Pitnte Rupert Daily New 3, luesaay, August 18, 1953 Car Recovered From River cia Lorraine Guyan tied to Donald Melton Girls From Prince Rupert, Central B.C. End Two Week Camp at Braun's Island AH day job Sunday saw recov- J ery of 1952 sedan owned by David j Roblin, Prince Rupert, from the bottom of the Skeena River. Car , was sunk in 65 feet of water after i and Tex Lee who first discovered hood of car about 50 feet down river from wnere the car entered water. Battered sedan, with the roof and both ends caved In by pounding against rocks on bot nmrh interest Girls Irom all over Central, ",d by the Bev. E. A. ,lie Presbyterian '(' J British Columbia and Alaska have just completed a 12-day camp at Few Acres, Braun's Is u .Hav evening. Helping her In the kitchen were i best-all-round camper and other Mrs. Henry Vanderheide and the prizes went to Verena and Re-teachers when not on duty, nate King, Ethel Egg, Carol Fos-Other ' help was supplied by ter, Shirley Klein, Geraldine Wil-Elcanor Buller, Eleanor Peters 1 kins and Judy Lovely, and Mrs. George Peters. I The boys went to camp for I The girls' day began with their 12-day session August 12 clean-up and morning devotions. 1 under the leadership of Pastor After breakfast cabins were In- Stan Bradshaw of Kemano. He lt 7;ou p.m. between being in collision with car driven by Doug Stevenson August 2. Dragging ra a: m:;e 67 be- i tween Prince Rupert and Terrace was carried out by Dan Lippett 1 tom of river, was found another 50 feet further down river. The two men worked with grappling equipment from dawn until dark inne (iuyan, uu5- . .... a flu van I , Mr Alexander The bride's white damask covered table was centrtd by a beautiful three-tiered wedding cake. A silver basket of pniK carnations and pink tapers in silver cundleholuers completed the charming picture. The Rev,. K. A. Wright proposed the toast to the bride which was responded to by uie groom. Mr. Alex Mitchell as master of ceremonies read the many congratulatory telegrams, auer wiucii dancing was en-Joyed. Refreshments were served by I uwiald A. Melton land. This was the eighth annual session and more than 50 girls from Kenfiano, Ketchikan, Prince Rupert, Terrace and Hazelton attended the camp. Director of the camp was Miss Irene Berryman of Ketchikan, assisted In the teaching department by Lunelle Lewis of Texas. Junior and intermediate groups were set up for the girls who LINDSAY'S ! Mr. and Mi s. v . m- spected, followed by Bible lessons. 13 being assisted by Arthur Jones ! At other times during the day and David Owens. Mrs. Vander-, mission studies and handwork heine is camp cook, assisted by 1 projects kept the girls busy. The Geraldine Wilkins, Shirley Klein, weather favored camp life and Mrs- George Peters and Miss the girls were able to enjoy Mitchell. ( mver. Wus givcn in raar-r brother Peter a ide wure a beautl. lienna length dress .. draped oer white I A lamny camp will get under swimming. way August 23 where parents can . friends of the bride, Mis. H. CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide nd World-wide Shipments. 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . SUIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. veil was miKi-iup j Lavigne, Mrs. C. Dahl, Mrs. C. spend a holiday with their children before school re-opens. ranged In age from nine to 15 years. Teaching tilt juniors were Mrs. Ed Martin, Mrs. Un Biad-shaw and Arthur Jones. Miss Gertrude Mitchell, owner of the five-acre camp was chief cook. Chapel service brought the day to a close and the final session of the camp, the coionalioii iei-vice, provided a highlight of the camping session. . bkog, Mrs. U. timim and the Misses Joan Uedaes, Peggy Pul- ,. u) a WHILE Mill" wnii peans. Sne uauei ui American 1 i .... utunli- NeAi was declaired emperor of len, Ann Btromdahl and Loreen Rome two ruontlis before his 17th t anu want " r 1 i I Marion Smith was judged the -birthday. crock. The bride's Rolng away cos tumc WmS a mauve boucie dress with a pale green shortie coat THE SHEARD0WN BROTHERS WISH TO ANNOUNCE jiruii ol nonor was Warne, cousin of ;0 as attired in a .jutma length net .Hatching accessor-,i,.J a uuuquet ol .j pale yellow car-was Mr. Frank he marriage a re-hold in Uie Legion ncre the mother received the guests, ior her costume a ce pannelled dress i.u wnue accessaries. ! l i 1 r i,i . A V ' f J , and while accessories. A corsage of carnations completed the ensemble. Ihe happy couple sailed on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where a reception was held in their honor on Saturday evening at the home of the groom's parents, after which they continued their honeymoon by car to the United States. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Melton will leslde in Vancouver. ful History of West tied Into Mr. Banff's Life NOTEWORTHY fashion trend this fall Is the fur-trimmed dress that combines simplicity with ultra glamor. This one by Adole Simpson is pale blue chiffon broadcloth trimmed with sapphire mink. The same style also comes In black chiffon broadcloth with white ermine trim. a cj:Jorman Lux-,11 to his friends JiMvUJJiVi 11 lJllL!3rAllJy' k his life within the lug floors there and learning to rset type. ! At 16 he moved Into north-I western Ontario to apprentice as I a clerk with an Indian agent at Rat Portage, now Kenoi a. Travel-: tins in an eight-man canoe on ! treaty-paying trips, Luxlon's job ! was to sit in the centre with the m Canada's color- wt, his dark eyes i behind a high-Luxton. now 60, has sprawling foothills ; an international Daily News Want Aas Get Results big Iron cash box tied about his neck. .(rw.spapr publisher I r newspaper mun In Calgary, he worked as a printer-reporter and bill collec has lived a lile of tor. He worked as agent for an -'astern haberdashery firm after A (liend of the In- LIMITED TO THE BULKLEY VALLEY MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION coming to Banff and later bought a small weekly newspaper, the Crag and Canyon. The type was housed In cigar .iS youth, he is one I 'ipular and respect-. lo be adopted into .:x. ClRE ' itid the influeiii.a-e by dusing them and aspirin tablets cd given up hope. H the sea wastes boxes, and coffee tins when he took over the paper in 1902 and the little press hadn't been used (or some time. Luxton sold out two years ago. An Indian trading post he started still does a flourishing business and is one of the finest Indian museums on the continent. His summer and winter hotel was the first built in Banff. i to the South Sea d a gossip news-ncouver, traded in and spent his holi-l'd horses through am passes. to Calgary in was just a village. d tn n:inff mi1 t,.L Model 5R18 CHOOSE TOUR COLOUR COMBINATION Hr'i an ntWtivm HaMicraftr colour fatvr, Thit mantvl radio comot in til "decorator" colours with contrattina, intorchongoablo 4ial centra. Yom kovo choke of 30 colour combination. Famous Halltcraftars "PwllUg-Powor" tarovgH Hw tub. Brightly aot-Uhod bran oKuHhoon. Sit 10V x 5V x S'i". In Flamo, Citron, tobbU, irch White, Hot Chotoltrte and Sprwcoy irt In its devclop-l.elned ore.mle thp 4: y council, the Banft val and the Banfl reader A general meeting of Shore- : workers Local U.F.A.W.U., 8.00 p.m. Thursday, August 20 in the Melropole Hall. AH members urged to attend. IBS'" 708 708 708 PULP AND SULPHITE UNION, Loral 708. General meeting a three-day show year by Indians. iOlKNALISM 11 111 n rnnm tf H.n I !i housed the Mani- Wednesday, August 19, 7:30 p.m. Allen, Harry and Bill Sheardown wish to thank alt of their customers for the fine support that they have received in the past 5' year in operating Northland Dairy. They hope you will give the new owners even more support in the future than Northland Dairy has received in the past. , The Sheardowns glso .wjsh to thank the .J3ylk.leyjVal.ley Milk Producers Association for their fine co-operation j: in the "past" 5'; j years while processing and shipping thir milk to Northland Dairy. ' ' ' As of August 17, Mr. John Greene of Meadowbrooke Farms, Telkwa, assumes the responsibility and management of the dairy for the new owners. The Bulkley Valley MUk Producers Association. He has been in . the dairy business on both the producing and selling levels almost all of his life. Mr. Greene extends to you an open invitation to visit any of the farms of the Bulkley Valley Milk Producers Association and see for yourself the ideal conditions under which the milk is produced. Tho BULKLEY VALLEY MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION is comprised of the following forms in tne BulkleyVollcy orco Greene Brothers J.Boonstra D. H. McDougall S. Koldyk P.Ruiler Telkwa Telkwa Telkwa Telkwa Houston ess, founded by his t W. F Luxton. He ihool hours sweep- Enjoyed ' Q .McRae Bros. Lid. 'The Store That Service Euilt' Phone 6 or 36 Legion Auditorium. umi 708 708 708 Tho Veterans' Welfare Off!-, er, Mr. H. H. Church will be in ?rlnee RuDert fu. interview by Child ren nterested veterans p the U.I C. office on Friday, August 21, 1:3C ; o 5 p.m. (193) I eek of the Lake-''anip, sponsored by Baptist rhurrh m f e. proved most suc- her was extremely 41 chilrlrpM ti.V. ;t week of camping. 0 kM fcO toil R.W springs and con-a divinn raft, the first week of 0 Danny Pipke and ' for notebooks; to s and Hele n Mnnr.i T.Yelich P. Oliarney R.Oulton Snvtliers Smirhers Smifhers B.Leipe Johnson Bros.. J. Koldyk Evelyn Evelyn . x Evelyn M. Mackney Sm'thers W. Bucher Smirhers" ntest and Cabin I Smirhers Rosberg & Son Evelyn '"'e Ballinger for ;imP is In rmwr. !nt time onrt ,n llils auxiuM-li.e.n . nut iuuui.eu or oispiuyeu 0 ln Liquur Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. f '" August 22. ' Wt,Ul i 1' sons took part summer whist drive f , ht, wlth Mrs. j. !Mn8 off lartipa. 4 ft Thanks Again For Your Support THE SHEARDOWN BROTHERS In SHOES by SAVAGE ifi.rre.by . "' "U J. Kilhu tllen PniTi. ... ' ize At n 1 wun the rie- conclusion , --'., wun the Choose from t!ie largest stork of girls' and boyr' shoes In the city. e OXFORDS BOOTS PATTEN STRAPS e BICKI.ES ANKLE STRAPS h ntuni-tTioN Mr ih . luetic ? B """f'1 snZ J,et tr"nsp1rt 1' faft a, h ,?"engined FASHION FOOTWEAR -o..Lrr planes.