Prince Rupert Daily News v, OTTAWA DIAR1 By Normun M. jcLeoo Three names are being men- B. Bennett know - 1 Salvage Sliip Regains $453,000 lln Gold Bullion Tuesday, August 18, 1953 As I See It by ftnore tio etl prominently'.-al suer i Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Ruiert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bvreau of Circulation Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. J. P. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY. Vice-President iiuy In in current current . eivbaker euoaker eoi e,ot ih. the I . illation lation as as likely Ukelv'rat-n I - davs itv. Woliilf'; esd Hon. George They're not .-Z ' leadership adership of of the theUrily. Urily ic AUCKLAND, N.Z. 'CP) UsinT : rhnl.-es to succe; I modern salvage Methods, a d.ow in the (British expedition in the last conservative Party. A:, experienced i few months has tlrpdecd no ; They are Saskatchewan MP', observers view n j $450,000 In gold which his Sain . j.,hn Diefeiibaker, Toronto MP"i-;,t ' deal tlmttl ' 1 fnr mnie than in voars in a irfc.rnkt Fiemlne. and Unlversltv the Pnh.. ..' a'- Subscript lull Rates: fty carrier- Per wvek, 25c; per montli. 11.00; by mall Per month. 75c; per year. $8 00. per year, 10.00. K$jgl Authorized as sxi;d class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. ! wrecked liner off the New Zc.-'cl Toronto. President Sydney held. A Spring ronw- land coast. 'Smith. ; f md the murk''" Ti liner Niajaxa. whii-li j simply on the merit of the wiklina u, th. used to p!y betw i n Crtii da. i-e.-iiunve claims of tries thre ' delegates and f ! New r r was sunk by a Oerinnn mine off; the northern coast of Nt w Zca-: gel ine nou. nt: ram w m gaiuzauon, A CO" i : r' C Drew in the 194B Nh- I Autumn of 1954 tional Convention. He ha Riven : n:uid. oulcl m.. .? : land during the wur. She wxs i-anviiif, i' LirMelt-oniuriteuUy the motJl brilliajit jmity mai-lum performance of any member ot some of Its inn. ..' lUc PC Kioup U1 Parlianienl. And candidate Uiatwf quantity of bullion and some years after the wnvk un ex-Dcdition recovered ubout S6 000.-000 wo'-h of the "old hy itlnsMiw open the bullion room and jseud- ; ins divers clown. lit; iiiia v.. nkvih, HjiMih a IJ1 Jieiltxf OHOlt il that he PONNMNNMI th I'llHIIIV ll liiasio of public apiJeuJ. lit the ; Unu wu,st euwel' rt . ent cuuipuiiin which was I nuaj-d of tilt rt? u' fw Uii "i"1"1 ! their ft hui,g5tol , ;J.-ii'iei- aAU.'iiriujlceK at public, , ,. 1): , Uietoibuker wa ttee I 'J' ''rui ! Kashmir Crisis 1 1 HAD NOT been in Del-I hi, the capital of India, jfor more than an hour I when the wife of our Can-j adian first secretary, Mrs. jPaul Bridle, whizzed up in a car and si"'d: "I hear you want to meet ; Sheik Abdullah, the premier of ; Kashmir. I know where we can ;tatelj hi: riuht now." ! Within a v auuUt'T i tea minutes I ruui met the tail, i lui luibaued, stonr looking ; ' l-iou of Kr..-:hruir." Avdulluh has now been dr.-1 niiKsei by the constitution I head of Ku-shniir and the Ui i i- tory is in ttae thioes of a real crisis, which couid explode into something very serious for i India, Fakiiitun anu tii" whole Commonwealth "A die oveiiiow crowds wherewsi Tiieu, on U,l of all UiesuguaU- lnmajk hji Ibheruini, gj tt, E lull, time at their New Selling Ideas Necessary the recent annual meeting of the Canadian AT feed manufacturers' association" some facts came to light which indicate that the fishing industry is facing far more competition than ever this year from other protein foods. To put it briefly, Canadians are eating more Ittef, pork, eggs and thicken. In some cases the increase is as high as -0 per cent over the 1944-49 average. Although it is some comfort that Canadians as a vholt are also eating more fish, there is little cal,. t- for rejoicing as the increase in consumption is not keeping pace with the growth in population. It would appear, therefore, that the gains of competitive products are bein made at the expense of fish unless the individ'-::: Canadian is eating less of everything, which hardly seems to be the case in this day of much employment and high living standards. This condition, added to the ever-present problems of surplus and high prices, calls for still more strenuous efforts on the part of the fishing industry to find fresh means of selling its wares. Some of those concerned with the situation have suggested more finesse at the retail end of the market. 4 v fii :it-.m', Dielenbuker has Vna' lui-ther l ecoinmendation that he iii 11 o-t from Ontario. That's I There remained ?,5 A1 Li'; not accounted fur Tin- Bi itiah salvaiji; ship 17. own- ed by a firm f nuP"d in world- ; wide s;ivKe. w.'S !4 nt to Ne Zeakuid uJIjt woil; off the Aii.s- traliun coast, in an ellort to find the remaining ''eld. si w ii;vu ii i si r The ship was equinped with ; the latest s.iiv.ii;e rt.-viccs, in-; eluding an "iron w..n." a cross between a diving suit ,.nd a diving bell, capable of working ;t greater depths and in more i adverse firrumsfcii'.ccs, t!wa or- j dirtary diver. i It was found that i.uich of the ; Li 1 rviv Rciri? to be ;ui important Ciiisid.-er.'ti'.n when the convention lie . Riiitly or wrongly. Uie PC j:trot-.-f;i!.t-i have decided that the vi;ti'i. suspect a sinister Oiitnni; plot to dominate Con-ferle' istjon any time an Ontario Ir(l 1 i- in the party Middle. WEST BERLIN'S MAYOR Ernest Reuter gets 'firsthand reports on conditions in the Soviet Zone from East Berlin Inhabitants whe had come over to pick up free food at a U.S. sector distribution point. The mayor went on an Inspection tour of two food distributing points for an on-the-spot observance of tht trouble areas. m '38 Plymouth : Ka-iiuuir u the disputed area that has been claimed by both ; India and Parkistan. j I Indeed those two nations j fought a sharp war over it, and ; ' ; their armies have for years J faced each other along a lon j line, mostly in rugged mountain! t country. j 1 The present crisis seems to I U.S. Losing Bargaining Card On Blocking China, Says Davis '50 Chrysler 7-pai Sedan '40 Foril Tudor Niagara's superstructure hid "11 " J" , this as collop.;ed with the p:..s-:ace of time and the erfect.s of earlier r1:1"- blasting operations. Extensive ' ?-t tlospit,. his qualifieaUoiis. use of exploslv-s was ir-rr ir , ; Ditfenb-ii-r b rro.-i;; to hove to to firce an approach to the I v :."rk nv, fully hard if he wants bullion room, There after nold.!!' Iwl'Tship mantle. The Tory 'machine which returned Ooorge bars were brought up in ones and two-?, mostly in pieces of Drew to the leadership never wrerkae" cumin in a rrab and really forgave Diefenbaker for hauled to the surface. , the fipht he put up at that time. By these means 30 of the Furthermore, they are not .un known 35 bars were recovered to admit that their judgment In from the sea. The remaining ' 1!"" had bv accepting now fivn h. hrn ni,nnrtnrH At the candidate they rejected then. rise because Abdullah wants ! 111 this respect, an interesting example IS being ,to break the long standing msu ; (a.,Elmer Davis, united States mmstanres. '52 Sludebaltrr (hatJ , by piving independent status to set by the Quebec depailment of game and fisheries 5-pxssri.ttr Coif news analyst, asserted that the speakin? at the 22nd Couch-US. has thrown away a good ichmg conference on inteina-bargaining card by telling the tional aifairs, the Second World world It will not agree to admis- war head of the U.S. Informa-sion of Communist China to tl:e tiont service said U.S. delegates air-romlitionri '50 Austin Srilan . I Kashmir, proper as distini-; ui.shed from other areas which surround the famed valley it- ! sell ; FROM what I myself saw an-1 to the United Nations assembly ; ,past twQ are known to have Finally, the hierarchy which , .-.cs;:lon to discuss the polilkJl j facn ,nt() Uw U(,plhs of ttl har managed to keep its wilher- SUPERIOR At' heard nut in Tndin Pakistan nnrl Kashmir thB,B r-nniH t r,n nlimflPr I rnFl .conference on Korea will be ill SERVICE ITS vessel during early salvage ef- 'S hsmrl on the conservaiive fort nnrt th nthi.r three m Fartv helm ever since the de- ! overall total solution nf the I r W r the Tu ition of going to an auc be anywhere in the area round parture of the late and great R.i : Kashmir problem by the means! Maw Drnrllirn ; Ul,n W"e'e lhey wistl lo buy ! suggested in the UN peace plan.lTldY I lUUUCC 'o.w ih ng but have no money. the wreck. Probably they fell mmm atf ;The rough outline of that pleni.... r , L deplore the communist or were blasted out during the j is that the whole area In dis- Wkaal XlimlllC government of China as much salvage work and are now ly-i 'pute be demilitarized, and th;.t illvQI JUijJIUj 'as do the Republicans Hi Con-! ing deeply embedded in the! ian impartial UN Commission OTTAWA 0 Farmers didn't! 8reSii." he said. "But it exists mud and silt of the seabed. tb-m go in to take a vote. The start cheering this week over the I "nci tllpre seems litUe prospect ; : I in co-operation with other organizations. There a training school has been established which turns out seafood specialists whose sole function is to advise retail store owners on problems of purchase, display and sale of fish. One store which utilized this, service has boosted its sale of seafood products by up to 3C0 per cent. Others have recorded increases ranging from 50 to 73 per cent. The program of the federal fisheries department to appoint home economists who will give advice on attractive ways of preparing' fish is also proving its worth. These are small things by themselves but they are proving there is still plenty of room for new promotion ideas. In the formulation and execution of these ideas, the companies' responsibility is as great as anyone's. While much has already been done, the outlook suggests it must be considered What will you V Permit Asked For Hydro Plan have at sixty-five? , wnoie population 01 tne entire report that Canada this year '"' ,l wul oe overuirown oy ; area would decide whether! may reap the second biggest , hitem-il rebellion and still less 1 I they preferred to join Pakistan 1 wheat crop in her history. i it will evaporate if t lie ; lor India. I There would be sobering rami- Con"' e;'3 tf thc United States1 1 But as I pointed out in mv ! fications of such a hupie harvest: ! iPfu"i : to admit that it is Iheie. , 1 articles from India in 1951 no; 1. A big portion of Canada's' "The worst of this stiffneckod matter which way. the majority j record 1952 wheat crop of 68.- Intransigence is that it will fac-' j voted even if a truly free vote 000,000 bushels is still in storage, ; ilitate the zeuloua endeavors of WASHINGTON 1 API Harvey Aluminum, Inc., Torrance, CV'if., 'Monday asked the Power Coin-, mission for a rr-Iiinlnary p.'rmit I for a proacsrd tnnc hvdro-elec- : i.uu.11 cvci ur jipiu me Deaien even before the combines start itu.vsian and Chinese propu-1 minorities would be so bitter cutting this year's stands; 1 nu.t to re, .-r.:i.-u u-s as tne ob- i that they would never accept . Another big crop could lucI- to p; act " Have you provided now for lh tliinp ' you hope to do at 65? Will you hve financial independence? The answer In In your hands, for whit you do between now and age 6.1 ii of greatest importance. We can help you own a personal plan lor retirement- Just am we have helped Ihousii Alastair Buchau, Washington ! trip prolect in Ala. I'.a. i me veraict on a Dasis 01 tree- , choke storaire facilities; j will nd goodwill. , 3. sales and transportation cone .ijoiiui 111 01 tne the nrni:rs- ', One part of the disputed area, outlets could he overwhelmed nr r.....'. ..,, I The company sal 1 r. (I (' 9 I F U ft I a i tr H n ;i V 0 T , , ,. . , - wuat ici. Jam li ill it; lib LUMC a rZur? ,THBh.,CehV I rl i &t ' h"- ve a diplomatic in culture and attachment. It 4. World wheat prices might be u.llU. ,lf.n' of tne causJol tin- REFLECTS and REMINISCES Muri between the Wt-:.t and Hu.,- wwuiu vuic ua wuciiiwiigiy ior ( iorceu uOWll. complete integration with India. ! Tn its first seasonal forwnst But "Azad Kashmir," the part Friday, the bureau of statistics flf t.hp Ql-Ofl In ditnni 4 1 .U inc nn "VtUiiable as Britain's or Can- which is now actually held bv iot nnn hoi. nt nv.,t. m. : uda s 01 l"lvia opinion may be should be Paki rnnlH nnt 1 Hi.t....V,r,-l in. .... n.. '1' Wlial IornlUIa ed project on tht. Copper rivtr. . 65 miles northeast of Val'le.. ; would have a poterir.l output of I about seven biilijn kilowatt j hours enrmalh. The conmisf ion said Lie app'l- I cation' "!iie cner y would j bf. utilized by elect ro-chemical j and elcctro-metallurcical ir.dur,- j trier and for other purposes." j Harvey said that "if th3 in- '. vestigations prove favorable n( ! least $2,000,000 would be expend- ! ed for final design prior'to com- j nienclii'v construction. ..wv . uaciizicu uiuii iiiift v,u.s uiuy uie 1 , in frnm PilHcfan hi q ...i ' T-t i 'lOUna 10 of others! Just call or write: JAMES S. BURNS 72! Alfred St, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone Green 505 Great-West Life ASSURANCE COMPANY HIAO OMICI-WIHNIHC.CANA0 OUR FUTURE IS OUR BUSINESS TO-! provide a long-term I first estimate. Net only is the Selection of a distinctive na- thousand and should soon be-tional flag will be one of the first come extinct, something that private members' motion placed ought to be welcomed. No art is on the order paper at Ottawa seen here nothing except waste when parliament assembles. This and a reflection on tha first Is nothing new and has already people ol a noble continent. . shown itself as most controv jr-, slaL First svr.thetic varn has been neither by vote nor by war. On the other part, Ladakh, is .Buddhist and as between India crop late, but part of it also has already been hit by rust. It could also be hit by frost later in the summer. However, taking even these nci Pakistan says frankly it produced In Alberta. Anything to ! would surely prefer India. Arlw.niTs do with the Socred camuuizn? I crop-lessening factors into ac- Speaking of golf, sfctlleimnt in the Far fcyst. It will, in the last analysis, have to be implemented p.ibly oy Ameiican blood, cerlujii; with American treasure.'' 'lii-.i lonkiLiice, Joint project of Uie CanaUiuli institute on 1'ubH" Affairs and the cue, lOiititiuc until Aui;, 21. U.S. Senator TTiS BEAUTIFUL Vale of Kash- ; count, Canada may cut an above- Grand Canyon is 277 miles long. ; Windsor Star It also has holes as deep as 5,500 mir is the core of the crisis. average yield at a time when The States of Kentucky and'1 conflicting reports from feet. But to gaze into one is not world storage bins are stuffed. The j ne bureau Dureau earlier earner this tnis week week es- ii-imuie 1"M"e ooservers "-evei oui oui mere meie as as it all neiessary. MiSKissipol continue Rebate 5.- x4 quosUon if 'whirhT o'nt'Mn- K ' w"il '-Vole.- Btt the ( timated stocks in Canada, the Baldness, comm. nrs the I nn- VLiited the hot weather drinks"""" Kuiieiii i neaia 10 mis- united States. Areentlna and d. makes mi.-t iullip. Hasn' H.issia Already "would choose to remain ! Australia at 1,188.500.000 bushels : Cfnvinn n Incnor don Fvening Standar the stupid man look brainy, thj tola them both are -juong? , "'tninaia was inai tne maiority nt julv 1. more than doubl? the " "3 JASPK f .WK LODGE, Alia. ill-born aristocratic and invests ; y pcutiic wnc lunat-soo.iHiu.uuu neiu on me same date w;th ically 'yal to Abdullah's last the ordinary man erandeur. I P Tn irif gov-' year. Nevertheless, they will not ne- And then th-re wns .Tnek ernmenb which Incidentally, Carryover of Canada's wheat like supplies into the new crop is to elect ulaving God Save : was Moslem in religion, the Queen rv th it h, i u. Abdullah himself. ; be estimated by the bureau Tues- That is why the new crisis : day. The amount is expected to Senator Richairt E. Byrd of Virginia, leadiii'; exponent of economy in the senior Amei.can lav making body who is vacationing in Canada, arrived at Jasper Park Lodge for a three-day stay yesterday afternoon. -over Abdullah seems such a be ble thoueh not as larre as the I' wp1! Lord Calves l '9..:;WiRl JvL before December football in England, entered a music matches. store to have replaced a broken "F' string for his violin. Fifty years ago the number of "Sorry, ynv'ner," said the girl, wooden "cigar-store Indians'' in "You'll 'ave to come around 'ere the United States totalled about and pick it out yourself. I can't a hundred thousand. Today, the tell the blinkin" '"e's" from the serious thing to me. I do not be- nrnV 1942-43 carryover of 595 -lieve that any peace-making 000,000 bushels. However, it will body could get any solution of nrobablv be far higher than thc the Kashmir problem unless it 217,200,000 bushels a year ago. were along lines which would i Prices for Canadian wheat now gain and hold the support of are high. Under the Internatlon-Abdullah and the people like al Wheat. Agreement they are Abdullah, who are Moslem In around $2.02 a bushel Canadian number has dwindled to three :"she OPTOMETRI..Y Fred E. Dowdie Room ly. Hlone Building Phone Blue 593 Tnke it easy, don't worry and 1 . l. . j , nif... . US To Back Nehru's Sister but firm friends of funds compared with the ceiling of $2.05 American funds. nn-u me umiui. rinjr jca "" religion Charley Starr vas warned he I jmug hai' a bad heart and might I shuffle off any day. Last week ;- .,r- K ' f :si: ' - :''-: :'. tfV---i-ii : he observed the hundredth anni- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. AP) : verysary of his birth at his home Indian sources have announced in Michigan. ' the United States will support" Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit,' Jowph P. Francell, Sing Sing sister of India's Prime Minister electrician, or in other words, Nehru, for president of the Sine; Sing executioner, has re-eighth United Nations general ' signed. The job was becoming assembly. It opens here Sept. 15. harder on the nerves. Let it be Support for Mrs. Pandit was re-; assumed no further details are. ported to have ballooned when necessary. The subject, no the Commonwealth countries matter where in the world it and members of the Asian-Arab arises, Is steadily becoming mora group swung behind her. 1 delicate. ri & x i T. . . ...... .-. Automatic Ice Maker Refrigerator 1 if No trays to fill. it No trays to spill. k No trays to empty or forget tp refill ! Starts itself ... Refills itself . . . Stops itself ! FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE Wll,..!!""' J-mU l! You'll find that members of Canada's most distinguished cliihs call for Canada's most distinguished whisky . . . Lord Calvert. For superb quality ... and the smoothest highball you've ever tasted . . . always call for Lord Calvert! Lord Calvert Other Servel Models Available in Electric, Bottled Gas or Kerosene. NOW ON DISPLAY AT . . CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice To All Householders It is compulsory according to Bylaw 545 for all waterpipes to be buried at least two feet. ! G. E. BEATON, Superintendent of Works. RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 CAIVERT DISTIUERS LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. IHIS AUVWIIiEMENI IS NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE LIQUOR CONTROL 10kKO 6R r IHt O0VlKn-"'N'