Prince Rupert Doily Kevvs Tuesday, August 18, 1963 CFPR BUSINESS ; And PROFESSIONAL I Optimistic Report Given On Natives' Use of "Pubs" W : : , ) J U in women's institutes and other social organizations." , "There were more than 1200 , Indian children attending B.C. ! schools and there were few cases j of discrimination. The enfranchisement of the Indian village of Mdlakatla northwest of Prince Rupert, was '. i1 - THE DAILY DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Today's Stocks "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3262 ONE YEAR AGO 3094 RAriO WAi. 1-4U K'ocycle 1TJBSDAY V M. 0 0 Cue tor Fun H;'Ah hupqr )MfnMuU. 1:00 Cbi, Nkwa 71S CBC News Roundup ':ao Uicciibr Squn"-! ti Eroud vay o.w uucaicauiK conrerence (-uo ChampioiiM of fcport d ao Sonus Prom the Shows 10:00 CBC Newk , 10:10 CBC New 10:16 Tim Mnd Metalluri;lst U):an Hfire Comes the. Band II :Mt VluKle rill Mi.lulfhl 1U:00 Blgn-oB WEDNliSUAT Alt. 7:(0 . c PiieTien's Bdct. 5:1.1 Miihiial lock 7 an cm; .-vutatr Report ::).- MuaiiDl ( link M:uu CBC News 8:10 Hern's Bill Ciood " IT I Ittlr '(miTrt h-ai Mo-nlni IJevitlnr;. 8:l" Mii.linl Mnrrh Past WiKi BBC Mews nun i :onirientary :l." Keyboard and I'oilMik W ait Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 "HI!" 111:4.- stmt; of the Prairie 11:00 A Man and His Muslj 1 :SO Mi:saaf(e Period . ll:4.'i Kr-aiiriliiavftan Melodies ' f li:im latin Amerlian Melodies 12:15 CBC Newh 1:20 Program Resume 12:30 B C. Farm 12:55 Rec. Int. 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 3:1.1 Keeonl fur Ynll 3:45 B.C. Request Koundup 4:15 Other Vul-es, Other places 4:30 Camp Wilderness 4:4.1 Kongs r'rom (he ll 4:55 Stock Quotations 5:00 Music Prom the Films 5:25 International Comty. 6:30 UN Today 6:45 CBC News, Weather Report 5:55 Have You Heard? BUSINESS PERSONALS 40 AOFNT8 for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd.. for oxvRi n. arpty-I nnd all weldinn suoplles. Lindsay's Cartas Si Storage Phone 80. c) PLUMBWa. automatic oil heating, hheet metal work. Phono Call 630 6lh West. Lf-totir-neau. (c) THE ELECTRICIAN D. Ouvatt House wiring and electrical repairs. . 149 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 165. (214 PUELIC ACCOUNTANT. IiKome Tax (specialist. 8. O. Furk, Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) WILFORD Electrical WorksTMv tors bought, sold, rewound and (repaired. tf) MAOAZIVF.S. no'eKles. Kddle'n News Ftnpd. M The port of Knysna in South cific cannery, also has not yet Africa has an excellent harbor J been recovered. He is survived and exports large quantities ofbv nis wife Dcra and children tlmber : Victor and Ke..,ie;n. NEARLY everybody uses 99. HELP WANTr.D MALE BOYS! BOYS! Do you want to NEWS HOMES IOR SALE SEVERAL REAL GOOD BUYS Wartime Four, 6th Ave. East. Nice grounds, sood condition. $4,0U0.0U or best offer. Nice two-bedroom house, revenue suite In basement. Close to city centre. $2,000.00 will handle. Two good handyman speoials. Buy cheap and linish them yourself. Super Fine Three bedrooms, full basement, oil heat. Perfect condition. Near schools. You should see this one. Brand new two-bedroom house. Concrete basement. Well located. Nige lawn:.. Two outstanding homes. One on Uli West. One view home on Graham. Just completed. Call us and let us show you these outstanding homes. . T. NORTON YOUNGS (1941 FIVE rooms, combination oil and electric range. 731 Alfred Street, Biack 590. (192pi WARTIME four In east end. Box 761 Dally News. (193p 40A Houses Wanted to Buy FIVE or, six room house In good locality. Box 702 Daily News. (193pi FOUR-ROOM house. Cash deal. Phone Red 142. (194) 42 WANTED TO RENT TWO or three bedroom house or suite urgently required by September 1. Apply Box 754 Dally-News.. .. .. . . (197) FURNISHED or unfurnished 5 or 6 room house, vicinity Hays rTr' pllone Rpd U9- ,197 a,, BY working couple, small house or 3-room apartment close In. Will buy furniture. No children. Box 760 Daily News. tl97pi TWO-BEDROOM house, unfurnished. Required by Aug. 31. Or will purchase on basis $1500 down. Pnone Black 660. (191pi 46 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUICK convertible, Hudson sedan. Ford V-8 2-ton, 18-foot V.. t,.-,il... 1fr.r.f hnilfif) lraUt;ri 'motor g chpvro. .ZiMiZkt. 1 rs' 1 11 nP'y rm Phone Black 739. Box 34. (194) -" 47 AUTOMOBILES earn extra pocket money curing summer holidays? If you do, call and leave vour name THE DAILY NEWS OFFICE summer paper routes, ftfnc) Fl'RNITlRE FOR SALE BEDROOM suite, living room furniture In pood condition. Apply 1440 eth Ave. East. (193p) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ELECTRIC Hawaiian guitar with amplifier. Brand new. $200. 507 11th East. U92pl By The Canadian Proas ' VICTORIA Majority of B.C. Indians used their new right to enter beer parlors "with discretion" in 1952, the annual report of the provincial advisory committee on Indian affairs says. The report, released by T. R. Kelly, committee secretary, gave a generally optimistic view of , Indian affairs up to Dec. 31, 1952. ! "There have been some cases! where individual natives have j abused this new privilege but, i ' generally speaking, the majority of the Indians have used their i new freedom from prohibition with discretion." The report also mentioned an nil-Indian parent-teacher orean- ; ization now functioning in West- holme Indian Reserve near Che-rnainus. Indian women are being encouraged to take an active part River Victims Still Missing Rewards totalling $300 have been posted by relatives of Rita Lincoln for recovery of the 19- ; year-old girl's body from the Skeena river. Tlfe daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lincoln, she was drowned between Clax-iton and Carlisle cannery last i Thursday. The body of 20-year-old Wallace Green, who drowned early i sunaay morning by North Pa- Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER toil Intermedin 1-orln Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. it: For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight . Comfort and Service v Por reservations write o call City or r.epot Otnw Plaice Rupert, BC. 1 . c a-. - - yjr -It's Inhoomin ! FROM SlSS TK'T Mil A1RJ r,v.- -FCM r. arc you BERT. MY U MiNP'S SET,,. JUUET JONES'S FATHER MUST LEAVE THE SEWING MACHINES JALES Repairs Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone H64. I' 1 KEITH H. ' rUCKER optomx: "RIST . 527 3rd Ave. Phone 2J2 PHONE 383 MESSENGER PICK-UP AND DELIVER!' IF YOU WANT A j CINDER DRIVE AY; ' ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment ( Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR - I ' ! On Vacation j j H. G. HELGERSON ' " LIMITED REAL ESTATE fc INSURANCE Phoiie 98, Evenings Black 809 scoTr McLaren i ' CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Jamej Block 608 3id Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C.i Phone 347 P.O. Boi 374 PRECISION SAW FILINCI All Types of Sews , Sharpened j 115 1st Ave. W. Pbone 905 i CHOP SUEY ...CHOW ME1N Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Dally except Sunday! lllll nollvvjoou Calo t 1 IIWIIMVV vm r For Outside Orders Pbone 133 bv AL CAHK Ar THAT INSTANT - m&ae the Ptoaar plane- Ads!" o Classified Rates re time 4:30 p m. aay previous iwi 3 wr word per ln- :' minimum .'harne 50 cent. ,.'.,.,.. r,o ren: Curtis nf Uiiilh Notlcer Kimernl Murrain nl Eui&SMn"'1 I buplav double prlc. No Keiunui 14 will m.v accept responsibility I iiisrtd Incurrticu i'it ruiiK ciusf if nation uuleis anew ul htitll urruu U : 4 huura ut iimt liiMfiio. !rne I (td. VANT AD 543. REPLIES ? are holding replies the following News boxes: 07 710 711 722 42 Replies must be ailed for in person (.'O.MING EVENTS 1 18 hoik Bazaar, October 8 pkah fall bazaar, October just Bt for I DE. Full Bazaar, Thurs- Nuvembcr 19, 1953. 28 'hrdral Rummage Sale, Oc-: 3. ::adian Legion Ladles' Aux- k Fall Bazaar, Nov. 4. mm u t9 t DON To Mr. and Mrs. Earl t dun, a daughter, Elizabeth August IS. (Up) PERSONAL . 29A 1 11R0ME bumpers, grills, . with "Bumper Re-Nu." . paint or polish Just like if! Lasts years! Send $1.98 ID Fernlor, 772 KinK West, 31 Hon, Ont. (Dealers wano (201) :.AOE Prince Runert to i ilhcrs via Capling's Truck every Tuesday and Friday. 719 tact Whalen's Carta;"", 3'6. (196) 52 i not be responsible for Mils made b" -'rs. Mary i asdiiik from this date on. ' Alfred Birkensdock. Mia-,, PUTS FINKST CLEANED M.TROLUX. Phone Blue for Parts Sales Service. .(c) 'RDER Avon Products, call 31 2119. U99p) r-CSlNESS PERSONALS f 'P. your classified nd In this at the economical six rate. 15 words for 3 con-iv 35 (lavs eost--Jl.85;-15 i fer six consecutive 'days 5180. And rememher. vnu Phone your ads Inst cull 'ally News. (tf-nc) 5 POTT. EVITT Si COTTD" Phone fiSl nr fIRE about our budget plan 36 your homo lmnr.m..l. 'n payment. $100.00 to . 6 to 24 mos. to pay. 1 vonr fuel requirements ini'ii htove Si urnuce. -Foothills & Bryan Mtn. - Pacific" Propane. VALUER -TO AUC 31 ;mmer Storage Rates 11 Munntain-$1.20 per 'tou An additional discount of Ppr ton on cash sales. '. Hemlock and Cedar ft 4-c .. J. """'' , r - "inn n 1 A a R k, ih ex.,:; n.wD'aP : - 82.00. I y ' ,. ."8n per M f bm I com 7, SL? rnwH (n iTn . rerMfbm . i;?:10 & 12 ... .. .. $46.08 ls are fob n our yard. m ln M lbm w cash, pott 'OTT, ,k, trom mill. EVITT LTD "..P'Stributnrs f;.- J,T . I GrSf,"1'. . Inquiries la- 1, BC in, VOBC3U- r (tfV lrs irs. iio 149 ' ft electrical " Bin AVa West. (190)1 heralded as an event of historic importance. j "Metlakatla will be the first Indian community in B.C. to' accept the responsibility of full j citizenship. England Takes Fifth Test Lead ! LONDON (P England took a 31-run lead today at the end of ! the first innings In the fifth and 1 dual cricket Test match with Australia for the mythical : Ashes. The English side was all out for 308 just at lunch time In the third day of the match. The tqtal was in reply to a first-inning stand of 275 by the Australians. " lis 654 (" tS rm 4ms taU 1st ti. PUi i i Ha MWniKtrt mi 4,,UrU W fc Lln CoMisI Mi4 f W M (MX i i ii i tt i i tm . 1 I '' J f I n ..t JM.iwSi fcSJS:"" . 1 CAN'T PO THAT, T REALLY? j J U4SP.FT... JONES HAS) THEN THAT'S 9EM THERE FOR J FAR TOO I - ; ,.r' - Use Want VANCOUVER American Standard .... .22 Bralorne 3.90 B R X 22 Cariboo Quartz 105 Congress 00 Cronln Babine 08 Oiant Mascot .52 1 Indian Mines 05 Pend Oreille 4.25 Pioneer 1.85 premier ooraer ovj Privateer 3'2 Reeves McDonald 1.70 Pheo Creek 60 Sllbak Premier 12 Vananda Spud Valley 04 Sliver Standard 96 Western Uranium 2.01 Sil-Van -.. 42 Dorreen lT2 Estella 53 Oils- Anglo Canadian 5.85 A P Consolidated 32 Calmont 1.21 C Si E , .... 10.25 Central Leduc - 2.90 Home Oil ., 7.75 Mercury j... .11 Okalta 2.60 Pacific Pete . 9.75 Roval Canadian lli2 Royalite 14.25 ' TORONTO Athona : 11 Aumaque ... .14 Bevcourt ; 40 Buffalo Canadian 18 Consolidated Smelters.. 26.50 Conwest . , 4.50 Donalda .,.... .70 Eldona 29 V; East Sullivan 4.70 Oiant Yellowknlfe 9.10 God's Lake ... 1.00 Harricana , ,.17V2 Heva Gold , .06 Duvex .43 Jollet Quebec .30 Little Lontt Lac .54 " Lynx ..: .10 Madsen Red Lake .... 1.75 McKenzie Red Lake .38 MacLeod Cockshutt . 1.83 Moneta .43 Negus .16 Noranda 68 00 Louvicourt .14 '4 Pickle Crow 1 25 Petrol Oil & Gas .42 New Senator .17V2 Sherrit Gordon 4.40 Steep Rock 6.90 Silver Miller .86 Sweet Or-ass "m2 Golden Manltou 2.20 I.andovei Oils .38 Rix Athabasca 1.92 Nesbitt Lablne 1.85 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone niacU and Bed 111 johW h. BULGER Orlc (ante hhl Third Avenue John Bulger Ltd. VANCOUVER 7ia Waypoints SUNDAY BS Camosun, 8 p.m. FRIDAY S3 Coqultlant, 8 p.m.' AMCK ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS August 12th and 26th SS Coqultlain, Mlunight FOB SOUTH QUEEN I CHARLOTTE 1SIANOS SS Coauttlam, Midnight Aug. 19th and Sept. 2nd FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue : Phone 668 so Hot Be DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS 1 Commodore Caie BLONDI hl.iiipii'iji7" UJ- . OGwSoO- 1. voltll miss ) Avn KIN(i Oh i Hfc ''IT ACTUALLY THIS CA5S roTTef!M& I feiMS 0 LILABNtR PEMTIM' THIS WKSDIN' SUIT sn'fi ccrvriN' me a CENT A Inspired Morafhon Rv CHIC YOUNG; 1 I ( LOOK CUT, MP. BEASLEV- ) ?l i j. , j I I IF I CAN JV j f HE'S COMING THRU.' T-? 1 ', E A OUTPUN HIM ? J?A- L SAVED - Lw y i c3w drkki r- At MUUNi tt . - . ?v UKrt :' ' CLK fAMWHT -OVAD Y BTTSPmN6TI?AtiTS POTTM, IZZ-jtZZ dm mMmmm MmW : FQRU ,Tudos. good.condt-. ts i " . jmt if- - - - c) j BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES- COMPLETE bike repairs ' service. Raleigh and Fred Deeley Sales nnd Service. Per manblnm. Dixon's Cycle Shon, W. 2nd Ave. (199) FOR SALE MISC. DISSTON power chain saw in good condition. Phone Green 884. (197pl '- j, ... CLIMAX washing machine with mmm. only used two weeks. Phone Blue 825. (1931 v-r r, TWO single beds, comnlete, one vanity dresser. Red 182.( 1921 WANTED MlSfELtASEOVS j CA'Ml FOR 1 radiators. Plume 43 uan u.iu 6th Ave. West. (c) BOATS AND ENGINES l4ljU)47 16-FOOT. boat, tarpBUlln. S Ker- muth engine, i-none uieen 304. 19f!P H P. Wisconsin. Blue 182. (19p ROOMS FOR KENT ROOMS for rent. Phone Black 937 after 6 pl. (194p) LIOHT housekeeping rooms. 221 5th (193' ROOM tor rent. 936 Fraser St. (197p) ONE room cabin, 315 6th West. T (197) 39 HOMES FOR RENT FURNISHED suite, nice nnd clean. Couple only. 1160 Park Ave. Gien 224. U93p) iiMii . Isyr All TKM TC SO. SNATCH IT OFF. TH' INSTANT AH IS HIVCHfeD. AH IHIMAM Remembered Remembered to to put put mah mah If lf.ill I - v its tV'' J OWN OWN SUIT SUIT ON, ON, UNDERNEATH.1? UNDERNEATH? ) A RACKET ""TO S - .lion, rvew tires, rui auie ciieiiij. Apply 215 6th West. (193) '51 AUSTIN truck, good condition. Mileage 3,000. Can be seen at 713 Alfred St. !2JP! '39 BUICK parts. Call 723 Bacon St. after 6. UOlpi WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House S09 Third Ave. West ' SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES OPEN 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily IBBMUilliHIM oeiarr CATMOftS swnoNOV WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNT3 . , . COUNT ON US! Dibb Printing Co. COMPANY "r: '"f.'-J; By STAN DRAKE . , k THE HEART OF JULIET JONES ONf OF PANS PARENTS 1 gd HAS TO PLAN FO? - -s I HIS FUTURE, AMP I SET TO BEP, PAN... f I'LL 6PEA TO I YOUR AOTHER. rr, ,T.' mmm m j K?. ' H J 1 0 "Summer Hot? Summer Not Sure of Hot Results I M r- .