;o isupcri L'Oiiy insw; PAGE COMMUNITY 4. TU ir rS r RADIOS APPLIANCES RECORDS FLEETWOOD RADIOS CROSLEY RADIOS ADMIRAL QIICEREZ REFRIGERATORS EASY WASHERS FKESTOMAT WASHERS u if FRIE MDL Y NEIGHBOR!. Y SER VICE li's a pleasure and common sense lo shop in your own home town because when you spend money in your own community some of it will find it's way back into your own pocket , . . Lei's all buy at home and keep our community prosperous and thriving. Read this page and if you find your name you will receive absolutely Free two theatre tickets to one of the local theatres. I lohlc A '"'4 Plume 10(1 Opp. Totem Theatre "Hcrl your few 'j. t to tk iko.r downtown, the GALLEY Is the plao to pass I I' A, ' I i i pleasant few. minutes tlrinkine a hot rup "MEET ME at the CENTRAL" Quick Businessmen's Lunch Italian Dishes a Specialty Friendly Afternoon Teas After-Show Snacks Hit ST STi on any Your Travel t-s. t or Tokt-u, tui Infer main IN VI Hit of the hi-st coffee in ton. Galley Cafe CENTRAL CAFE THE SPAGhtTTI HOI SE ANNOUNCING . . . Knitted Goods Made in Prime Hujwrt by , Inez Amadio We have a peclul Duuled Knitter imported from Bwlt-xerlaud whu h enable uj to produce any type of fine fjuahty knitted guutU. Phone Black 996 736 Sixth Ave. W. Prince Rupert UPHOLSTERY Custom Tailored Furniture REMODELLING REPAIRING REBUILDING Your old Chesterfield made like new. Phone Blue 818 330 Second Ave. W. KfllllKT lit ll ". i; tailor M. tir i For the . . . FRESHEST, TASTIEST Baked Goods in Town Call VAN'S BAKERY 11 3rd Ave. W. Phone 190 lit MU.fcS 1 l-JX llu nr r. Toble Tops . . . Mirrors . . . Auto Gloss Window Glass . . . Plate Glass NORTHERN GLASS CO. FIRST AVEM E EAST (Next to Industrial Weliiin) Box 562 Phone Red 884 O Your Favorite Paints BAPTONE - IRONOIL - SATIN-GLO THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. THIRD AVENT E WEST The omplrle Trtw For... BOWLING We have open alleys every Afternoon and Evening. Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys Phone Red 709 Expert Work; -There it hardly anything In the world that wme man cannot make little won and sell a little cheaper, and people who consider prk-e only are this man's lawful prey." John Kuskin. Art MurrayS Men's Wea. R. E. MORTIMER REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Compleie Eleclrical Sen SPEHCE and MATUIK Painting Contractors For the Best in Paint Jobs Phone Blue 881 ) THUATOi TICKET GRANT and NEWTO LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 88 353Tvrd Ave. West 115 t tH l Thone 2M LOOK FOR YOUR NAME STARTING THURSDAY, FEU. 26 ALAN I ..ADD IN "THUNDKR IN TDK K AST-See if YOUR name is in one of the accompanying advertisement.. This poge is o regular weekly feature of the DAILY NEWS ond there will appear in the advertisements names and addresses of people living in Prince Rupert. Read the advertisements carefully, and if you find your name, clip out the advertisement ond present it to the DAILY NEWS office ond you will receive absolutely free two theatre tickets to your favorite theatre with the compliments of the advertiser and theatre manager. THREE LUCKY PEOPLE WIN EACH MONDAY McRae Bros. Ltd. "The Store That Service BiHt" HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES rStevcs Refrigerators -fc Washers Jf you're looking for something useful .... or for something ornamental . . . ten chances to one we carry it at the VARIETY STORE You'll Be Safer On... DUNLOP Rupert Butchers ond GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 'Independent Food Stores provide Free Delivery to all parts of the City" Midway Grocery "Shop at the Independent Food Stores for Quality and Servire" Phone 659 Lyons Fine Foods "Independent Food Store stork only Top Quality Brands" Phones: 250 - Red 465 Skeena Grocery "One of your Independent Food Stores" Phone 581 or 582 GRANTHAM Electric Electrical Contractors NEW CONSTRUCTION TIRES We earry a complete .lock of tire and tube, and maintain a eomplrlely equipped tire repair department. YUKON JEWELLERS EBY & SONS LIMITED INDIAN CRAFT SOUVENIRS GENERAL CONTRACTING- FINE BONE CHINA SLATE TOTEMS BOB PARKER LT REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY KI MOIIH I 1G C OMKITK WORK Residence IMione: HI. I F. 303 M'.W IIOMI S N.II.A. Shop Phone: P. M i: 15a PHONE 93 REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS 844 Summit Phone Blue 293 Phone Blue 615 J. Alexander, Prop. See the NEW ankle-length . . . B. C. Messenger CALL MP. ENGINEER BOOli I T Baggage Kx press Furniture Freight WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Phone Green 1 36 V. ASPHALT ASPHALT l LINED JEANS Sizes 2 - OX $2.95 UNLINED JEANS Sizes 2 - CX $1.95 STORKSHOPPE Phone Sturdy - Long-Lasting - Comfortab'e Also Laced-to-Toe WELTED WORKBOC with composition soles at ROOFING and SIDING TOPS IN DURABILITY TOPS IN BEAUTY NEW! McCulloch Choin Saws CHRIS-CRAFT BOATS Pacific Electric Phone Blue 992 3C3 3rd Ave. W. I'h. Blue 810 George Hill & Sons I BROWNIE MOVIE CAMHtV 8 mm. Costs Only $50.00 Third Avenue (Next to Commoo GET READY FOR SUMMER An extra shower an added summer comfort. . And so Inexpensive to Install! Call our M.P.'s today. PHONE 174 Shingle', and Siding of Asphalt are the praelieal method of beautifying, insulating and making your home fire-resistant. Colorfost Shingles need No Point or Stain Call 909 and we will have a representative call and give you all details and estimates. Greer & Bridden Ltd. DRESSES and HOSIERY HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Painting and Decorating General Contractors Building and Repairs of all kinds. P.O. Box IG70 Phone Red 891 FRED SUDDEN Paintinq and Decorating Doily News Want ads will help you sell or buy, rent a room, hire help, find a lost article or do practically anything you can think of. f Phone fireen 9Z P.O. Box 5118 P.O. Box 721 215 First Ave. W. Master Plumber the man with the answer 50 ONLY DRESSES Keg. values to $22 50. All sizes to 22'i. To clear at $5.00 54 Gauge 15 Denier NYLON'S Every pair perfect. Dark seams. Bizet; from 8i 2 to 11. . . . New spring shades. Special per pair $1.00 jlmelle Wlanicff LADIES' WEAR "TOMORROWS STYLES TODAY" BLACK & WHITE TAXI CO. PHONE 65 "EVENTt-'AU-Y-Wliy Not Now?" For Wonder Brite Cleaning Superior Laundry Coll PIONEER CANADIAN LAUNDRIES Phone 8 Phone 118 IDEAL CLEANERS & LAUNDRY KVtKVBODV LOOKING FOR THE Bt.ST IV Ol'AI.ITY DRY CLEANING AM) LAl.'NDKY, CALL 85R. Call office on McBrlde St. or on Second Avenue across from the liquor store. i.orm: hti.vi:sm, (wm ( Smith & Elkins LIMITED P.O. Box 274 r i, .