Prince Rupert Daily News W'-Hinesday, January H, 1953 SCREEN FLASHES ; The nrt ol making gla bottles, end drinking glasses wai known' DfllAf to the Romans early in tie first LA" I J If 5 , SPECIAL COVRSK ! OXK-OkD. England (W , jCiu,dlr arc among u. I attend a p..eij u Council court Cm wealth studio here n..xt 2 a Coronation year event t iare Proleswr ) ti n'f S Carieton College. On ,. Dr. c. w, L.nmbedv WALLIN NAMED VICE-PRESIDENT In election of office! s to the Trades and Labor Council recently. A Wallln was named Vice-piesldent. Mr Walllns name and post were Inadvertantly ommitted from an earlier news story of the election -;- 'S v . . o. ... 'i. V - - , ' V . .... J, . . . 1 Century. area of Ceylon annual rainfall Tlie monsoon has an ovrage Bf 135 inches. vcrsny oi Ha.sKaleliew,,n TOI. !):.1 SUSAN Willi NKY in "THE MIRACLE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMa &Z4 Wallaces TOTEM With two successive. Broudwuy hits behind him. actor Paul Kelly is afraid he couldn't stretch it to three In a row. So he will sjiend at least two years in Hollywood Ul films before again looking for a stage part. Kelly resumed his screen career, after a long absence, with a principal part In Warner Bros.' "Springfield Hifle." the Warier-Color picture starring Gary Cooper. He plays the colonel of a Union army fort In the Ciyl! War. The drama opens Thursday at the Totem Theatre This film was the veteran B TOMORR0, 1 1 ; . i r V" v( i TTTI)0IS To Fight For Better" Deal OTTAWA (CPl An organization en-.oraeing about 5.000 prisoners ol the Second World War plans to carry to the cabinet its fight for compensation based on the number of days served in enemy pron camps. Representatives of prisoner-of-war groups in all 10 provinces m?t here to form the National Coup.-il of Canadian Prl-oners-of-V.'ar. The organization also includes civilians interned by enemy forces. Parto Marchand of Montreal, an ot:icer captured at, .Oi. ppe woo was if et d chairman of tiro cuuiu'ii announced that the couc-, il will present a brief i-o the abiPfi !;;t: . this iiun'n, I; agreed u:ia:iimot:-ly to seek com. 1 rrr.i.'.ll.m on a per diem basis Iran the move than S! 0.000 .OtH? in rep.i rat ions held by Canada from Germany and Japan. : M present, he said, most for- mer pri one! ;-of-var m;i-t prove t!i?y v er.- maltreated in prison c;..i!;:s -.1 i. !;uen prisoner at k' player's first since ho had gone ' " ST1 ' 1 PAY Warner : ,t-A.. f- Bros: A S13,Ofl,0OC FLAN'T is under construction near Edmonton for production of n wonder plastic which has found uses in everything from unbreakable drinking glasses to Insulation for submarine cables. Canadian Industries Limited eh m Edmonto i for the of 'Hmida's flrs:t polythene plant because the uieas oii fields uri rich in eihylene-producing natural gas used in the maklrift of polythene. The plant, sched il d for uoduetlon late this year, will turn out eiyht times the amount now available through Imports from the United Kingdom and the United - ,cp PHOTOi w-. ;iir mil Musical , P Spree Lin- to Broadway two years bof.i.e to 'star In "The Country Oirl" with ; Uta Hag! n The vfi iw n:ul a :in months run on Ertxtdwr.y. Afterwards Keiiv took a lmg'hy vacation In Europe while making up his mind where to work Brxiadwav or Hollywood. From 1047 to HMD he had starred In the hi! n!y fiiccessful ' 'Commune! Deei.sin'' In N. w York. I "I know I was lucky to lie in two l.i's on after another." aslic Plant N earing Completion m; lit the ana's oil fields are because rich in lira! ga, iiv t j:m ( HAkk Ca!ia-.:ta:i Press staff Wriu-r A $13.0C0,COO plant near Ed- .'thylene-produchig nal- Kel.y said, "so I decided ;0 rest . The plant, scheduled on my laurels and not tease Lady 1 Luck by trying to find a third assumed to nionton will soon be tinning out nimrnt and a w'"th'r plastic which has found hit. i Ik:. j k. ere i ' s,iffr:-e(i m.ilt" uses in everything from unbreak :!iun for .submarine cables. ! Hie new product, ron.sidcivd one of the most versatile and use! ul plastics yet produced by modern, science, is called polythene. It first proved Its qualities a.s in.-ulation i l wartime radar equipment. Sir Robert Waon-Watt. Bluish radar wizard, credited polythene with transform-In? "the design, production, and installation and maintenance able drinking to insula- for production late In 1953, will turn out eight times the amount j now available through imports ! from the United Kingdom and the U died States. I ; !'I33 EXPERIMENTS Polythene dates back to 1933 nd all Engikh laboratory experiment whl h at first looked ! like a flop. Two scientists wanted And.' aeniriluig to adl.ux" ie-poris ol KjIiv's perlormuney In "Spiingfieid Hifle.' Broadway's loss has been Hollywood's gain Phyllis Thaxter and David ; Brian also star In the action . film. i , were paid on the oasis of a dollar tor ea;h day of imprisonment. '",Y feel other ex-pri.soner.s-1 ef-war should not have to prove : In individual eases that Ihey suffered maltreatment," Maryland .said. i .is sutripenxition i.ui't com-, it; out of the public purse but trom reparations money." I CAPITOL SJ25ta??fc - '-asm. nuniu! Slip-on Colors Nov Method of Changing Scheme NEW YORK "API Furniture appliance men are going out after the dollar- fWr year wi:h u lot of fancy new ideas: Refrigerators with , slip-covers; plastic walls that can be ' WALLACE'S ' DEPT. STORE B JSHIKIIQSiDOiaiVai'l riuv CARTOON . NEWS Dork, Day a:i.l Ray Bulger combine musically and romutitl- ca'dy for "April In Paris." War- i :ier Bros' song festival In color' by Technicolor which opens to- h day at the Capitol Theatre. ' to make benzaldehyde react to i ethylene, a simple cons'ltuent of coal and refinery gases I They did i t. get whut they wanted. Instead they produced : polythene. After four more unsuccessful experiments they evol- problems of airborne radar from the almost Insoluble to the comfortably manageable." TRANSATLANTIC CABLE Peacetime communications operators nav since beconi" enthusiastic about Us commercial value. More than 1.000 miles of polythene-insulated cable was Show, 7 - 9:06 L2V 1 fcft l, Dunn fl, rO. ved a sure-fire manufacturing ,.. ". .2 ' . iZ.' ir'e ui to , eJiiiHiitr wiwito process. The product of their research w. vt ' flu ' ,nv ....... ,.K.... ..- 1 ..... . wilt:, inuir llll'nu flUU'.ll U! Ullil.'iJCU OUL Jl ,,i r j old was tough and flexible tivn at UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15th, or 2 p.m. Al ( Ti() ItOOMS. ( arner MeBride and 4th Ave. East Instructed by owners, I will sell by auction the following: two Americans ettroute to an art jamboree, and a debonair Fren hman who tries to come between them. Ml""n me tntr. into .ic slots in in the fi.,- floor: revampea TODAY DM.) 7 - 9: p.m. WILLIAM HOI IH N H 'THE TURNING POINT' the way submarine link htfveen Halifax sub-zero temperatures, lighter In and Porthcurno. Cornwall. ' weight than any other know i Officials .saw ini leased speed , plastic, tasteless, odorless and a'ont; wi'ii a sharp rec'uetion in j non-posonoiis. A polythene plant (iis'.o. Hon and power loss, a. id ' came Into operation the day the a-e convinced polythene is in ! Nazis invaded Poland and was gary Cooper I m Consoh i lie communications field to stay. ' Canadian Indu -Irl-s Limited ! picked Edmonton tor thp site of Ca.iaria 's first polythene plant promptly .shunted over lo war production. Only .In 19J.Y cid b--or,i- available tj ac .'(inie industry. I i ..The girl 2 Sinsic K 'ds. complete with spring-filled mattresses 1 Set Skis and Poles ! Radio Tables 1 Oii Heater 1 Baby Carriage 1 Browning automatic Shot Cm n 1 .22 Repeater 1 30-4f) nitli telescopic siiiht 1 Crib and Mattress 1 Sinser S'.ilihing Machine for Sli.w-makers I (li! 15: rru r Range and other goods. i 4V"' . . tho tnn i 6 bamls 2 Chesterfield Suite. 1 Maro-p Carnct (i'S"x!r It. 1 Eleetrolux Kefrierator (new) 1 Portable Scums Maihjne (Electric) 1 Electric Washing Machine 1 Coal ami Wood Hinse 1 3-sprel Record I'iayir 2 Bedro im Dressers 1 Bed coni)ietf, neautv Rest. Box sprii:s and sprinu- fillcd mattress 1 Chest of !ravicrs Z Studio touches Salmon Can Smell Downstream, West Coast Biologist Reports y r l ' -.thev made I', electric ranges with i freneh friers: refrigerators that flip out ice cubes on demand: and stainless steel topped coffee tables, and plastic dressers defy cosmetic stsins. These marvels are bt.iiv: showi at dialer meetings an-tind th" country or were on display et Grand Rapids' 75th anniversary show and Chicago's winter home furnishings market. Manufacturers expect to furnish a trillion more new homes this year. Plastic walls thtt drop into slots are foreseen by Gordon "rewn. v;c e-president of the Bakelite Co. He sayjs a housewife could store several different color schr-rne this wny an 1 ch,.n ! a rom's !o: ks as often - '.he civ '"fs her mind. Intern. ttioiial H;,rvetcr Co. is shov.-ir.g iab:-ic covered refrigerators to its dealer;. The fabrics cull or cit7n?ed fca easily as a slip cover v, :k .ipver the'" "'H(.s a new color scheme in the kitchen. 7 . 3!art the New Year right with a quality A-1 Used Car or Truck Test Dri-.e i f anv o! Hie fot-io'A.ns selection will '.I'livlnce vou thai v.e c!o sci! fc frr used ars a'Hl trucks. ! 1S19 Pl mouth Sedan Jii' t the car lor the fan:!!v MS ! 1!')0 Ford Ford on '.t-.ery-thlng to be desired In motor-in-; ;Uasoie. Your choice at ... SM'JS TRICK MAKKf i IStH 3-Tonner, complete with fiat deck . SOS.I Itll 3-Ton. I76 ' WB A ver5 usi ful truck S1J25 Call in ..t "Tin' Home of Friendly Service'' for a courteous demonstration of any of the above and many more U eh (Hue from. Bob Parker Lid.' Phone 93 "T'lr It.m r l-rlendlv Servim" one man the equal of five! lar to that of the wartime -fog-men" to study marine hie. They are equipped w'th a r Under of compressed air. a lisht rubbrr Miit for protection from the cold and a pair of rubber fin at'.aihed to the feet. They already have been down 43 feet in the oeea'i and hope to descend Ion feci this year in an efiorl to discover how the rock sole spawn. 1 1 1ST VOI R GOODS 1 OK THIS SA! 1. BEEORF Vt KOM.SDAY, 5 P.M. TEHM3: CASH OR CHEQUES Phone: Uec l::7. Black 846. or B.C. Messenger .VS GEORGE J. DAWES ' THE AUCTIONEER WE PREFER Civ tL S Pa V.,-" BBS ten ts. N rva mm' A m '- Vm CMe: l; Miv.t) w( i u,i v""' .VllKl UtI'JiM Thursday to Sorurdoy wn mm WHITE HORSE'! 15 Fvr,,i, : . 9: p.m. S K I OTTAWA Fish-rmen out t i ."e'eh Brili.-li Columbia's rohoe i'r .sp'io.i; salmfin should take a tip from deer stalkers -stay downwind or. in this downstream. Dr. John Hart, director or the Pacific Biological Static. l at Nanaimo, B.C., reported to the annual meeting of the Fisheries Research Board here that salmon can distinguish odors carried downstream. Tlu discovery was made In tests last year at the Stamp river on Vancouver Island by nun from the Na.iaimo station. The fish became wary when foreign matter was introduced into the water upstream from them. Bears are their traditioni enemy and bear paws dipped into the water sent the salmon .swimming back downstream or stopped their progress towards the spawning grounds. The fish acted in a similar manner when a man waded barefoot Into the water upstream. The scientists think this knowledge may be useUil in diverting salmon from swimming to destruction at power dams. At Hudson Bay the board announced that the Arctic research vessel Calanus will study marine resources and hydrographic conditions In Hudson Bay next summer. The vessel, fitted with various kinds of f.shing gear and equipment for .studying physical oceanography, will start out from Uhurchill, Man. The work of two scientists who study fish life right down on the ocean floor was outlined to the -conference. ' The men. Dr. J. R. Brett and K. S. Kelchen from the Nanaimo res 'arch station, used gear simi Matinee Saturday I p.m. , , AMOl H I'l AIIIIS Till If SH-H H ! ! . , . "JiiE yuiFr man" $ COMING MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCE TOYS FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 LEGION AUDITORIUM Music By PETE HEOO arid HIS WK8TKHNAIRES BOXED XMAS Price $1.00 Dancing from 1 0-2 1 - m 0 ' ';J. ' xU I Really V Great. Don't Just Say 'SCOTCH- Prq KTy Ask For . . f fTVt,,. uTTf 4 .'...- y Tj ' - , 1 ! ARDS n Women's Nylon Overshoes XMAS TREE 'W .. ? ' SGHTS Worcrproof . . . Nylon Shccrling . L;ncd. Loccd 7.95 Zipper $95 A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article 2 f y For 30 Days to SELL BUY mm Fashion Footwear ...j. Ihis advertisement Is not pubhiir or displayed by the I.lqnor j Onliol Board or by the Oovcnimcnt of Colum'iU. fit