Prinn Ruprt Daily News Wednesday, July 22, 1953 DAM DAtLEV - DIANA LK in "MEET ME AT. Tut t?J EN'lJS TObAV 7: - 9: p.m. . ; rf SCREEN -A FLASHES S Men's Wear Boys Wear Pity the poor ghost i when Jerry haunts hi -P2km MKT i KAH m m m m m m m m " ,: ' i Combining tlve j edy anllcs of Dean Martin mid Jerry Lewis with a harum- ! scarum plot replete with a j haunted castle, sliding doors, gruesome zombies and creaky organ music, results in what j must be termed one of the fun- ; niest films ever to come our ' way. I This mrritoiinii.-? celluloid ie k'l!" merriment is Hnl ' Wallls' release "Ueared Rtllf." , and ularrln? Dean Martin pri'l i Jerry lewis with Mabrth Scott i j.nd (inrmrn Miranda, npnlnx Thursday at the Totem Th?- ( aire. Finm the vriy fipi nlni amir, which introduces Demi Mai tin WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE : Clearance Sale Girls' Wear-Ladies' Wear? SCARED SrlPF m itt'.' - p .7 fjp j$M CtOH'I D9UW DWMHY Ml M MLUM CMS STARTS THURSDAY 10"', soul bsbehzbozb: TO Til; t fi'luiK I" ivr ThtJ Evenings 7: - 9.05 p.m. Matinee Saturday 2 p.m. ; as n niaht club performer and I .Jerry Lewis as his furnblc-fin-frrerl bus boy buddy. "Reared Stiff" bubbles along at. a lauch- r AW . Yoiii friends prefer Coke with food A Jfc, iBHLlb . .. ..... V T, iiittlTi'tlfc lnr " ' Ht BMBtMUBP - Ji'iliiiiirll inTT wtavc tutif uialc hOOUt i a -second pace. The mirth-filled j proceedings begin against a New York background, where the KICARD(J MONTALBAN - CVU Ote, TODAY e 'SOMBRERO" I - y:ua in a Kioup of Scottish matronp as tlic Royal Con sort pauses to exchange pleasantries with women members of the British Legion during ceremonies at Edinburgh's Holyrood Park. The thrill of this moment will glow agan, and again, over teacups for as long as these captivated ladies will live. , - . And why not? Coke has been the favourite of Canadians for I (. "V Sharp Contrast Seen in Types of generations. generations. Its Its unique, unique, delightful delightful flavour flavour blends blends per- per- Used by Leaders to Draw Voter Support By JOHN Lv BLANC ..' Mr. St. Laurent talks to them more whistle-stopping as the OTTAWA Canada's party of .the Coronation, of. Queen campaign progresses, leaders are adding new touches Elizabeth, of the fine thing it is xno other two loaders of the boys get themselves mixed up with Dorothy Malone, a gangster's girl friend, and have to flee a gangland ride. This uproariously frenetic bit of business gets them acquainted with l.lzsbcth Scott. , heiress to an eerie bluck-inagic-plngucd Island off the coast of Cuba. Preferring bogeymen to bullets. Dean and Jerry sail south with the lovely Miss 6cott to nrotect her against mysterious forces that are trying to prevent her claiming the Inheritance. Once on the island, the unbrindled buffoonery of Martin and Lewis Is unleashed against an atmosphere veritably permeated with the supernatural. Bats, sliding doors, hidden passages and weird apparitions arc the order of the day. 4 ;. -.1 .'P to vote-seeking techniques in , to be a Canadian. 'parliamentary p a r t i e s M. J. I this election campaign. For his grown-up listeners, too, Coldwell of the CCF and Solon . 1 1 Cv ' CLARK GABLE r t m i ( 'YfT-'i I (t J I V r t ' ood WSks uJif iPr' Grocer f now featuring jlill li I Tok nU9h hom i fests Carton v f P. W I IS TERRIFIC Prime Minister St. Laurent, i ho has been adopting a relatively ; Low of the Social Credit Rioup for instance, has refined the ' easy-going pace. Mostly, he has have been "politicking" by and whistle-stop art to the point j said the government is standing large in the orthodox fashion, where he could give lessons to on its record, is making no pro- Tliev speak almost exclusively at Harry S. Truman, the old master. I mises. Only occasionally, he has public meetings, some of them of George Drew, Progressive Con- i taken a swipe at some of the the outdoor picnic type, servative leader, has added a Progressive Conservative promi-: g(,th talk off the cuff, though different twist, by developing ses. For the most part, he has Mr fj0idweil often delivers a the campaign press conference ignored the CCF "and - Social si1( t prepared section on a spe-bryond where It has ever been Credit party. . Icilic point, which his Ottawa used by a Canadian political: On his train-whistle slops, Mr. iiraclquartcrs will Issue to the chief on tour. i St. Laurent has ditched the con-' press. All four leaders have their own I ' ventional speech from the back; Mr i w his added some devia-particular methods, and they platform in favor of getting Uons rom the routine. Some-show sharp contrasts in the types ; down among the people at the )imcs nP asks nis auciience what f I AS THI FOREIGN Xlli NEWSMAN! I li WHO f J ' riCHTS V ." Jhfi FOR HIS C"VnC"l( CAPTIVE V I . ) tl BRIDE ... I I V lr" Pianos Over Greece I ARISA, Greece APl Jet fishier-bombers ;of four countries swaimed over Greece iti tactical support to., the Greek Army which ''(ought" n holdln? action along the Olympus mountain line "against n simulated Invader". For the firsV time since NATO's south Europe conimand was formed. ; Greek field commanders were able to call on F84 Thunderjcts baj.ed in Turkey and Italy. V7 W V GENE S 1 they would like him to talk about, and then proceeds to discuss the subjects. He also has been known to pitch in with the haying as he tries to convince a farmer constituent of the virtues of Social Credit. TIERMEY ui sums usuu iu uraw voier station. He walks around snak-support. ; mK hinds and talking. Then, The 71-year-old Mr. St. Laur-j standing in the middle of the ent has been sticking largely ' group, he'll make a small speech, at least in the early stages to! If " s a sizable crowd, he'll use the fatherly approach of . his ; a hand microphone hooked up to successful 1949 campaign, with j ' loudspeakers on the train plat-some 1953 embellishments. He form. .. tells of his family including his: Oenrra Drew has heen waeliw mcxr&i da M4I bbdaf FtJwol Tuu Plu ittmil 2c titr botm BLACKWOOD on (fa rid ae 1 17 granchildren, of how he has a harder-hitting, on-the-offen-I tried to be a good father, and of ; sivc type of campaign, as Is jhow he tries to do his best for j natural for the challenger. He j the larger, Canadian "family" has been punching at govem-iof 14.000.000. ment "waste, extravagance and I Children play a big part in the; inefficiency," and promising deep j prime minister's campaigning, cuts in taxation, j They are clustered wherever hej Mr. Drew has been speaking stops at stations, in front of largely from the platform, using I schools, at outdoor, meetings. the whistle-stop comparatively Authorixtd beHlaf rl Csaola undtr conlracl with Coca-Cola tidU ' NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS rijuiic 1 .12 Prince Rupert, B.C. "Coke" Is a registered trRdo-mark. By EASLEY BLACKWOOD1 seldom. His speeches generally run somewhat longer than the prime" minister's. Ileinsitv Is Right In This Purt-Mortem 4:25 Saturday Matinees 2 The Progressive Conservative leftdefr has been holding press A bid of two no ti-umps over partner's opening of one in a suit is forcing, with one exception. It s ) onfercnees fairly regularly a contrast with Mr. St. Laurent, i ho has not yet. Initiated any of tint , forcing if you have previously passed. r. Hcinsite's hand was very j . - North dealer His tour, uiougn ne reacuiy miks M o rermrters who may want to question him on a point. Mr. riew gnts two advaiitncr's PHONE J J MESSENGE PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Furniture Freight ItacMcc I'arrfb . tual and Wooil Lumber Tradrsinrn's Fquipmrnt Huililer'a Supplin Beer Bottles '5 dozen or more) Dry Kindling For Sole -TON COVDREII V AN AT VOt'lt IHSI'OSAI out of the press conferences. He may hit a town in the afternoon lib n niht speech scheduler! A meeting with reporters from the close to an opi ning bid in to-j day's deal, so when his partner opened the bidding third hand with one heart, lie advertised i that fact with a jump to two! no trump. Mr. Abel was now interested j in bigger things than game. He , decided to rebid three spades. I to show additional strength pndj to show where his principal side strength was located. He planned to go to six no; trump if ills partner insisted on 1 spades. When Mr. Heinsite ! showed a preference for hearts,' there was no longer any ques-! Both sides vulnerable Nurt h (Mr. Hrlnvltr) HU 7 a II - K 9 4 D-- -A C J 9 7 4 3 .at Wt (Mr-. Kmii) (Mr Dnlr) H -10 0 8 0 4 B-J 3 H-Nun H t 1fl 0 D- S 4' 3 S I 10 0 7 6. C K 0 6 . C- 10 8 8, hiHtfll (Mr. Ahrl 1 (S-A K ft 1 H A J I 1 8 1 : D- K J c a a Tlie blilihliK: istrict gives him coverage in hat day's afternoon papers. The second benefit from the lresS ronfcrcncc is that th-a -v;.;tinrcr men's questions jiost 1r, Drew on the issues that are if most, immediate interest to a particular area. He will work In eference to these at his subsu-uent meeting. On his train stops in the early JSBki tion about the place to play the Mr. Drew slam. art of the campaign North tant South 2 NT ' Pkhs 3 8 4 H Pass 0 H We:.t All puss The most complcto sclccl as mainly confined himself to! Mr. Dale led the 10 of dia-tiscmbarking and chatting with monds and dummy's queen won. few people on the platform. Mr. Abel then laid down the ewever, he is expected to do king of hearts, and when Mrs. in the whole city at very popular pn' THE SPORT SHOP iiiiiiiiia VITH A MODERN ELECTRIC RANGE X Keen showed out It was clear that he had to lose two trump tricks. Mr. Heinsite spoke up promptly, and he was right for a change. "Your first heart play," he said, "should have been n small one to the ace. Then you could lead another heart toward :a5fetP0LISH liny king-nine. Dale would have PRINCE RUPERT TO Youll be proud of trie cooking results yon can achieve with a new, electric range. You'll be proud, too, of the smart new look that a modern electric range will give to your kitchen. 3Sbi,'5 1 ft, ". llPr, . ,-j ENJOY "ABSENTEE COOKING" Clockwork controls wifl cook jm meals automatically while you go oat on a pleasant carina ENJOY THE SPEED OF ELECTRIC COOKING just push a button, m to put up the 10 to keep the nine from winning and so he'd win lust one heart trick." "Well, I had a club finesse to worry about." said Mr. Abel. "If the king of clubs was wrong, I enulrin't lose a heart trick, so I didn't think I could afford the safety play in hcart3." "That's silly," commented Mr. Heinsite. "The only way to plnv the hand is the way I Just told you. Isn't that right, Dale?" "If you want to get technical and I know you do," said Mr. Dale, "I think Abel should have taken the club finesse at trick two. Tho result of that play would have told hiin how to play the hearts. "That is, if the queen of clubs won, he could afford to lose a heart trick and the safety play was indicated. "If the queen of clubs lost to the king, then no hearts could be lost, In which case the play ot the king of hearts first was probably the best as It would leave the way open for a finesse against the queen, If Abel decided to play Mrs. Keen for three hearts to the queen." a dial and the quick beat (tana a aneu cooking tight I aViJllliiiUVVVVVVViW W1J.XX 1 JL-i KETCHIKAN WRANGELL - PETERSBURG JUNEAU And Other Alaska Points EEELliS - - AIRLINES'.. 213 You'll also enjoy the economy and deanlineaa af cooking electrically the modem way. .iKiiyjwisii 10 POPULAR SHADES Waterproofs Protects Preserves . ,. Phone 266 Office Opposite PostOljj