I PROVINCIALI PROVINCIAL LISlUrtT, 11 J lf3 joMORROW'S ;:3 -TIDES jr-oay, January 15. Ibi3 pJ( ::..' st ind.ird Time 1 2fi 19 6 feet ' 13 03 22 8 feet 7:03 7 7 feet 19 44 0 9 lc-t DRUGS . W'V-!' DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Conada' Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 01 VOL. XLI1, No. 11 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1953 , PRICE FIVE CENTS SlM)Miro) h loCo A 017 I1011(l I ' T , V , . .- Murrav QCA Reduces Staff Division mc By ERIC SANDERSON "I i w Y" v U u j '- ; A major shake-up in operation of Queen Char-; lotte Airlines was announced today with elimination ' of the bush flying business in southern British (Columbia and establishment of Prince Rupert a ! headquarters of the northern division with a drastic- ally-reduced staff. t " ' ! QCA president Jim Spillibury, ! sa1 time thai Captain Norm in a lengthy statement, dia- i Jennyn, pilot with QCA here closed that "In the interesU of i since 1949, has been appointed economy and efficiency 100 era- ' B-C- representative of hi com- ' ployees have been released and ' Pay headquarters' In i'.,;R ' ',-ri'.1, . -J. ; "'il.'t-l V 1 . "t v 1m 'i Vi.;-, ... 'j .... all bush-operations have beennnce Rupert. disposed of to B.C. Airlines." j Murray Johnson, assistant of-Robert E. Ellis, president of 1 flee manager for QCA here has EilU Air Lines, which lnaugur- j joined the staff of Crawford ated a service between Ketchl-; Moore Travel Agencies which Opposes premiers Asks Commons Consider PGE OTTAWA Parliament is being asked to .suggest to the government that it should select a different route for the northern British Columbia railway j extension than that proposed by the premiers of I5.C. and Alberta. George Murray iL Cariboo! Tti".day nave Common notice of a resolution that he will move taking Issue with the route suggested by the provincial heads. Premiers Bennett of BC. and) Manning of Alberta announced' Dec. 20 that they planned to link the Pacific Great Eastern rail terminus at Prince Oeonje with the Northern Alberta Railway at tirande Prairie. They said they would ask the Federal government for help In j building the 277-mile line. ; OTHf K ROIT1.8 Mr. Murray's resolution urges , alternative routes be eonsldered '"r Pacific rail outlet for the, This would, the resolution suggested, primarily develop the valleys of the upper Peace. , .). onvr.MI.Vi llgurs of .,1 A .. Willi, Iiidla'a V Krishna Meiion ami President r If :r -nr. of Canada, are hown In low the sjx itkor'i , y 'he clow of the utormy first half of the session, n i- ' '""1 Uii- roilutloii for an aimlntlre in Knrea which !'!' i liy 'tf Atx-mbly and later rejected by Die People's .. China !'i ti the North Kurrmi The second pari of w.- i I whedulrd to reconvene by fVb. 24. ...... ....... oad Project Meets I kan, Alaska, and Prince Rupert j last August, announced at the J Commons I t Battle ' ! Continues i ! i OTTAWA -Revival of Par- llament s fight over the Curne n .TtT1 .T"!87 night with the charge that tne fhreatenelf roldwel'cTF threatened m M. i J. Coldwell, CCF o,e.'- Stamey Knowlcs ,rcF iCCF. Wln - nipeg North Centre) . threw the arn,satr.!n at Defenr. Minister trong Opposition MOKE THE .MERRIER is the siosan for the small tykes tobogganing la Victuria park. Gait, Out. Youngsters across most of Canada are enjoying a seasonal snowfall as are: Jerry Bcherer; Jimmy Dahy; David Durward: Robert Daley and Jane Scherer. 'CP PHOTO A Bit Crowded as been selected, he or she will A li-lu t,, .i i t l.i.;.,n I in iik( A M illie at a lll'l'l) .-ed by city cost of more than SOMh Peace River between the B.C.-1 council but still needs '3''' 'nd m,y Public To Ballot Monday For Good Citizen Of 1952 can commence. Claxton In objection to govern- ln 8 telephone conversation ment efforts to get from Cold-j with Crawford Moore, Mr. Spills-well, w hile he is 1U in hospital.1, bury said the -reorganization the name of the person who gave . ha nt been so much for n-the CCT leader an advana; copy i nancing but for consolidation." , of the report. j -The southern division ln Van- The charge came after Claxton I couver will concentrate on disclosed that the RCMP have ' scheduled cla.ss 1 airUne service rarM.ip. rmiay, num. inrun- in tea tmd Mason rivers. ;on Whether the Murray' resolu-jsidVr be" Tawarded the Alex Hunter ' Saturday."" Jan. JT nas been Good Citizenship Award, sponsor-1 named the deadline for balloting ed by the Prince Rupert Ju.iior.by committee chairman Gerry prince Ruprt ciuz ns will be- t l baltottng M.mday to choose f their number they con- has done the most for the community during I9o2. ; When the Good Citizen finally j Old Style B.C. To be Replaced VANCOUVER T The old style beer parlors are on their i way out in British Columbtu, It was reported Tuesday.' The Vancouvcr'-Provlnce ln a news story tays the Liquor In-. been directed to seek that information. Commons warred over the report through most of the day on a government motion to refer it to the defence expenditures committee. Both, Progressive Con servatives nd CCF sought to open the way for wider invest!-' gation of the Defence Depart- , newspaper from Moncay through pettenuzzo. After that date, a committee comprising representatives from (all major city groups will select .the winner for the award but .the name will not be disclosed right away, , ( 't Names f four lap candidates will be announced by the com-; mitte on Feb. 1. The following week, date to be announced, a public banquet will be held at which the four candidates will be guests of honor. Winner will then be announced and the award presented by i' some leading citizen," said Mr. Petteniurao. t;'.,a dtci OppoMlloM ';r;lis of the .i.rf K',i. Mike r i ii,.:! ijiaii c! the board ifki i nitii-itlce. o Intro-1 I! .-.nil In- uhie. trd because arainM 40 per rent by lv,;n unr who p-ti-' 'I rnuivi! to rmwtryct the ' He tn-.v-( d that he did II : t to CHIlStr 111 tlOtl Of in '.! city but did not feel :'. sliould pay sue h a hllih ' is!!- iii the coU. t inher the city engln- 'tv. id council that eoit to y it. i -liiiuited at J14.500. ."I ith S'jSwi for the m'.':.s - H iV M; l.e;in Iti-O Voiced i '! 'turn to the coivstnic-K'"!! I i,pHs.d this ic'.ioM before and I op- - the Seventh United Nations ' ,, ..,.,1;,,,. .... i ,,..r .: r Aid Ka SaJth Mid h thuuiit tnc city iwd bin j.lurt-UhU d in not constructing the rod ling l foie now 1 feci they kre entstU'd to a road if they have bfn Divine lases over ii!! years. . SO MtM.V Closing debate. Aid. MiU-i,T naid "I agree also tliat they arc entitled to a road if the money Is available, but the money h not available ln a vote. Alderman Smith. Casey. Gomes, Bert Giassey. John Currle and BUI Bremner favored eon.-ttrurtiun with Muy ir Whalen and Aldermen Kreugeri nd Mclean dissenting The by'uiw, if adopted, wlil i.ulhotle giadlng and surfacing of a street on Hut I Street from Eleventh Avenue to Sherbrooke Mirk 2R. sedlnn 8. map 623. as a local Improvement under pro-j visions of the "Local improve-j ment Act." A xpeclHl assessment will bei paid by 20 annul instalment within the lifetime of the work ! Missing Troop K IR 11 P rOUnU. No Survivors HILL AIR FORCE BASE. Utah (PThe United Stales Air Force said here that wreckage of a C-45 'Trooif Special" missing siuce lust Wednesday wus fou:id on a mountainside about 40 miles northeast of Logan. Utah. There were no survivors. Aboard the missing plane were An .... ... veuiun oi me rvoiean war who were to be released from service, and a crew of three, i:i- ! eluding a stewardess. Feb. 6 and two other vessels are planned to load grain here the .. ,1.1.. t xi has been appointed official agent for QCA in this area. Captain Roy Berryman has been placed in charge of tions for QCA and with mechanic Harold Kelleough, will carry out all schedule flights from here to Stewart, Alice Ann. various mail runs and any charter work that Is available. A third pilot with QCA. Bob Kelsey. has joined the staff ol Columbia Cellulose Company on Watson Island. Mr 8plUsburv the veUran ! 8lrcraft" t R rt bears the insignia OUNU among , equipment that has been ' "" d Van- couver tms wprc fey Capt r.-man where It will be re-equlp- . . . ; .,h d QeUYerCa to 10 a WUCWX bur DUyev. with Cansbs and DC35," said the president, adding that "all bush-run operations have been taken over" by B.C. Airlines and if that company's operations are satisfactory QCA also will sell Its summer run to Ocean Fails to BCA. "That means the only bush operation the company now has by Capt. Berryman will be re- : placed with other equipment to be moved into this city by spring -as the new policy works out, together with flying and service personnel " Hp ,d' n loat efUipment ls rhcckcd Vancouver fof runs ont f thls cit and in Bnswer to ru . im n,,.n rh.rui. nr. B. ..u lines had gone bankrupt seJd' I new financing ls necei- 1 -arv or desirable at this time and thore has been no cnanc in company control or in the holding of the company secur 1 m.c Ities." He added: "We were catapulted into this move by the poor logging situation, last summer's lengthy woods strike and the resultant reduced revenues." j It was !ea.-ned that QCA will receive a subsidy from the government based on inimediate re-' quirements for operation and I development but it ls not 11m-1 ited to January and Febuarv , from Ketchikan Monda after a business trin to Vancouver. said response on the Ketchlkan-Rupert service has been "excellent" and if business warrants it the airline plans dally runs this summer in place of the present three-day-a-week , service. Ellis Air Lines connects with large U.S. lines flying to Seattle from Annette Island and also flies into Fairbanks and White-horse out of Ketchikan. In announcing appointment of Capt. Jermyn as B.C. representative, hC Sud he Was lutppV to be able to find a man who knows the territory so well. . Capt. Jermyn was attached to the Tactical Air Force overseas ln the tost world war. He Joined the RCAF In Vancouver in 1842 and was discharged ln 1948. ment as a whole. i ail concentrated out of Prince The Currle Report is related ; Rupert and it is moving all Its only to army works services. In bush equipment to Rupert after that branch there is described a ! selling off surplus." general breakdown of control and ' Mr. Splllsbury said the Norse-serkous lack of security. men being flown to Vancouver qulry Commission has recoiu- 11 "'' w"ioaraa oi mended that all existing hotel ownership and services, beer parlor licences be cancelled The commission's report is ex-and that oniv a limited number fclA to be released Friday. Representatives named to thejO SCAPEGOATS .....i.i. u we Diiild tntt.Knd westerly on Sherbrooke to nn h affect only 12 rale-: ih i.t,.riu K,timri,.rv nf lt 1 judging committee are from the The day also brought the gov-; following groups: j eminent main rebuttal in an ! The Ministerial Association, hour-long speech In which Clax-j Catholic organization. Trades ; ton said there will be "no scape- j and Labor Council. Prince BupetVgoaU .-' that he accepts the re-, FUhermen s Co-operative Asso- fponbiUtj rfor the situation, and elation. Pulp. Sulphide and that it is being rectified as fast; Paper Workers Gyro Club, theju possible. iChamber of Commerce, the Shortaees of skilled personnel. t 'j -i. nh V"4 'J v. V. I V. - X.1 ' "H 1 1 ',' r 1 t. f 1 ft . - 4' r C 1 V. i. I 6 1 .- ... f . . 1ft ' ii..V"t ' "i ' m" M' it T.-VT-.0 .1 n ... T- 1 e sit precedent i ! i. in n to further re- ! r toads In undeveloped- ' ti'' job of the aldermen ' ':..t monies expended nre '" ailv.uitaite of the most Lot just a few." UK M't.tKS '"r li.oold Whali n asked ul the chair to sixak to hla and ln a brief talk iwjii, c raicuvnaom nowever, were largely responsioie ell and the. Junior Chamber of.for both the situation found by Commerce. j the Currie firm and for the slow - "ln 1,11 fairness I HgriH'ifll I" . I , ... neSs in correcting it. Maj.-Gen. G. R. Pearkes, VC. (PC-Nanalmo) charged that the ffnvprnmpnt. overnment i. ta trvinir trvine to to "ttelittl "helitth - and ridicuie" the Currie Report, Williams Lake Court Commits Bank Suspect tion w ill gel before Commons j at this. Msslon is questionable,! because of the limited time al- loted to such motions. Callous Thief Steals Polio I Fund Money A collection tin placed on I the desk ln the Post Office for donations to the Kinsmen B C. Polio Fund was stolen ' shortly after 9:30 last night. It was the only one of 257 tins distributed throughout the city that disappeared and. said campaign chairman Bill Bond, it was the only tin that was placed in a location in which complete supervision was Impossible. While Mr. Bond did not know how much money was in thc can he said many persons who picked up their mall after work had dropped money Into the tin. "Such petty thievery could mean that one or more polio victims ln 1952 would have to be denied help so urgently 1 needed in the fight against polio. "I say to the man, woman or ! child who stole this money. I sincerely hope that you have 1 not stolen from yourself, for who can say that you or I j may not be polio's next victim." i I c- Hockey Scores j WHL Calgary 3. Su-skatoon 3; , I V Will IMIVtl J, v t,vi t st. OSIILKelowna 4. PenticUm ' . , . 4; Kamloops 4. Vernon 5. c i A third ship, the Eisho Maru. is expected about Jan. 22 and while grain officials believe another vessel ls due this week-end, name of thc ship is unknown. Mr. Mills said there is enough barley on hand to load three ships, but if a fourth arrives, there may be a shortuge. Shipment of the barley for relief purposes ln Korea was announced last Dec. 22 and is the first supply of grain to be sent from Canada 10 the Far East since the outbreak of hostilities I In Korea Chamber of .Commerce. Ballots win be printed in this' Beer Parlors by Taverns' B.C. i Under the recommendation. ! new beer parlors will have to; meet rigid standards, including j service of light lunches, music, j bu' no floor shows, and main-1 j The j WEATHERMAN I Says I ,j , , -. , ' Koia air pouring mrougn vai- j leys and inlets spread to all ; sections of B.C. this morning except the west coast of Van-1 couver Island. ! In southern parts of the province along the advancing edge of thc cold air, skies will remain cloudy and there will be light precipitation mostly in the form 01 snow oui wun some anzzie or freezing drizzle ln coastal j reas- Northern B.C. will remain clear and cold today but tomor- j rqw will bring increasing clouds from a Pacific disturbance and there will be snow along the north coast. ; ' Forecast Southern section, cloudy with occasional light snow today. Not much change ln temperature. Winds light except northeast 30 in mainland inlets. Northern section, clear today, cloudy with intermittent snow Thursday. Not much change in temperature. Winds northerly at 80 today, easterly 25 tomorrow. Low tonight and high Thursday at Sandspit 22 and 28; Prince Rupert IS and 25. NEW RED FORCES SEOUL CP! Two fresh Communist armies one an elite guard of Chinese forces were reported today rolling into posi tion on the central Korean front. It is believed there are 70,000 men. Allied headquarters, ln making the announcement, said round-the-clock air attacks have been launched at the Sinanju transport area. s have been paying j - "i their-property for many ney bought It know-; '.'v.-is were not available.! '.lie they need a road, but: twit! in a place where a uid rome to a dead end''" larn,- Gome objected. I " tioii has been there for "ars al!(1 some of the owners be. n there for that time. I - uny are entitled to a i Aid George Casey: "From 1 'il IO I O. 1R a hi,. A u t ti. i fltua- 1 rr"1"' slunlld ve no i in going to vote ln I oymw. be Issued under Improved conditions. The Province -says the present law demanding rooms ln the 'same build.ng as beer parlors will be thrown out, permitting a modified form of "tavern" in Early Morning Thieves Raid 2 City Firms Early morning yeggs were foiled in obtaining loot from one iclty business but another firm McKay's Grocery on Sixth Aven-I ue East lost $20 in cash and about 15 cartons of clgarets. At McKay's as well as Philpott, Evilt Ltd.. windows were brokvn to gain entry. This was the third break-in at the lumber firm in a month but would-be robbers, after packing the cash register outside, left the I Vx Mn ...1 ,! c"'" ,, y al of .1 th? cash inside. . . phized an RCMP spokesman. At the grocery store, a street plate glass window was broken to gain admittance. Owner of the store. Mr. Robert (Joe) McKay, was advised of the break-in at S a.m. It is the first time the Store has been robbed. In the former Philpott, Evitt Limited break-ins only small amounts of money were taken. Plane Crash Kills Airmen OROVIIiLE. Calif. 0)An Air Force B-50 with 12 men aboard I crashed in a rain-soaked rice field southwest of here Tuesday, All were killed. The bomber was Jon a routine training flight. WILLIAMS LAKE Henry j operations. Seguin, 34-year-old murder sus-1 Crawford Moore said bead-pect, was committed for trial quarters for QCA will be moved Tuesday on a series of charges 1 from the present" office when laid following an attempted bank additional spac Is located, holdup here Dec. 16. Mr. Ellis, who arrived here Mr. peuenuzzo sam ine groups named to the committee had! been chosen as ft'Th!1"?!" ouiii. or of population population in m this mis cUj. co.j. , , ii.c i.aiu i uto. viu will be In the form of a plaque,! purchased from money donated to the Aiex Hunter Memorial tt,hih torn Th; laU; Alex Huntcf manag. ing editor of the Daily News for many years, was killed in an accident at Kemano Bay last May 10. With this newspaper for more than 20 years, Mr. Hunter w'as known for his endless efforts in working for the good of the pnmmimiti The move by the Javcees to keep the name of Mr. Hunter in perpetuity was received here with much acclaim. The Good Citizenship award will be made each year, following the Initial presentation. Former Drydock Worker Passes After Illness Frank Wilkie, 74-year-old former employee at the drydock, died ln hospital yesterday after a six-week illness. Born in Scotland, Mr. WUkle moved to Canada 20 years ago and was engaged ln farming ln Manitoba before comir.s to Prince , Rupert in 1943. An old age pensioner, he lived at 623 Seventh Avenue West. Besides a sister, Mrs. David Stewart, Ivy Cottage. Old Lath am, Foriersnire, sconana, he has no known relatives. wo More Grain Ships Likely o Load Here For Korea Trip iiKi'ly two more grain ,s "I sail- rom Prince Ru- lur -ii iioni'n if, ....... ...ni.: He ls wanted ln Ontario to face a murder charge in the Aug. 18 slaying of taxi owner Leonard Hurd at Maxville, Ont. Kurd was killed during a holdup. - During the two-day preliminary hearing police and bank officials told of the attempted bank robbery and Seguln's cap- ture north of Williams Lake. Seguin was committed for trial on three charges robbery of wounding bank . manager Leonard Hilller, and tor firing an automatic pistol at a police officer. He will appear in county court Thursday to elect for triaL He can elect for speedy trial before a judge or for a jury trial. During the preliminary hearing, Seguin remained silent. He was without counsel. vva who Hume tor Ivor-1 k ,,f . , nionin, . uossiuiy 'inion ?" ,,,y ,ttrkcr Mills. lea." '"lent v,'i'i ? 'u'valor suPr-' The like Slcamous arrived ii,,.,. .hi' , tlav j from Vancouver Suturday night "'l "'ready have been! ..,.(, -and loading began Monday i the 1 Korean run.! morning. iiioiK . r!!'?, ,0ne' lhe 'K A total of 425,000 bushels will . hni.hing loading in be put Into holds. ie unlay I iiotii,.r Ki,,., The Lake Mlnnewanka, which "Sf'wy will !xp,'clecl hl"re i was to have arrived here last ' but 'word ft,rlve. how-'Dec. 29, is n0w expected about ''V Mr Mill "I'Pived to-1 Jan. 19. She broke her rudder ln " a, rhl , , the Lukei Vancouver harbor and was un-"nedulcd here for able to reach here. v.. t . t