. Phone 649 WRATH ALL'S . Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGINO EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES 'hone Green 13G Box 478 Shipping ar.d General Moving, Tacking, Crating, Cartaga and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acctyltne and all LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and G8 CEOKGK DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 Chinese DISHES Chop Sucy - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 WELDING Government Certified Operators Ilign Pressure Tanks Kcfrigeratinn Slacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225 1st E. Phonr Green 884 JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue BEST OF FOOD FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS PI10NI BROADWAY CAFE. School accounts for February j totalling $26,833.54 were passed! Pian0 and radio from the re-1 at last night's board meeting, cently closed down school at Port Spent from bylaw funds was Simpson have been brought to $1,838.42. Additional January , the city. The piano is being sent bills amounted to $276.82. to Mike Colussi for tuning before ! . . being taken to Conrad Street TENDFRS school. The radio has bven ; TENDERS in' sealed envelopes checked and repaired and will! clearly marked "Tenders for j probably go to one of the rural Roller Rink Floor," dated not .schools. later than 14th March, 1952, will be received by the under- j G. E. Freeman, vice-principal signed for the laying of a one;0f King Edward School, advised and one sixteenth No. 1 maple the board that, for reasons of floor on a 4500 square foot ; . health. he would have to be away !ain.t.hl.lteri?uCUSomary ! until after Easter. He is now in Roofing-Renovating Foundations- GREER & BRIDDENl 215 1st Ave. V. Phone 909 drowning. i j i Telephone Superintendent Eric ; Janes asked the school board at i its meeting last night what plans t there might be for development ; ' of the grounds on the east end development is contemplated. Vancouver where he has under- 8ne an operation. A substitute: is taking care of his duties while he is away. : , :; i.. . Rent of the school board i offices in the Besner Blnck has been untied from S.'.O to SB2.50. Thpr .va! n.hino, tha, nl,,.i ; be dane about it, the board ; conceded, although trustees looked around and wondered if some repairs might not be asked for to brighten up the ' plare. The registered letter, which brought notice of the increase, was filed. Miss B. E. Trembath, who hasj taught school in Vancouver forj thirty-seven years and is des- cribed by Owen J. Thomas, assistant suoerinyndent of Vancou-j ver schools as an excellent' teacher, wants to cqme to Prince i Rupert as an exchange teacher for a year. She Is an elementary j teacher, specializing in library ! I work. Local staffs will be cir cularized about exchanging and the matter is left to the inspec- i tor of schools. ! I The board met a request from the Department of Education for I copies of the minutes of each I board meeting so that it may I keep in touch with what is going on. The board felt that this was a reasonable request in view of I the substantial grants which the ! Department makes towards the operation of the schools. In view of requests that the teachers' unions are making in some places,-the Department of Education reminded the local board that there was no provision in the School Act for boards to make contributions to medical service schemes for employees. Insurance will be taken out on band instruments at Booth Memorial School. Instruments to the value of $2350 are owned by (Continued on Page 5) FOR Hertz U-Drive, Phone Eus Terminal. 50. (76p) 1 BUSINESS girls' perms appoint- j mcnts to suit latest styles at j . Jerry s Beauty Salon under j new management across from feuper-Vaiu. Phone 855. itfil MAY WE suggest dinner at 7:00 and Curtain, at 8.30. This week's lucky number handbills are 634. 1021 and 2438. Each lucky number entitles you to 2 complimentary tickets "to both dinner at the Prince Rupert Hotel Dining Room and Curtain at 8.30 at the Totem Theatre . . . tomorrow night. (ltc) MIDLAND PINES now re-opening on a 24 hour service handling Imperial Oil products. Credit cards are accepted. 1 57c) RICHARD SEPHTON, District Apent of the Mutual Life of Canada, is in the city on a periodical visit. Phone Savoy . Hotel, 37. (55c I WOMAN would care for two f children daily, good home, f Appiy 'Box 316, Daily News. ' ' . ? ' (55p) - WE PAY cash for burnt out motors, any size or make. Wil-' ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf) run sale FOR SALE Work boat "Pearl Harbor," 100 HP. Cummings diesel, miscellaneous hand - logging equipment. Any rea sonable offer will be apprec.i- j , atecl. A. ( loutier, Room 42, , Oecan View Hotel. (55pi ' FOR SALE One Mus'a'nrm radio, must sell, leavlvig town. Radio in A-l condition. Price . $40.00 or what offers? Phone 181, ask for Andy. (57c) FOR SALE! Two revenue homes, 1 bath tub, new 60 gallon tank, oil burner restaurant stove, canopy and sinks, ce- ' ment wash tubs, bassinet. Phone Green 959, afternoons. (57p) WE STILL have a few treadle and electric reconditioned machines left. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone 864. (59c) FOR SALE "Agnes 1" length 30 ft, powpr 15 Vivian. May be seen at New Floats. (56p) FOR SALE Washer, used eight months. Phone Black 140. 1345 6th East. (57p) FOR SALE The troller "Succeed" length 38 ft., power 100 HP. Gray. Phone Black C03 or call Prince Rupert Credit Union. ' (56p) FOR SALE One General Electric Frigidaire. 7'2 cubic feet. l'2 year warranty. Apply 1332 1st Overlook. (60p) FOR SALE 22 H.P. R.T. HP. boiler; electric motor, 220 volt, 3 phase, 6Q cyctq. ''Shafting, hangers, pulley and belting Valentin Dairy, Prince Rupert, . B.C. (50p) WANTED WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior SL. Van-couver, B. C. Phone PAcific C357. (tf) CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper, battei ies and radiators. Phone 543. Call 623 6th Avenue West, City. (tf) FOR RENT FOP. RENT General Electric floor polishers, $1 per day. Phone Blue 992. Pacific Electric, (tf) FOR RENT- -7 room house, with furniture $500. Black 232. ..(57c) FOR RENT Singer portable electric machine. Free delivery. Phone 864. Singing Sewing Machine Co. (59c) WANTF.O TO KENT WANTED TO RENT Furnished or partly furnished wartime 4 room house by March 20. Write Box 315, Daily News. i (58p WANTED Small apartment or house by well-known local couple, non-drinkers, no chil dren. Quiet, close-in surroundings desired. Box 319, Daily News. (tf-nc) WANTED TO RENT Young couple with no children would like 2 or 3 room apartment, furnished preferred. Phone Green 894. i56p HELP WANTED. MALE-FEMALE WANTED Experienced grocery clerk. Skeena Grocery. (tf WORK WANTED YOUNG married man desires part time work nights. Hec, Red 962. (57p) WANTED Job on 2-man troller for coming season. Go anywhere. Experience with bouts and motors. Write Box 1015, . Station B, City.' (60p) BOARD AND ROOM WANTED RELIABLE and loving home wanted for three-year-old girl. Write Mrs. Margaret Wick, Box 1248, Prince Rupert, B.C. (55p) LOST AND FOUND LOST Saturday night, man's , 15 jewel wristwatch. Black luminous dial, gold expansion bracelet. Possibly vicinity of 7th West and Tatlow St. Finder please return to Daily News. Reward. (Up) r j DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cale HISTORIC FIGURE Charles James Fox, the English statesman who died in 1806, entered parliament Just before his 21st birthday. to be smooth sanded and nec- essary lines painted for three badminton courts, and finish-. ed with , three (3) coats of , Penetrim, and is to be laid on top of present fir floor. Ten- ders will be opened on 18th March by a special committee appointed by the Executive of! the Civic Centre Association Tenders should state clearly the approximate number of days after notification that the work could commence and length of time necessary to complete the contract. Further information available on application. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John F. Stirn, General Secretary,' Civic Centre Association. Box 340, Prince Rupert, B.C. (64c) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax .specialist. S. G. Furk, Stone Building, Red 593. (20m) IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATA IN THE HVr-iii Dl THE ESTATE or JOHN GRAHAM and IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton made the 6th day of February. AD. 1852, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of JOHN GRAHAM, deceased, late of Victory Cove. In the Province of British Columbia ALL PARTIES having ciatmis against the Raid Estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verilied to me on or before the 18th dav of February. AD. 1952. after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. ALL PARTIES indebted to the said Estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, this 0th day of Februarv AD. 1952. G. F. FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B C P,y his .Solicitors, Rnv. Fraser A- Hognrlh, Prince Rupert, B C. (57c) " RIOKiniF '""!!!!r" r par--'' SIT DOWN ANP I ......... c J I MUST SAV I If ' M3ii " i ' ,iil:l ' Ls.S- GET tT FOP, .''A, ( VOU tXJN'T LOOK 7 c 1 y. SUU-PRSSE -V VWrVlAPPV f DOZE E.V ' .-CS fi7'T ' .'. ABOUT IT r- -s-"5 , ANYTHING fA V- "I-, LV-W (H' 'p. fell fesMfflmfcptf