2 Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, January 14, 1953 OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MacLeod 3 ' I, I vow.. . ) 1 r f rv As ! See It l ?, i J Elmore 'll-'V1'jL-T ah Inriepanclrnt dally newspaper devoted to th upbuilding ol Prlno Rupan and Northern find Central British C-olutnbla. Ilmbfr of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of circulation Canadian Dolly Newspaper Association. Published by "he Prince, Rxipert Dallv News Limited 1. F. MACJOR. President . H. O. PFRRY. Vlce-Presldtnt Subscription Rates r t y earrtei l-er "eft, zRc; per month tl.Ox per year. $10.00 i?Tfjto ey mall Per month. "ise; per year. ta.oo. j3.-' 4utnor!zei as econd class r-all fr Uie' Port Oftue Department, Ottawa. Compared with the usually controversial a n d frequently spectacular Department of National Defence, the Department of Finance Is a drab operation u best. Hut that doesn't prevent It from U-Ing currently the focal ispnt of attention for some of Parliament Hill's . most experienced and competent observers. They senxe shrewdly that i-.o other activity in the entire realm of government is of equal long-range importance to the U-YDayors. buNinrssmrn. and Danger Invisible -Man at Work IF THE political situation in B.C. were not so important to all Canada it would be downright funny. Since the days when knights cn horseback wore iron suits, i-nd dismounted at their peril, the expression "caught with their pants down" has told its own story. workers of the nation. The of Immediate In terest is whether, with the dra- HK.II COUMACK, f, . agent for the Canadian rV Hallway Company sUift- ;, has been named general ru. aser.t fur IU c;.i,,iy , , elite, region with hea!q;s.r t Vanrouver. The apoli '.. was effective January '. Cormack's appointment n, almost 42 years afer h r tnenced snrvlce with th cv than Pacific as a ju.iht -at Winnipeg. i mtlr pavHln of the ln Or W i Clifford Clark as Deputy Min-; Liter, the Finance Ministry will begin to Kwe its reputation through the past two decades for mounting bureaucracy? Un-; der mild-mannered, somewhat shy. and only moderately axser-, tive Kenneth W. Taylor will the j department experts continue o But now for the first time in political history we see the once mighty Liberal party in B.C. , i nfrt the retns of policy? Or "caught with its, pants down" I because its own most influential I supporters are helrling the Lih-! eral pants down so that the ! Liberal party can be caught. ; financial, taxation, a sslMILESTONi : policies wigtiiHir umr hiwicj I rmn tb 1 1W- ( 1 1 v The same elements that compelled the Liberals to stay in 40 Yeors Ago Todd CARTOONIST ARC HIE DALE of the Winnipeg Free Pre h poking fun at the fuluh-a of mankind particularly politicians for more thsn a half-century. Trie Scottish-born veteran newspaper man, now 70, started cartooning on the Courier of Dundee hi his native city. The cartoon has him at his drawing board with some of the well-known personalities and characters who have been his favorite subjects. They are, lift to right: former Prime Minister R. B Bennett; John Bracken, former premier of Manl oba: the late J. s. Woodswortli, founder of the CCF party; the late William Aberhart, first So:ial Credit premier Of Alberta; former Prime Mlnbter Mackenzfc King. Second row. left to right: Lord Haw Haw; Big Business; Old Man Manitoba, and The Little Fellow. Around Archie are two sprites he culls the Doo Dads. CP THOTOi coalition with the Tories lone! ; arounn me cuDinei vaoir, as i used to be the case in the days i before managed currencies, in-volvrd rentral bunking tech- nlques. foreign exchange controls, international monetary ! fands, and deficit financing created the economic mysteries ! which raised the experts to Considerable damage . last night to the atork t:t tures In Martin O Reili) i ,, ng store through water i flowing from a tp m-twt j been left running all nipt!' power? ItlT.AM WITH "K. B." Cartoonist, Now 70, Still Enjoys Poking Fun at Foibles of Mankind ' Cotnnurailvely early in the depression thirties Conservative ! Prime Minister R. B Bennett ; rlirlriMt (hi. 1 the rnnncllan bank- WINNIPEQ a Cartoonist ; gained by outlasting almost all! Now 70. he gives no Indication Ing system was too self-suffl-Archlbald Dale U known around the characters mhich have sprung of ever quitting the Canadian Uient to be an efrtclent arm of the Winnipeg Free Press as -the from hia acrid pen and drawing political scene from which most government economic pohe y In indestructible man. a titlelboard. of his themes arc taken. For 1 an emergency. So he created the after the rank and file detested the suicidal folly. 0 that course are now moving, ;heaven and earth to have' the 'Liberals and Conservatives abdicate hi the pending 1rovincial election. They want the provincial election to be fixed-in-advanc, a sham battle a straight two-way fight between Social Credit and CCF. The idea bf course is to annihilate the-CCF in BC. MEANWHILE there is an even funnjer aspect '. tot the going 5-cn at Victoria, t J ' The real -ruler of BC. is not even temporary Premier Bennett, who obtained office as head of a party which got 26 per cent of the votes as against 31 per cent for the CCF and 1 per cent for the Liberals. The real Premier! pro-tem is the INVISIBLE. MAN., who tells the BC. government what the Alberta bosses want done in B C. Day by day the vkience pit's According to barometer cations milder weather : sight. Today's tcmperatt;r maximum 18. mtnunutn lo 30 Yeors Ago Todo R C. Mulch. Wie lor, tractor. Is building a th,-house at Lake Kathiyn k Booth Fuherles Conipit: Prince Rupert Th formal opening of Itn Court House has been pe'? for one week ami r 0 f'.. mill leave for Ptmre R i-r ! more than 50 years, government ; Bank of Canada and raided the I officials, their foibles and poll- Royal Bank for Its most promls-cles have been the subjects of , Ing rising execuUve Clraham , his lampooning He signs Arch Towers to be its head. At the : and is called Archie. ' j Kame Ume. he realised the y S Some older Canadians will re- I rial and political Implications af Letterbox being able to record such a re- member his work from their! the New Deal policies which the GOOD CO-OPERATION Editor, The Daily News. . . May I, on behalf of the Cost ult. For many years, the volume fchilhood. espec ially Doc Saw-j Roosevelt ' administration wis of Christmas mall has been bones. Old Man Crouch and ! pioneering. 8om of them, lie steadily Inrte&sing and this was I other Immortals of the Doo Dadi kn"w. would have to be adopt'd January 24 20 Years AgoTodo) A K. Parlow. diUiu t ! it old ; by Canada. Consequently, he set masters of Canada and the postal again the case this year, when who first ppvured in the staffs generally, express our ap-more than 250 000.000 Individual Orain Orowers' Oulde. told the Chamber of CVrr-. ebout to find a top Canadian At Last Some Action WITHOUT the slightest sign of fuss or fury, there has been announced in city council a project infinitely more worthwhile than past proposals which have consumed hours and days of useless debate. It is the five-year public works program for roads and sidewalks made known by Alderman Krueg-er, chairman of the board of works committee. At last there is hope that the mincing-, peevish approach to civic improvements is being- abandoned. Had this policy continued as yet it may, unless the cue is taken our thoroughfares and other neglected property would certainly have suffered complete disintegration while the city fathers glared hotly, but inertly, at each other. Perhaps optimism is premature, but it is also forgivable. After months of much talk and no action, the citizens of Prince Rupert were forced to the sad realization that at the city hall they had a good comic opera but little administration. While a few council members did their best, the hammy dialog-tie of the character parts was too much for them. Although admittedly Alderman Krueger's plan has not yet progressed far enough to excite any dramatics, there is a businesslike intent in the proposal which has a pleasant effect on ratepayers' jaded nerves and gives rise to the encouraging thought that the worst is over. The proposal also centres attention on the important duties of the works superintendent who is making a study of the repairs and improvements needed. In all such cases the success of a project depends primarily on the recommendations of the expert who conducts the original survey. If the recommendations are not made with thoroughness and intelligence, there is no hope that the project will fare any better. In this particular instance we are confident that the work will be capably carried out. Announcement of the plan is a hopeful introduction to the council's new term. We look forward to the rest of the show being just as good. Mr. Gordon Scores a Point WHY CANNOT Canadians have spectacular streamlined trains like the Americans do? The question, which is a pertinent one, is often asked of any railwayman unfortunate enough to get caught in a crowd intent on comparing transportation systems. , If he is at loss for an answer, one has just been supplied by the Canadian National Railways' -chairman and president, Donald Gordon. The answer is Cm million. Mr. Gordon did not put it so briefly but he did state that was the loss to American railroads in their passenger operations last year. While the figure, as he explained, is an overall one brought about by many factors which make the U.S. passenger business a losing game, the dramatic appearance of the American trains must be considered as one of the important expenses involved. To put streamliners on the road, trains must be purchased in whole sets in the same way that toy trains are bought. To use the technical wording, they are articulated units. If their individual coaches or sleepers are mixed -with standard equipment, the night an early rrv:vi , preciation of the very great ntm were handled. Careful up that the INVISIBLE MAN . ... . . .. . . flHlllVmtll l - I . l timbering ituhiury At, - ... .. . assistance exiennen to n hw th lhuiuuuk una ereaiiv flupmenien fr,rtr.:,im mtfivi tirt w-icrtine- ine " 'oena is geuing tnm?s, .. " " " " T' i ,. ' T" ;: i Most of hi enrtonn. c,,nrAi, ! ; " ' . " "..r.'T " ' L - i..t.. , Vk. ,. I pw'v iii iiiuuniK cai jjr qui nig i -. vww. mvai y . - lon economic Km lf Ml uin J u.... . done his way the ChrLstmas season which tias coPp wh sucn a Hood of mall.!"' wiipnere ei ciaareue way U) PVOVe a blend thit ; Alherta Vine nn full tirvta T i Word has been received if. 'Alt Ol our own clforu, however, j a snarp bhihiso I would meet distinctive Cunadian bor Relations Board-so B C. I just pas-sed- must scrap Its full time board) According to report already which saved this province scores j roee'ved from many of the offi-of millions of dollars in wages j ees "eross Canada, the o-opera-earned and goods produced br-iIkm Riven tn public was would have counted for little if , have centred on Western Can-! rnruilrtans Th laU, Dr clark the public had not co-operated i atla- . was the answer lo his question by observing the suggested mail-; A short, thick-net man wish from the time of the aping dates. The public, therefore 'spectacle and green eye.sna.ta. polntmclit of Messrs Towers and city from Frank L. Burkj -he la Just as confident as being able to arrrtmie lot financing for the pulp rr. Prince Rupert. .- .i . . - i deserve th rrfl In u. V. t ti.A I liA elnpUrf lil !. .. tiarK uv experts nave ncio cause unnecessary strikes were j n ever oetore, ana as ; - - - - ; " f. ; - over thr Flounce Ministry . prevented. A new part-time! res"'t ere We",," inlthat t.lto complete their deliveries br7l 0A and. a" wish to sav i birthplace in Scotland. . ...t,. 1 0 Yr$ Aqo Todo board is to be set .. 'nui.., ' Ttmruc JTUiruc ,!, ...... you! vouf" ii l rue, incy iimtc m-eit luoini tit . . n!,h i E i- . . . and ... Mrs - t tn inog. after n fneU on ' it the INVISIBLE M AN can find i""i,L,"us avc The heip also generously ac- ' ' VHilto. trustees, advl.eo Glasgow paper, he left for Can-! ,.,. ,..-. k... Th-re Is great fatlsfaction In conciliators to work, for the I corded, as in other years, by the.ada and a h.-nestead In tht Lr.V inet .snml Rot it h.,!" Board last nift daily allowance which Is two- j newspapers is also deeply appre-tTourhwonri n.11 ..r K:,k.u. f King Erfwnrd and Sui been with them, rather than j urn us wnat a goou jjiumoer cimm. ay pupin'izing tne various ! wan mailing dates and other pertinent 1 u;iAlU ulmlrr hv ,h with the Cabinet, that the policies which ultimately become Schools are overcrow de4. 1 Booth Memorial Is f.ilr y the permtvsahlc r.ine ' now gets. Alberta has nrw'vrovinee-wio'e lnr,"!!,!ihand.e changed his mind about translated Into terms of taxes to! n - . j jj 1 vhiuik Vlir : homesteading. He came to Win-i be paid by the people have or-' rl"" I' rHm. ray... Reflects and Reminisces public support which was hospital insurance so B.C. must scrap its own plan (endorsed by 55 per cent' ol the voters) and adopt a variation of the hit- nipeg and worked for two years on the Grain Orowers' Guide. tginated. WAS Kf.Tt Fir.l'RE helpful to tut. W. J. TURNBULL, ;then moved to the Free Press. j eiiiu-intss rviorria piau even in I Deputy Postmaster General At all times the late Dr. Clark TRIP HOME was recognid as figuratively a winaiau irom the real estate the keystone of the arch of con PROTESTS MAYOR S STATK.irNT boom of isho provided a trip EHT SI RVfV TEHRAN (CrV U.iins i" connalssanre and phot--'-UN trejiuiral assistance ' have been able to u; v p development el Jr.m'j sources In only two m m! ; , re.uilt of the cxim-iK r memtaUnn new eli ft-ti-ady been drilled fouV.x a! ran and others will follft trol by expert which had been built up within the Finance Department His tragic death rould "A jug of wine, an outboard, 60 days, and thou." Newspaper headline. A good time was had by all. But it was June, not January.' make a big difference. It could mean mote control by the politicians, less by the experts. But will It? The coming budget con Editor, Daily News- noma where he woiked for the . Manchester Ouardian. it i is the ,K. -i wish -u of . .u the Prince ; Rupert Trades and Labor Council i,At the enrt ' the Fim World that Mayor Whalen's Maierne K ! he "J h 5",Ued Sl1" and hUi Do ln, ratter pl,t on the eve of t;le civic I shall not be unc lallengert d I "P- A2 .rr.A hw returned to W mvti,in t .m. ,j years nn i i ofWIPa-W antl mOVpd hL' bird a t t fit meenr. COim-' inl the free Press. He has been cil cn mi, tnis year. . thcre ever uinee inTtrfM'?i; hiS tatpmtnt-'i! Of all the political figures to Instructed the voters of Vrince ; an.Ur i k 1 HE IMPORTANT POINT A feminine columnist observes cluding a whole new scheme of hospital regionsi.' ejornpiete with brand new extra taxes. The INVISIBLE MAN has whispered. WE CAN GET a" good idea what the INVISIBLE MAN has In store for B.C. tomorrow by examining what some of the Alberta rulers were "saying a few weeks back. At Kingsville, Ontario, Mr. Solejn tow told a church group; ) "The people of . Alberta benefited 12 times more from a gross revenue of $89 millions from oil and gas than did the people of British Columbia from a lumbpr industry with a gross revenue of that "no girl should accept her fii'st proposal." It's quite, pos ceivably will suggest what the answer Is going to be. Socreds Plan stole the former neglected to know something about hr fiance's finances. Bradstreet'4 Anyway, B"Pert om to elect and also' liked best to draw the late R. B rating, for example better find out. Biggest Road - "wv 'I't, Mennett. Anotner favorite was names of those desirable In the : Mackenzie King whMe,h S wer'namedl Agriculture Minister James Ld7irfle W.T Gardiner still is one of the most-not t nn, named. Nevertheless, the b.i.... i -v.- - $525 millions." (Windsor Daily FOR HIGH : CLASS ' PRINTING IN 1953 As Always There's a prospect ol Casa Loma. Toronto's $1,700,000 castle belnjr destroyed unless certain Work Program Star report, December 6.) Only a fool could fail to see the significance -of that. The readers were not left in doubt jPrMS edltorlal palre. But Archie as to those undesirables' identity.! has never forgiven the person " said: 'who "did him In" on one Gar- 'It Is quite evident from some! diner cartoon. INVISIBLE MAN Is grabbing the axe to do to forestry the basic lepai;-; to cast $75,000- are made. Toronto is large and. rich enough to keep it indefinitely. Nowhere else in Canada or the continer.: Is there any place like this. Multitudes of tourists and others rejoice In wandering industry of B.C. what has ai- eady been done to hospitals MECHANICAL MIX-IP VICTORIA P The biggest highway development program In the history of the province Is being planned by the provincial government, an authoritative government source said Monday. of Uie things which have recently transpired that we have an element in the council and presently running for office that and hospital Insurance and to labor relations. Archie showed Mr. Gardiner In the cartoon standing on his through it. Casa Loma Is magnificent. But why should it be represent a group which the whole of Canada and the west neao wnen an around him was right side up. Through some quirk,, the cartoon got In the paper upside down, Indicating The road program, to which ' Space Experts razed because of gradetir? Let's keep something worth looking at even in the face of a nationwide housing shortage. ern world at this time Is fighting against." This protest is a bit delayed that Mr. Oardlner was right and PLACE ORDERS NO hole dazzling effect is lost. everyone else wrong. but tt U not to late to bring it to the attention of both the Deslte an occasional ferocity In operations over broad areas, the arrangement government experts now are putting final touches, Is snld to exceed the 1052-53 allotment of $12,500,000 for capital projects. The government also received $5,000,000 from the federal gov-t r n in e n t for Trans-Cnnada Highway work. WHAT'S JOHN L. SAV? Mayor and tn public that the'", JH.Jt.Jt peaceful man. U always Dibb Printing Cc Most American cities are re surprises Trade and Labor Council con quiring landlords to maintain him when someone reacts vlo Debunk Moon Dust Theories .PASADENA, Calif. (AP) Writers of love songs take note: the moon Is not covered with moon-dust. Many astronomers and geophy-slclsts have backed the songwriters in the theory that the lentiy and start calling him minimum tmprstti In apartments. It should be $8 and be between September or Octo names over the telephone. 80 far he hasnt been harmed physically has costly disadvantages. Segregating the standard equipment from the streamlined units at every marshalling point on the system would become a nightmarish problem without doing much one way or another for the passengers who, if they are comfortable inside the train, could not care less what it looks like outside. It seems that in the case of Mr. Gordon vs. the "Super Chief," Mr. Gordon has scored a good point. ber untU May or June. No one has said a word about ceai. Where d we get off at, concerning John L. Lewis? moon was covered with a thi?ic layer of dust. However, Dr. Kon General Electric Appliances rid J. Buettner, space expert, siders such statements ill advised and erroneous, and, coming too late for contradicting before the election day, unfair as well. In conclusion, we wish to state that, although this Council did not nominate any candidate In the recent civic election, the four men running who are labor men, are known respectfully in the council and are certainly no' known as enemies of this country. We hope that the chief administrator as well as future administrators of this city will have enough dignity to refrain from such accusations against other out he s had some close calls. Long experience has given him an effective technique for dealing with callers. As soon as the caller who usually refuses to leave a name stops for breath, Archie reminds him at least he had the courage to put his name on the cartoon. Then he hangs up, rolls a cigarette and goes back to the drawing board. told the American Physical 80 Some visitors ean stay longer in an hour than others ean in a week. ciety that hia observations show that instead of dust, the surface of the moon is covered with a spongy honeycomb of rock and ONCE WAS ENOUGH The hundreds of passerrgers eboard the SS Princess Kathleen dirt. This, he explained, is caused by are claiming losses, the total of Scripture JPaSiaye for JoJaij "Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." CoL 3:17 Washing Machines, Floor Polishers, Radios, Kettles, Ranges, Vacuum Cleaners and many others. which exceeds the company es heavy cosmic rays from the sun and distant stars bombarding the moon for a million or more years. The effect of the bom RUPERT RADIO AND ELECT0 Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST Room 10, Stone Building, Phone Blue 5S3 The Grand Banks, ancient bardment, unhampered by any timate. Well, when a tcUnv is told, around daybreak hour on a wet morning to hustle into a small boat for the ship was sinking, he does not search more than once, to see If he's leaving anything behind. citizen who may wish to take interest in civie affairs. A. WALLIN, Vice President, Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council, fishing grounds off Canada's A.t atmospheric shield, has been to Locks of the Panama Canal wert designed by Alexander Eiffel, who buUt the famed Eiffel Tower In Paris. Phone 644 Box 12" turn the moon surface Into a lantic coast, cover an area of about 36,000 square miles. fine honaycomb. 1 ir