Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, August 18, 1953 Calgary Homers Subdue Tyees 1. Bv The CanMhin Plf T running Spokane hosting Lewis-series of ton Tri-Citv at Salem. Vanron- ! ! . sel0 OUTDOORS Wak 1)U- Home runs told the story Mon ver at Edmonton and Yakima at ;pla(. Oakland hL 16 Wenatchee. j go against ml ? K day night as Calgary subdued the Hollvv.-cwi Hollywood ' si, games. The highly elusive coho run , that the reel handle Is TO THE , victoria 11-7 In the opener of a is not showing up in the expect-! RIGHT when the guides on the three-game Western Internation-ed places so far, though a few j rod are on top. To do other- aJ Baseball League wriea. fish are reported from scatter- i wise means that the strain of Charley Mead's grand-slam-ed points outside, and they will j the fish Is borne by the guidej me, qvpt the close-In Calgary doubtless funnel down into and the thread with which they , fence In the seventh Inning put There yere no games sched- uled In the Pacific Coast last night but the fast-improving I Portland Beavers and the skidding Seattle Ralniers lock horns again this week as the league turns Into the final four weeks of the 1953 campaign, ( Clay Hopper and the Beavers invade Seattle Tuesday night to open the series. They'll go up are bound to the rod, and while j tnP Stampede ahead for th- nearby waters very soon. Nothing further on the Alba-core tuna yet, but a commercial the rod shows a certain amount , first time, and Ous Sathos' of bend, actually the greatest , round-tripper with three aboard I V . :Vr- , FTS.:' ..- - j I ' W ST l; 'All not on the rod but on supply house on the waterfront ; ral? in the eifchth put the game out of reach. Dor Hunter also homered for Calgary and Granny Gladstone against a team trying desperately to put on the brakes after SOLE CWfci of lofted a four-mastar for Victoria the line and tip guide. Obviously the line stands more chance of giving way when its stress Is confined to this single point instead of being distributed throughout the length of the rod. In all cases, watch out for disastrous three weeks that TheVietoria-Calgaryclashwasa the league's only scheduled con test. 5 1 I ..... ft . - .j.mK. ' 1 has all but wiped out hopes of copping the pennant. Seattle led the league through most of the early Reason. After The loop resumes full scale Iweak spots, and cut off tht action Tuesday night with Vic-' four-foot piece occasionally, it j toria again at Calgary, front-is splendid Insurance. j - . ' .' t, i kA.. D, is well supplied with an excellent assortment of feather and other jigs to offer them if and when they reach here. These same jigs are highly efficacious on other fishes too, and sports anglers would do well to keep a couple on hand. YEW LEE ran onto an unexpected battle at Fairview on Saturday, was casting a salmon-tip baited spinner for rock-fish when a halibut took hold and was landed after a stern tight, weight twenty - five pounds Nice fishing! BOB ARMSTRONG working along the Skeena. and met plenty of sport with bright humpbacks, brought out three for yS7)fil WITH THAT Commercials Out ! The spring salmon at Morice-town are now quite dark and no longer worth the taking, but ' the first of the cohos are now ; arriving and in very good condi-Ition: this means wonderful : fishing for the next month or j so. to be followed by the Fall i steelhead run. j W"' FRENCH'S FUN For Win Tonight Commercial Hotel baseball club has its last chance tonight to catch Prince Rupert Senior Base THREE NEW YORK YANKEE stars check a tourists' guide book to Tokyo in preparation for their post-season trip to Japan. Looking over the pa nphlst are: (left to right) catcher Yogi Berra, outfielder Mickey Mantle, and pitcher Ed Lop it. They wili tour Japan as part of a baseball team called "Lopat's All-Stars." . the trypan. Never hesitate to ; ball league leaders Gordon and Anderson. In a postponed game j scheduled for 6:45 at Roosevelt , REMEMEER WHEN By The Canadian Prfas Sam Snead almost lost fish water that seems off colour j to your eyes, bear in mind that ! no blind fish starved while his nose continued to function. j the SPORTS ROUND-UP Park tonight Commerciuis will be trying for the one win necessary to prolong the current league play. If they lose, G M A are automatically winners and there is no point in continuing the battle for first place. Should O A cinch the top spot tonight, arrangements will By GALE TALBOT Now that the total of Ponn Canadian open golf champion-reels in local use is so high, the ship and th $1,000 first prize at time is come for a goodly stuck Toronto 13 years ago today when of repair parts to be always a 15-foot putt stopped six Inches available. Your columnist is short of the cup. The extra putt frequently approached for the left Snead tied with Jug Mc- ,r,w 1 I Spa den. defending champion would like to have a definite . ., , . 0 NEW YORK (AP) It is difficult to recall the re-signing of any baseball manager ever stirring up such a ruckus as that which exploded when president Horace Stoneham of the Giants cornered Leo Duro-cher and made him agree to another two-year con from Winchester, Pa. But Snead be made by the leaguj executive reply to give. Our Oriental citizens Yanks, Brooks Seek 100 Wins By the Asswiatrd Press The New York Yankees and Brooklyn Dodgers have set a new goal of 100 victories each. If both clubs make it, it would be the first season since 1942 to produce a pair of 100-game champions. In that year the Yankees won 103 and St. Louis Cardinals took 106 plus the series. Both the Yankees and Dodgers flattened margins over nearest rivals Monday night. The Yanks won a pair from Philadelphia, 10-3 and 9-0 and moved nine games in front of the idle Chica- are 1 won the playoff by 71 strokes to to start the playoffs as soon as l.i. .tin possible. tract. among our most enthusiastic , 7: salt-water anglers, six of them taking mixed bags including dollies, flatfish, rockfish, run-quil etc., on Monday at Fair- j view; rest assured that they i HOT,TIRED FEET? Soothe thera There might have been equally violent controversies in other big league cities involving the retention of a pilot, but this is Mie largest city and it seems fair to suggest that it numbers more fans who are personally interested in helping run its ball clubs. Where Durocher is concerned, this interest borders on a mania of some sort. We were, as it happened, some 60 miles from the city limits, helping Roland LaStarza train, know good eats! DICK GILKER had a bumpy session around Lucy Island, but reports a large quantity of sand-lance and other feed fish quickly and effectively. 'Here's the way... ft row n frankfurter! slowly In o littl butttr, ploc on toasted rolls. Garnish with olives wrapped in bacon strips and broiled. Sp'tad with lots of French's Mustard. . Get fast-drying Minard'i Liniment rub it on. Feel the coolness-'get relief, quicki when the news came that Leo ; go White Sox. Parnell Sets Top Mark of Year M US T ABO would be back. We can person- j Brooklyn came from behind on ally vouch for the fact that the , Duke Snider's two-run homer in hooting and hollering extended ! the ninth and then beat Pitts- VANCOUVER 3h Bill Parnelff there, with an occasional coho taking to the air for display purposes. Do you know why a fish which jumps at the end of a bng run frequently succeeds in breaking away? Most times it Is because the angler has failed to RELEASE drag late in the run, this being necessary be I VHhil.r.iW-' Fremh'i Prepared Milliard j a skilled blend of ihe hneM muMBrd Need, tpicct and vinegar; all combined to put-vide perfect aeMy Havmir. of Victoria streaked to the fastest mile clocked In Canada this year 4:20.5 in a special event at the final day of the British Columbia junior track and field II III "KINO Of PAIN" JuUlinimen for at least that distance. Many burgh on Gil Hodgss' three-run were stricken where they sat. (blast in the 11th, 5-2. The Dod-Others- just as stoutly defended : gerr gained half a game on the both Stoneham and his manager 'unscheduled Milwaukee Braves and argued far into the night land lead by 8'2 games, that Durocher was blameless for j In the only other activity the the plight of his team. 'New York Giants and Philadel- STARS CAN FAIL phia Phllliss split a pair at the GOLDEN APPEARANCE GOLDEN FLAVOUK-GOlDEh cause the weight of a lot of line in the water is a very effectual championships. Marie DePree of Vancouver Arctic won the shot put with a Polo Grounds. Only 2.885 cash ' drag that shduld be allowed for, All it takes is for one or two necessitating a lessening In the I customers watched the Phils win .leave of 29 feet, 8V4 inches and Utars in whom a pilot has great faith to fall down on him, or the first game 5-2 and bow in the second 6-0. Although not scheduled, St. for a small spark of dissension ItM Marilyn Peterson of Vancouver's Western Sports Centre was runner-up with a 28-foot, 10-inch toss which also broke the Canadian junior girls' record. to iguite a defeatist complex, amount of drag applied bj; the ' ' reel. - - When you have the quarry well whipped is time enough to tighten up and bring him to gaff. NOT BEFORE. Anybody interested in build- Who remembers the Phil lies' TLoiu.- Brown? were eliminated whiz kids of 1950 and their mir- j mathematically from the pen-acle manaeer. Eddie fiawver? nant chase. Even if they won FOR jur, xor triai matter, tne miracie r"-'""'- " " "i; ing a small boat, sea-sled, duck .uiants or oniv two seasons aeov ." v, """.,. canoe, dinghy or wnat I .1 r , . riiiwi. oenina me iniiKees ureseni, ' FOR HUME i Something happens except mark. have you. can have very good nlans for only cne dollar. Oct SPORTSMAN'S' ARTIFICIAL LURES FOR CRAPPIES..... NAVAL GUARD OSLO (CP) Norway's newl" organized naval home guard in touch with Marty for the address. It is noted that certain of our neophyte anglers are usin;; their reels in a wrong manner; unless you are left-handed and Elso equipped with a LEFT- completed its first courses this 8-19 month. Principal tasks of this new organization are reconnais sance and intelligence work in the reel should Norway's deep fjords and along HANDED REEL the Yankees, of course and nj manager or critic can ever quite pin it down. When it came down to either expressing an opinion or getting out, we were forced to side with the latter forces. Durocher is well Durocher. And he his managed over the years to pile up an amazing number of enemies, many of whom never saw him in the flesh. We have known him a long time and happen not to be one of them. We know his faults, but believe he is as good a baseball manager as there is in the game, not excepting Casey Stengel and Charlie Dressen. ' the rod so 2.215 miles of coastline. be installed upon WHITE crappie IS. : "ECONOMICAL "IMPROVED Spinning tackue lures op alu types, fbo '8 to ' oz. cast near underwater weed beds and brush shelters are anatural" for crappies. or, use a,l boo with wet flies IN SIZ'CP fcfeOM-T0-!O. -LET FlV SINK THEN USE A HAND TWIST RETRIEVE. SPINNERS ANO MIDGET BAIT CASTING LURES, AS ' WELL AS ABOVE "LURES, CAW BE TROLLED. WORK ALL LURES VERY It is true that , Leo made a grave mistake in the, . spring,- when he believed he had a pennant winner, but that is not SLOWLY. "necessarily a rap at his mana . l ANU , gives me gerial ability. The quality of a baseball club, which is made up of a carload of young men of varying temperaments, is a very elusive thing to calculate, and Durocher will not be the last manager to be misled. Strike gently to avoio tearing HOPK OUT OF A CHAPPIE'S GCFT MGU fH. MOUEY-SAVING MILCACIj More and more B.C. motorists art that Esso gives mileage economy, starting, lively power. If you uscarcj' can't mah a '"'r grade gasoKnc, you in B.C. than economical Esso! gives me GREATER POWER!" If you use a premium grade gasoline, you can't buy better premium grade gasoline in B.C. than improved Esso Extra! Esso Extra gives more surging power, more flashing acceleration,jer overall performance than ever before ! By Appointment Cm Hifliltfrs To the Late King George VI Tanqucraj, Gordon & Co, Xd, ' Alaska) to all Ira Via TI 9 mmm sDEALER J$ AIR-LIN Statute SuptefKe, ' TANQUERAY, GORDON & CO. LTD th largstt gin distiller in the world This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Office Opposite Post Office Phone 266 GAS MORE CANADIANS USE SSO AND CSSO EXTRA THAN ANY OTHtR t I i