School classes in English for New Canadians be free. The sec- I.O.D E. PAYS TRIBUTE (Continued from page 3) Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, March 5, 1852 . u ni. v . News of the District uuu irsuiutiuu piuiesicu againsi t earr. the increased postage on over- Second vi d seas parcels. XlwoIX. Orifflths; for Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, Mrs.. Neil Mac-Donald and Mrs. F. Hicks; and for HMCS Haida Chapter, Miss Barbara Teng. A raffle drawing was held and ! Assistant the first prize, a doll, Was won , bara bara "W Ttnc """M: by Miss Eleanor Carr. The sec- To Instal Rotary Club at Smithers prlze, a box of chocolates, Derro.ce JJoSjilaf WJl yUive ifJodg Reports from Standing Com- i ond Francois Lake Dances Popular mlttees were submitted by Mrs. Prince Rupert Rotary Club Is was won by Mrs. C. O. Ham. OFFICERS Officers of Municipal Chapter IODE for the year 1952-53 are as follows: Honorary Regent Mrs. Jens Munthe. FRANCOIS LAKE Francois planning a pilgrimage to Smith-Lake dances are drawing record ers for the induction of a new crowds. On Friday evening more club there on March 15. Several AEducaUonai&,Warj Munfbf J. A. Teng, Mrs. E. Barton, Mrs. W. J. Lineham, Mrs. C. G. Ham. Mrs. J. Munthe. Mrs. S. A. Kiel-back, Miss Barbara Teng and Mrs. W. A. McBroom. During the evening the members were agreeably entertained than two hundred dancers en- members are planning on going George Mitchell is organizing the Stewart Enjoys Leap Year Dance; " STEWART. It was ladies' j night on Saturday at the Moose Hall. The occasion was the Leap Year dance given by Portland , Canal Chapter, Women of the j Moose, in conjunction with Portland Canal Lodge, Loyal Order' of Moose. i Heading the committee In ! Charge was Mrs. J. McKay, sen j ior regent of the Women of the iiooe. Mrs. R. Barwise was mis-, lr?ss" of ceremonies. 1 ! Mrs. J. J. McKenna was in charge at the door while Mrs.! D. Geddes and Mrs. A Law-! rcncc, ..with bright tin stars,! ! '' It 1 trip. by Miss Louise Mah who offered : Francois Lak two vocal solos. Miss Mah sang In Chinese and was unaccompanied. Her delightful solos were much enjoyed. Mrs. Withers thanked the young soloist and presented her with a dainty brtjach as a token of appreciation. Later all joined in happy com W. S. Orr Named Commissioner STEWART. At the last meeting of the village commissioners here, W. Shields Orr wa.3 appointed to fill the unexpired term of Ernest Love who resigned this year to take .up the position of village clerk vacated by T. Forsyth. Mr. Forsyth resigned to take up a similar po-. sition at Burns Lake. were the Policewomen. It was their duty to hail any offenders before the M.C. and have them fined for infractions of the rules governing the dance. It was a gala anai:, residents of Premier and Hyder, Alaska, joining with those of Stewart to make it a success financially and socially. The men were only allowed to ask a lady to dance when it was men's choice, otherwise a fine was imposed on any daring male who was guilty of an infraction of the rule. Fresh flowers for the table were imported by plane from Prince Rupert and these were auctioned off at the end of the dance. Music was supplied by Addie Bremser, at the piano, and Axel J. Melville on the traps, both employees of the Silbak Premier mine. Mrs. Steve Marcy and Robert spent the week-end with Mrs. Marcy's parents near Prince George. joyed a "Sadie Haukins" dance. Prizes were offered for the most realistic L'il Abner and Daisy Mac. Although everyone was wearing slacks and colored shirts and ginghams and looked fine, there was no question who were the winners when Bill Gil-gan led his pretty little blonde wife onto the floor, for it was just as though L'il Abner and Daisy Mae had stepped right eff the comic strips. A Burns Lake trio, Marie La-ci'gnc, Helen and Harry Proppe, 1 were so realistic with the girls dressed in gunny sacks and Harry with a long black beard that they were presented with a prize each. They then sang .two comic songs which delighted their audience. ' There were -eight square dances 1 which are now so popular, as well as waltzes, schottisches and ! foxtrots. TERRACE Women's Auxiliary to the Terrace Hospital has purchased an inhalator for the hospital and the equipment is now in use. The WA also has provided the hospital with a number of hot water bottles. The Auxiliary has been finding a of galloping teas profitable ;...d has raised $25 by means of same. They will be continued with' the treasurer, Miss Elliott Head, and the secretary, Mrs. George McAdams, receiving the proceeds. To raise funds to provide curtains for a new lounge, a telephone bridge and canasta party will be held. A fashion show will be staged to make money towards the of bedding for the ten now hospital beds. Twenty-nine members attended the last meeting In the hos pital lounge which has been found too small, necessitating a new meeting place. The ncxi gathering of the WA will be held March 27 at the home of Mrs. Norton. WA members named to the hospital visiting committee were Mrs. W. Martin, Mrs. W. Fell, Mrs. M. Weir and Mr.s D. O. Little. Refreshments were servl bv the .social convener, Mri w. U Osborne. Mrs. Henkel is now staying with Mr.s. Keefe who has just returned from Vancouver. munity singing directed by Mrs. J. A. Teng with Mrs. J. R. Carr at the piano. Two resolutions calling for provincial and national support were formulated. The first resolution ' recommended that Night Mr. Van Tine called In pn Saturday morr.Jng on her way to California for a holiday. Career of Gus Kahn Pictured k Bay DclLva iJl oti'ntcJ I Career of Gus Kahn, who ranks with George Gershwin, i ' j Jerome Kern and Cole Porter as one of the great popular music (facing Organized TELKWA. keen interest is being taken in the forming of the Telkwa Brownie pack under the leadership of Mrs. Les Donaldson. Twenty-five members writers, forms the basis for '"I'll, See You in My Dreams," coming j i to the Capitol Theatre here this' 1 Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ! Danny Thomas takes the role j ! of the composer of 800 hit tunes ; O If you h a v e a j 1' . ; )K , printing problem j ,L Whi we can solve i. ; mMS STKAMfcrt Prince George during an era of Ziegfolt must i kT, r f t w I o'Tr ; cabarets and the Broad- I way of twenty-five years ago. ; age ana -line will be "fi r.clpoles." tv' Jin I'M u rJ ' 1 M '1 B 1 M A m 'W We've a print,,, form to j 1 I fill your every need, and I cartoon - nhvs I ALKS , . . j The film also has the popular Doris Day as Kahn's wife and .partner, Frank Lovejoy as his SAILS FOR Vancouver h ml Intermediate l'orl Each Thursday. U 11:15 p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN .VHN!'.Sr.AY MIONIGH'I Luxury at Low Cost The afternoon was spnt in teaching the fundamentals of the opening and closing ceremonies. The study periods will commence at the next meeting and the discussion of uniforms will be brought up. This is a new activity for Telkwa. It is hoped that Girl Guides and Boy Scouts may be brought into being later on. to add more efficiency to EVENING SHOWS rilmn your operations. 7:00-9:06 I JntMMll' Dibb Printing Co. s I - ! rffc fc j-fc rf-fc a r m collaborator and Patrice Yymore ' as a musical comedy star. The film traces Kahn's life ' from the day he walks Into a ! music publishing house with , a i set of lyrics including "I Wish I Had a Girl," until he reaches the heights of song writing with the Dick Hcggie of Smiihers is a frequent visitor but not on terra iirma. He flies his Piper Cub plane over Telkwa several timos a week and banks around in circles. While at the airport Dick tried to manoeuvre the plane and headed into a snow bank, damaging the propcllor. score of the biggest Ziegfcld production of the day. Some of the well know favor I AI L SKATS IU SLKVI l ADVlSSIijvj ite tunrs in this picture Include "Memories," "Carolina In the TUP IMTCDM I'Plnti i 11,11.. . 1 For Reservations Write or Call CITY Oft DKPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. PC. "L " " 1 L tiHr.MA UIJI1.H OF j p CANADA P R ESI vf Morning," "My Buddy," "Making Whoopee'' and "Yes, Sir, That's Jerry Irving of Nechako is up for a visit of a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. livings. He reports the roadi are roujii in spots with a lot of .?now all over. Tropicanastf A QO I For 1952 44.70 " : WALLACE'S 1 DEPARTMENT : STORE j My Baby." Milk Inspector Visits Telkwa TELKWA Douglas Mllward. j Department of Agriculture inspector of New Westminster, arrived from Vancouver at thq middle of last week tc visit dairy farms in the district. Mr. Milward is sent out by the government to check cn lh.1 Jack Ives made a flying trip Lo Vancouver, taking the plane from Prince George. He is pected back this week. HAZELTON YOUTH DIES AT STEWART STEWART. Percy Shanouss. j native, son of Pete Shanouss. passed away at his father's home on Second Avenue last Thurs- - " m T-:.Tif"-o TTI'J..-;v On the name niiimiliiilllPll II r 1: i 1 . vi I. i vaZara.. "A fascinating ,nolion picture. An advtnturt i record of performance of th program : Witness staled'day- He ws 19 years of age and , pure bred milk cows. He at stirs th blood i Kt. uev. uisnop James B. Uib-Aon was a visitor on Sunday, having accompanied Canon : llinchliffe from Smithers. was born at Hazelton. Interment Step of the Ballet soul, A gripping USED CARS was in the Stewart Cemetery. memorable account." Gerald McBoing Boing i mbaiiav crawmir that a new process in the evaporation 61 milk will soon be in effect. This wul oe a boon to shippers as it will reduce the bulk in shipping anU handling. a splendid view of the distant mountain peaks. rUK iALt , - yi'sz. H.r.Timi , '.-rX-"-" Mrs. R. Beckley and children arrived from Prince Rupert on Tuesday's train for a two weeks' Visit with her family. She says it looks very winWy here compared to Rupert. ONE SHOWING ONLY Thursday g:30 p.m. Ooors open at 7:15 IHOR HDTOHl TOTEM Daily Passenger Train Service (except Sunday) f George Ogston ol Vandcrhuof stopped off for a brief visit be-iore journeying on to Terrace on bus.ness. 1917 Plymouth Sedan 1950 Austin Sedan 191!) Chevrolet Sedan ' 1950 Stiulcbakcr S-passrngrr Coupe 1918 Ford Panel !--ton 1937 Lincoln Coupe 1941 Chevrolet Coupe 1910 Plynvuuth Sedan A FAMOUS 11 .-ill ltH TIII'ATKI- The Women's Institute held their monthly card party on Wednesday with five tables playing. First prize winners were: ladies, Mrs, A. Robinson; men's, E. Widen; consolation. Mrs. Griffiths and Mr. Clarkston. Hostesses were Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Shepherd. L 'MILLIONAIRE FOR CHRISTY" also "OK MEN AND Ml''! TODAY OM.Y 7:00 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Katie Chapman, who luui .started in business, is located in the office whioh was u.sed by the Co-operative Association. from i M:.s. Bunny Bradley hus ac-jeepted a position in the govern-' iiii-nt office in Smithers where hj commences duties Monday. I Miss Vf-.toria MacKenzlc of ; Hazelton was a visitor when she ;. slopped. off for a day while en-j route from Quesncl. Superior Auto Service Limited Last week was moving dav for PRINCE RUPERT to JASPER and intermediate sta(ions from Prince Rupert: 8:00 p.m. Convenient conned ions at Jasper for points east and west PCS SI'TiVICK from Prince Rupert 8:00 p.m., Sunday and Thursday (Prince Uupert-Smilhers only) I Art Bates family who are now in Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 i Mr. and Mrs. George Griffi'hs jleft on Monday lcr Vancbu'Tr I dr. ving a newly purchased to", I Mr. Griffiths was acting super-ln'Cndcnt of the Copper Ridge I '"heir new home which overlooks the river. The location afford; !Am ADS . . . Market Place of Millions- CLASSIFIED APS.PAY Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form mine for the past year, and Mis. Urillith.s lias been visilinu her I llliyh'itlfl linen fnr Now on Display- In all probability they will oc back. The Leap Year dance at Round LuKc wa.s well patronised. A Ti mber from here attended. For full information call or write 528-3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Bingo eamrs are again in sinn every Friday night in the Catholic Club rooms. A fail-crowd was in attendi-ncs list week. f" si. I1 , . AYiONAL REFRIGERATOR SPECIALS 1 Um Uk The BEST small yardcr buy on the market Other s'zes to suit onv need I.. Enclosed Please Find Nuinljer of Times Phone, write, wire or come in 9Vz cu. ft. Deluxe Refrigerator $399.00 8j cu. ft. Refrigerator, with frozen food comportment $411.50 (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, Add four words If bo: number required PL 8'2 cu. ft. Refrigerator $352.00 I KMC g PMIMT CO. LTD. I E . & 1 . P.O. Box 1324 Northern B. C Power Co. Ltd. Besner Block Phone 210 Prirfee Rupert. B.C. Stewart, B.C. Prince Rupert Phone 577 Address Phone No ' ! f ": i- ! ' f '7