i 1 14 I",. l Prince Rupert Daily News Attn i J ! - Letterbox , ... - d Wednesday, July 22, 1953 ray . . . Reflects ono Reminisces ufiiir? Tan inl.t iUl liaioui wnuien :n,,l he l'PCnlmili,,l...l . 1 ha independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations f Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prlnc Rupert Daily News Limited. J. P. MA GOB, President H. O. PERRY, Vice-President ........MM-,, ' WW V,s. The Editor, Tlie Dally News: 1 noticed two things, regarding the Packmasler truck, when I read the report of the Insp dor of Municipalities. One point is that the fare to the cast, the ullowance paid, all Ulj:i.rvw If iiuyont- nit council meeting 111 first , uii'y win notii . in- Subscription Rates: By carrier P;r wek, 25c; per month, 91.00; per year. HO 00. by mail Per n ninth, 7ftc; per year, 98 00. per ceni or tiie Cljuvi-fy Wliulm " Ij'.'twecn Mavor Authorized as teronct class maiW by the Post Offlca Department, the gas, oil and Incidentals totals mal, K " ueuer A 1. 1 $Kr0.82 whi. h is $17!. more ,,,,,, Aldenimi, iw. than the freight (KTO.OtM which Ull1wx WII, w.it quoted in the report. jolh.;r five n , 'I li I'xxl expert. M'.ii'cun Hint's h. trying lo have '.be world accept ice cream at tiie breakfast lmiii-. In many ways, it is better than later in the (Jay. Hut then, how about the children? What kiii eve,r calls ice cream food? Its a treat of course. Hut It would be too much like finding cavair or champagne in . the lunch bask.:-t. Wanted Two Airports t-v per J lie OLiiei i iitiii ifc i"1 '" ' jijidi'ia li f'liniiilr j nan Ciume''; -ja uays in v." " rent. CJTIKS anywhere are so alert to the value Windsor and return to Prince i Vil .l.r . . . . . . ri:w "EW c I of air r.liwfll(l) W. (Hip, transportation as our Alaskan neighbor, US Fighting Kupert. It cast tlie city $I7.M1 for each of those 24 days. Dueck's of Vancouver allow a person ;,ev-'ii days to drive a car from Oshuwa, Ontaiio to Vancouver, it would take five or six days to no by train from Prince Kupert in Toronto i which is near Wind Acan Contra it When the Queen made her Coronation tour of Wales, newspapermen found the spelling difficult. One news agency sent out the following correction to clients: Please read in first para-eiaph "Ynysangharad Park," thus substituting "Nynsanghar-ad" for "Ynysngliarad." WASHINGTON IAI', sor), seven days from Windsor u"ii"t ouues covi runient to Vancouver, and rive days rrom I i moimay in ;,r, fi!; Vancouver to prince Kuin-rl V"W luntiaci lor Aluir, wlilcii wiU bu a tutul of 18 days, if-'wiwnv of America Wai Alderiiian Ooinez on other '"y J30.iMjJm lwuiuts u official city business wliidi de- I imiiiium lioin Alumiiiomi.' luyed liim for six days at $17 50 -'aiiuda dariiig a six-year the Rayul Canadian Army pay i ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR BRANCHES of the army, a day? ine contract " prcciud, ronijiri-.- uissocuillon" o( i inum I,UI. mid Alcoa, the w Seattle's morning paper lias not appeared for a. week. The wag.? question is being fought out, and how long the dispute will last, or end in what way, remains a matter of uncertainty. Meanwhile, t li e Post-Intelligencer makes its afternoon bow which goes back a long way. Ketchikan. Although the absence of a highway, or railway has compelled this to a certain extent, the city must still he considered more than normally air-conscious. The plane traveller arriving or leaving there does so at comfortable facilities ) j&lil oi the waterfront within a couple of minutes from, the centre of town. In fact, the air depot is to Ketchikan what the bus depot is to most other places. But flying in and out of Ketchikan must all be lone by water, just as is the case here, and the city wants to improve, on that. Like Prince Rupert, it looks forward to having a land airport and is going after the Alaska Aeronautics Commission to get one. Thus on either side of the border two cities within less than 100 miles of each other are seeking the same thing. It is an interesting case of parallel Canadian and American aspirations, and we will be curious to see which is the more successful. While the U.S. government may have greater It mws Ui inc that It was not worth while lo drive the Pack-niuxtejr Ut Priiu'6 Kuiiert. first, it Corps, g.ts Its own flag at a ceremony performed In Korea. Brig. i. V. Allard i left I, commander of the 25th Canadian Infantry, Brigide, presents the flag to MaJ. C. A. Pilley, Ottawa, senior cashier of the brigade. It'is the first time the pay corps has luid its own flag. It is yellow and blue and has the pay corps crest. oepurinient suld in lay in U.S. district court m York. There was no imnirdiatf cost $175. B2 more than the treight would have cast and then the Packmasler would have approximately 3.(IOiJ or 4,(M)0 miles inent from the Ciuiuillan & of use when It arrived in Prince Montreal. OTTAWA DIARY Victoria Report ft IM' J F5 Rupert. AN INTERESTED ' TAXI'AVMl. EOI) Ky NORMAN M. Mil JUST DIDN'T WORK Solon Low, according to the Lethbridge Herald, poses as an expert in currency and credit. How many of us, today, remember the unhappy thirties in Alberta NOTICE by J. K. Mesbitr Every now and then when the Tne Ettor VICTORIA The Associated daughter of a pioneer family. Daily News: siiuauon suggeMM it, me ri line Minister ceases to talk like Poli- wnen Mr. rtoernari inirouuceii ; press calls him Frank (The; He first went to school to the 'sisters of St. Ann at their pri One of tlie points not mention- wnai ne caneu rrosperiiy iti - Ujai,,", Milligan tician L B. St. Laurent and tallw' , Mr c jiracewcir8 report luiiraLes. iiie uiue gaogeis never nts colleiiiriies at TJniverstr.v nf ..ii..r,i instead like leading Lawyer L. S, General Mcoh'nj ut the Ratepayers' Associate Thursday, ot 8 p.n l.i'ginit Auditorium. Committee report on into with Mr. H. C. linnet- woiKeu. ixeuner am me jd pel ,,,.,,,,., hi. Rrninwash " -,i . h- rhrf.un Rrn.her. nr ici i ...n. '"""L11 r.., Ul,.V.l,..Mn 1. ll..l...ln f .rl ... Ct I , U t n luu. 'T'llM resources for establishing airports, the need for one J Richard and Henry on city affairs wa.s what Alderman Oeo. Casey termed the! operation of a clique within the council. Something that tlie inspector of municipalities could not rightfully seak about, j Mr. Casey has a foundation for , claiming the operation of a neve is second to none. IJirecUy on the line oi an That is to say, b becomes a master ol adroit speech". "He HUC-ceeds In conveying what i' In his mind, without tlelng his hands to any future course of action. faBVic thing Wfiflve a vault J. W. FKI'SKl ( liuirnui ing ambition and something l.-e to know how to land London Free Press. UUI liin ling, iiji ji n III Vituilil iiriaiiit txv uv. miuw x.w.xe.... .... say he's just an ordinary 21- Brothers were early astonished year-old, a bundle of energy, at his bfainlness, made applica-good-looking, always smiling and : tion or him lo University of whistling, cheerful, polite. He's i Portland fur u .scholarship, tall, dark-haired, r.d-cheeked, ' Easily he won one at $30U .a pug-nosed. He doesn't appear to year. But hard times came to be the high-brow study type. He the University, and the scholar-.seems more Interested in tennis ship winners had to go to work, and swimming, football and Milligan labored in the labs, basketball, singing MacNamara's marked examination paiiers, Band and The Old Sheialagh, bettered the scholarship by earn-dancing with pretty girls. lug $400 a year. Frank Milligan, who has elec-, Wh.n he graduated in May trlfied North America's educa- with his B. Sc. It was wUh Just BEAR HUNTING It is because they believe that clique in that the Daily News he was sjieaklng in this Lawyer i publlsheda news story the day St. Laurent vein that poltleal ' before the aldermanlc elections circles in the Caiiltal consider In which Mayor Harold Whalen that his references to coalition 'specified certain candidates who The fate of three Americans who went to Gaspe (Quebec) lo hunt bear remains unexplained. possibilities in his Hritlsh Co-;. should be elected so that "tlK-y I They have been missing for a month. Killed by wild animals or lumblan speeches were amongst could get something done." More the most important utterances j recently he stated "that if more of the campaign so far. co-operation had beef! received crv "V ;v:" tr . ;i foul play? It is known one of the three had almost a thousand tionixts by his scholastic bril- one-hundredth of a point below j Actually, all the P.M. did was the first place, Mr. urureweii s dollars on him. A Canadian bear ' liance, tn ,,-', nlMKt visit and the n was oorn in cunioeriana, peneci. lie lie was was graduated gruuuuieu maxi- uia.i- report would nave is not interested in hard cash, j on Vancouver Island, Oct. 21 1U31. ma cum laude- with the highest Jie y reinote possibility" of I been unnecess unnecessary. The co- a Social Credit-Progressive Con- operation referred to apparently in Victoria when he was an In-! n(,w he faces four years' of will relieve hunger. fant. His. father, a Scot from i medicine study at tlu famous Glasgow, Is a newspaper linotype i johiis Hopkins University In operator; his mother was horn j Baltimore, so exclusive that it Amy Hallos in Cumberland;; takes -only 75 medical students : ! a year, the cream of all the world. the great air routes going north and south, east and west, this site could provide an airport which might readily become one of major importance in Canada. No doubt Ketchikan has its own special claims, but it is not the comparative merits of the two sites which concern us. On the contrary, it would be a healthy development if both airports were built. Singly, one could not substitute for the other, but together they could 'promote mutual trade. What does interest us is to see which of the two governments concerned will show the greater attention. It is encouraging to know that our own has already given assurance of a full survey. In this we have a head-start as Ketchikan is still in the position of soliciting discussion. We know that neither government will care to regard this as a race, nor will see the least point in taking action just to be first. That is the sensible attitude. But out here the feeling is a little more emotional. While wishing Ketchikan all the luck in the world with its application, we are not' sure Ave would have the fortitude to face another day if the next airport built anywhere in the whole northwest is not constructed at Prince Rupert. Queen Charlotte Airlines servative coalition. 1 But political circles here and Liberal political circles especially believe that In expressing his ' condemnation of a Burial Credit-Conservative merger, tlie Prime Minister at the same time was implying his disapproval of the entire principle of coalition, In other words, Liberal circles here are convinced that if tlie government should fall to secure It will cast Milligan about $2,500 a year to get through the medl- Schedule trips lo. ' in Outboard Motou ical course about $10,000 in all. Kitimat and Kemano Tiiesd;iys and Saturdays Mr. St. Laurent's successor, for whatever reason he takes office, will be the 13th man to fill the country's top political post. Nine prime ministers have been Conservatives and three have been Liberals. 'The Qutlen, :n her Coronation address said "You-all" no fewer than three times. It's a favorite expression in tlie Southern States and led to sharp differences resulting in a check, which shows the following text as spoken by Her Majesty: "I ask you all," at the end "I thank you all." and finally, "God bless you all." j ij? doesn't know yet. where the money is coining from. I "I'll work and pray," he says, j with a grin. He'll earn all he can, . .......lil.m ln 1II Ban on Food To British Tightened , an over-all majority come Aug- fo provdett catch ran co 91 lffifl performance, afl firij ttttut and low cent mi th 5 Vp SpcrtiUr outboard motor Neutral t flow tiotling, flu) ipeed Lwemicul molof. N0 ' a deluxe tVij Eo ' bttle u I . . ...m....' . V.., i a J Jead the Liberal forces into oppo- wo ld," he .says or his proud ? tl01 .V"' """h" "OU 1 su, h would m mother and father. ! ilU' Ci:F j umuic nun w stay in jiower. Until he left for Portland in CAIRO (Reuters) Egypt is tightening regulations to prevent foodstuffs, drinks and various raw materials from reaching British forces in the Suez canal $225. Obviously, the the possibility possibility of Tliere is more than one kind Liberalism staying in jiower through a tie-up with the CCF is greater than the likelihood of the Solon Low-George Drew 1049 Milligan was an altar boy at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Parishioners were so Impressed by his devoutness, his handsomeness in cassock and surplice, Stewart and Alice Arm Mondays anil Thursdays Ketchikan Tuesdays, Thursdays and 1 ridavs. if Chatter Service -A- Contract Flying Agents: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phones 47(1 and M0 of economy, and the sort Cana-i2""- .. .. dinns have is pretty well repre-1 Egyptian authorities have sented by the "value of the j banned the transfer of a wide uhe-.f in a ni.rain lnnf ..firange of goods east of a line partnership against which the tluu they were sure he would be ' rlme Mlnlst4 warned RUPERT RADIC AND ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave.W Phone 644 Newly-Developed Machine Gives Blue Babies Better Chance of Survival bread. It amounts to 4", centfl. ooraering on me canai zone, no Vi - " I goods will be allowed out of Port j He's not sure what decided him Svnrrmun Rhee is a man of i Siild, Ismallla and Suez wltluiut on a career in medicine; maybe, ne says, because ne always liven i close to til. Joseph's Hospital, saw importance in international af- ,B' l-i im.viou. fairs Just now, it must be ad-jxo MAINTAIN SUPPLIES MONTREAL H Blue babies, 1 the doctors rushing In and out, lo a computer which, on graphs, tells the doctor exactly what he wants to .know 'about: oxygen persons wjlli heart or lung dis British authorities Intend to i milted. Hut its becoming a nuisance remembering how to gazed in fascination at the oer- uiuiiiuMil siik.owr.'v aif ,tw laige i ,,.. ,ln,iu,u m.,u,ru.i eases, fspeU his namv let., alone, pror s, andj iith?ri jUndfrgoSng ;ical operallim ow iiafc ciJiiif)' rlson with I stone.igw ships wh,.t W!1(i uln on ',. surgical The best blood blood with Ihe Columbia audiences. But Mr. St. Laurent is an old-line Liberal. As such, he is said to harbor little fellow-feling for Socialism of the planned economy tye which the CCF represents. Unlike the lute. W. L. M. King, he doesn't beiieve that CCF-ers, are, simply "Liberals in a hurry." Instead, he Is convinced thut tlie free enterprise system, under which Canadian ; progress luu. been achieved from, the days; since Confederation, couldn't possibly survive under CCF principles. Actually, it is generally believed in the Capital here that if Mr. St. Laurent had to accept a coali- nounce it. But "then, nearly every name in Asia Is more or less like that. and planes from outside Egypt. , ., He , Q) ,led U) fve m,.dioaI The move represents Egypt8scl(M,U(UB-0 M,.olll Ulllver. latest in the move long-fought sity of Mlnllm)Ui university of to oust the I campaign garrison. , ouijj a.1(t Jl)hnH ,)pklll!(. ,Jt. Under the new regulations, I was Qc(.e)led b y a. ha ttceepted Egyptian sliopkeepers and trad- lne 1)lost fumolls. correct amount of oxygen is brigtit red, and blue blood is the worst. Knowing the exact share of red and the oximeter shows this precisely tell;; the doctor how well off, or badly off, his patient Is. Tlie machine, developed by Canadian Marconi Company, can be used to Judge how much Rain Cancels Manley Recital lietter chance of survival because of a newly-developed machine that computes accurately the amount of oxygen in their blood. . The machine is an electronic oximeter. It works much like a television camera, but Instead of producing pictures it draws graphs on a chart. " A little gadget clipped to the upper part of the ear is the key ers are pronioiiea wiinoui sjieclal permission from supply-1 ing British troops either collec Portland University is the Pacific Coast branch of tlie great University of Notre Dame, and, NEW YORK (CP Vancouver-born pianist Gordon Manley's second appearance as guest artist tively or individually with fer- i lion, the one which would be the nt Lewisohn Stadium was de served fruit, eggs, milk and milk oxygen is required by a blue baby; to calculate blood circulation or to . estimate accurately layed when rain forced cancella-: products, oil, sugar, meat, poul- Milligan continued his athletic career at Portland. He specialized in swimming. He'd study for hours, then plunge into the poui and swim for an how much anaesthetic it Is safe try and drinks, Ixith alcoholic and non-alcoholic. STRATEGIC MATERIALS to give a patient, part of the new machine. ' The gadget shoots pulses of llRht through one side of the ear, while on the other side, electric syes, with color filters attached, pick up the light. Tlie "eyes" register the quality of the colored light received. This Information is passed on II 'b a far cjy from the old days when a doctor made his own least objectionable lo him would be a merger between Liberals and Conservatives. Hut he would not have anything to do with that Idea either, for the reason that he just doesn't like coalitions period. Hence the handwriting is on the wall for the Liberals. If they want to stay In power, they have to come through with a clear majority next August 1 0th. tion of Monday nights outdoor concert. The program will be presented Wednesday when Manley will play Brahm's Concerto No. I in D minor with the New York Philharmonic orchestra under the direction of Alexander Smallens. The regulations also apply to hour. Henc the name "Brain- wash." cloth end clothes, leather goods camputions by looking at the bluish tinge around his patient's Totjfyfitf A PeC. TEAtYlVJOUK BROADCAST ELLEN FAIRCLOUGH, MP. MARGARET AITKEN LORRAINE JOHNSTON WINNIFRED STOKES SYBIL. DENNETT, Q.C. THE ISSUES IN THE fingernails or mouth. CP CONSUMER PRICE INDICES The rainfall of Gambia In West Africa varies greatly from year to year, ranging from 30 to b9 Inches. At Portland he was a "Cream-puff." Now, this sounds very stranee. He and the fellows living in the same, hall Rot together, called themselves "The OreuiiiiHiflu," and look on allcomers in ail sports. Tiiey won lilt iiitra-iuurai championships in football and Softball, but were taken down a peg when they couldn't do any hettr than third In basketball. When he's through his four years of medicine at Baltimore, and a year's Internship, he hopes to come back to Victoria to JUNE ! 114.9 CANADA 1949--! 00 and all goods serving the immediate needs of an army as wi'll as strategic materials such as gasoline, Iron; cement, stone, paper, leather', raw and processed rubber, minerals and chemicals. Brujn Buffaloed ST. FINTAN'S, Nfld. i John Gale, 80, fixiled a wary black, bear by rigging a string of horse shoes near a trap. The bruin knocked down the horseshoes, thought the coast was clear the following night and walked Into the trap. no- wsnee lePLAve oeium " "1MM ",.. ,. . "' : r- UNITED STATES nffllliy 1 1 iiTOliMi i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u iiii. ooMoet flMMMUd FORTHCOMING ELECTION . Re-Roof with DUROID Asphalf Shingles ; For Free Estimate , . . See or Coll Greer & Bridden Ltd. f LIVING COSTS. ROSS DURING MAY after a steady half-year of decline with the consum price index increasing by one-half an index point to 114.9 from 114.4, the bureau of statistics reports. The change in the index, based on 109 prices equalling 100, was caused mostly by higher prices of foodstuffs. The peak of U8.J was reached in December, 1951. The dotted ...line shows the United States consumer price ladcx which advanced between mid-Arll and mid-May to 114.0 of the 1947-49 average. Living costs there now are near the peak set last November when the index was 114.3. These indices measure percentage changes in prices in ' each country hut should not be used to compare actual levels of prices between the. two countries. WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! Dibb Printing Co. COMPANY Phone 909 21 5 First Ave. W. 4 1