Prince Rupert Daily, Nrws Monday, February 23,"l!b3 : i SPORTS ROUND-UP 'LOST FISHBOA V FOUH0 OFF VANCOUVER ISLAND Uy CAUJ: TAI.1MIT NEW YORK (AI) Dasoball men say tlutt Hank Greenberg, Cleveland's general manager, luts h(en nun shv of trades since he made the unhappy A U V. Packer fi.shboat. the Bonny By r,.1K(rt( Saturday, was located yesterday off the wi,t ... , '" couvcr Island. 1 UCMP said the boat, skippered by Capt. OL Ki.m. locaUd by he patrol boat Co-operative I. She war scheduled to fish at Chemaliius and u, lu then sal! to Seattle, company officials said. Khe left r January 27. Mansons Muff Chance To Cinch Cage Title League Leaders Trounced 68-49 by Hardware Sextet ' Don Hartwig's Manson Omegas muffed their chance Saturday night to cinch the senior city basketball league championship and instead took a 68-49 drubbing at the hands of second-place Gordon deal two seasons ago which let Orestes Minoso, the j Cuban flash, get away to Chicago Whitepox. J was Hie acn;ii!tion of Mm-, I I h fit it - ii Lk... --- 18 .st i ikcuu's a umi'.e. ! iso which, probably more than 1 averusina other ouur factor iulum, Alter then nii-.t raulf xperii-nee ; of jear. the Hr.ivt., de;e.-.'e, any break they might get. j To Be An Aristocrat You've Got'ta Be A BLUE BLOOD! Z That's the reason Wallace's m any sck charging up the Amert:u:i League depths into a portion of contention for the flag. Man.'.g -r p,ui: R.chards built his team around the speedy Negro. Hie beating Hank took on that one has left him permanently scarred." a rival league official told us the other day. He's afraid to even talk trade & Anderson. MICKEY WEBSTER . , . hard worker Holkestad and Flaten each con- Footballers Chose Colors, Name to Come 1 ing of Joe Davis, Alex Bill's O-As'tributed 10 points, sained a 20-point lead in the first For the Hart wig-led Mansons, half and dropped only one point Mickey Webster was the stand-of their lead in the second lap j out workman, scoring 15 points, ii f, vim 'organizing most of the floor play Department Store are so very, very particular about the merchandise they sell. Wallace's have a reputation for over forty years of G-As poured all their strength Provifn thete'S, too late in h h .! into the ficht riuht "irusi which -: Every so often we like to keep, the horsy set advised of tli! VANCOUVER f - Vancouver club hasn't got a name football movements of Ben Jones, the trainer for Calumet Farm, and 'yet-but directors have cl.-cul.-d ON THE ALLEYS Agnes Pierce Tops Keglers In 5-Pin Loop t 4fe from the start using fast breaks j this event. Extra "Arnold the Benedict" "Olympic ( hampiuns" Cartoon A crowd of 400 biggest so far at every opportunity to bewilder TODAY and TUESt.f 4" PrymtmA his intentions toward the k-.ii-,"" 11 ' A general meettng of the club's in the season attended the O-A victory which gives them another chance to capture the league lucky Derby, which he has v.on selling quality merchandise at reasonable prices. B For Quality Merchandise B WALLACE'S I iin:i- three times " in five years I W I Cf, . '.. .' and black after investigating championship, but they must ttUiVUiiv udti; 1 1 ill - u 11. n a..1., iiliwI ht ntln.r r.iniKlmil Evenings 7; - 9:05 p.m. a i amoi s n, 1 take both games left with CCCs Ks TO Agnes Pierce topjx-d nil pin Anita, is quoted as follows keglers in the mived five pin jo;:? r Otis in the Datly Tt Omegas, however, don't play , 3 football teams PtesHli-nt Art Miner said the and upset the jewellers. The Flaten - Holkestad - Davis frontal attack on the hoop in the first half, however, resulted in the big victory as all three standout stars for the hardware squad found the basket with breathtaking accuracy! Of Davis' 2u points, 16 were potted in the fir half while again unless O-As lose a game which would mean a tie lor first league "A" division last week 1 ;r.:ph here: with a single count of 308 and j 'I'm I'm not not absolutely absolutely convinced convinced TWO GREAT FEATURES . f ,r, western Store : Dept. e triple of 775. 1 as yet that Calumet has t.uly lnter-tirovincial FiKitball Union Visa 'WILLIAM H'i!.:!.5 und COI.I-.KM (;; m "FATHER IS A BACHELOR" G l.Oit G K MONTOOM EKY and AUDREY LONG In "INDIAN UPRISING" AImi New One Complete Show Each Night 7:30 In A division for the men. . Jark Paul rolled a high single j of 289 and came back to cap- ture the high three score with 729. Runners-un were Nick Kepes with a 288 single and George Shenton with a 700, three-game total. ' In B division, Betty Wade was j standout bowler with a 292 sin- ; gle find 685 high three total. Men's high single was bowled by Eric Sanderson with 274 and high three total of 675 was cap - 1 tured by Rusty Ford. A division team honors were Today to Wcdnrtde place. In inter "A" basketball. North' Stars outhustled Esquires 65-42 to eliminate the latter from the playoffs and assure themselves a berth. McKay with 23 points. Morrison and Letourneau were the big guns for the winners while Christoff with 22 points kept his team in the game. Inter "B" General Motors won their 14th straight league game tu drive through to the league championship with their seven-point victory over Mansons. Score was 44-37. Lineups: , SENIOR Gordon & Anderson Webber BASKETBALL WEEK-END FEB. 27 and 28 CAP! TO olid Derby this yea:. flub aut eeuled to thiow open We il find out more a.s we go (,Uu, mPmhe -ship The club now along On at least three ov !.s- na, 216 memtifrs who paid a $20 ions 1 ve been rather doubtful of entrance fee our Kentucky Derby prospects,; Mercer said the prt-blent of perhaps must of all with Ponder, i what to call the team has been I wasn't at all fure e had a; turned over to a committee chance until after the Dei by 1 which mav or mav not tu-rute t'i Trial. hold a public rop'est to pick a "'I guess we'll be In the neUh-;name. borhood of Churchill' Downs Trea-sunr Hill RaUon and about Derby time If one of our' Mercer said there was no rti-.s.-n-colts .should really devei p." Mon among ti t- executive cither This Ls Just in case the owners 01. the choice .f a coach or m of Native Dancer ami Straight club policy. Face were wondering il Ben in- Mercer said that whlli- the tends to show up. club has on hand "li-tters In the '20s Inquiring about the coaching Boston Braves are hopiful 'liH mmUIoii." the club l:ui not asked their $52,000 bonus pit-hcr, for nor received applications fur ' Johnny Anton'-:ii. l!l f:n..i'y the Job. fulfill his great promise when lies - 1 1 isk Plan now to .s-o the Alaska trams New Mctlakatla, Ketchikan and two top local teams play for the International Tournament Championship. Reserve your tickets now at the CIVIC CENTRE or ART Ml' BRAY'S MENSWEAR taken by Fashion Footwear with scores of 1.373 and 3.827 while Northern Glass topped B divl- slon teams with 1.180 and 3.308. Results A Division Fashion 4, Cooks 0; Shentons 4. Penguins 0; Orphans 4. 99 Taxi 0. Canada Life 4. Miller Bay 0; Ocean View 3, 12, Gardiner. Holkestad 18, Arney 5. Davis 20, Flaten 13, Currie. Total 68. Manson Omegas Webster 15. Spring 13. Hartwtg 11, Olson 3. Dumas 1. Sather, Bill 6. Total 43. INTER "A" returns to them this spring alter a two-year hitch in the army at Fort Myers, Va Johnny yitd.ei In 44 service games ami won 42. SPORTSMAN'S DIGESTS SKINNING A FOX... 1 Call W2 That s the Cab hK North Star Morrison 14, Le- j Hcadpinners I; Pushovers 3. toumeau 16, McKay 23, Sankey 1 Broadway Cafe I. 8, Cameron 4. .Young, Becker, R revision-Bulger 4. Booth Black. Helin. Total 65. ' . Tnom 4 C(lnrad 0; Hills 4, Esquires - Jeffei? Wesch . 2.jDal, Nfws Northern Glass 3. Sedgwick 12 . Christoff 22 Mar- Farms Har1(Js 1; Acme 3, Je.lscy tin 1. Parncll. Waters. Total 42., . 1. j. j 3 Hi-Jackers 5 More Rinks Topple in LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. , Established 1010 V.OVING . . . PACKING . . , CRATING MIim..C, . . . FORWARDING . ... STORAGE ExpLiicnccd handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EA.SE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S' Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. V J ;.-!,-Phone 60 or li tor. 2nd and Park Ave. Standings A Division Hcadpinners ?0 INTER "B" General Motors Stewart 12. Morrison ' 9, Nelson. Strand 6. 1 La la m rnost Broadwav 29. Pushovers 2ft. ijCup Tourneys Fashion 26. Shentons 25. Cook Forbes. Sankey 8. Grey 8. Sedgwick 1, Shenton, Young. Total 44. Mansons Webber 7. Hotigkin-son 12, Pindlay 11, Sedgwick 2, Erickson. Brehtzen. Scherk, An-1 der.ion 5. Total 37. ! 'tf ive more rinks were knocked out of the George Cook curlini! competition Saturday niKht. and one rink ousted from Gordon'u .v 24, 99 Taxi 23. Canada Life Orphans 18, Ocean View 18. Penguin 17, Miller Bay 8 B Division Jerrys 28. Thorns 27. Jersey Farms 25. Northern ! Hardware club match. Glass 25. Harolds 23. runs .1. ,.. ... 1 Bulr 22, Acme Clothiers 22. r'-V.T,,- , r.n.. i IO --nt-,rAH Id H . lJ'ta- .vut- j Sieber beat Jackers 17. Booth 18. Slit 5m n om Prince Rupert to 'Greene. Miller beat Thorn and iMeKcnzle beat Bateman. all for utro-S to vemt. ccle PAC, LEAVING A OOlNT anp claw of iacm tob Record Crowd Sees Wings KETCHIKAN with connection WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORS SPEED COMFORT SAFETY M-.K VOI it I IH 4L TKWI I. A( INT the Cook trophy; Warren beat Robertson in Gordon's match. Sunday night, six teams of Canadian Legion 27 members took over the ice with the follow-ing results: Jimmy Andrew 10, Fred Reich 3; Gerry Lemire 11. isix-ender In la-sti Bob Bone 9; Jimmy Nicoll 10. Magnus Thorstensen 8. ttacmeo to Skin. wtL Skin to THE TAIL'S BA. WOUK THE KIN LOOSC ON THE TAIL SO IT CAN Be CLAMPED AT ITS BAe B6TWP6N TWO OREtN STICK (,ePVt O IN owe hand, to ruu. ON- PUW WITH OTME HAWO ANO TMC 5LiPS OTP Tilt TAIL. tt.FL, tOW ON t0N. LfAVfi TOES kAKSjHCAS ArtO LIPS ON SKIN. Down Rangers; By The Canadian Press J The season's largest Madison 1 Souare Oarden crowd 15 071 1 Draws (or club competitions and for the bonsplel will be posted In the small display wln-; dow at Super-Valu on Third Avenue. Following are draws in the (Cook and Gordon's competitions f or Tuesday and Wednesday: j j TIKMIAV ! ! 7.15 p.m. Thorn vs Matthews; ! Greene vs Bateman: RowLolham : vs Ford. I 9:15 p.m. Stewart vs Shier; j W'lllson vs Skallmerud, and Wll- son vs Colllnson, all friendly j games. j turned out Sunday nifht to j watch the tail end New York I Ranqers drop a 2-1 decision to j Detroit Red Wines. In Sunday niuht's other Na-: ' tional Hockey League Rami . I Boston Bruins were shut out 2-0 bv the Black Hawks In Chicaun The leanue-leiidini? Wines on scores by Glen Skov and Tonv Leswick overcome a one-Ron I first period deficit to defeat the Rangers. I,eswlek scored the deciding tally at 2:57 of the second period when, after takinc passes from Marcel Pronovost anl 'v?i' A GOLDEN TREASURE FOR YOUR MIXING PLEASURE WKDNF.Sn.tY i 7:15 p.m. Rowbotham vs i Moore, (Gordons'); Robertson vs Hoillston, and Dixon vs Gordon ' 1 Rkov. he drilled a 15-footer past Lome Worsley In the New York ! nets. 1 friendly games 1. 9:15 p.m. Sieber vs Boulter iCooki; Warren vs McKenzle (Gordon's); Laurie vs Fyolfson, (friendly). Other scores: SATURDAY NHL New York 1. Montreal 4; Boston 2. Toronto 2. WIIL Calgary 8, Edmonton 4: Victoria 8, Vancouver 2; New-Westminster 4, Seattle 3; Saskatoon 5, Tacoma 2. OSHL Kelowna 4. Vernon 3. mm 4. Km FINAL WEEK OF OUR ANNUAL STOCK CLEARANCE Reductions Galore most luxury k V L- iZ w wr V ,W really ftne . C'L A f T A I surrlv: it'iTs ' 1 I C "' ' --H-oocn.."wy00r j I C. . and V ' . suit lvand cut 4ifwTf-'.' 60-00 ) l $37.50 iLpUjr- yVyfiifa' WIIIL Trail 7, Kimbcrley 8: 1- lt 1 r --I Nelson 1. Spokane 3. 1 . .Jt: i.vv 1950 Ford Fordnr Every extra SUNDAY W H L Saskatoon 4, Seattle 5. WIHL Nelson 1, Spokane 2. smart two-tone ........ $1775 1949 Plymouth Furdur Hiuh value, low price SI4L 1946 Plymouth Fnrdiir Radio High School r III ! .'IM, heater, scat covers. RYE WHISIiY Now being introduced lo British Columbia for the first time. You'll appreciate the full, rich flavour and the satisfying body of this excellent rye whisky. Drive-away price $793 Curling Results Following are results of Sat TRUCK DEPT. 1950 Ktudcb.tkcr Pickup. Motor overhaul, well finish urday games In the Booth Memorial High School curling league: cd box. All for 12!f car rr or 1940 Ford S-Ton. Long W.B new paint, good machine. am nau Flat deck included $825 9:30 a.m. Bateman 4. Rowbotham 7; Auld 2, Boulter 19; Kaardal won by default of Oamblin. 12:00 Husvik 2, Oamblin 7; Kaardal 4, Morrison 9; Bell 10, Henry 7. .. r imi td W HIS 1)1 STILL F R flF THF F 1 M n II S " fin ttsrsZan WATTS and NICKERSON MEN'S WEAR IF YOL'RE LOOKING FUK BARGAIN'S AT A-l VALUE See Bob Parker Ltd. Phone Vi "Thp Home of FrlmdlT fturvlos" Liquor Control lhi iylvertiscment is nut published or dlsplnved by the JD9-S53C The north magnetic pole moves in an area roughly 1,200 miles from thp geographical north pole. Government of British Columbia.