X 5 At St HUUL KUAKli (Continued from age 4i rrinCfe Kuper r'LUjily iNe: Wednesday, Marclj 5, 1952 High With 22 Parents See lOnly One New School Problem the school authorities in addition to $3000 worth of instru- ' nvJnts which are on loan from i the Navy. iWis Shoots (i Exhibition TRACTORS FOR SALE Caqe Thriller In stock In Montreal 2 new T D. 14 and 2 rebuilt T C. 14 International Tractors. New and rebuilt T.D. 18 International Tractors available for Imminiiate shipment, also shovels, cranes, draglines and backhoes. K. . ' AMI'Br.l.l. Kl'.tVP.. I'oiilraitorH- Kiliimeiit nr,i st. l atlierine St. Vtrvt, .MiHitrvnl. . Telephone Glenview 3573 Evenlntts Fluroy 6701 K'.ag Edward Open House Occasion of Interest Everybody Happy Only one problem still remains I Principal A. M. Hurst In negotiations between the In- j ed that the new High School was ternatlonal Association of Fire- ; not being used to the best fighters' local and the cits on i tage yet since there was some v " More than 100 parents, many wage ar)(j working conditions ; carpentry work still to be done, accompanied by future pupils, agreements. The union meets to- j Mr. Hurst suggested that a car- $500 Fine took, advantage of open house n!gnt t0 determine whether the 1 penter be engaged for a week. Challengers Merchants 33 j).lVU bai g'l f rom behind the guard curtain ,ltatn"SC()re 22 points for Co-op Challengers, r them with his favorite "fall-away" shot from 1 , k ev in a rough and ready hoop exhibition For Saddler PLASTIC AND PAPER TABLECLOTHS The school committee will look ; into the matter. i Influenza epidemic hit hard at . attendance in city schools during February and cut down at King Edward school yester- question of additional superanu-day afternoon during the. an-(ation be referred to the Provin-nual celebration of Education cial government for concilation Week. For many parents it was or be senj to an arbitration the first time in the new school board. 1 Last vear an arbitration board r wl New MeuaKaua ivieiTiianis. MONTREAL r The Montreal Athletic Commission Tuesday followed up disqualification of Sandy Saiiuier with a $500 fine 1 One of the most modern; here unanimously recommended po-cmogc hniiHir, in hp nmvince. ! that the citv elve consideration ! records. At Booth Memorial High Rjpc rt np- t m:iiiv nv win-. - rui wic In! School as many as 100 pupils were stricken and the malady r- ne was followed Davis with 10 points, I and released the world fcuthe ,,.j(.p as ' .Hants, the fia. Paper Roll Towels O Paper Napkins Paper Doilies Paper Paper Plates Plates Paper Spoons i. The eight of which he made in the! w"iKht chamDions purse. ,ut c frp Ms 2. Classrooms' well prepared. ' io me superannuation request to receive them with distinct based on the findings of the projects featured by murals, Crumb report, Firefighters blackboard drawings, cut-outs, ' claimed last night at a special etc meeting with city council wage uon., i n r. ir i n a rpnch.rs ' committee, kins plavcd with as iaKt quarter. Davis ieored 12 in Alter a. special meeting or the anv' team on a the third quarter. Much of the 'commission. Chairman Emile l - nils also caused absenteeism among teachers. LULLINGSTONE, England (CP) Archaeologists excavating a Roman villa here unearthed 7000 shattered pieces of murals believed to have decorated the home of a Roman official. Be und ourvicn cd extensive training hut lacked jco""B mum-nun miu uk uiihcu Uvidson allow a the final polish gained by prac- swies Army woum De iaKen inio ...i, whistles w if it was an tieal application against an op-' consideration out Ci umb granted Vancou-4. who welcomed -them sincerely. report ver firefighters in April, 19a0 an Proud children whose grinning features showed how " hwth,c?1.rcquirecl e ,1 l. , u u i. contribute 2'2 per cent of fire- Lle!i 2TX en's wages and an additional ordinary time, we would suspend ,n usual (fame. 150 people who paid o the ponent. Next basketball tame at the Civic Centre features the neconti of a best-of-three final series sides being " broken,, the pieces I ITr ,..,n, . t-n'if. I t:i game cheered lor nd W many ... n,t,ieri color In de-i one arc discolored bv fire. him. . Saddler was warneti repeatedly by -Referee Tommy Sullivan for hoidinR, hitting ,on the breaks, heeling and other illegal tactics in a bout Monday night with IJl OH"' - h ousted ' between Man&oiM Elk" on Rl-lllVf GlirVH . ,i .-I a Mu ctator ; contribution from firemen of 2 "S. An orderly, yet completely. frank and informal atmosphere , Meanwnile aU othcr oints haV5 throughout the well-kept school. beel negotiated ..very smoothly" 6. A program of entertain- stateA a union Sp0kesman, who inent proviaed for them by the added tne unlon was pieased ..by children and teachers which jtne frjeriiiy and co-operative j Thursday night. a derision n tne Aimand Savoie. Another . i distinguished product of ,e by the Merchants sC and. because of Chal-Hit zone defence, most .iatorV shots were lont; fwld coal. Playing ,unt: riiltun. Norman ;..'rry Lane and I. Buxton SCOKINU Challengers Schcrk .J.' Flaten 6, Holkestad 8, Olson 4, Davis 22. Kpring 4, Webster 6, Mat; thews 4, Mcrgan, Cuilwi. Total 66. Merchant-Lang 5, Milne 4, Bolton 7, I. Buxton 6. Guthrie 4. W. Buxton 1, B. Booth 2, Johnson, Booth. Total 33. Allowed to Go On Hoop Tour Although not very enthusiastic about it, board of school trustees showed a high degree oi co- ; manner in wni:h the council has operation ana intensive eifort. jthus tar negotiated." Between 1:15 ana l:4o p.m., original wage Increase de-parents were urged by teaenc-rs mands were 25 per cent. The lo mix with their children In union has accepted the $30 a the classrooms, following wnicn month increase the city offered rrmcipai ti. u. Moore uiiected last week, which is approximately tne program in tne school gym half of the increase sought orig-where seating was provided lor inally. an entuusiasbic auuience. ct these quality shoes ot r,,(l m some oazziins Boltmi was high for U with seven lJoints. last nlht granted permission to The BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY; Co. Ltd. 1 Leslie Matthews of Booth Mem- i nri.nl Hiph Rrhnnl staff t.n po tt Penticton for the forthcomin ; 1 E GKAM i Allan Griffin, district passen- ! Senior A provincial basketball There was singing in two-part ger agent of Canadian National ii...ffo no KMunvr i .nr,n nnro rfneirw nv Railways and Canadian National DAILY NEWS ,..i,H . r,,. i.. ,i,i',. .-.. mo . .. rs.irsil ii ,.r,H. i.nrti.e rt rorf nn ouainiiu SWarnpships, 1.1, arrived ti.ii.iu cn the SALE PRICES CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS 99c WOMEN'S SHOES ' 1.95 MEN'S SHOES 6.95 pTl m "ce George today for an offi-Aiiss of Class leacher Joe Gocoe. clal business tp. He U maUng ann Bekeu,v paced ,. , , , ,,., ,,: the round trip to Ketchikan and Grade 1 class tne uuougu cho,ui.wm Pf ()(:eed rom here by to. reciiauon oi tm Miuy near. morrow evenings train to Jasper A comedy play with a moral enroute back to Vancouver. ! the period or his absence and a 1 suitable substitute mast be provided. Alex Bill, coach of the local team which is challenging for provincial senior hoop honors, asked the board to give Mr. Matthew permission to go and trie was presented by Grade IV pupils under direction of Mrs. fat If you want to sell it, advertise it. News classified. iriewitt, which leatured a Red request also had the blessing of Cross theme and prevention of FASHION FOOTWEARj. accidents. Partly maimed and R. H Davidson, president of the i Prince Rupert Basketball A.ssoci-j ation and also vice-principal of; The ALLEYS'Curling Results moaning children were cautioned by trie -nurse" to "use youi heaos." Pre-school children, accom Booth Memorial School. J The team leaves next Tuesday I j for Penticton and, if it is elimin- Results of Ladies' curling, Mor:-; ated at Penticton, will return ! day gam-as: j March 16. If it wins at Penile-! McKenzie 14. Matthew 3; Wil-! ton it will go on to Vancouvei j son 3. Wales 4; Rogerson 6. Tur- ! and return home March 23. i ner 2; Evans 5, Wilkins 9: Part-' i BC RESERVE is. ivifosn'i''.' ft a panying their parents, visibly enjoyed the program as well as the adults. A ripple of laughter in the audience was sustained when one youngster kept twinging his arms and shouting at the stage: "Christopher! Christopher! Christopher . . .!" Kill M.U'KtXZIE 1 S( OKI II K.ll I ' si::r;!t trf 301 and a total Hush Mackeniie. of Jay-ptured top honors fii sKbf Men's Five Pin Malison's took team mth 1123 and a hih ; 3073 With the cud of Hockey Scores National ridge 7, Bateman 5; Hamilton 7,! Munthe 10. j Friday afternoon draw Mc- j Leod vs Munthe; Skallmerud vs Jennings; Webster vs Moore. , Post on 4, New York 1 Wastorn International Folk dancing, action songs. The British Cilumbu Distillery Ci. Ltd. NCW WCITMIMITIR, B.C. Viai! 5, Spokane 0 (Trail wins basketball drill and a portrayej best of five Mo.i.gonrry Cup t.ass in social studies were di- CD I OT on appidiii liinjj, a tight JMtauy for first ppsic Results -ion- Home Oil 1. C'NRA playoffs 3-2 Pacific Coast Saskatoon 3, Victoria 0 ' This adv.rtijemenl is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by th- Government of British Columbia 41 ; Men's curling results, Tuvsday: Semi-final primary competition Collinson 8, Kellough 6; Warren 15, Wood 1. i ' Secondary competition Moore 10, Wales 4; Eyolfson 12. Shier 5; Rowbotham 7. Wilson 8; Hollis-t-:n 4. Moore 20. ,( '-jok's Jcwellvrs 3. Rupert This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. i rected respectively by Mrs. L. j Rapp, Miss Edith Jack, Paul To-1 palian and Principal Moor;. I A "silver" tea, prepared and vrved by King dward PTA jwith the help of teachers, was ! enjoyed in the school lunch 1, Thorn Sheet Metal 1, f ".op 3, Bulser's 3. Bud's '(fault, Maiisor default i, Mouse , Hut PR I i l7l ' $ i -V . v i it', I- 1 '' I room. Proceeds win De turnen over to the Preventive Dental Clinic. Wednesday Draws 7 p.m. Boulter vs Laurie; McKenzie vs Stewart; Rogvrson vs Wood. 9 p m. Greene vs Miller; Skallmerud vs Black; Berg vs r.ts 2 ! won- Northwest Const, j Lesion idefaulti, Jaycees n 1, Short Circuits 3,' A. 1. Bulkley Market 4.1 h 0 CNRA Two 3, Para-' 1, Standings :sion Snort Shop 26, s 25. CNRA One 24. Moose - s 21. Home Oil 51 Timm If you want to sell it, adv:rlijf it. News cla-sslf ied. . I Prince Rupert R. Savaid, Montreal; R. J. Cooper, New Westminster; E. jNeilson, Edmonton; J. H. Mc- Naughton, A. M. Morgan and J. i Whitley. Vancouver; Mrs. L. Roland, Porcher Island; Mr. and iMrs. Mclntyre, Alice Arm; D. M. Shelly, Stewart; J. Dunlop, Smithers. !;al 19, Rupert Butchers Championship Finals MANSONS vs ELKS 2nd game THURSDAY Fit IG IDA! RE REFRIGERATOR More beautiful and practical than ever in four completely new models including this fine De Luxe Cold-Wall. - ' : Amusements 13. Buyer's he's 6, Bud's Plare 5. lMon- Short Circuits 26. ' 26, Jaycees 22, Para-21. Bulkhy Market 19, 'o 18, Northwest 18 3- Rayal Fish li. Cana-'i'm 1 Gets Time Out I j ! To Go Curling i T. G. Bateman, principal of Conrad Street School, who is an enthusiastic curler, was granted permission by the school board last night to take a couple of afternoons off later this month to 1 participate in the Prince Rupert j Curling Club's bonspiel providing i his rink reaches the finals. It Duracleaning pins Stay i was one of the few requests that; is recommended b y Canada's leading furniture and dept. stores. Complete ftB I the board, which seemed to be tn ' a rather critical mood last nlsht, I granted with enthusiasm. Puck Race 9 1 -The n n . t fii(1M7itrrniiFflv insurance coverage by Lloyd's of London. VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Cliilcotin 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. Camostin 12 noon AI.K'i; ARM, STKWAKT AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. Kilt NORTH Ql 'KKN t'HARI.OTTK ISLANDS March 14 and 28 ss. Cliilcotin midnight FOR SOI ! II Ql'EEN CHARI.onii ISLANDS ss. Chilcotln March 7 and 21 (midnight) FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent &0& I Rememberwhen? I Fred J. (Mickey! Ion, famous i professional hockey referee, and I two players Baldy Northcott of , Chicago Black Hawks and Gus k'Pt themselves in the W'P play-off race by trouncing the New York luesday niht. 4-1 be- rw'l of 5.6!)7. cvj1' Put the Bruins and ;" a tie for the fourth Marker of Toronto Maple Lcais " "ie national Hockey j th has SI nni.,1. were honored with gifts be- 1 C tU. r, r periods of the Chicago- Carpetings, Twists, Orientals and Fine Upholstery ie nrst Bruin viclnru i'u-"ua v" " . vu 101 v b -w Ynri, lor s mn rs... ' Toronto National Hockey League , ci, .. - "cceniDer game 13 years ago tonight. The ,Z scorod the 198th Third Avenue Phone 568 I k v " long career Dumart his 201st. and gins were presenieu uy uuiun- ; ers from their home towns. . 1 Y.1 XIVa n ( vl Whisk through your Wash wffi an ELECTRIC VASHER may now be safely cleaned and revived with consideration for their life and textures Duracleaning restores resilience to wool fibres Pile unmats and rises Colors revive FRIGfDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE Models for every kitchen and budget. Model RM-60 cooks a whole meal while you're away. jig Come in and see our P(Friiridaire) Refrigerators and Stoves at amazing i reductions. Save your hands . . . save your time . . . save your clothes. Wash the easy way with an electee washer. Conic in and see the latest models ... or sec your electrical appliance dealer. Summer's cominj; with lots"of wishing to keep the family fresh-looking. An electric washer chases out the most stubborn dirt , in jig time . . . quickly, thoroughly, yet so gently it won't harm the finest fabrics. I. Seagrams Croum Royal Seagrams V.O. Seagram's "83" Seagram's King's Plate Seagrams Special Old Furnishings are Dura-cleaned in your home ' No inconvenience in having them gone ' Also I mothproofed, if desired Phone Green 328 A World-wide Service D, J. Duracleaners 1233 Water St. Prince Rupert, B.C. DAVE JONES GORDON & ANDERSON Limited Phone 46 (iDaipiHpia (Bill W 3 1 1 ii J i no. published ot d.spl.yd by th, liquor Control Bo.nl m by tht Oovtinn-nl ol BnUsh Co!ub