C&UZ Local a Chinese Watch jAppointment Canadian Ships Seems Sure Prince Rupert Daily News 3 . Wednesday, January 23. 1Q52 FIRST UNIVERSITY I HARSH TIMES The first European university j In earlier years more than 200 was estiiilbhed at Salerno, Italy, different offences were punish-in the ninth century. J able by death under English law. d PERSONAL j : . OTTAWA It has been all but Wiitt. wi iu.mor n for the the Canadian Canadian' Press Press By F K WU i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adames re- Publicity and membership officially announced that thv Governor-General, Viscount turned today Irom a trip to committees of the Women of 1 he hi it idi jSwim JSuMs J-favc 3 (a red ' jSLirts HONG KONG it Reports achinu here from the southern ! Vancouver. Moose met at the home of Mrs. i Ion Alexander, is about to return to England to assume the duties of minister of defence. Ut Is cx- n4nj i. ...Ml U :i.. ,.. C. fcrickson. Plans were made china port of Canton say the Charles Robert retnrnprt tn- NOTICE CP)-Mrs. Roslta LCNDON (CP Those who re-'av from a ten-day holiday-glUOO wardrobe of meinoer the llounced skirts of buslnes trip to Vancouver and committees at the midwinter .,even fanadian-iiKistered ships v" conference to be held in Prince -the celebrated Ming Sung ships Tl Vm"? PT,e s 10 Lonclon Rupert January 27. for passible use in aggressions ,L15hurChl11 it would stir the early bathing belles will note Vietoria. :,ny woman, dlk just the faintest shadow of old t ri i,. ...... c.,,, f "b''"-'v "-j-'.iiiim, ruuuusa ui her handmade glories In the latest British swim Mrs. William Glass returned - v.v.isr '" " other taruets in Asia "Just before I leave," the Gov- prnni -flenprnl nririrpn'spH tVi on vWN'S. BAKERY (Retail Store) will be closed on Thursday, January 24th, in resDect to the memory of Mr. Scherk s mother recently deceased ""'is. j to the city today on the Prince city U enjoying a reunion with his hrnthpr .1m fnr a fpie in: Wllljg 3ung crait attract mint ennvpntinn nf lh ram.. o irom proies- for me BiKml Is out. In 1952.: lollowinK holidays n days in Vancouver. The younger attention in Canton because jian institute of Mining and brother is in the RCAF.and the lnc ' re simply rusting in the Metallurgy here last night. He two have not seen each other for Pear' River. referred to the vast natural two and a half years, writes Cpl. They took refuge behind the wealth of Canada, the develop- r&ljffilfT! Evans, who returned recently iron curtain in October when ment of which would bring in- juiice years ago, oatners nere will wear fla '" Vancouver. 1 most of her 30 fklru In Princess fullness The I muth balls. She's new suits are all In one piece I Ora'don Roberts of Prince So do It because with higher oacks to suppori! i ei" "eld representative of ii a "weakness for smooth, whittled waistlines and ' 1 ne National Film Board, was the l.o two dance quarter or half-skirt flares iMoaker today at the regular f her husband Des.gned to support the bui,!eFk y luncneon of the Prince bt. busy. and flatten the diaphragm, lh! Rupcrt Gyro club- the Ming Sung Industrial firm creased responsibilities. Richness ; from Korea. , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lynum of Terrace returned on the a pre'ty nanc." msa moclelR are extremely slim drlaulted on a payment due ajand prosperity would bring in Canadian bank and the owners, their wake more problems. in Red China, apparently feared ' the fhips might be seized. 1 FRIENDSHIP SYMBOL A former officer of one of the BERLIN T West Berlin plans Metal Lunch Boxes Thermos Lunch Kits for children. i..i..h -,f ..,; w Mr. and Mrs O D. Frlzzell , Prince Georee today from Van- buy these' all at orlals to escaoc he , v Z rcturned..on lh" Pr'nce George I couver and expect to leave for . I t j...i r,r nt 4 .u. Ha ..1 . . i- iouay alter a month s hoi day Terrace on the first train Mr. . danced to- -nipi reported that they stay In ; to start a "creen euest book" as . J-"1"-' in WlnnlDee anrf Chirairn Thrv I vninn 111 nmnaopr nt r'nlnmhia yf.irs. ear, iney are constructed 10 '.....j i... . ,',''. htriiue hoenuito t.h.ir n;nir fenr u. ..t. ...... -3 O..WIV uii vut Ji ail - . v.CilU'Unc VU. UpClULlUIl .5inwiu i:i i.iciiuiji icianuiia her husband, "'at straps are merely an after ies than on the west coast. Chi-! at Terrace and has been attend- they might cross the paths of one j with foreign visitors. The plan cago had a lot of snow and cold j Ing a truck loggers' convention or mure 01 lne lnree Canadian ; js to have visitors plant small Thermos Bottles Pints and Half Pints "Snap-Tite" Thermos Bottle Stoppers Thermos Corks at weather. destroyers operating oil Korea. : trees in the tierearten in the i in Vancouver. Those destroyers come south to ' British sector. A British garden Hong Kong from time to time for , has already been started with n pairs or to give the sailors contributions from England. leave. I (Icssionally under uioumu. fci ita and Deno. Latest color schemes include I h Canada and l"e shot taffeta effect of two Is s since they blended colors and an emphasis They retired 0" chestnut and black. ;iiid now operate J Montreal. They ' n,ore 11 ,e " Moose Women .,.f ol 50 danc- Da P,r. 4ierrptloiii.su and OlClr ., heir two studios i jtiiisv to do much Business at a regular meeting Paddy Ryan, Oldest Serving Member of RCMP, Decorated Former I'rincc Rupcrt Man Honored Forty members of the Roval Canadian Mounted The officer, who came here ' after leaving Ming Sung's em-' ploy, raid It is fear of detection by olio of those destroyers which i- immobilizing the Ming Sung ; ships BM ' in fin (In Ottawa, the navy declined lives. of the Women of the Moose con wmi is Police met recently in Ottawa when all were ileco-XZX rated with good conduct and lonp- service medals bv (1,"slr0ers sights one of the Ming Sung ships, which still ap Commissioner Leonard Nicholson. parentl nave the light to Ily sisted to large extent of perfecting arrangements for the forthcoming regional conference to be held in Prince Rupert January 27. Mrs. C. Mclntyre was in the chair at the meeting which Initialed one new member Plans were advanced for the lorthromiiiR spring bazaar under the convencrship of Mrs. Kara- Present for the ceremony was the Canadian flag since thoir Assistant Commissioner Rivet' Canadian legist ry has not been Carnac of Victoria, officer com- cancelled.) i, pose 2t Due 'i mrmUtrs of the Moose !it, invinion to tlie mid-yiift.,!ire fur all nor- m 77 Montreal Death Toll is Higher iTrMkTH Am tomato I manding E Divis.on who him-Iself wears a long-service ribbon. Probably the proudest member to be docoratpH camp in riv- A Canton report said that tire Communist navy may take over all the vessels of the Ming Sung Industrial company for future us In ."liberation" of Formosa, Indi-Ciiina, Sianv and pii'!s kl next Sunday sosky, e Rupert Women of the tut jnt mnint 41, wt-i - vioic-.l , iia clothes. He was Special deaths in Montreal and diarict Constable P. J. Ryan, now a sad-durins 1951 reached a total of lor at the barracks in Ottawa OCj, an injrease of 139 over 1950, but a veteran of M years serv. despite the fact that there were iCettie oldest serving member 11 iewer traffic fatalities,, cor- of tne force His aEe a .secre, oner s courf -ecords reveal. said CommLssioner' Nicholson." In cvC.-y category but traffic pioneers in Prince Rupert wiil the violent death lists were hlgn- remember SDeclal Constable geiiWal discussion on the ltiv.Q is receiving wiimafi was l.'d by B. J. il regular Moose TiH'sdiy. of (hjiks by Mr. Bacon O. Stegavig. ut !1V Moose was in- Bert Teng Succumbs i i , uui irauic ucciuenis were Rvan who. arnunri 1h nr Sn vpurs T7 Tfl Victim of on accident last K,U" thP bicst slnBc -au-se r ago lived in this city. He already . k In the Canadian National t'0iUl1' ?f.cou.".U.n for.185: FTb. had had a lengthy and lntcrest- a'nll a Mooseburger p:atinit! for Thursday w Rillwnys shops here. John Albert 1..11.V wiiu riBin ana maren mui ing career, and could tell about iiinc were the only two months ijc and Incident in the Klon- lll IhC year Willi fewer than 10 Hvkp rlurinir and after the nnl,l i Bert t Teng, prominent for member . Oover- ''a iWBs a new he ljflge man yeuis in church and i musi- iiiusi- , ,,,i vi .i j r " Miutriwa. in the chair, cal circles and a veteran of two . : , u r """" u stampede. For years he operated NOTICE OF MEETING Tin Annual General meeting of the Civic Centre Asvx-lation of Prince Rupert will be held Thursday, J.iruaiy 24 h. 1052 at. 8:00 PM. in the Civic Centre-Arditorium. The o dcr of business will include the presentation of Annua! Hrports, Election of Directors, etc. All paid up members of the age of nineteen years "itn:! "; T will be on1 it led to voting privileges-. JOHN F. STIRN, General Secretary. 1 ..iv t. .iii.i. Vilnius, M. a pnotography shop. There were 06 drownings, four : more than In 1950, with 22 in The first Bible from the Cam-July. February and September briage University Press in Eng-v.-ie (he only months free of iand was published in 1629 Ciowmni nrridrnts. . . eling FASHION FOOTWEAR wars, died at 3:30 this morning in Prince Rupert General Hospital. I.ii ' Thursday afternoon he sustained , verc buras while at his work as a boilermaker. Since then he had lapsed between consciousness and unconsciousness with hope for his recovery gradually fading. Born In Stockholm. Saskatrhe- Aviation atalities increased Fust, white men in illinnis STONE BUILDING shi.rply due mainly to the crasn ,vr . the French missionalries of an RCAF plane from St. Hu- and traders late in the nth cen- ; Coming Up ;'t "f activities of iiifl-'i's. liquor selling are pfndinu; in city po-t f;-t three t'lxi o,- uri l on lug-sniouoen Mouni tury. Bruno. The deaths of four air-nun and. two civilians in the wan. October 18. 1893. Mr. Teng crash brought the aviation dcatn iifa.ir -s. It is expected rump to rrlnc- Rupert in 1912 with J, 1 1 to civht, compared icxt week. AN only one in 19a0. end joined the employ of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. H went overseas with the 72nd Battalion. Seaforth Highlanders. Kire showed the most marked Increase In 1951 as a major cause Clear; of violent deaths, with a tola1 of Oli. The main reason for the SCRAMBLED in World War One and returned in I'lince Rupert, in 1920 to re-iinie Iris work with the railway. EGG SANDWICH iiurease was the Hospice Sie. Cuncgondc disaster which took Moving lie Joined up promptly for aelive 35 lives. 1 NS WITH A S I1 k.s have been mt m service with the 102nd Battalion M iruue records showed thai here' on I he outbreak of World during 19il there were 40 death ;iti I i and trains will 12 PasifiwiT V a r Two and later was an officer icourriiw at work mostly In ill ,r-VH 5. A : r,i '?y st is expected "" i" local rescivc macnine gun uusmai accidents. No monln (1 fi .iKht trains re? nv nt. P m. Umi't Canadian Na- lie was an active member of during the year was free of such :e.Mrieiils, but the greater number took place in the last hah", August and Nover.ib"r sha:ini .ic prak of six ea.h. ---I "1 t I offices said. Hi - Canadian Legion. l ii no train service 1 was 1,1 mul-al circles that " HujHTt since Sunday, M ' Teng was particularly well -ii li"e slide 40 miles kriown as a lalenled voenl soloist MUSTARD Flavour teat 1 frvih cyg Add 1 tabluipeon crvani tablctpoon buttw Va taipoon Celmon'k Mutlcfd 1 teaspoon ketchup Fry slowly, spread on hot toast or buttcrcU bread. Serve immediately. I'or free recipe booklet, write to Rctkitt & Colmari (Canada) Ltd., Station T, Montreal. ( invariearecl last night. For a Smart Figure. Weur 1 ' f aht trains Is ex- u iuf".ite a serious coal and. a valued nienilier of various choral groups . For many years he was on flic, r and rlii-r of First Presbyterian Church as well as choir member. Didn't You See It 1,1 . - "wiai carloads are l J" on the first f l'tt' i Fraternal affiliations included a 1 left The Daily News? Al AF & AM. and the 'ftl..rth(vrastDt3:30 Tver Lodge "Ut was forced to f'a, Ii trot Tyee this afk-r- L" ormge Lodge. He was a , n -rlinn iin.U n 'n-A in -iiiui-i in uii' ,,., "It Of dllftiUB . . ",u- r....V..... FOUNDATIONS Fitted by a Professional Corsetierre Phone Blue 970, (ireen 2"!l u ' Ul Llll. JUUS UtlUtllVtia US UIH.V- t Will ....... a iirw man tor ol music. r rnnsivl u.-nc nlsn fl mrmhlT v gettinr- throuL-h nf Mm rvi.cntlvf, nf i.hr Prince C SNSLMannn nf til,.nu n . ... r. .... i...... v., muuii nuperi ooy ocuuui nssociiinuu. j Kurvivors include the widow. i a ' tn) YOUR BIGGEST BUYERS' MARKET - ders a son, Maurice, a ciaugnier, uar-ba a, and a brother, Oscar, in Detroit, Fuiv.-ral arrangements, In the bnnds of the B.C. Undertakers, will be announced later. Moose t.eirl,fni BURNS NIGHT DANCE at the Miller Bay Hospiial Recreation Hall Bccousc of thn thorough circulation of the DAILY NEWS, your advertising reaches MORE families in city and country .... more people prepared to buy the things you sell or manufacture. The advertising columns of the DAILY NEWS arc rcodv SALES MARKETS for every tvpe of product and servce. on s 'f'i Lodge Moose- ) Mrger Supper at ; J fiO in the- Moo.iC : "iplu 011 Tliur.s-: "M-yf!!. (ltd i 'fl nf " Banquet of the NiHW' Burns Club will in tlie Broadway Cafe I1? 2S at (i:30 p.m. Mcm-trmlutu to be present Tji .i.surer; if brlng-:i-st,i make this fact ."I'liejlline. VLsitors in 'sll"S8to attend contact K-'l Phone Green 413. j ( ltc I OIN'Gi t'HURCIlILL Siin iRcutersi To n. My..ar-old Inoecncto "" '"'tl a cigar two feet """' IIIIIHinHMIKlMI Friday, January 25, 1952 Dancing from 9:30 p.m. Admission S2.50 per couple . Invitations must be presented at the door and eun be obtained from Miller Bay Hospital, the Indian Agency Office. Bandleader ' Ernie Stevens and Port Edward Nursing Station. DAILY NEWS f r I ! mm jour hours. "After '! Iae;hig cigar," he said.' w smuke a small one to 1 f lhc otlwr from :'lf ith i Distilled, Blei3ed and Proceed.1' to go towards cost of centrally controlled radio and public address system for the patients. 1 MUSIC DONATED BY COURTESY OF THE PORT EDWARD SWING BAND UNDER MR. ERNIE STEVENS. BAND LEADER Bottled in Scotland "EDISASTER J6i.. boHlM tidal wave following TU1 nuvertitement u nut published thquake in 1qb hiih lr dipiyi.il oy the Liquer Control of ,;rinri 30I1 i ln .,.v. rtnurrl or hv thn Ofivcninicnt JaPan. Brlltah Columbia. 4 i