has doubled its aluminum ship' incuts to Australia; Brazil, Uru nOt'CHTYSrJ DE AAR. R,.,,n, ,L : Prince Rupert Daily News T0 CVg W W We'll e-:rl -IV .T'miirirv Ot 1f)r,9 rf guay, una even Argentina at a lera) ' -Dr. A. I n i,. I an operation in h,H varicose veins 81,1-wards, sitting in a,;' time when It strangled me aluminum flow to this country i U.S.A. i . . . Meanwhile the Canadian squeeze has accomplished Its purpose and loreecl the U.S. to -swap American steel for BritLsh aluminum." operated on a Sterling hospital. Both don, As I See It 111111' ii are well. In Independent daily newspRper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian ress Audit Burrau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Y- - WELL, even If the above Li true' t'S',''''l'hiis'' . ra.it; . ; al many horse n, , 1 so wnat. I --'r;u: Hcvph , u We in the British Common-i .j!,. 01ita-l uy carrier, per week, 25c-; per month, $1.00; per year, $10; by mail, per month. 75c; per year S8 .00. wealth are learning the hard ,m- ' Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert, Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. , , i .'. . i Lesson Of Sandspit i I)o.n Ship's uicider 1 HAVK you ever wondered : why ships' officers roar 'out that warning for all non-passetfgers to get ashore before sailing time? Well, now I know. T U.E FACT seems apparent that, had there been more adequate life saving facilities at Sandspit LONDON The countries of t"ie British Commonwealth which deal in sterling have pledged to cut, their world trade looses by lute this year in an all-out drive to save the pound sterling A statement issued after a week-long conference aniu.uncd that, the Commonwealth part-1 1 1 r.s aereed to spend less, earn more unci work harder to give back tc sterling "the strength it needs to continue as a widely-used currency." Canada, as a dollar country, was the only member w hich did not make the pledge. She was represented by Finance Minister Abbott. Decisions reached by the Com-iiiciiwiaiih finance ministers' conference were outlined in general terms because in most cases budgetary action will be needed to implement them. ay that we get on best with Uncle Sam if lie learns 'we know how to horse trade. Even the best. U.S. friend we British ever had, Franklin Roosevelt, drove one of the hardest bargains in history. In exchange for fifty overage destroyers he got for U.S.A. naval bases in British territory nil over the Atlantic. Big nations have fought wars for what Roosevelt gut in that sharp swap. Incidentally, the deal of which Drew Pearson' complains Is peanuts compared with, the one whereby Mr. Ciiuninii was allowed to buy a million tons of steel in return for U S. right to buy 5ri.l(M),0(i(I.WlO pounds ol Canadian aluminum and 2Q,0)0 tons of Malay tin. fc s & i ' j Nevertheless, there were signs that the sterling area partners were ready to put their 500.000,-000 citizens on austerity rations CHANGING fliilES SANTIAGO, Chile (Reutersi Robinson Crusoe would never know his island now. The Isle of Juan Fernandez, commonly known as Crusoe's Island, Is getT ling electricity A generator with ga.sulino moior and oilier equipment has just bevn shipped to the little island. I . ; , . - , ' i - ' k.. .. ,r,...-,,i . ,1i.t-.,iV.l ;, ti i- -' To pert ladies who live in Octan Kails ignored the double warning I'ver tn loud speaker-, oi the good CN ship Prince OeorJ?. There wa.t gitu coti-.-tei nation in mid-harbor when d was discovered they were still aboard the Vancouver-bound vessel. There was a sltu p succession cf whistle loots. Finally out from .hore caine a launch. A lacld-r as lowered and the gals climb-.d down. In story books the skipper would have been giving out with a si: ing of cuss words which would have made even th watching loggers blush. But not Captain Caldwell, of the Prln. e George. I heard him speak sharply only to this edect: Pull up that ladder a bii, before it breaks." What would have happened to them If there was no way to -.'ft them ashore on a small boat?" we asked. "They would have had to pay their lares to Vancouver" . THE passengers aboard this ship were sobered and saddened by the news of the crash of a V S. plane, homebound from Korea. We are ju.st a stone's throw from the tip of the Queen f.'iA LM) CaMxl Bw k . I B.-.CK TO SERVICE Viscount Alexander reported going to post ()f minister of defence in Britain. air station, which, in the meantime at least, is becoming' increasingly used as a commercial air centre, a great many more lives would have been saved from the craish of the Korean airlift DC4 which overshot the air strip and crashed into the sea three-quarters of a mile from shore. A tiny vessel little more than a skiff with outboard motor, due to the valiant work of its two operators, succeeded in saving seven lives, bringing them ashore from the freezing sea two at a time. Meantime, their companions, an estimated twenty-nine of them, were losing their grip on the wreckage and dropping away into the sea to perish. How many of them might have been saved had there been more adequate rescue craft can only bo a matter of speculation. Certainly, a lot more would have been still alive today. Almost certainly it is to be anticipated that, as a result of the investigation into this shocking and close to home tragedy, such better rescue facilities will be recommended and provided. : It so happened that American soldiers and transport crew were the victims of this simple error or judgment. It might have happened to our own aircraft, with our relatives and our friends, which use the same air strip every day and often at night. It was bad enough as it was. It might have been a whole lot more personally poignant to us. It is too bad that such. things as this have to happen before the necessary is clone, not only at Sandspit but possibly at other similar points. fa nils, ,,;.,. P .W)ilffll;Miillan!i,ii!!li,:.i.ll,,ii:;i;;j;ij idjraWK:i:i;ii;lili!l!tl!;iii; P THE Pfes.sin.9 Wr NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBE if necessary to get their .T.oney .y.siem back inti the black OuUininfr longer-term meas-uie deigned to prevent future crises, the ministers promised to : work progressively towards their ""definte objective to make sterling convertible." If that goal is reached . would mean sterling would be so strong pnd stable that other countries would want it as much as they today want American dollars and Swiss francs. The sterling area ; partners moreover woultl be in a position freely to swap money .oi any other foreign monies be-' cause they would have gold and dollar reserves big enough to meet any demands. Nine countries took part in the talks. They were Britain, Australia New Zealand, Inr.ia, Pak-isian. Ceylon. South Africa, Canada and South Rhodesia, i R. A. Butler, British Chancel-j lor of the Exchequer, who presid-'ed over the conference, -told a ; press conference the talks gave ', "a new lease of life to the sterling area." cJL FTTERBOX A9ainjl et LONDON t Assistance of fami'y phy.-l-.'lans thtouphout ;he United Kingdom is being enlisted by the ministry of health in a concerted drive against the scourge of influenza. In an .-ffort to find out more mm; jrpt lir COAL DELIVERIES Editor. Daily News, I would appreciate a few lines in the Letterbox so that I m.iv cinif;- Charlotte Islands, where the IllipH't ice 11" explain to "Honest" and other afc'iut the disease which annually plane overshot the landing field If you have missed your paper, please phone your newsboy. If you do not know your newsboy's name, coll the office before 5 p.m. KOI TE 1 AUn I.ainl, Green 153 Waits und Nirkf-rsun'. Id Frl.eir.i M(.'nr FV " " 51B-600; atli Ave. Wwl i(i0 and 700 hiorb ItOl'TE 2-l(alpli (Krn, Iflup 1J8 Human SUett; 14H0 illli Kast to Sea' Cve KOITE 3 VkUir Maokulak. 1st Ave West 248-1077: 2nd Avp. Wi-.it 941-102! ing Bill Street; 3rd Ave FrtxellVi Mulors ; WpsI. interested readers the policy of exacts a heavy, toll of life, the But I can't find anybody who A KM the Albert and McCaffery, Limited at t: Tiics if o II ministry has asked doctors in ls the least bit sad at the break-uencral practice to act as "spot- up of the coalition government ters" by promptly reporting any of B.C. abnormal oubrenk of influenza.' It was as certain as anything Ihc patients afflicted will 'then can be in this uncertain world. L. examined by specialists in an Captain Careen's feat In attempt to identify the virus sticking with his water logged that is active, 1 ship almost till it sang beneath Mmistiy spokesmen said Uie the waves made more sense than on the matter of coal deliveries. During the past year, four compi.ins have uetn reported to me. One was to the effe.-t that sarks were short wei'iht. the other three that the lotai number of sacks charged for was not delivered. In three of the fc-iid' i it of - io :i-'f four cases, a truck was sent out move was not being made because Skipper Bess Johnson's attempt Dollar At Par ray ... Reflects and Reminisces and the coal brought back and of any fears that an epidemic weighed under supervision. C):i na; imminent. It was merely ROl'TE 4 Alvin NvUedl, llluc 6.18 t' t 7th Ave Went 704-1427; 9th Av w.i:t 1 02 m VP ' Fulton Stri-ei. 7tK) B.irk; Talluw Sue a ftu-d i o stick to the coalition ship long alter It was clear that more than half the members of his coalition crew had bored bii 'only one occasion was there less coal weighed in than sent out : and that amounted .o aporoxi- part of a plan to build up and hmirove th..-information : crvlce. We are also profiting by the experiences of last winter," he : uu"d. ' Then two areas, New- Ave. HOI TE 5 Jimmy Mi-Lean. i! 4th Avp. WpsI 1 00-445 : 5th Ave W.st 103-.V.5 holes In the bottom of the ship, preparatory tj finally scuttling ntr at tne precise moment they -4;; 4; T. . mately one hundred pounds on People who say they sleep like a dt!ivery of twen:' -u'ks ma iL t0 an cmpty bln on a Satu-d''- a baby usually don't have one EX i the coal being picked up on the following Monday. The shortage castle and Liverpool, were wr-' could bt cash In on the p-iliti- w.-l :Kt-.-3; nun.Miiuir Stm-t ill SU: Emfr-iuii Place; Asnw pine, i ry 1UL Mill LaiUUJ IdtK I'i HII arliVU.V. It S'i arc claimed in this ca.se was five sacks. Some of the men carry tw and on occasion three sacks at a time and it is sometimes found that people that . hav been checking on the amount of coal going into their bins CAPITAL IS C ALM Vice in Juneau is increasing and no one app.'ars to feel distressed. Juneau has nineteen churchcr and sixteen denomina-t"in;,. Police blandly repeat they ontinue a reasonable supervi ,vt 0 lira IPrncii ciganized spotting system we were never able to conflim the actual si lain of the virus or check how far it spread to other parts of tnv; country." In co-operation with the medi-i.-iil research council, a new vaccine, grown in eggs, is to be tried cut experimentally this winter. The object is to ascertain whether thv Injection of this vaccine causes any strengthening of the protective substances In the human blood stream. DREW PEARSON has written a blast U'jainsl Canada which I did not see in any U S. paper which regularly carries his syn-, .heated column, but which appears In The Nippon Times, Tokio, Japan. December 25, l'Jfil He compiains that Canada cut down on aluminum shipments to j.3A. in order to get USA. to .ship more steel to Britain. Thus: "As proof that this is a coldblooded squeeze play, Canada than sion ov.;r the general situation. have counted' trips rather In the windows of numerous re- sacks. IT IS very satisfactory, yet there is nothing so very I surprisinga bout the fact, that the Canadian dollar, released sixteen months ago to seek its own level on the money market of the 'world, should have reached par on the New York exchange. One does not have to. think very hard to know the reason why. It is because Canada is rich in natural wealth and stable in her economic processes. These conditions have brought about a tremendous inflow of investment capital into the country and levelled off thr financial and economic relationships of the two principal nations of the North American continent which, at that, have a different way of economic life and well being than the rest of the world. - In fact, Canada and the United States, in business and trade, are growing closer and closer 'together and, as time goes on, there may be further disappearance of the barriers which have separated them but are constantly diminishing. Even today such differentials as those involved in the exchange rates between the two are largely artificially maintained. As a matter of interest, and for record, the inventory of Albert and McCaffery, Limited, KOITE (V-Eilwaril Skalapsky 8'h Av. Wo.st 10.I-M7; 9ih Ave. East 110-270: V ijli.il 113-70H. KOITE 7 Pi ter Hr.mn, Blue 971 All of Section 2 KOI TE 8 Jimmy Juhusuii, Circuit fCl Walcrfrunl and Parllio Place; irNR-P. FluaMi. HOI TK !) M liii BjuriiMin. C.rern 113 8th Ave. It.i.st. Mi-Bride to Hays Cove Cir: if. KOI TE 10-Kii har M.h Donahl. Itluc xin 4ih Avi. E:i.st 237-73';; fVth Ave JEtot 301-711 ' Exsl I l9-24.i. 3(ll-fi2.(i: Huy.i Cove Cin u- 82 -i: S reet ftll-:il; Green SSrul 4ll-4Hi. Fhr: Young Slrci'.. HOCTE II l .lie MiiriliHh. Kla k 285 I'iHKolt Ave.; l.sl. and 2nd Overlook; U'-n l'i!ott Piarc. ROl'TE I! Sammy Alexander lllll Ave. East 333-1865; Frederick fit.; Rlwibf- ROl'TE II Koniiy r by, t.reeii 258 - 1st Eaat 225-247: 2nd Ave West 137-341: l': speetaoie homes, appear cards notifying the public that law-abiding folk dweH within. There is, hence, an inference. And so, a community calmness and a di.-cerning philosophy would :cbm to prevail. vii '.'in I 9) p in Last year came word .that Prince Rupert might expect to receive a postal delivery 'ser-vic. . Something similar was heard in 1950. This is 1952. Wi re merely mentioning it. tun t..n 1 luce t ich w A NEW WASHER . . . For N(?w Year Till; IMil.lx MOM I. "I .VI" Chock thesp fiiilorcfi Antoiniilic pump A PKT'lulii cnnmcl tub 1 0 I.lii'time luOrlcnllon 0 Quiet, iis u whisper v 0 l,!vH ftufirly wrlnucir 0 Yi'itr (FUiirnmeff Only $159.00 - At, RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 131-22.; Market Place; 3rd Ave. IJiiily New -N j of lo nit S. to was short at the year ending ' March 31. 1950, by 188 tons and by 60 tons March 31, 1951. While in terms of percentage on tiit' ; volume handled, this is a small ; loss, it does support any argu-! ment that might be put up by ! the staff when replying to complaints on the amount ol coai in each .sa-k. A.s lar Ji.s the matter ol customers being short delivered I ;. concerned. I have implicit faiU in the honesiy of the drivers. That is one of the mam reasons that they are driving for the firm. People, however, sometimes do make mistakes, and on occasion a driver will report in that he has a sack over and does not know which customer was short. When a person phones in to complain, the sack Is sent out with apologies. Complaints .of this nature, where there is an ' obvious answer, are handled by the staff, but they are very In- ' frequent, only three having been . received this winter. "Honest" may have a legfti- i mate complaint. If the coal' came from Albert and McCaffery j or any firm buying coal from A & M, a phone call to the! writer would be appreciated. Motors. ROl'TE 15 Robert .lensen. Hlack 955 5th Ave. West i:35-735, 741-7-15; Bor.len R,r(t Street Bi;2i;ar Place. ROl'TE 16 Frank Kilhorn, Oreen 077 4th Ave. East 124-234; 5tn Ave. East 101 -241: East lU8-Gfi; Bow.ser Street. MAY SEE ELIZ.USKTII! A band of Clow Indians from Alberta, wearing-, the style they were accustomed to about 75 years ago, will visit England this summer. They will sport the latest in High River buckskin and nay prefer pemmican to bacon. nyway. it will be a good show for everybody concerned, but it won't be entirely new. n !r r : CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT c ik fi ll ll t wn ROl'TE 17 Charlie Undstrom. C.reen 924 ftiinn f fllh Ave. We.st 210-539; 7th Ave. West 1 id-537. f Colonel Cody was the first to ,'ver stage a wild west whoop-rup, overseas. This must have Ww.t 221-528; Lotbini.-re St 721-728; McBrulf-704; Tatlow vSt. 625-733. ROl'TE 18 Taildy Careless fith Avo RftKf Rl.ielr Hon- nth vl E.isi 015-1176:' S i leen all of seventy-five years ago. East 1000-1144: 10th 'Kast 900-1130; Alfif'l Bacon Street, Donald Slrect. ROl'TE 10 Jimmy Johnson, Green 601 (itli Ave. East 870-1140; Ambrose Ave. ROl'TE 20 Jark Rudolph, C.reen 731 8th Ave. East 10311-1944. IllllTI' 91 limmv Mnnroha-til Ri.fl 315 Meanwhile, should any customer at any time have occasion to complain, he should not hesitate to phone. It will be fully in S H K R I F F ' S S A L K IN THE COUNTY COUHT OP PRINCE PUI'EKT, HOI.DKN AT WINCE RUPEKT BETWEEN - SOCIAL SECURITY AND MUNICIPAL AID TAX ACT and ALBERT A MrC-APFKItY LIMITED, and P. H. LINZEY. PLAINTIFFS, AND AGAINST FRANK YANITSKI. otherwRe known as Frimk John YaniLfiki. carrying on buslnrw as PEN'iUIN HOBBY HHOP. and the wild PENGUIN HOBBY SHOP, r DEFENDANT. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Warrants of Execution and DISTRESS WARRANT rftsfwctivftly insurd from tho above Court and P, H. Linwy, rrc-sjvctivoiy, and m me directed against the itowlg and chattels of the rtpffndants, Frank Yanitski. otherwise known as Frtmlc John Yanltskl, artd Penguin Hobby Shop. I have wiwxl 2 counters, 1 brftf bound plywood box, I mirror, ijuanuv of shelving. 1 round tnp Inlaid table, i Krjuaro table. I falling lmf table, 1 ylans showcase. 1 Poweett Torrid Oil heater, chairfl. trinkets, novelties, carpenters' tools, wood stork, 3 electric heaters, cabinet and aundrii'B too numerous to mention, and on Thursday, Nie day of Quinary, IH.v;, tit the boar of I. Hi P.M., at Ihe lund lilo k, rorner MIH emie and i tilMtn Hlreet, I'rlme Kiipert. I Hhnll orfer for sale at public auffcton all the right, title and interest of the said defendants in the above goods. TERMS OP SALE. CASH, and this sale shall be tub Joe t to the Social Security and Municipal Aid tax. AND I HAVE ALSO SEIZED 1 dek; 3 seat drawnrs; I heating stovn; 1 upholstered chair: 1 drill press, motor attached; 1 jigsaw, motor attached; t bandstiw on bench, motor attached; 1 shuper. motor attached; I sander, motor attached; 1 Jointer, motor attached; 1 table saw. motor and bench; 1 lathe; 1 olectrtc motor; 1 bundle cable; 2 boxes toola and attachment; 6 Buffalo Bill scored The show var. a knockout. Everyone, from Royalty down, saw it with the greatest of satisfaction. But even today are millions who hesitate o belU-ve what they know is the 'ruth concerning the Indians. That is. they live and look like pearly everyone else. THE MASTER FALSEHOOD! Cold weather yarns are coming from all parts of the west and Prince Rupert, as usual, can only port that yesterday was sunny and clear, with good sleighing. V. was winter, with not an geration in sight. Yet many a 'ong year ago, a woman's letter told about Rupert people Ing ashore over the harbor it was so unmercifully cold. How long age or the woman's identity we vestigates. , A. D VANCE, Manager, Albert and McCaffery, Limited. 2nd Ave. We.st 1135-1314; Park Ave. 1005-2275 miar Street; Water Street; Beach Place. ,wj f ROl'TE 23 Larry Parent, Green 487 .l1 8th West 615-735; Summit Ave.; Taylor Street. Bin ROl T'i 24 Brian Roberts, Black 480 Itrii 3nd Ave. We.st 718-3rd Ave. and Otli Street: :(ilt. We.st D-aily News-Watts and Nicker.son's uii' mv ROl'TE 23 Gary Parkin, Green fifiO i'",' 0th Ave. East 1141-1470, . xi, k ROl'TE 26 Frunkie Stewart. Blue 716 Stabilization A crificol woter shortage hos developed and aM water users are requested to use water very sparingly. HAROLDS. WHALEN, Mayor of Prince Rupert Butter iS MONTREAL. Minister of Agriculture James G. Gardiner told the Canadian Federation of Ag- con i recall, but it s easy to re I til nVC, CjUIj VOk- lUOll , 1 1. IMivj - " Ave. 928-1154. ROl'TE 27 Christopher Ilarvev, C.reen 21-1 6th East, MeBride Hays Cove Circle. Hays member how such a monstrous "LUilure nere toaay mat a re-lie raised a furious racket. ! serve ot 18,500,000 pounds was I , ' being maintained as a price i P,C wo'i board, sundries i 'stsihilliaitlon mair I !M, at Hie hnur nf In ; and on - Thursday, the nth day of January, the uftfriitiuu at l.imlsav's Cartage and Hfnruce. I'NDER NEW MANAGEMENT THESE ARE THE DAILY winter Second and Park Avenuen. Prince Ktipert, B.C.. I will offer for sal'' at public nucMoti all tha rJht, title and Interest of the said defendants In ' ' UNUSUAL EGG ; HEESEN, Germany (Reuters) ! MARINE DIET (.hit above i'toQu. lirms of sale, CASH, and this sale shall re subject to the LITTLE MERCHANTS i A hen here laid an egg weighing Most large ocean fish and sea!8"0"41 8w,,r" und Munlcll"" A,d SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's only modern rooms with bath rraser Street Phone 37 THUIR SUCCCSS DEPENDS ON Yfl : 1T2 ounces. Inside was a soft- birds live to a large extent on I "t p"nr" ""P"- . tlM" '"-h Mf of Juuwir, 1002. shelled smaller egg with two capelin, a close relative of the!" m. m. Stephens. yolks mpli lu ' Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. (Jia,i,t9,a3) 6