V r'unce iiupi.n ivoiiy News WeUitsday, January 14, 1953 Moose Ladies jThird Girl Guide Company with J),inJt respassing Cards wore enjoyed after a1 Reviews Years Activities First Group of Bikes To Get Safety Strips brief business dUcu&don at the! ' i Women of the Moose homemak- The Third Prince Rupert Girl The foilowimr profK-leney bads-; ing committee meeting at the Guide Company has commenced were award-d: Needlewoman's to homo eif Mn s nwi iVi winter session with a review Anno F .ni!..,. n i,i.rl i iriv I ivrt- Im-lu-.v talk Jias taken the place of asiscHKinenta , t-t k and if all that's spoken h true Home real is Itoiiml to he nhown Sunday when .the ElkJ with the Gyros on the Rotary rink. Game time; : f -, Students at two city schools Conrad and Booth Winners wre: Mrs. O. Eobin-. ot tne busv session before Christ- Homemakers to Jeanne Golds lintr adviwl trf t-ikp their htrviAe tn their""1 J' -tu- mas ' and Judy L.oyd; Toymaker and aie being advised la UKe mtir WcyCltS tO tneirj Ten ,Jlemberi prc.nt were., The Company formed a euard Leather-A-orkers to Jeanne Golds, HC'hool this Friday night and leave them OVemight 'Mrs. O Stegavlg, Mrs. A. Norton. oi honor with the oth.-r Guides aid during the Christmas hoii- Mrs- J- Larsen, Mrs. J. Cormier, and Scouts In the city at the day. Jeanrw Golds parsed her fe.r the. ni.Vu-ai inn r.f "Kffiteh litf." rpflpntnt r,-Ur lor tne application u ot hcotxn-nte lei lectors ready Mra R 8Wnner Mrs. F. Good High school during the visit oi Naturalist Ead.:e. on Saturday. . f" " Mr- B. Bacon. Irs. O. Robinson. Canada Gove r nor -General. Lectures were given by Mrs. V.. Mrs. H. Muncey, Mrs. R. Gi.ske Thy paraded on- Remembrance Pick to enable some of the giris While It Ik not known how i m tne camps! to get all i.,!.. -. . . ,. . . cnA uUiK.r k-. i r.ie,r Dav to the tnotanh. anH n-t ti si) for thi ir Fmrtn Unin. nr, i.o H,.t,.rHJU ume oj scuooi cniiaren nervicea " " . i-iwn. - - . . . -. . Dec. 7 the Queen's Colors, which ers Badse in the New Year. . been announced. ,..!., vcr. but probubly iiui' In the whole 'u Bill Bond. campaign ,n fur the Kinsmen HC. ,,d vihirh reeelve the proceed. B;mli nt of 20 your uko. ir la.-t rh-irlly ;:aine was ;.,.., i bound to arise , (li'l Slime, who leurn-hK-k-y In Calnary. Win- jnd l"ter itl Ki'd Luke ,Im.m OntHrlo. will tw mdfmi i i . .... ... jA&ujtfatnl ! p.en-;uiy been presented to the Company by the 10DE. i Heather Stevens gained her were dedicated at a special ser-' Second Class Badge and now va.e givn by the Rev. J. S. Twin-wears her patrol leader gtripes. inga'v Seal Cpve Church. h-Parent-Teacher Association, ',tn tn, "''lectors for safety with member of the Junloi i PurPose. Chamber of Commerce, expect! - total of IBS bike at King to complete a large number. i Edward school will be wrviccd In .rf the work is not completed io(t of - tn" p'r dz-dded last-this Saturday, remaining bikes i n -V- Km una Jan. 24. fill prob3!5!y be co:niilcUd ws! J"c Crscdc. l1mu1 afety con-n. 21 when the reflectors will j vener, will be in charge of opera-be npplied to children's bik ' ' " "'i"-'fd by children' par- THIS WEEK Wor.ic . .-u' -a.; the Iri.ne Rner' fteneril Heis-piial meetnu, ft p.m. Thursday, C'lvie Centre. P'ince Knpert Typoeraptiical .'"'in, liK-al 413. meeting 7:38 p.m., Thursday, Civic Centre. Installation of ID. ANIHtEH' MMBKOS of Wiartun. Out . U xorving a tour of operation with the United 8l ate A!r Forte In Korea. One Of the RCAF pIloU mi ectifl'.ie duty, hp will return to Canada alter eomplviiiiK 53 mission or iiiior he ha served ix months In i .pi ratio is. if? from National D:'1eneei h.. pm k lit the colorful simuiulsrn, Kvallc for at Borden and King f.dward. i lJ H.'p.ls are xsked to leave , T, i . " - ( Get (arnation i..;rwi ax n, M.i '; S,' All i J. . f L. ' livK thei.- t:k'S at the school th; day oef c Liie loera io.'i beeins. Meanwhile training in pro pressing. A Hpokesmun for the i Uyro said most of that club's j tem iirccnhctrrui are being j grilled by former Wiiinlix-g and Ht-lklrk player Jim Mewart. ! 1" leaving tor Bmither j tonlnht to curl In a bon.splel : hut will bo bark Itl time for j Sunday game. j A'm at the Gyro eamp weie i Ah I'hililpsuii. aid tu bt ;t j goalie of note. ! In a contest with a pli k-u' j toam. which Includod uoh ,i...yi.i! an hMrilr Murso and loiniiiy Si'Kliui, Harold Wtul-, tn. whn slain-cl many year ago oroimd tho not for tho South Saunlch Tigor. Rot all throo Koala Tho ofilcial .voror fatl-d in 1 koip lb of tllMl-O'l'tti'f rYi IhO : other b-ain afU-r tho count ; ri ached 20 so citiliMtkor wore utiablo to ropirt tho final m ore Kpinlal rovrraKC f tho C"o.--onution U txiund l l)o rocoivrd by Mr. Itroiiuirr, wIium- mm-in-law llorb Jrffrry ha boon i-tiotd a ono of the nun tf piay with tho Knollor Hall Trunipstor at Wostmlruitor Ab- ! l.t-y at I ho June 2 ceremony. Horb. wlu married Nancy 1 Itrrmnrr, wa well-known horo during tho war years for til myinvs in the navy band. Ho BOOTH SATIRD.W The Booth Memorial K'fcfc School P-TA met Monday nlvil-v and decided to be'in the up i"nttnn of the safety tape thii Saturday. It was reported at ih meeting also that the ntuden'.' are responding well to the serving of hot soup during the lunt h IH-rlod. Mrs. J. K. Dinning of tli" City Rotarians Jo Present One-Man Show ! Tk keU for tho Frank Craw- Frank Crawshaiv N ' tRNATIONAL "ONE-MAN THEATRE' 'The actor with the 100 heads ,: , Tho (Irlin-uished Itritish character actor of stase. strreen. radio, and television. MAKE THIS Ahaw how here January 19 aad Paretit-Toacher Council, Kald , U can be obtained frcm any the children should brins their i ineitilvr of the Kotary Club ! biV.es to the nchools the nltht C -ribed a the actor with 10u Prl,,r 10 PPUl :ation of lh'" ;d;..iie. no will anooar tit. eotch-uw becaUKe the tompe.- 7 DAY TEST for iuit eni mi Cimotio Milk m pU of your pn:tt brand. Once you hn used Carnation, u mi w that no ofbtr brand will satii!y yon- Crmtion Milk U ly Iul1 bodied md aeimy colored. That's your usuranc of compete satisfaction when you use it in coffee ot on cereal nd fruiu. You'll never consistency ot thia nd watery color ia Carnation. We buy top cialiry milk and proces k with the E:eet of care (52 years' expenses it too) in ordet to give you rich, creamy, heavy Carnation i Monday In a ferie ot fasclnat- MONDAY, JAN. 19th ONLY "ONE MAN THEATRE" Tm theatrical evperiente of a lifeti.ae packed into one meciorable evening- omrdv Skit;- Original C'faaracier Stu-Jir Miake'-iit'ari'an Eveeipls Dickon- t liaraclers ature of the bicycle must be 30 degrees In order to apply the tape. T. G. Bateman, principal a. Conrad St reel school, will be interviewed next Tuesday over th Ing comedy klls, original chai-! actor studies, Shakespearian ex-:cerpts and bits from the poems 'of Kipling and Robert Service ! On the Tuelav night. M." CYashaw will glv a one-man Joyee radio program concern- Milk. Get Carnation 55 ,..) na-nil the Gyro 1 not !!' l"-'e trif name r ..in- but munaKi-r vufl t 111-- inoriilniE he , n .k.itis, . h , ..- M i ll Kui-d olll-i!i' prnjxurti ntuiUiiu u i t,, ,n iop form and in s! ir ILtniltl Whalrn, I ri " vo a new ntlrk to !! i. in- li'i'.-ii riti'd hen ii.iv hy Don Kltih. will . 1. 1! to carry the scoring uith liuliiwlngcr Kj) i ar.d lif'lni-r John iiald. . (. t . Gyro have t-wo n-'i l.on. tiuduute of Creek, and Ikm Stemarl, (i liin Inn-key in Wln- ;,. i s r iitl tin- Kiirnc ,!0 .ii !irn Hill Stone vor-Im-.e izual !lnxt Miner former player n. Manitoba, mhos1 real Ai. but has boon known . i.tim r' since til ar-, i fur many month !... Flin Klon Minor n-.itir everywhere he n .rli d that ba.sebull itr Ahrl. wiio ' already jtmut leaving for prlhK will tfraii" the Elk .iioiisldo (.rorjr Clout-in! her f'iriiii-r pialiU-:n-.d Si ait Muran. !,if ni' i imv; I.. f hookey con v ti .-- m I he Klks unfit, '' n mini tttdro. pi ' probably be 1 lioai h.'.v. to w built i tin f Jarl Ibtkrr hut -it a f!rt-r!.!jw wurfaro. depletion of a "Clirtstmas Carol." , , - ITS CREAMIER. tran.-vfijrid recently iintti navy to the artillery to tako three-year courw at the Hny-il Military School of Mumo, I '-.: -r Hall. T'irkenham. In I. iter to i.cr mother. N moy U'id of Ho.b .election o"l.',J mam Jlx .'. -- TUESDAY, JAN. 20th ONLY "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" tllVKl.KS ItlCKt.NS IMMORTAL MASTlKPfEfE A faithful-to-text performance of the world's mas;, itv.d. r.-i;t popjliT. and mast widely read story during the past 100 years. (;iven in the Cilurful (otume of the Period readers portraying the chaiacter ia v Tiny Tim. Bob Cratchit and others. Cra-'haw iirst btfari to "anriov the pubi!'-'- ul the tie of 12 wlt.i liis ''recitation sh" at riiurch and chapel concerts hi his natlv.-Ynrkj.hlre. He gave hU fi.-..l "onr-man Tlicaire" performan;e at the age of 15. He' joined thi! a my at the a-.e of It; and ., front line rviic with the infantry In France where lie Win,. .i.jij'-'d M.i ga..rf-d. After tho war and (..r.tiwlng a pi r kI on the coiicerl plat fee, m. h )'r m a 'in.-up" compan.. i ;: : -mall U'in.: of iel;i:id Then fuilowed even jeir; a a rc.ictory le.i-'.inT man In vaii-fiui parii t:f Britain, Annual uoncrul meeting of tin- Kalen Consumers t'o-opora-Mvo Avairialitm will ( held in Evaaes&TEO 8:09 p.m. rat hn till AdulU .... SI 00 H hildren and Muderls 5c CIVIC CENTR !in t I J NHV-mj-"-, j the Common l-outige, Civic C n-tro, Thursday. Jan 15. 8 p rn I Member plottse attend 1 1 ' Fi;ty per ct-nt off on toy, j t!!!drn"s iHKik and Itoxea I UhtlMma mriN, McHae lint HS - "17 Sri Wi Sponsored by the Prince Rupert Roiary Club- NU.l..nJS iiA l a J& ;Byi'' 1 mt i 1 7 Ar you House of flofcfcerlin House of Stone . t. -r -la . io OFF : . ;CVi It t ., : V! , 'V ' s i V;- .. v. r . ; C1 i t y t! - ,;. -. v . ?V . . . 1 J I ' 1 ,. I . .. ' '' Si - " O 'J' Jf lit . l"1 1 f . 1 I i r f i t-' . h-: A. J" ; t, ... , i'V ( . 'v. .'f I."' - ' , J , t ji it ; J ,i , i '';- 9.i --'i -.'. ' P i ' i V 4 - .' t f ' . Come on down lown and see what we have to offer ... the items listed below are only a sample of our wares. Mens and Women's Suiis-Tcpccats - Pants - Slacks ' m LING THE TAILOR TR0NIZE THE LOCAL FIRMS WHICH ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Star's Style wear Si mm frm tFy & V 7 COLD Li Keep your feet WARM ond DRY during these frosty days in a poir of fieece-lined, rubber ... 10 ONLY KNITTED SUITS f " ond see our BARGAIN PRICES i 17 rIT FLIGI Our Store Policy -fr Wc stock well known and nationally advertised goods. it Wc also keep in stock many special articles which are not shown elsewhere, such as: BELLEEK IRISH CHINA ROYAL CROWN DERBY CHINA CORNFLOWER GLASS HUMMEL FIGURES CELLINCRAFT JEWELLERY ROGER'S STERLING SILVER DEPOSIT GLASS, Etc. fr We sell at a fair and reasonable ' profit. Jdies' Mf- II O0TS COATS, DRESSES. BLOUSES, ETC. Zipper ond Slip-on styles. lildrens' M ' . . (. M , . - H ' i 4 , ' ' (!'' ti" , " ,.s ; I' - ' 1 ii t .-; 1v . I . i , I-' j . 4 t ; .... i - : 100 Pure Wool In Short Sleeves With novelty or plain tops. Sizes 14 to 20. Regular $27.50 TO CLEAR $12.95 JUMPERS, SNOW-SUITS, JACKETS, ETC. Come in ond see the selection ot 5 TIME TO SAVES Georqs Hi!! & Sons Ltd. W'S STYLEWEAR LACISS' ANNETTE MANSELL'S rr WEAR '! Avenue Prim Ituport. B.C. Third Avcnuo (Next to 'Cor",.nodore Cofe) TOMORROW'S STVl.tS TODAY We lout) others follow I'hoiir Hluck S7II