., I"., n rri'oce Ruoert Ooiiv iNev3 Wednt-sduy, July 2i, 'A Golf Wizard, Ben Hogan Will Holiday at Jasper t-.:.t l- i; h ' 4; s J i. ' 4 1? 5lc - ,v- 1 7Ca75 zj-y fap5 Drubbed JASPPR. Al.ta. Ben Hogan, rounds of guir livsr Hie world's greatest goiter, and ehamploiusiup eimse M&s. Hoga.n wlU be guests at Park Lodge, the hon !' Jasper P.ulc Lodge in the Can- t;unous Toteui i'it, 0of adjau Rockies, (luring the lat.i' mtiit, scheduled thl J' part of August, it was learned SV ptember 5 to 12. here today. I At, New York, Ben ret,. Ben. who arrived in NewYork a h.-ro's welcome wi,, yesterdav fresii from winning the ateamship United SlawM British Open, said he was looking in New York harbor. V forward to doing .some fishing in ! aboard ship llun 4l, Jasper National Park. : given a ticker tajv Malor Fred Bi-wster. veteran ude and a reeenii,,., , ., By The Canadiun Press Victoria rose from the Mest-ern International Baseball League cellar Tuesday night to w? s! t" : -J"V -Wti V K2 j S ,.,inr.T-n,'...yy ' A ' ' Jmomm, "" mmmli . , . . .. i. ..ii i i i The -m-im little man' . paste a 23-B shellacking on front-running Spokane but run-nerup Salem also lost thus booting a chance to gain on the Indians. While the Tyees were hind-ing the Indians the drubbing at Victoria, Lewlston turned back Salem 6-3 in the opener of a three-game series at Lewis-ton. The defeat kept the Sena acclaimed by sport m even greater than the i mouniaill outntter, urin-iru mil and his party of threu other couples Mr. and Mrs. A. Pollard Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Caraway and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon HarrlmHii would be taken to Maligne river and Mallgne Bobby Jones, said tint , rtmue plans lor st'.eriii tion matches in t States, the last being at ; It -A Missouri, on August 15, lake, where fighting .srx-ckled and rainbow trout await the fishermen's lure. Ben, of course, with Ills party. s ft a expected to play several are Wll. SI'ANIHNtiS AT ill.KTKS OK CANADA'S 27th infantry brigide in Hannover, Germany, march past T. C. Davis, Canadian ambassador to West Germany, at the start of a recent sports tournament. tors a full game back of the Indians. Elsewhere around the league, Tri-City tripped Vancouver 9-5 Yakima edged Calgary 4-3, and Edmonton downed Wenatchco 11-5. SLUGGERS' NIGHT It was sluggers' night through -cut the loop as batters pounded out a total of 124 safe hits, in-eluding eight home runs, in the five scheduled contests. Victoria hopped on four Spokane pitchers for 22 hits, but the Indians collected 19 of their OSSDCflfi ' " ' 1 " ' 1 jr, . . " v " f . t , w i !V . . , 'i'i " ' ' x , , ? h " . ' , ' '. y. i' . ' . w. i, i'et. o n. Spokane 18 7 .(I'M Salem 14 7 .607 1 Lewiston 11 0 .5511 3U Calgary 11 It .5(10 4' Tri-City II 12 .478 5 Yakima 11 12 .478 5 Edmonton 9 13 .40!) 8'j Wenatchee 8 14 .3C.4 7'. Victoria 8 14 .304 7V2 ""1 Bob Lemon Downs Yanks to Win 13th; Bums Score 15 Runs Trouncing Cubs '4! Anpliu j '49 Ford Couch j" '50 Prefect as la j "If! Dodge si-ton Pickup with bo j but Simmons didn't make it, r Al Rosen, who makes a spec-(Uving up five runs and eight j lnlty of first-inning home runs, hits in six innings. The final ; put the Indians in front, with score was 7-3. 8 two-run blast off Johnny By KEN FHLEC.AR Associated IM'ess Sijurts Writer The team that wins the National League pennant this year - . ''" " 'i 4 : h i , .. i , 4 , 1 . i IS : ;J!'" ) " 't . -.Jl. . Kit own. off Tyee hurler Bob Drilling. Victoria hit three home runs, two by Dwane Helbig and a grand-slammer by Granny Gladstone. The Calgary Stampeders liked the offerings of Yakima pitcher Edmunds and connected for ?'ed hree home runs off the first five pitched balls. Yakima came back with singletons in the first '31 l uril with '42 Mercury Eimlne-As is Sain. Bob. Kuzava came in when PlpvplnnH nnitpprf " nrrnss three should yive its members little i NO GAIN MADE So, instead of gaining ground, I runs ln tne finh and Ray Sear. the Phils still are seven games : borough flnishcd up. The sue-out of first place and three be- I cess was CievPlancrs first at JIM BELL OF FI.IN FLON, Man., landed this mulisU r 36-pound, two-ounce lake trout, ln Athapapuskow lake, near Flln Flon to win the Flin Flon trout festival with an automobile (in which he sits! as first prize. Jim used between 400 and 500 feet of mont;l line with a No. 8 Glbb Stewart lure to bring in the prize-winner. The fish measured 41 inches from tip to tail and 27 inches in girth. lawn mowers to remind them of why Philadelphia Phillies didn't win. The Phillies might still pull the big surprise, but it gets '50 Austin '41 Packard 120 Sedan hind the Braves. ; honle aRainst the world cham- Both Phils and Braves lost j ,ong tnis season. linlf n nmna - 4 Via nunn. 'oftinn i more unlikely by the day, par- and second innings and iced the game with Herman Lewis' two-run homer in the third. WENATCHEE WILTS Wenatchee's Ross McCormacit ticularly the days when Cmt BMyn dge wh trXrnd 1 Washington appeared to. have Produced by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited as a public service SUPERIOR AUK; oinimons pucnes ana loses. Chicago 15-4. St. Louis whipped ' ,ls game won against, teuuii inis iooKoa iiKe a great year Npw Yorlc 10-6 and climbed at least twice omy to have the SERVICE LTD for Simmons. During the first back into the first division at month of the season he and SPORTS ROUND-UP Hv JACK HAM) Tigers come back, first to tie, and than to win on Don Lund's two-run double in the 10th. Mickey Vernon put the Senators ahead with a three-run homer in the ninth but Matt Batts evened things for Detroit Detroit with a ninth-inning homer. Then Washington scored the expense of the Giants. Cincinnati defeated Pittsburgh 7-2. Cleveland Indians finally defeated New York Yankees in Cleveland 8-3 with Bob Lemon winning his 13th game. Detroit shaded Washington 8-7 in innings. Rain washed out night DJL O'Shea Tumble weeds STAGE SHOW AND DANCE Civic Centre Auditorium ?"n?es i" """go ""Wl'"' ",c,one run in the 10th hit a three-run homer in the ninth inning at Edmonton but it was for a lost cause. Edmonton scored their first two runs in the second inning and put the game out of reach with a six-run uprising in the third. Inning No. 3 was the big one for Tri-City at Vancouver. The Braves tallied five times in the inning to drive veteran Pete Hermandez to the showers. Jess Dobernic, called in in the fifth inning to relieve Don Robertson, took credit for the win. Robertson went in for Jim Hedgecock, Braves' starter, who strained a muscle in the second inning. I Lewlston manager Bill Breni- wnite sox ana Boston, ana in St. Louis between the Browns I'SEI) SIX PITCHERS Robin Roberts formed the most-feared left-right pitching combination in the majors. Hilt one sunny day in early June Curt decided to cut some grass and he ran his power mower over his left foot. Part of his big toe had to be amputated. Simmons was sidelined a full month. He's been back in action '2 weeks now, but not with itnything like his early success. In four starts, he has won just once. Last night the Phillies threw Roberts and Simmons at the Milwaukee Rraves. Roberts won his 10th game with ease, 10-0, NEW YORK (AP) Is Native Dancer another Man'O' War? The evidence is beginning to pile up on his side. The Dancer has won 16 of 17 and $05S,-570 Man 0' War lost only one of 21 and earned $249,465 before they retired him in the pre-inflation days of 1919 and 1920. As Alf Vanderbilt's G r a y J Gri.ssom carried only the $10.-Ghost continues to dwarf the i 000 waiver tag, and Allan three-year-old field, his defeat ! Worthington was brought from TONIGHT The Cubs used six pitchers in a futile attempt to silence the Dodger bats but only ancient Dutch Leonard met with any success. He pitched three score and Philadelphia. YANKS' LEAD CL'T Cleveland's victory, a 13-hit assault on three. New York pitchers, cut the Yankees' lead Childs: 2.r.c Stage Show 9-10 p.m. Adults 50c less innings. Against the other over Chicago to 5'2 games and 1 , tne pUed up 15 in the Kentucky Derby becomes more difficult to figure. Call It runs. The loss was the 14th for DANCE 10:15 p.m. - 2 a.m. Tickets $ Nashville through a working agreement for $25,000 and two players last fall. third place, 10 games back. Warren Hacker, tops in both I ner racked up his 15th pitching i bad racing luck or a superb performance by Dark Star, the leagues. victory of the season agains rrii n 11 1 - 1 " i . . . i fa.t imimo IVinf Pv n flimrin Top-Notchers, Unknowns runs off Sal Maglie in the first iern. Bremner gave up nine hitsls destined to go down through ! the years as the jockey who lost inning at New York, mgrgest , to the eight yielded by two opening frame they've had in galem moundsmen but scatter-a month. Two of the tallies : pr) them effectively. He Ditched angle in Tourney Play the Derby on the Dancer. I Jim Norris miuht- as well go back to the fight business and j Bet busy signing Randy Turpin- j Bobo Olson. His Jamie K. just i for the last four shutout ball came on a home run by Stan Musial. Rip Repulski contribnt- TORONTO Q Ranking play- seeded No. 3 among Canadian innings. eir are due to join (he unknowns players ana seveiun-seeaea lony j ert a three-run homer in the ;0ot' tilt- sidelines today at the! Vincent of New York, one of the j fourtn oerrv Stalev got credit isn't going to catch the Dancer, i Any doubt about the Dancer'.; ' hT.'i -v.iy mark of the week-long ; best baseline players ln the for his 13th victory ability to run on an off track Lome Main of i Crafty Ken Raf fensberger Ciimilian Tennis Championships. : business; and Final Phase Favors Stars j ln ; gave the Pirates 10 hits but only l Lie draw has the big names ... . .. . 1 ,, , j ,.... Vancouver and Toronto, No VOTE APPLEWHAITE VOTE LIBERAL was removed by his performance in the heavy going at Arlington. He won on a sloppy j track at Saratoga last year but all his other races had been over a fa.st strip. Never did h? , one or mem r ran i nomas two-run homer was damaging. The Cincinnati lefthander more than balanced Thomas' blow with a three-run home run of his own singles tanRling on the clay the domestic section, and Mario courts of the Toronto Tennis j Llumes of the Mexican Davie Cup Club in what promises to be the team. mo.f keenly-fought matches of others on tap: Australia's Mer-t he "tournament to date. At least i Vyn Rose, outstanding favorite win as easily as in the classic. rk;!it nnt;!ies between seeded ; to pick up the Canadian men's r players aiei.:i Uis schedule. i championship, and Don Piatt of, . . . .... 1 Tnmnhi nti nf Onlnrin'c mrn;t I' By The Canadian Press There are six weeks left to play In the Pacific Coast League pennant race and the championship seems to lie between the pace-setting Hollywood Stars and the Seattle Rainlers. Hollywood Wednesday maintains its 4'2-game lead. The Stars are somewhat favored by the remaining schedule. Miuiginc; eacn otner ior pro-, I Pnislng young players and No. rienw are matches between 7 seed. The Saratot;n-at-Jamaica sea-slii opened Monday. That's the gimmick by which they make enough money from the New York clients to run the meeting at the beautiful upstate horse park. They actually move to i Saratoga Aug.- 3 to , run lj.it Beciard ol HherbrooKe, WU2 'i . . I i - rPA LJaJ le-Elect although Seattle has four of its V . i " Paul.Willey of Vancouver, ! i j " " -. '' WL Wh V Z "v ' fl V TS, . seeded behind Main and Bedard.l!' i Vt - 1 fr- K M&V i , 'tjBte I 'it, . , , ranking match'. ' ' "r : ''?' V' - - I r. - ' -" Among tha women, first-seeded 4) i -J Y ;' j jJ'- I " - . Mis Mrs. Hanna Hanna Sladek Sladek of of Montreal Montreal 'Br''AjyV i remaining six series at home while the Stars play three at home and three away. ! Hollwood bowed Tuesday night - h ;J J , . 4 . is is pitted pitted against against fourth-ranking fourth-ranking1 S--fr 1M , (The Uiants found a pitching staff on the bargain counter while everybody else moaned there wcie nunc to be had. Ruben. Gomez cost only a $5,000 bonus us a free agent, Mirv j i mis. wiaiy uiu nunnan oi oi. : Petersburg, Fla., and Kay Mal- SI i eohn of Chicago, seeded No. 6, to San Francisco, 7-2. The Seals were outhit, getting only five safe blows, but two were homers by Al Lyons and Frank Kaliu, and they decided the issue. Walt Pocekay, San Diego catcher, hit two homers and Dick Faber another as the Padres ; meets Pat Macken of Montreal, wiira on me aomesiic list. j Tuesday's play was dominated by the showing of Canadian and dumped Seattle 7-1. Lefty Memo Luna registered his 10th victory Australian Davis Cup players i who made a clean sweep of their BASEBALL Thursday - 6:45 p.m. Gordon Anderson v.t Commercial Hotel THE HON. JAMES SiNCLAIt Federal Minister of Fisheries S of the season, holding the Rain : . :,,.' J k secona-rounti matcnes ln easy style. Main took just 25 minutes to dispose of Fred Reaume of Hamilton in two love sets. Bedard made it 6-1, 6-2 over Toronto's John Irvine and Willey got past lers to six hits. with what proved to be the winning run. Oakland quthit Los Angeles 14-11, but Los Angeles won the ball game, nevertheless, 10-5. The winning margin came in the and k-rtL "lib ' !. Clint Netlleton of Austin, Tex.. sixth innnlng when Gene Baker 6-1, 7-5. The Vancouver player I. . i" smashed a grand slam homer. carried Nettleton throughout - most of the second set in an ef fort to make it a game for the TED APPLEWHAITE Your Federal Liberal Candidate . will speak in the CIVIC CENTRE ROBERT BF.DARI) small crowd of about 150. i WIN EASILY The Australian Davis Cup players Rose and Rex Hartwig took care of two Japanese cuppers. Rose knocked over Masa-nobu Kimura 6-1, 6-2 and Hart- Chesty Chet Johnson of Sacramento clowned and pitched his way to a 2-0 decision as Sacramento edged Portland. The PCL's top buffon gave up only five hits. Fred Sanford of Portland was touched for seven hits nnd his control failed him in the fourth inning, giving up two walks and a single to load the bases, and although Sanford forced Ed Blckman to hit Into a double play, Joe Brovla counted 5 '- FIFTEEN-YEAR OLD Will Homeniuk of Torton, Sask., youngest holder of the Saskatchewan golf championship, yesterday squeezed through the first round of the champion-shin flight of the Clear Lake golf tournament, defeating Wi Silver of Winnipeg Glendale on the 21st hole. on wig, second seed in the foreign section defeated Jiro Yamagishi, 7-5. 6-0. George Worthington, SATURDAY, JULY 25,8 p.m also of Australia and seeded No. 3, completed the sweep of down- ! under stars with a 6-3, 6-0 j second round decision over Ra- j f ael Ortegas of the Mexican ' Davis Cup team. In the women's singles, Mrs. i Rladek defeated Marjorie Fores- ( ter of Edmonton, 6-1, 6-0 and ; Miss Malcolm won over Teresa I l m am hhi at taMHMr LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. ; Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE F.xperlenced handling Local, Nation-wide end World-wide Shipments. 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. Federally it's LIBERAL - VOTE APPLEWHAITE Sponsored by the Skeena Federal Liberal Campaign Committee Hehe, Montreal, 6-0, 6-4. Mrs. Kunnan, the Florida beauty, elminated Jean McLeod of Toronto 6-1, 6-2. Montreal's Pat Macken took Mary Nunns of Toronto 6-2, 6-3. ., ' PAtX WILLEY Am